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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Hello all!!

I've been a missing person for most of the last month while I wrestled with my haywire heart.

After having pretty much written off my Spamalot trip, things are now looking pretty good. My new meds are working very well, and I feel so much better. The majority doctor opinion is favorable. If I make it to tomorrow morning with no further problems, I'm going to feel home free!!

I'll be at the Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening shows. We're looking at other stuff Sat & Sun during the day. If assemblages are happening, please, please let me know!!

Loved the Spam-a-blog!! I think Clay is still in teacher/school mode. If they give him an actual topic, he can write something fun about it. Maybe someone from Clique could do that for his OFC blog.

:cryingwlaughter: Naaaaaah. Guess not.

Clay was very happy to hear I was going to make it to Spamalot when I texted him about it. *g*

He sent me a kiss.....


Just thought I'd share, cause I'm generous like that.

OOOOOOOooooooooooo!!! Me Likey!!!! Permaswooned - THANK YOU!!! You always bring the goods!!

Happy yo hear you'll be in NYC on Friday - I hope to see you there!!! We should have a drink together!!

EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! FOUR MORE SLEEPS! And I'm meeting play for dinner!! Life is GOOD! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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1. I will not comment on the Insider Picture

2. I will not comment on the Insider Picture

3. I will not comment on the Insider Picture


498. I will not comment on the Insider Picture

499. I will not comment on the Insider Picture

500. I will not comment on the Insider Picture

Oh to heck with it........I really don't like that picture!

Now I love, love, love Perma's Kalamazoo pic!

1. What if he looks like that during the show?

2. What if he looks like that during the show?

3. What if he looks like that during the show?


498. What if he looks like that during the show?

499. What if he looks like that during the show?

500. What if he looks like that during the show?

Promise not to fling the phone at him!... Remember, it has all of our numbers!.... Wait a sec, what's wrong with that?... No, actually it has all of YOUR numbers, except mine! *sob*... Well, it has my iphone number... ok, fling the phone at him... LOL!

Permaswooned, so very glad to see that you're feeling better! See you Friday!!! (ps. your number's on the phone too!)

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How can he look sooooooooooooo hot one day, and then look like he's Amish? Or maybe Mennonite?

You know, I think that's exactly what I love about him so much -- his chameleon-like quality. There have been looks that some of us simply hated while others simply loved, and vice versa. And yet, I think it's the constant surprise of his looks that makes me just smile. You never know what you're going to get, and I admire that in him. (Oh, but I will say his smile is a constant for me....I'd die for that smile....)

Have I said that I love him lately?

*waves at Perma*

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While it is amazing to see Clay's chameleon qualities, I do think it does hurt him in the regular people recognition factor. So while the insider clip was written dumb, it got a new look for him out there and every time there is a new look,some people feel the need to google and enter the fandom. Clay has that Johnny Depp quality of totally changing his looks from one appearance to another. I am so looking forward to his Spamalot look - I think it might be with that dark hair wig, since that is the picture they feature on the web site and commercials.

And in 10 or twenty years from now, when we see and hear Clay still, the haters will still be out there saying he is a nobody and no one cares, even after he receives one sort of honor or another and is still working as others have faded from view.

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Invisible926 posted a screencap of the Insider: The_Insider_1_14_08.jpg

Is it just me or does he look oh-so-intelligent here? Yum.

He looks fantastic! SLURP!!!

Promise not to fling the phone at him!... Remember, it has all of our numbers!.... Wait a sec, what's wrong with that?... No, actually it has all of YOUR numbers, except mine! *sob*... Well, it has my iphone number... ok, fling the phone at him... LOL!


Wow, way to go, Clay!

I keep staring at that pic I posted, and something about it is sooooo inspiring. I just wanna throw him against that car and have my way with him. :hubbahubba:

Anybody else feel that way, or is it just me?

The car, the tour bus, the stage floor, Kimmel's couch, LKL's desk, the church pew in Wichita, ... I wanna throw him against anything and have my way with him.

