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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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Don't forget to meet after the concert! Either in front of the theatre or at the brewery across the street! Let's see, Claygasm, lilyshine, and FromClaygary! You can't miss me and my daughter - we're both short and have long hair, hers is brown and mine is blonde!

Leaving very shortly...I'm in Buffalo, and it's cold but clear. Keep praying friends, you're doing an amazing job!!

I'm distinctive as well....midheight, wide and I have very short spiky hair.

luckiest1 I'm praying hard for all of us! Keeping excellent thoughts that the storm will in fact hold off until Monday and we'll all be OK!! See you in Erie!

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It was definitely hinted that Clay was the source for the RCA stuff by some, or there was a lot of IF YOU ONLY KNEW MY SOURCE WHOM I CAN'T NAME YOU'D BELIEVE. Wonder if it was all part of the same crap?
I was concerned about Clay's relationship with RCA but never followed the talk about it on the boards because it was all speculation. I do have a strong opinions about Roger's lack of skill as a publicist and how long it took to put out the CD led me to other conclusions, but that too is conjecture on my part and I don't spend much time thinking about it. So there were actually people claiming they had sources and making "IF YOU ONLY KNEW" comments! I was not living in some cave, but I guess I wasn't that interested to get into all that. The extremes at either end are not for me. I'm kind of a middle of the road, factual person I guess. I'll never feel the highs/alts of the fandom but won't be completely at the other end either.
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Snowing here today. Fortunately, the only thing planned outside the house for today was a trip to the post office. The rest of the day is going to be spent cleaning and baking cookies and crackers.

I hope everyone traveling for shows (including Clay and Co) make it tonight safely and have a wonderful time!

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cha cha The article you posted about internet fraud was fascinating. An interesting look into the dynamic that may have contributed to the success of scammers stalking Clay's fandom. Ugh to the extreme.

((((HUGS)))) to those who need them. Claygasm, my good friend's father has lung cancer that he refused treatment for (because he didn't want to spend his last months "sick" from radiation he felt was pointless) He's lived longer than doctors predicted and has been able to enjoy his remaining months/years of life more than anyone (including himself) expected.

Couchie and jazzgirl, I'll be thinking of you.

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Thanks everyone for the hugs. They help.

I too hope my father defies the odds and has more quality time left than anyone anticipates. Just don't want him to suffer, though.

I think I am all caught up on the doings of the last few days. Can I just say I love Clay Aiken and his titanium balls?

Off to Williamsport soon - as soon as I pack and get dressed of course. One of my traveling buddies has a M&G tonight AND its her birthday! Should be fun.

Don't forget to meet after the concert! Either in front of the theatre or at the brewery across the street! Let's see, Claygasm, lilyshine, and FromClaygary! You can't miss me and my daughter - we're both short and have long hair, hers is brown and mine is blonde!

hugs-1.gifto Claygasm!

He cha cha! Hope to see you and lots of others too! I KNOW we'll be at the brewery across the street after. And I will be wearing my FCA pin!

Later all! I love you guys! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Crossing my fingers and everything else that will cross for good enough weather and a great concert!!! Have a great time, those who are going!!!

It's interesting to me that we only got that one recap of THE M&G. I guess the others decided to keep their feelings to themself.

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My daughter sent me this article about another person who got totally scammed by someone pretending to be someone else. CHECK THIS OUT!

What a fascinating and sad article! Scam artists can be amazingly convincing.

CG, it's great that you have a concert tonight! I hope you're able to forget your Dad's situation for a little while, and just enjoy Clay. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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so.... another day in clay land. Yesterday when I did express some mild support for the duped I had no idea that Clay was being portrayed as some sort of freaky drug addict (if that's correct and as if worthless baby daddy isn't bad enough). And I'm starting to wonder if this strongly held belief that Clay was this poor depressed victim somehow permeated from these hoodwinked insiders. If so, then this whole scam did way more damage to the fandom than it appears. Frankly I think we're still recovering. Jenna, your post resonated with me because I've seen a lot in this fandom. Information is the currency in this fandom to get you "status." THis scam was the perfect one to pull off on this fandom. It probably wasn't all that hard because of that desire to be close to clay and in the know. Unfortunately I just think more of us were effected by it even if you just heard about it a few days ago.

off to work and then shopping for the cuddleduds heee. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Next week I'll be seeing bottle's baby daddy.whoo hooo. LOL.

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I wish comfort for your daddy, Claygasm! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Chach...that story is amazingly written. People's minds are fascinating! Thanks for the link!

I think the only link between RCA stories and these other stories is the need by some fans to be closer and closer and CLOSER... I think a few of the players are crossovers, but I don't think the actual stories have anything to do with one another. Probably just the digging that got them there or left them wanting more or whatever. I guess when you fall in quicksand, it's hard to get out.

