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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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To quote another Englishman, this whole secret thing seems to be "much ado about nothing." I think that either Clay knew the secret would probably be out as soon as he mentioned it, or he truly did make an honest mistake by saying something. If it is the latter -- why make a big deal of it on the boards? It comes off to me as if some fans want to "cover up" the idea that he may have made a mistake by saying anything. Big fat hairy deal -- the man is human.

And PMing information back and forth after opening posting it in the first place just kinda gets my back up.

I do think the man is a master mimic, so I really had no doubts about him doing an accent. (Although I do think it would have been a funny change for Sir Robin to have been from the South of England. *g*)

I only heard the last two songs last night, but they were incredible over the cellcert. I've also seen a bit of the clack, and wow.

I thought maybe the lighting guy has been working with what the facilities had to offer. That would explain the differences in lighting from show to show.

*hugs CG just 'cause*

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I peak out every now and then myself. :imgtongue:


I just don't personally understand trying to control what a fan posts about her own experience. It's her call IMO. People can be mad at her for "telling on" Clay if they want (not me... I mighta told that particular one too), but to control it, especially after it was out? Nah. And then 8000 posts of begging? Totally silly to put people in that position.

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... After another rousing rendition, this time of several Beatles tunes, we all had to say g'night. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Okay, ya gotta give it up cha cha .... did KAndre really sing Beatles tunes? This could be huge! :cryingwlaughter: Unless it was Ob La Di which she did acknowledge liking once, in an uncharacteristic moment.

keepingfaith - the memory is a bit foggy, but I do think KAndre was at least standing with us, I Saw Her Standing There, that is, but I can't totally recall if she was actually singing.... so sorry!! you can't use me to bust her!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

KAndre, faintly listing to one side as she fakes being conscious at work, considering she didn't go to bed until 2, got up at 4:30 to make a 6 am flight this morning, thinks hard about singing a variety of songs at Diva's...

I vaguely remember doing a hip shake to I Saw Her, but not actually singing because I don't actually know the words except the chorus - but I did sing "She Loves You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah". And Muskrat Love. Just for Solo. Because Solo loves Muskrats. I think Diva does too. Hot spiced wine is tasty, y'all!

I'll do the recap of the nonClay stuff later - but it involved lots of wandering around in the coldest place on earth and miles of walking nothing but uphill everywhere, an intermittantly psychotic GPS, lots of food appropriating, diamonds and strange men.

The Clay recap: The concert starting about 15-20 minutes late - I was on the left hand side in row F - and I would have an excellent view of Clay and of Angela's disembodied head. Jesse came out and the audience cheered in anticipating and he told us to go back to talking amongst ourselves. The lights went down, Jesse began playing and Clay gracefully strode from what looked to me like a tent on the stage to a riser in the middle of the orchestra, and began to sing. Dressed in one of my favorite looks for him, the long, closely tailore black coat, pant, tie and shirt, he began singing gloriously. He was powerfully focused on singing, and nothing else. He didn't fidget, the audience was nothing but a backdrop and proved to me how well he can hold my attention with just his voice in song. I enjoyed this song so very much. As fun as all of the other concerts have been, there are almost always so many frickin' distractions and interruptions, from Clay, from the audience, from anyone even peripherally involved in the show - this was so nice, to be enveloped in the song of his soul and not be afraid of missing something. The audience actually let him finish his song and the glory notes without interruption, while still showing their appreciation at the end of the songs as appropriate. The stories? I thought they were fine, the reading was clearly by amateurs but I think it added to the sincerity. I wasn't particularly touched (but then I'm a hard-hearted bitch) but seemed to flow with the songs. The jazzy medley is to KILL people for. Especially those incredibly brainless bitches, one shrieking "Happy Birthday", at whom the audience gave a delightful growl and hiss at, and the other shrieking, "Sing it baby" whom the audience hushed. And Clay quite happily ignored. It was such joy that those two were the ONLY insignificant blemishes to the atmosphere that was created. The second half was glory note heaven. And so very, very pretty. I liked Angela's and Quiana's contribution, but this really was the Clay show. Y'all know that DSIAFCD is my personal song, right? Mine. Totally mine. And he reminded me of why it's mine. Totally kickass. He got his standing O, then came out and did AIW and nailed that sucker to the wall.

