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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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From someone's report posted on CH. Please note the bolded parts and then go ahead and slide off your chair...

muski, I brought that "come to daddy" quote over around 6:30 this morning. Apparently it doesn't have as much of an impact when I say it. :cryingwlaughter:

Doesn't everyone wear mismatched socks (stripey or not)? Or maybe that's just me being my frugal self......

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When the eHP hosted the pre-concert party this summer, in Houston two of the prizes were pairs of mismatched stiped socks! Funny how we managed to get two pairs of socks that didn't match!! :cryingwlaughter:

My favourite talk show is called Inside the Actor's Studio with James Lipton. It is on Bravo. It is an hour long show where he takes stars and really talks to them for an hour. The one of the best ones I ever saw was Dave Chapelle on how Hollywood life can just lull you into thinking that is real and you lose all perpective about drugs & partying etc.

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Butt...butt....it's a famous ass. It's a cute ass. It's an iconic ass in showbusiness.

funny...I thought she was just a plain ass... hee.

My favourite talk show is called Inside the Actor's Studio with James Lipton. It is on Bravo. It is an hour long show where he takes stars and really talks to them for an hour. The one of the best ones I ever saw was Dave Chapelle on how Hollywood life can just lull you into thinking that is real and you lose all perpective about drugs & partying etc.

I love Actor's Studio also, and I agree, that was an excellent show with Chapelle.

The socks were last discussed a few days ago I think, in the ABC interview or the WPIX interview...Not sure. *goes to look* If I'm not back soon, just toss me a pair of striped socks to keep me warm. It's damn cold here.

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Clay talked about the socks in the Newsweek interview a couple of weeks ago:

Did you know your socks don't match?

I have a bunch of striped socks. It's too difficult to match them, so now I just pick up two in the morning. Even if I wear a tux to an awards show, the socks never match.

Waves to laughn. See you in a bit.

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I think the Newsweek interviewer mentioned to Clay that his socks didn't match, and he confirmed that he doesn't even try to match them. (looks like bottle beat me to this bit of information!)

It's been REALLY cold here, too, but we have a heat wave today - it's 49 degrees right now, and sunny! But supposedly there's another cold front coming through tomorrow night. Darn!

We just made my hotel reservations for our New York trip in March! YAY! We made our plane reservations a few weeks ago, so now we're more than ready! Too bad March is so far away.

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I have a clack inquiry. Could someone identify the venue in the JN04 tour when Clay was bantering about New Year resolutions ... and didn't know what half&half was? I haven't seen that in ages and can't remember where it came from. I just remember it started with a fan yelling "You rock my socks!" and Clay at the end of the clip says "I just can't stop rubbin' feet." I think that's all from the same piece of clack ... and I have a strong urge to see it again.

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Butt...butt....it's a famous ass. It's a cute ass. It's an iconic ass in showbusiness.

funny...I thought she was just a plain ass... hee.

Or a pain IN the ass.

Gibby, we're having a heat wave today too. It's 50-somthing. And after all my whining yesterday about having to wear so many layers, and thermal longjohns to run errands, I'm ashamed to admit that now I'm hot. :cryingwlaughter:

Duckyvee and cagney are at Spamalot today. Lucky beyotches.

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I'm killing myself today. In my clack search I was diverted to the DCAT/SRHP tour and checked to see if there was Houston clack I haven't seen. Sure enough there's clack by Megaclayfan of the Houston classics ... and I downloaded and watched it, and the Yeah part with the legs ... the part I've backed up about 10 times so far .... it's just a must.

To cut to the chase, if you download that file, advance it immediately to 5:34 and watch those legs, then back up and watch it several times in a row ... not only does it get better and better, it will free your mind.

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I have a clack inquiry. Could someone identify the venue in the JN04 tour when Clay was bantering about New Year resolutions ... and didn't know what half&half was? I haven't seen that in ages and can't remember where it came from. I just remember it started with a fan yelling "You rock my socks!" and Clay at the end of the clip says "I just can't stop rubbin' feet." I think that's all from the same piece of clack ... and I have a strong urge to see it again.