Safe travels everyone!!

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First and foremost - safe travels everyone. It can be scarey out there.

I have to admit that a lot of time in this fandom I wander around on boards thinking - what are they thinking?

My hackles are also raised everytime I read "if you knew what I know" in a "trust me" sort of way. There are people I have learned to respect and trust over time, but there is no way that the trust will last when they spew garbage. I remember writing one person a while ago and saying that I recognize they have poswer over people aby reputation alone and I hope they would consider that in the future when spewing crap. - this is when someone pretty much trashed Ruben for something he said, but it was out of context. I sent them the correct quote and original source and got a nasty reply back, instead of the correction that I hoped they would post. This is an example of how I lose respect for people who have had good reputations before hand. Apparently truth is not important to some people.

There are other times when people with sensible reputations are human and post drivel and then go back to normal, since they are human, this does not bother me as much as long as the drivel stops. Heck, I was on medication a few years ago and the doctor had trouble getting the dosage right and I shudder to look at what I posted, but since it is archived, I can't change it. Other times I look at my spelling and shudder and go back days to correct it.

I also recognize people get scammed all the time,but there are levels of scams. I got scammed by a rotary club request for money, turns out the collector got 95% of the money. I no longer give money to charites until I check them out, no coins in the pot at Christmas, no moeny to people collecting door to door. I don't feel bad, except for the children being used, about being scammed by that one, it taught me how to check out charities. I feel bad for many of the elderly who are scammed by clever talkers. The people I have no sympathy in being scammed are the ones who expect to make money by giving money - like the Nigerian money scams. I classify this scam in that class. What you had to fall for was outrageous and non-sensical, but the greed reeled people in. The greed of having inside information, of knowing something others did not, of possibly getting close to Clay. GREED. And for that greed, they subjected all their so-called friends on the internet, or other wise known as us, to the crap. And they encouraged the cration of warriors that only really spread more crap in the attempt to deny it. Greed and Crap - seems to go together.

I will laugh my fool head off if half of this RCA stuff is from the crap spreaders, although it is probably not 100%. Famous fans, - I think they should be identified if they are still active - maybe we can get rid of the cult of the fan and get back to just liking Clay, rather than worshiping some fan. On the other hand, I really don't care about who it is, unless they let me sell them this really neat bridge in Brooklyn.

ETA - goins - what are goins? I meant coins.

I don't really want names, I was just ranting, I don't really care, so it is a silly post. Just like I believe the RCA stuff is just different insider information with people wanting to be known as bringing in insidier information. If people are dumb enough to go to secret boards to believe this stuff, fine, leave it there. If they want to send money to strangers, fine, do that, too. I am just sick of people trying to blog about it.

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CG - (((((many hugs))))) for you and your dad... even though I'm sure you don't need this advice, one of the best pieces of advice I got when my mom had her first stroke was to make sure I said everything I needed to say, to have no regrets - and perhaps that works better in some situations more than others, but I made sure my mom (who was technically my stepmom but took me under her wing like her own and raised me from very little - she was the only mother I knew) knew how much I loved and cherished her... when she had her second stroke a little less than a week later and passed on, I had no regrets (other than not enough time to spend with her)... I pray your dad beats the odds and you have many, many more days/years to spend together and love one another...

Couchie - (((((hugs))))) to you and your family stuff...

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playbiller, I can post names but not sure if it will make a huge difference. One of them is still defending herself today...it's unreal.

I said last night at CV that the people involved are viewed as powerful in the fandom....if they believe it, it must be true. That's bullshit.

People apparently give up their ability to think logically when one of the big names state what they think they know.

It has always driven me insane....I doubt it stops anytime soon.

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whoa :oh:

That article is unfuckingamazing. But sadly believable.--considering the 'fans' that thrive on :attention_whore3: :ohthedrama: My favorite part of this guy's article was the 'peace' he came to re: getting any kind of revenge on the perpetrator. Karma's a bitch, y'all (not YOU, Karma4Clay...you know what I mean! :F_05BL17blowkiss: )

Safe travels and warm cuddleduds to all those venturing into the GreatWhiteTundra!


Both kids and hubby are out for hours doing this or that. I have mucho I SHOULD do---still stuff in my suitcase from my trip on the floor at the washing machine, pots and pans and other crap lined up on the kitchen counter to be cleaned and put away, dog looking sadly at me hoping for a long walk, closet piled with things I keep saying I'm going to give/throw away, MamaMuski most likely expecting a visit from her darling daughter today, etc......

Hmmmm which to do first? :think:


I think I'll organize my clack that I just sent over to my external hard drive!



I think my mind must be in the gutter...because just now, glancing at this page, I read (((((hugs))))) as (((((huge)))))...