OK, I am now tired of being all virginal and shit, and will go back to being the concert slut I was born to be!

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Hey y'all......

I'm in the process of uploading a montage of the short vids I took last night. I was so nervous about the camera nazis that I couldn't hold the camera still!! Anyway, you already saw the perspective I had! I had to zoom in so close and that made it doubly hard to hold the camera steady. Anyway, I did get DSIAFCD and AIW in their entirety, but obviously they are a lot bigger so it'll take a bit more time to get them up! :cryingwlaughter:

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Cheerio and all that rot!!

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So, I survived Book week. It was the most amazing amount of fun imaginable...and exhausting. Best of all was meeting so many people that I have read or heard about for the past few years, many of them right here! If I had to take a test and match faces to names...I would fail miserably, but I would have fun trying.

My official wrap up is over at the OFC, here.... Wrap Up

Congratulations on a very successful project, Rohdy! :clap:

Thank you for sharing, Luckiest1. Can't wait to hear our southern singer as a Brit! :lol:

ChaChaTrusty, I love your full stage photo from Washington; so I used it as the visual link to a DC slide show. The picture has already received some very nice comments.

LonelyNoMore44, I also added links to your DSIAFCD and AIW videos on YouTube. I think the DC AIW was vocally outstanding. After five straight shows, a night off does wonders for the voice.

When Clay is touring, my three-day blogging routine is old news fast. Many thnx to both of you for helping with my Washington update. :clap:

I have been listening to Deborah's audio. It's amazing how much chit-chat Mr.-No-Banter-This-Time is doing. :lol:

Y'all have a great day. I'm off to teach some younguns music in nearby High Point. See you when I return! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Caro listen.gif

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Oh well- I guess it's fun.

Bwahahahaha! Not for those who seem (myteriously, to me) to be mad at Clay all the time for being Clay!

I am not sulking because I couldn't go to the DC concert, and idlefan was able to take my place and drive up with Traveler.


I am just v happy for her and everyone else that saw the concert.

Yep. Yeppers. Yup. Yessir.

I think I need to get an appropriate blinkie thingie from Playbiller, preferably one that shows me kicking cats (but only pretend, no cats will be harmed during my temper tantrum!) all over the place.

Kandre, I would say your recap will be the next best thing to being there myself, but that is a looooooooong and Biiiiiiiiig space between the two!

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Oh well- I guess it's fun.

Bwahahahaha! Not for those who seem (myteriously, to me) to be mad at Clay all the time for being Clay!

I am not sulking because I couldn't go to the DC concert, and idlefan was able to take my place and drive up with Traveler.


I am just v happy for her and everyone else that saw the concert.

Yep. Yeppers. Yup. Yessir.

I think I need to get an appropriate blinkie thingie from Playbiller, preferably one that shows me kicking cats (but only pretend, no cats will be harmed during my temper tantrum!) all over the place.

Kandre, I would say your recap will be the next best thing to being there myself, but that is a looooooooong and Biiiiiiiiig space between the two!

I know what you mean. It's fun, only not really. I'm not going to be able to go to any concerts. I live in a different area.

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I made it to work on time!!!

I was up at 5:15AM and as quietly as possibly got myself all ready. I didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty we all know as muski! I pulled out of the hotel garage at 6:20am, drove one block, stopped at a red light, didn't see a "No Turn on Red" sign, so I turned on red. Next thing I know I see flashing lights behind so I pull over. Here I am sitting on a dark street in Arlington, VA having had only a couple hours sleep and worrying about finding my way out of town - cause it was really confusing coming into town and I didn't have my trusty navigator muski with me and I am wondering what I did! I had to believe VA has right turn on red, right? The cop comes up and introduces himself and says I turned right on red when there was a sign saying not to. I think I sounded pitiful as I said "I didn't see it. I'm so sorry". He says that's ok - but goes off to right me a ticket anyway! At least it ended up being just a warning so there won't be any points on my license, but I still haven't been able to bring myself to look at it and see how much.

