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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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Pardon my :cryingwlaughter:; but I have been perusing the boards and I think it is totally hilarious that some of the more vocal critics who said they were re-thinking going to multiple shows are now changing their minds....the power of the Aiken!


My little ode to the... critics (click)


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Pardon my :cryingwlaughter:; but I have been perusing the boards and I think it is totally hilarious that some of the more vocal critics who said they were re-thinking going to multiple shows are now changing their minds....the power of the Aiken!


My little ode to the... critics (click)


:cryingwlaughter: Love it!


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Pardon my :cryingwlaughter:; but I have been perusing the boards and I think it is totally hilarious that some of the more vocal critics who said they were re-thinking going to multiple shows are now changing their minds....the power of the Aiken!


My little ode to the... critics (click)



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Ah yes...."Spin"... gotta hate love it:

"What? I said WHAT? Of COURSE I didn't mean "X", but I can certainly understand why you'd think I did. Obviously, my love for Clay wouldn't allow me to think that this concert was ill-conceived. I mean, really! I meant "Y" all along!" ;):rolleyes:

:onsoapbox::believe::drama: :thsigns053: :wordpooper:

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Pardon my :cryingwlaughter:; but I have been perusing the boards and I think it is totally hilarious that some of the more vocal critics who said they were re-thinking going to multiple shows are now changing their minds....the power of the Aiken!


My little ode to the... critics (click)


:27: I confess to getting an evil little sense of satisfaction out of that!!! So true!

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I am always sorely tempted to dig through archives to find old quotes, but then I remember how many times in life I reverse myself as I learn more. Always a good reason to reserve judgement until we actually have some facts.

When it comes to the most maligned tour turned most loved, it has to be the JBT, when it comes to the most maligned until this day tour it would be the JNT05. I still believe that the problem is that people sat too close and only watched Clay instead of looking at it as a whole, but then, I did sit pretty far back deliberately once. and Moderately far back just because that is what I got.

Here is the thing, most fans want the fans numbers to grow and be more inclusive, yet when Clay does something unexpected, i.e. always, then it is condemned as not appealing to the masses. yet, I know people who loved the JNT05 the most and they are the NJU. I think Clay knows what he wants to do and just has to be given a chance to do it without the albatross around his neck of a "do what you did before again please".

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Playbiller I agree about the JNT05, we were sitting in the first row behind the pit, which was actually 5th row and it was way too close....it really was hard to take in the show...I really do think that somewhere around 10th row is best for viewing a show. That said, I loved the JNT05...sometimes you have to take was it is give in the spirit it is given and not overanalyze too much.


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Pardon my :cryingwlaughter:; but I have been perusing the boards and I think it is totally hilarious that some of the more vocal critics who said they were re-thinking going to multiple shows are now changing their minds....the power of the Aiken!


My little ode to the... critics (click)


poifect!!!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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you can see him get his hand in position


(sorry, farouche....but you know me.... :whistling-1::naughtywag: )

Dirty minded sluts.


KAndre carefully straightens her silver tinsel covered halo......

Dirty minded sluts my ass...I'm still a concert virgin. Pure as the driven snow. Sweeter 'n sugar. My hands are always in position!

I want to have a hand in this too!

May I offer you a hand!

Oh let me shake your hand!

Hands on/Hands off!

Give me a hand!

My hand is outstretched!

Your hand or mine!


Well what am I doing here? I was banned for eating crisp HoneyCrisp apples. Seems like such a minor offense to me!

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I think ONP (opening night panic) is kinda the norm in Clay land. I try to stay away from opinion from even tv shows but can't really help myself...when it comes to opening night of a tour I always want to be there.

I wonder.... if a summer of Clay doing his coooooooooooooooooool and slooooooooooooooow songs schtick and actually being really cool and funny doing it didn't just make expectations different. After all, I think there was a myriad of interpretations about exactly Clay was saying with his schtick. I think Clay going back to a more traditional show was a shock and countertuitive (is that a word) to where he was supposed to be going. For me, I like getting shocked by Clay. And I love seeing what he comes up with. Keeps me hopping LOL.