00lsee, ilurveyou. :cryingwlaughter:
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JJ, I have a long term disagreement with the blinkie lady in that she did not follow reasonable and expected business practices in her collection of money even for an amatuer. She is an example of people who are trusted that make me scratch my head. Whether she was on the up and up is not the issue to me, just that she did not follow any sort of financial tracking and when it was suggested taht she do, she attacked, rather than consider it. Thos few of us who questioned it, had our heads handed to us as not good fans and how dare we question a wonderful generaous person with such a great idea who is spending their time and money to do this for others. Somehow the questions of leaving someone's own family and travieling to different shows with front row seats after claiming financial difficulties always struck me as a non-congruence.
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playbiller, I can post names but not sure if it will make a huge difference. One of them is still defending herself today...it's unreal.

I said last night at CV that the people involved are viewed as powerful in the fandom....if they believe it, it must be true. That's bullshit.

People apparently give up their ability to think logically when one of the big names state what they think they know.

It has always driven me insane....I doubt it stops anytime soon.

Hear, hear! to that jj. I know when the initial shit started being spewed, I posted many times trying to counter it, or at least asking folks to consider other possibilities, and every single post was followed by a flurry of PM's from 'names' in the fandom telling me the error of my ways. 'Trust me, but I can't tell you why,' was most definitely the prevailing theme. I didn't, and don't. The respect I lost for those people can never be regained from me. Too much damage was done, IMO. And some of them were my friends.

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Alive and well at the Genetti in Williamsport, PA! ....as are many others. :)

For me coming south from Buffalo, the roads were bare and dry all the way. Tomorrow is another day. :) I'm SO glad I came!!

I can see the buses in the alleyway behind me (with a small group around) and I THINK every now and again I can hear Clay in snatches...but it could be just someone in one of the rooms playing music! :lmaosmiley-1:

ETA: NOPE! It's definitely Clay! EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I'm so excited for tonight...hoping to find someone to have a bite with before the concert. I've seen ClayizzaQT and also a big group from Raleigh/Greensboro, not all of whom I know, but not Scarlett or anyone who looks like she might be chacha or xxx4clay and rainlover.

I'm off to the representin' list to see who might be here.


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Hear, hear! to that jj. I know when the initial shit started being spewed, I posted many times trying to counter it, or at least asking folks to consider other possibilities, and every single post was followed by a flurry of PM's from 'names' in the fandom telling me the error of my ways. 'Trust me, but I can't tell you why,' was most definitely the prevailing theme. I didn't, and don't. The respect I lost for those people can never be regained from me. Too much damage was done, IMO. And some of them were my friends.

Saw this and just had to respond....SO true!! Me too!...and as a consequence, have been hung and pilloried practically every time I post at another unmentioned board whose mod team were a part of, or friends with, the celebrity spewers. The only difference, I guess, is that none of them would ever have condescended to call me a friend...so nothing lost! :cryingwlaughter:

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JJ, I have a long term disagreement with the blinkie lady in that she did not follow reasonable and expected business practices in her collection of money even for an amatuer. She is an example of people who are trusted that make me scratch my head. Whether she was on the up and up is not the issue to me, just that she did not follow any sort of financial tracking and when it was suggested taht she do, she attacked, rather than consider it. Thos few of us who questioned it, had our heads handed to us as not good fans and how dare we question a wonderful generaous person with such a great idea who is spending their time and money to do this for others. Somehow the questions of leaving someone's own family and travieling to different shows with front row seats after claiming financial difficulties always struck me as a non-congruence.

I was in the fandom at that time and changed my screenname to escape the head handing people. My head was handed to me so many times, I lost count. That little debacle was my first inclination that not all people on the boards were here for Clay and more for their own glory and sucking people dry.

I guess my dad did some things right while raising me....he didn't raise a fool or a sucker. Perhaps I'm less trustin than some but I don't trust easily and it's served me well in this internet world.

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Heeeee.....I just realised I never have considered anyone who posts as an Important Fan or Prominent Fan - I guess I just have categories like Sure Posts A Lot, Is Sometimes V. Funny, Usually Brings Good Stuff Like Numbers or Clack, Seems To Not Actually Like Clay, Is Oddly Bossy, Is Weirdly Preoccupied with Clay's Family and Personal Life, Gives Good Recap, Seems Like an Interesting Person, etc.

I am sure I have my own category, too!

But I do not consider anyone on any board more prominent or whatever, and absolutely no one is an Important Fan, that is ludicrous. Well, okay, KAndre, but that is IT!

Wow! The stories and counterstories and explanations are really starting to get bizarre. And numerous. Funny seeing people take credit for stuff other people vehemently deny. In any event, the practice of stalking other posters, gathering their posts, and deciding if they are a Bad Fan and then publishing their personal information puts people in the Posters I Would Not Want to Meet Under Any Circumstances Category. Blecccch.

I don't know who to not believe the most!


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