Turns out, though, he was very nice. When he came back with my warning I was looking at the directions the man at the hotel gave me and he asked where I was going. I told him and asked if the directions seemed right and he looked at them and said "If you go this way, you'll never find your way out of DC!" So I showed him my original directions, which seemed confusing and he said that was the better way to go, but gave me some tips as to what to look out for. So I guess getting pulled over was a blessing in disguise - albeit an expensive one!

So now I am sneaking in from work, desperately trying to stay awake.

I did think the stories last night were too long and maudlin. Touching---yes, but they needed to be tightened up/shortened and I do NOT understand why there had to be such sadness in most of them. Everybody died. Yes, there was triumphant joy, etc. But sometimes sad stories are just that---sad stories. I couldn't help but think of people listening who perhaps were struggling with their own real-life matters of life and death and who might've just wanted to enjoy a night of beautiful music instead of feeling empathy to the point of such sadness. The main thing, though, is that I really did find my attention wandering (not that I didn't enjoy staring at Clay's scrumptious profile in silhouette.. :hubbahubba: ). I do appreciate the concept and the readers who shared. I just wanted to get out my English teacher's red edit pen and cut the length and wordiness out of them. Story 'theme'---excellent; story composition--not so much. Too long.

This was what bothered me about the stories last night - especially the bolded part. Usually, Clay is an escape from what RL is throwing at me - and I really need that now. When I read descriptions like "joyful" I was hopeful, but last night depressed me as much as anything. There was joy too, but too much sadness, too much death. I understand from some who had been to other shows that this misbalance of emotion had not been the case previously, so hopefully its a one-shot deal.

It better not be like that in Albany and Poughkeepsie. I don't know how many more depressing stories I can take!

And I hope he doesn't wear his glasses either!

*hugs CG just 'cause*

Awwww. Thanks sweetie. You have no idea how much I need one right now!

Now I must get back to work. It may help keep me awake! I'll try and write more on my impressions of the concert tonight.

I am sure you are all waiting with baited breath! :cryingwlaughter:

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Eh, muski and CG, already know I disagree with them on the stories - I see your points, but still have to ask, how much catering to "some" people needs to be done? It's not it's a super unusual take on Xmas - grief, then amelioration of the grief. I think it goes with that whole winter solstice stuff, the whole life-death-rebirth thingie. It's a meme that speaks to a lot of people and a lot of cultures. And some people struggling with similar situations may have empathetic to the point of comfort. But no matter what, there was still a night of beautiful music. I just don't think Clay will ever want to do just "beautiful sounds" - he likes a little content, a little meaning, a little thought. But then again, as I've said before, I'm fairly insensitive.

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Eh, muski and CG, already know I disagree with them on the stories - I see your points, but still have to ask, how much catering to "some" people needs to be done? It's not it's a super unusual take on Xmas - grief, then amelioration of the grief. I think it goes with that whole winter solstice stuff, the whole life-death-rebirth thingie. It's a meme that speaks to a lot of people and a lot of cultures. And some people struggling with similar situations may have empathetic to the point of comfort. But no matter what, there was still a night of beautiful music. I just don't think Clay will ever want to do just "beautiful sounds" - he likes a little content, a little meaning, a little thought. But then again, as I've said before, I'm fairly insensitive.

I dunno, that sounds pretty sensitive to me. And I agree completely.

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Well there is a reason Christmas season is a depressing time for people. It's not easy for everyone to get through if they aren't as insensitve as KAndre. :cryingwlaughter: Other's people's triumphs over death etc might not do it for everyone especialy if it's here and now and raw. But this does seem to be the first concert that had 3 deaths :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Usually, Clay is an escape from what RL is throwing at me - and I really need that now. When I read descriptions like "joyful" I was hopeful, but last night depressed me as much as anything. There was joy too, but too much sadness, too much death. I understand from some who had been to other shows that this misbalance of emotion had not been the case previously, so hopefully its a one-shot deal.

It better not be like that in Albany and Poughkeepsie. I don't know how many more depressing stories I can take!