Whew! I'm so glad to know that I'm 'normal.' Heeeee!

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I wanted to bring over a post I made at CV. I'm pretty excited about this. Someone might find this of use.

I wanted to share a little discovery of mine. I was researching capture cards for someone who has a dvr and would love to be able to capture and share but was not sure how to accomplish this. This little gadget is something I discovered on the Hauppauge site. I have one of their capture cards in my one tower. The neat thing about this device is that you connect it via USB, which most of us have. The other end is a coaxial connection. SO what you would need to capture is a coaxial cable that will run from the wall (if you just have cable) the digital box (if that's what you use) the satellite box (if thats your preference) or your dvr. Once you run that coaxial from that device then your computer becomes your tv. A lot of people have a program on their computer that will capture video, whether it is windows movie maker, power director, nero (I think captures too).

This is a pretty exciting discovery for me, because I know a few people that have pressed a willingness to capture. I have giving you the link for the main page because there seems to be a video about this device also

WinTV-HVR-950 It is on the right side. Enjoy.

This can also be purchased (in the US anyway) at Circuit City, Radio Shack, CompUSA and Fry's. FYI

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How can he look sooooooooooooo hot one day, and then look like he's Amish? Or maybe Mennonite?

:cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Claygasm, you crack me up!!!!!

Check out my "Mennonite" avatar!!!! DS#2 would be so dissapointed to think you don't seem to think a Mennonite singer can look "hot", especially since he considers his 22 year old charming self quite a catch!!

As for me, I'm kinda into blonde these days..... :Thud:


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Don't think I want to listen to any cell-cert stuff in real time on Friday, either. Been there, had my high squashed fucking flat by totally predictably historically pissy remarks.

I have it on the best authority that there will be no "pissy" remarks on Friday night from the CH cellcerter*g*

Trust Me :whistling-1:

Runs off to sign up for cellstream - YAY!

I am feeling no stress about anything coming from that Newsweek article. I have to smile at how much attention our boyfriend gets from all corners whenever he is in the "news". Clay Aiken is a STAR! I think I can stop worrying about him now.

When I was saying awhile back that Clay doesn't court superstardom, this is what I was talking about. He has enormous power to attract media attention. If he wanted to be a Britney or a Paris he could, and thank goodness he doesn't want to be.

How can he look sooooooooooooo hot one day, and then look like he's Amish? Or maybe Mennonite?

:cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Claygasm, you crack me up!!!!!

Check out my "Mennonite" avatar!!!! DS#2 would be so dissapointed to think you don't seem to think a Mennonite singer can look "hot", especially since he considers his 22 year old charming self quite a catch!!

He's a cutie!

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Playbiller wrote:

Clay has that Johnny Depp quality of totally changing his looks from one appearance to another.

Funny, this is what I was thinking the other day and I also thought that with that kind of versatility in looks, he could also have the ability to take on many different roles as an actor. I'm excited to hear about how he does with Sir Robin, very excited.

PermaSwooned, I'm glad you are feeling better and can get yourself to NYC. To all who are going to opening night, have a wondeful time.

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He's a cutie!

jmh123, just look, the cutie's smiling at you!!!!!

As far as I'm concerned Clay can look like anyone he wants to as long as he stays his indomitable unpredictable self.

Night everyone!!!!1

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Dark wig? I'd really be surprised to see him come out on Friday night with that look (well, not really see, heh, since I won't be there, but hear I guess is the better choice of word). I don't think that these long, blong trusses lately are just a coincidence, I think he's coloured it and grown it out for the part of Sir Robin. But I guess we'll know for sure soon enough!

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Good Morning Everyone,

3 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

7 Days until Clay is on The View!

Everyone have a great day!


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While it is amazing to see Clay's chameleon qualities, I do think it does hurt him in the regular people recognition factor.

Possible good point, although I'm not totally sold on that either -- because I think the "surprise" factor plays there. Maybe for some who don't follow his every move and picture, the constant changes could be confusing. But I think for others, the "wow, THAT'S Clay Aiken?" could play into a new fascination with the man.