Anyway, thank you Gibby for the clack. The same to deb. Because I think in this case it helps. For JNT05 a claycentric focus of the clack only made people more confused. It still remains the most controversial show but that's ok...it's part of the history..and another step on the journey.

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I have a skit script like thing that have have to show y'all, I do not know if this is fanfiction or not so i really do not know if it's aceptable , should i post a peice of it here to see if it is fancition and i KNOW that fanfiction is not allowed here, but it is like a script of 2 make beleave shows.

Here is a example of what it is

Fan1: I love clay becouse he is a man of integrity and his voice is so very nice.

Fan2: (smiles) I love clay because he is a very charitiable guy with a heart of gold.


And as for the concerts from the clack i see, he makes his tours very different i my opion and that waht makes them good.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Clay has fantastic instincts. His 'vision' might not always be clear to us right away - we are not privvy to all the knowledge that he has about his future. But he has proven himself to be a pretty smart fella. Honestly - whether you enjoyed ATDW or not, or any one of the tours, or believe in the Evils of RCA, etc - the fact remains that five years later, he's still here, he's still a viable entity. In fact, his career seems poised to be a long, varied one. That is serious accomplishment in today's short-attention span world. How many of the acts that debuted in 2003 can say that? How many of those would kill to sell 1/2 a million cds? So yeah, I trust him. And to date, I've never been one bit disappointed.

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Good Evening, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I quoted so many posts that all I need to do is nod ... WORD ... DITTO! :cryingwlaughter:

Congatulations on makingthe top 5 blogs on the OFC, CC. She has a wonderful blog, I try and always stop in to view it when I got to the OFC, it is constantly being updated.

Thank you very much, Playbiller. I'm glad you enjoy the blog. :)

Today's edition includes some the great press I've seen linked here, my crazy Cyber Monday experiece, and some of the awesome photos and graphics from the opening three concerts. I notice that this photo has been posted a few times in the past few pages. This is how ABeautifulMind "wrapped" SmartyPantsSuz's picture:


Clickable by ABeautifulMind

I ONLY post non-stop saccharine fluffy positive things about Clay.

If he were less well-endowed, I might be more critical.

I doubt it though.

Wanda, I'm late getting to this "post of the day." Awesome! :preachit:

Anybody who likes my calendar wallpapers, you can find December's here on my CB page.

One of Cindilu2's calendars and the beautiful snow globe with Kareneh's picture are also featured in the current blog. :clap:

I have finally bookmarked this site now, Cindy!

Estella (my lovely daughter) is still raving about how wonderful the St. Louis show was. She thought Clay was hilarious. She said that he didn't talk alot but he didn't have to because he talks with his face and his expressions.

Perfect description! :P

Pardon my :cryingwlaughter:; but I have been perusing the boards and I think it is totally hilarious that some of the more vocal critics who said they were re-thinking going to multiple shows are now changing their minds....the power of the Aiken!


My little ode to the... critics (click)


I turned off CV Radio and watched this. Poifect! ;)

Safe travels, all! Have a fabulous party for Clay in Kalamazoo! We'll be throwing confetti from home! :confetti2:

I spent more time making my emoticon count legal than composing this post, LOL! Have a great evening, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Caro listen.gif

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just saw this from skybar on CH:

For those who won't be able to make it to Spamalot, I have some info on purchasing a Playbill as well as a possible poster featuring Clay. I wrote to Playbill to inquire about these and here is the response. Please feel free to post this on other boards and I will update everyone when I hear back from this man.


Hello Skybar, we normally only sell the Opening Night Playbills for the various shows. However, I've had two calls today and three emails from fans

looking for Clay Aiken in Spamalot merchandise, which doesn't exist yet.

But I'm certain the producers will at least put out a new poster featuring

Clay in January. At any rate, there is obviously a market for Spamalot

Playbills with Clay in the credits, and I will talk with my publisher about

offering them for sale to the public through PlaybillStore.com tomorrow. If

we do sell them, which I am pretty sure we will, they will go on sale

January 18th. I will let you know if we decide to sell them. Thanks for

your email, and have a great holiday season.