Clay has always been my escape from RL, too. I guess we all have different filters and different life experiences that we can relate the stories to. I've had so many years with either death or serious illness involved in some way or another at the holiday season, I'm hard pressed to remember the last one without it (hopefully this year, fingers crossed, touch wood, etc.) But I've listened to all the stories from last night, and the only one I found somewhat 'depressing' was the one about the son who died in an accident (and even that one was hopeful). The others, while they had death almost as a footnote at the end, were more stories of lives lived. Maybe it's a miniscule difference, but it is the difference between 'depressing' and 'heartwarming', to me, anyways. And the fruitcake one was funny, and cute...but I may never eat another slice again, just thinking of it being prepared in a bathtub, impeccably clean or not. :cryingwlaughter:

I guess just the fact that Clay chose the stories, for whatever reasons, makes them special to me, and perhaps gives us, as fans, some insight into his personality, or his own filters.

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In Wichita we had four stories - the one about the lady who had gastric surgery and could only eat a Frito for Christmas dinner, one about the woman whose son was in the Middle East and left the Christmas lights up until May, the story from the woman whose son died, and the one about the family in Alaska whose friend airlifted provisions and Christmas gifts to them after a snowstorm (this one was my favorite). It was a nice mix, and I'm glad for that. They were nice stories, but honestly I can't say that they either added or detracted anything from my concert experience. They didn't add a whole new dimension to the concert like I was expecting them to, and that had nothing to do with the readers or the content. All the readers did a great job.

I'm pretty sure I would have enjoyed it just as well without the stories. Maybe I'm the insensitive clod.

Actually, I just amazed myself by actually remembering what all four were about! Maybe I'm not going senile after all!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, I didn't get to meet any of you last night, except for Clay4shore and I already know her. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Of course, I don't know what any of you look like or where you might be sitting, so....... Its hard with dh and dd in tow anyway. I find it hard to just walk up to people although I sure see lots of the same faces wherever I go.

The concert was wonderful and I enjoyed it so much. I thought the stories were fine, although maybe not as good as some of the others I've heard. My 15 yr old dd said she was surprised at how good they were because she really didn't expect to like that part. It did surprise me that the 2nd story was being read for the 3rd time after he said he had read 1600 stories. I knew the 3rd reader.

Clay was in amazing voice last night and just nailed those last 2 songs. I love the medleys. Jesse has done a wonderful job arranging those. Q & A seem to have more of a background role in this show, while still being featured for their solos. Angela's song is so quiet and pretty, very different for her but it worked. DD and I both thought the dresses were a little too frou frou, but then when I saw the picture upthread of the whole stage from the balcony, they did look nice.

Hopefully, dd and I will make it to Williamsport on the 15th (without dh) because I really do want to see this show again (and maybe meet some FCA people).

Does anybody remember that old TV show "I've Got A Secret"? From when I was just a tiny child. Heh! I feel like we are all contestants.

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I have found the stories (the ones I heard only through clack, and the four I heard in person) to be heartwarming. Yes, some of them involved loss, but the common theme was surmounting that loss. They are uplifting and hopeful (to me). I'm not big on personal lives on the boards - but we all have our stories. I lost my first husband, my youngest brother and both my parents, all before my fortieth birthday. Two of them right after Christmas. And yet I find those stories the most poignant and touching of all. I appreciate the readers poise and grace in telling their stories. Being 'amateur' only adds to it for me. Clay goes to great pains to explain how he arrived at the idea of presenting this year's community participation, and I applaud him for it. He's a special guy. This is a special show.

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The video montage called "DC Sampler" is now up on youtube!!

You can see it here:

I am also posting it on my DC Webpage HERE along with DSIAFCD (now done!) & AIW when it finishes uploading a processing!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Cindilu, I agree with you that this is a special show. And that Clay is a special guy - well, that's a given. :wub: I wasn't meaning to be critical of Clay's decision to do the show this way, I hope you didn't take it that way. I was in such a state of exhiliration after my concert. I also applaud anyone who had the gumption to submit their story, whether it was chosen or not. I never got up the nerve to hit 'send', so I congratulate all of the ladies who were so willing to put their hearts on the line.
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The secret thing?

I'm basically doing a great big :shrug:.