And in 10 or twenty years from now, when we see and hear Clay still, the haters will still be out there saying he is a nobody and no one cares, even after he receives one sort of honor or another and is still working as others have faded from view.

play, I definitely like the way you think here.

As for the Amish Clay, Harrison Ford looked pretty good as one, too. I always liked the "Don't Know Much About History" scene in "Witness".

IMO, the sexiest movie scene evah. God, I've seen that movie more times than I care to admit, and if I stumble upon it on TV, I'll stop and watch, no matter how busy I am.

Playbiller wrote:

Clay has that Johnny Depp quality of totally changing his looks from one appearance to another.

Funny, this is what I was thinking the other day and I also thought that with that kind of versatility in looks, he could also have the ability to take on many different roles as an actor. I'm excited to hear about how he does with Sir Robin, very excited.

I am too! I think he'll be great in the role, although I do think it will probably take him a few days to feel comfortable with it. I'm glad he's decided to join the ranks of professional actor, especially with this role.

Hey, wonder if that means he'll get an SAG card? Or whatever actor's guild is for Broadway?

Dark wig? I'd really be surprised to see him come out on Friday night with that look (well, not really see, heh, since I won't be there, but hear I guess is the better choice of word). I don't think that these long, blong trusses lately are just a coincidence, I think he's coloured it and grown it out for the part of Sir Robin. But I guess we'll know for sure soon enough!

I originally had that thought too (although I'm not sure about the "blong" trusses :imgtongue: ). It seems to me that the length of his hair suggests no wig for the show But wasn't he asked at a M&G about that, and he said he thought he'd be wearing a wig? I guess we'll just have to see!

Good Morning Everyone,

3 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

bears repeating...

Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Gee, there's no excitement there. No siree!

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Dark wig? I'd really be surprised to see him come out on Friday night with that look (well, not really see, heh, since I won't be there, but hear I guess is the better choice of word). I don't think that these long, blong trusses lately are just a coincidence, I think he's coloured it and grown it out for the part of Sir Robin. But I guess we'll know for sure soon enough!

I originally had that thought too (although I'm not sure about the "blong" trusses :imgtongue: ). It seems to me that the length of his hair suggests no wig for the show But wasn't he asked at a M&G about that, and he said he thought he'd be wearing a wig? I guess we'll just have to see!

Ok, so I can't spell in the morning. :imgtongue: Didn't he also say, not so long ago in a M&G, that he wouldn't do Broadway until he was much older? :) Things can change. Hee. OK, so I am just really hoping he doesn't cover up that gorgeous blond hair with a wig.

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luckiest -- I know! We'll just have to see. (I personally hope for no wig myself....)

My Idol Blog: Chronicles of Marnia

Calling All Claymates!

First, Clay had a birthday. Then, Clay went to Mexico with UNICEF to help out those devastated by the recent flooding. Then, Clay took on one of his biggest roles yet--a Broadway role in Spamalot! You are...NOT...GOING...TO...BELIEVE...WHAT...HE...IS...DOING...NEXT! Are you sufficiently curious!? Why, he is doing a phone interview with yours truly tomorrow morning (Sorry Smalltowndj!).


Since I know there are a lot of Clay fans on the blogs and in the forum, I thought I'd open it up to the Claymates to see what questions you might like me to ask during our phone interview.

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Hmm, I though that "blong trusses" were for the nether regions - like if you have a hernia.

SO, I go to watch youtube and it is not available. I wonder if they are having a server problem.

The parade challenge for 50,000 is here - the money has to be at least 1-.47 and must be donated by 1/31. Currwbtly, you only need 350 unique donators to get the matching 50K, but I am sure it will step up at the end ofthe month. We are start when 3/4 of the fund raising is done. This is a lot like the 6 degrees challenge where the you win by unique contributors.


Don't forget to credit the donation to FCA making a difference, should you so desire or any other beta alpha group.

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