P.S. If you happen to be a member of any Clay fan messageboard, feel free

to post this email. :)

Bruce Stapleton

Director of Merchandising

Playbill, Inc.

You tellin' me that they hadn't already PLANNED to have Clay Aiken Spamalot merchandise for sale? :blink::huh:

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Just a heads up that goldarngirl and I have the new Houston page up at www.goldarngirl.com. As always, if you are going to d/l from our pages, please make sure you are using a download manager, as your files will most likely stop and start. Otherwise, the usual vaults (CH, CV & CU) should be hosting them shortly - they are understandably busy right now getting all the new CITH clack uploaded.

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I have a skit script like thing that have have to show y'all, I do not know if this is fanfiction or not so i really do not know if it's aceptable , should i post a peice of it here to see if it is fancition and i KNOW that fanfiction is not allowed here, but it is like a script of 2 make beleave shows.

Here is a example of what it is

Fan1: I love clay becouse he is a man of integrity and his voice is so very nice.

Fan2: (smiles) I love clay because he is a very charitiable guy with a heart of gold.


And as for the concerts from the clack i see, he makes his tours very different i my opion and that waht makes them good.

I agree about the tours, and I'd love to see your skit!

Ok this is my first post and hopefully not my last. I've been a lurker for a while but only recently joined this and 2 other boards. RHT and the infamous (at least to you guys) Chexxxy's. Yes that's right I'm a member of that board. It's not a bad board at all and I feel bad that some feel that it is. The only philosphy there is to respect Clay and take him at his word. Do you guys? Sometimes I feel while reading here that some of you believe the crazy rumours about him. I hope not since it to me would be sad to think that he's up there on the stage, on TV or whatever and at the same time that someone is posting about how CUTE he looks is also thinking that behind closed doors he's some kind of freaky monster. Thanks for letting me vent.

I have no idea where you got that impression but you could not be more wrong.

Do we know who nuChik is? Great comment.

Okay, carry on.

Those comments were funny--lots of familiar board names. Don't know who nuChik is, but the sn sounds familiar.

Pardon my :cryingwlaughter:; but I have been perusing the boards and I think it is totally hilarious that some of the more vocal critics who said they were re-thinking going to multiple shows are now changing their minds....the power of the Aiken!


My little ode to the... critics (click)


BWAH!!! I'm holding my tongue on this because I want to encourage the love for this tour, even from people who might've judged it in haste.

Or what playbiller said:

I am always sorely tempted to dig through archives to find old quotes, but then I remember how many times in life I reverse myself as I learn more. Always a good reason to reserve judgement until we actually have some facts.

When it comes to the most maligned tour turned most loved, it has to be the JBT, when it comes to the most maligned until this day tour it would be the JNT05. I still believe that the problem is that people sat too close and only watched Clay instead of looking at it as a whole, but then, I did sit pretty far back deliberately once. and Moderately far back just because that is what I got.

Here is the thing, most fans want the fans numbers to grow and be more inclusive, yet when Clay does something unexpected, i.e. always, then it is condemned as not appealing to the masses. yet, I know people who loved the JNT05 the most and they are the NJU. I think Clay knows what he wants to do and just has to be given a chance to do it without the albatross around his neck of a "do what you did before again please".

Great post!!

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Ok this is my first post and hopefully not my last. I've been a lurker for a while but only recently joined this and 2 other boards. RHT and the infamous (at least to you guys) Chexxxy's. Yes that's right I'm a member of that board. It's not a bad board at all and I feel bad that some feel that it is. The only philosphy there is to respect Clay and take him at his word. Do you guys? Sometimes I feel while reading here that some of you believe the crazy rumours about him. I hope not since it to me would be sad to think that he's up there on the stage, on TV or whatever and at the same time that someone is posting about how CUTE he looks is also thinking that behind closed doors he's some kind of freaky monster. Thanks for letting me vent.

OK...thanks for that perspective.

Once again...Chexxy and their policies is not the topic of this board. We shall not continue this discussion. If you would like to be part of this community it would be important to have an open mind about the members and philosophy of this board. If you want to join in our celebrating clay and interacting with each other you are very welcome...

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