I know I'm secretive. And if people keep bugging me about stuff I don't wanna share, even if it is as innocuous as knowing my favorite color, I begin to look upon those type of people as the kind I don't wanna know. People think Clay's playing games? Well, it takes two to tango. How exactly does whatever vital knowledge this is improve, hell, not even improve, make any sort of difference in the person who is not party to the secret's life in one way or the other? And I do realize that Clay is much, much nicer than I am - because if a bunch of what's basically stranger's ask me a for a lot of information that I have not volunteered, the words, "None of your goddamned business" would rapidly spill from my lips, regarding scars, upcoming roles, what I ate for breakfast, why I brought one animal with me as opposed to another...man. Just because somebody wants to know something does not entitle them to knowledge, and I think people get to set their own personal boundaries - and trying to guilt them into thinking the boundaries you've chosen for them is beyond creepy.

I will share some information with you lucky people. A fair number of people do tell me "secrets" - friends, family, co-workers - have for years. I have no difficulty in not sharing. If they want it spread beyond me, they are capable of opening their own mouths. I would lay fairly good odds that anyone in the world over the age of 6, has secrets they have managed to keep.

I am trying to keep down the things that annoy me in regards to Clay, but this "secret" thing tends to feed into my serious annoyance with the widespread reduction of privacy rights. Don't get me started on that.

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Cindilu, I agree with you that this is a special show. And that Clay is a special guy - well, that's a given. :wub: I wasn't meaning to be critical of Clay's decision to do the show this way, I hope you didn't take it that way. I was in such a state of exhiliration after my concert. I also applaud anyone who had the gumption to submit their story, whether it was chosen or not. I never got up the nerve to hit 'send', so I congratulate all of the ladies who were so willing to put their hearts on the line.

I couldn't even think of an interesting story and would be too chicken to get up on the stage myself. Not even the lure of meeting Clay helped.

Reactions will always differ because people just don't process things the same way. We've been in ClayNation long enough to know that or hell life for that matter. I'm weird in I don't get schmoopie over much..I'm kinda cynical..but then something really silly will have me boo hooing. LOL. So I can't wait to see where I fall..but am happy I'm going to 4...will be interesting to see if the type of stories have an impact on the entire thing.

What's the Alaska story?

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And I personally love a good cry from time to time, so I think that's where I'm coming from regarding the stories. The four I heard -- two had me bawling (and the rest of the people around me too), one had me chuckling, and one I frankly didn't hear that much of it because I was changing the batteries in my camera!

CG -- I hear ya on the "Christmas can be rough" thing. Ansa and I have actually had that discussion in regards to my husband, for he is going to the final show, and I've wondered how he'll react after a couple of sad stories (considering what's just happened with his Mom).

Personally, though -- I found everything rather hopeful, I'm sure partially because of my own religious beliefs. If nothing else, the joy in his voice as he sang far outweighed the sadness of some of the stories.

I actually have a lot of theories about WHY Clay chose to include stories, and the particular ones we've heard so far...but a lot of it just blowing smoke out of my ass, so I won't bore you with the details. :imgtongue:

couchie, the Alaska story is from smartypantssuz, about her husband living in the wilderness at Christmas. It was told at the Wichita show.

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OK - the vids are uploaded to youtube and embedded on my WEBPAGE: CLAY IN DC

Now I have to try and get them in a vault somewhere!!

Carolina Clay, thanks for putting my photo on your blog, (it looks great! :D) and also in your really cool slide show!! Thinking that one good turn deserves another, I embedded your slide show on my DC page!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

When I think of "SECRETS" I always recall that phrase from "Fried Green Tomatoes" --- "Secret's in the sauce"!!! This time is it "Secret's in the SOUSE"???? :cryingwlaughter:

I don't want to belabor the "stories" discussion too much, but I would have appreciated something a bit less depressing in the show. While not going thru anything this year too depressing, I have had a few bad ones that I wouldn't wish to recall. I would rather hear some rebel-rousing funny things, but I get that wasn't what Clay had in mind for this show. I also don't see why at least one of the stories has been used 3-4 times. That's really overkill (no pun intended :)) in my book!! Just my 2¢ worth!

CHECK OUT MY VIDS!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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