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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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49 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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He's a better human than I am. I'm totally in awe of him--that he could hug and forgive the woman as he did. I also respect him even more when I read that he told her he wasn't likely to believe her. Honest and forgiving.


WORD! :clap:

FrogBD.gifHappy Birthday to Wandacleo and Keldanker!

Sorry about the cancellations, but I think you are wise. I have the Panthers game on in the background, and FOX keeps showing Cleveland, which looks pretty bad, too. :wub:

ETA: PermaSwooned, just read your post. Hope all will be well!

This picture is in my blog, but I'll share it anyway. I think it's my new favorite picture of grandson Kai. :whistling-1:


Clickable -- The Student

Have a great day, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Caro listen.gif

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You know, in real life, I don't actually drink. In my cyber-life, though, the past two days have made me want to get good and toasted. :trink3: :704: :bier: :voll:

Time to go iron some stuff for Cleveland tomorrow and (CRAP!) think about bundling up and going out to start shoveling.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: TO ALL! :fca:

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I don't even like reading those words here.

What words?

Don't mind me ladies. I just don't like the descriptions of him that way, even just to say 'I don't think ________'. I don't like them out there in the atmosphere.

I'm weird that way :cryingwlaughter: and I am very busy feeling sorry for myself! Honest.

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Okay......so all the sanctimonious "I know stuff I can't tell you about RCA" bullshit was just as phony as I thought it was????? Bwahahahahaha! So much for people proclaiming to be in the know AND their continued plausibility. Sorry, but a continued belief in FC just so one can act all superior is pretty smelly crap.

Good thing I waited out that odious time in the Fucking Cheery Car. This really is so very very interesting.

Bottle, we have a pretty well-stocked open bar in the F. Cheery Car - hell, even the well drinks are the good stuff!

And I repeat - from where I sit, there are no Prominent Posters, there are just posters who post a lot. Prolific Posters, I guess. I never believed any of them, and still don't; even without the duping, too many agendas, too much self-congratulation.

Fascinating from a sociological standpoint, though!

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I never imagined that the RCA bullshitters were actually being duped by a FakeClay! I mean I knew they were full of shit, but not from what cesspool they were being fed. CMSU!!

And I repeat - from where I sit, there are no Prominent Posters, there are just posters who post a lot. I never believed any of them, and still don't; even without the duping, too many agendas, too much self-congratulation.

Fascinating from a sociological standpoint, though!

And I'll repeat with ya... Ayup.

I don't even know what to do but laugh at the insanity.

And wish a happy birthday to wandacleo and keldanker.

And condolences to cindilu2 and luckiest1... sorry you're gonna miss your show.

And *hugs* to Perma.... at least you have a quiet place to read. Hee.

And poke Scarlett and Solo and KAndre for their hilarity. For all of you brave souls venturing out into the blizzards and whatnot... be careful out there!!!


Oops... Well, you aren't bold, or you'd be driving in a blizzard! Heh. :P

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So nice to see others echoing my thoughts about RCA and all the crap that was being bandied about in the great "Clay as Perpetual Victim of RCA" saga of '06. I never believed half of the stuff I was reading and any time I tried to post and offer logical explanations; I was pretty much handed my head...it is all starting to make sense now.


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OMG - I just realised - the sparkle in Clay's eyes was actually......the sparkle in Clay's eyes, no Contract Stuff involved!!!!!

Ya know, I can understand a little bit wanting to believe someone had inside info from a highly dubious source just so that one can seem to be connected. And "wink" about it.

Oh wait, it was kinda pukle-icious.

Anyway, the constant beating of that drum, in my opinion, dampened what should have been a happy Yay! We got a CD from Clay! time for all the (evidently regarded as) ignorant unwashed unworthy of being in the back channel posters who took that crapola to heart.

That is what stinks.

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I think there are a lot of people (including a few admins) who got their socks knocked off when they found out who was involved in all this....they are still trying to wrap their minds around their "friends" being whacked enough to step into and continue to perpetuate this scam.

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Yeah, but the people discussing this are not discussing that yet. I don't know how many times it has to be brought up. I knew that mods got info from someone when I got the same exact wording from two mods on two different boards. They jknew stuff I didn't know and I should not be so questioning and just accept it. DUH - I am waiting for an apology from those mods that will never ever come.

I expect those apologies about the same time YSRN explains her avatar


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Hee. I'm my own insider. Only I know.

The other day when I was cranky about people dissing that m&g fan that was a bit disappointed in her M&G (boy, I bet SHE'S glad a bigger drama came about - LOL!), I changed my avvy from happy star-struck girl to one of The Clorilla chasing away the widdle fans. I like it so it's sticking around for awhile. Me no likey meanies. :lol:

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Hee. I'm my own insider. Only I know.

heee...YSRN..ah so innocent heee. There were many that were actually shocked that Clay was still with RCA when AIW came out. Remember that? More than a few believed he had signed with Warner already. And they spread that info wink wink nod to the fandom with a superior attitude. I hope those people take a look at themselves and realize that even though they weren't duped directly..they were duped once removed and their actions also caused problems in the fandom. Just say no to insiders.

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I think I hear the sound of pods popping........

PERFECT! THREAD TITLE! :cryingwlaughter:

there are just posters who post a lot. Prolific Posters, I guess. I never believed any of them


:unsure: muski looks furtively at her post count at FCA and...uh.... :whistling-1:

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Hee. I'm my own insider. Only I know.

heee...YSRN..ah so innocent heee. There were many that were actually shocked that Clay was still with RCA when AIW came out. Remember that? More than a few believed he had signed with Warner already. And they spread that info wink wink nod to the fandom with a superior attitude. I hope those people take a look at themselves and realize that even though they weren't duped directly..they were duped once removed and their actions also caused problems in the fandom. Just say no to insiders.

They were duped once removed... :cryingwlaughter:

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Couch Tomato wrote:

There were many that were actually shocked that Clay was still with RCA when AIW came out. Remember that? More than a few believed he had signed with Warner already. And they spread that info wink wink nod to the fandom with a superior attitude

There was also another great rumor that Clay was signing with a brand new record label...that was supposed to be right after ATDW was released also. *sigh* Idiots.

I just wanted to send my birthday wishes to Wandacleo and Keldanker! :fest06: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Welll, what an "interesting" couple of days!!! Hard to believe but some OTT and what the? posts (on other boards of course) now make a bit more sense. :fca:

And I will pass on all your best wishes to Clay when I am staying with him in his NY apartment next year. He invited me by secret email. Shhh don't tell anyone!!!

I will not be posting for some weeks as I am leaving tomorrow to join my husband for the school holidays. I may be able to read at the library(I hope) but will not have access to my own computer.

So Merry Christmas to all at FCA,hope you and yours have a safe and happy time. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hi Ausdon..have a happy holiday! And I'm glad you mentioned you'd be away..I'm used to seeing you prowling around at night. As for your stay with Clay ..I thought that was a secret and I was your special confidante :cryingwlaughter:

OMAHA PEEPS - Jamar has posted the pre concert dinner info in the OMAHA thread. Please check it out and print it out with your other important Clay traveling papers. Everyone is welcome...

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Not surprised at all by the recent announcement at CV...glad it is out in the open.


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Heeeee.......lots of two-stepping and butt covering going on all over the boards - sorry, those who consider themselves prominent posters who should be followed blindly have lost all semblance of believeability. Well, I never believed in the first place.

And it was the neener-neener shit that rankled, people spouting overblown crap are free to do that, to me, as long as they are up front about their sources.

Must suck to have your neener-neeners turn out to be cow-pies.

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