JNT 2004 Cleveland -

I'm killing myself today. In my clack search I was diverted to the DCAT/SRHP tour and checked to see if there was Houston clack I haven't seen. Sure enough there's clack by Megaclayfan of the Houston classics ... and I downloaded and watched it, and the Yeah part with the legs ... the part I've backed up about 10 times so far .... it's just a must.

To cut to the chase, if you download that file, advance it immediately to 5:34 and watch those legs, then back up and watch it several times in a row ... not only does it get better and better, it will free your mind.

Is this the movement which you are admiring?


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AACCCKKK!!! AI Rewind is Group 4, and Craggle is screeching at me from the TV. Make it stop! :kotz0: As if it wasn't bad enough having to listen to "Rawker" Patrick Lake try to shout his way through "When I See you Smile." :huh:

Phew!! Just showed a promo for the Wildcard Show that airs next week, and the quick glimpse of a blue-shirted 2003 Clay made it all better.


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Report from susandavis via LOML after the matinee today:


The show was wonderful, the only thing different in the second half was that when his big number was over he didn't kneel down by King Arthur but stood up. I wonder if his poor knees hurt.

She still couldn't understand the line of the song after 'I am an Idol for the ages'......continued loud laughter.

Explanation of seat A101: The person who has that seat for 8 shows was there today(LOML was next to her......totally by the luck of the draw). They did the whole routine complete with the large A101 rock but Patsy walked right by her and took a man in seat D101. I wonder if posting that message at Sean's Myspace was such a good idea????

They got autographs.........there were around 100 at the stage door. Someone asked Clay who would be the next American Idol and he said, "I couldn't care less". Jerome came out the stage door after Clay went back in and left alone..........that is interesting.

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So the A101 8 seat buyer is the new Ethel. Whatever. From what I understand it's a number of different seats that they choose from anyway.

It's hard to sit here and work work work but I just think about NYC in April and not sleeping in central park and amazingly I go straight back to work.

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Yah.huh...but from a different angle. I'd tell you more, but I think I swallowed my tongue. The hip roll after this scissor move is just...too...


I have a clack inquiry. Could someone identify the venue in the JN04 tour when Clay was bantering about New Year resolutions ... and didn't know what half&half was? I haven't seen that in ages and can't remember where it came from. I just remember it started with a fan yelling "You rock my socks!" and Clay at the end of the clip says "I just can't stop rubbin' feet." I think that's all from the same piece of clack ... and I have a strong urge to see it again.

JNT 2004 Cleveland -

I'm killing myself today. In my clack search I was diverted to the DCAT/SRHP tour and checked to see if there was Houston clack I haven't seen. Sure enough there's clack by Megaclayfan of the Houston classics ... and I downloaded and watched it, and the Yeah part with the legs ... the part I've backed up about 10 times so far .... it's just a must.

To cut to the chase, if you download that file, advance it immediately to 5:34 and watch those legs, then back up and watch it several times in a row ... not only does it get better and better, it will free your mind.

Is this the movement which you are admiring?


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Report from susandavis via LOML after the matinee today:


Explanation of seat A101: The person who has that seat for 8 shows was there today(LOML was next to her......totally by the luck of the draw). They did the whole routine complete with the large A101 rock but Patsy walked right by her and took a man in seat D101. I wonder if posting that message at Sean's Myspace was such a good idea????

I'm obviously WAY out of the loop here. I know the signifigance of seat A101, but someone bought that seat for 8 performances? And posted on Sean's myspace about it? And they skipped over her and took someone else? HUH???

ETA: Thanks wandacleo. I'm usually a few days behind the times anyway, and had no idea what any of this was about.

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I read at CV that the person who bought the 8 A101 seats didn't know about the peasant routine. She just was offered the same seat for a number of shows (not sure if on the computer or phone) and took them! Who would turn down front row seat???? She's not a stalker, just lucky.

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Add me to the "pins received, no postage due" list... they are so CUTE!!! :clap: Just like our BF!! :twinklewhore: (oh, BWAH!, the name of this one CMSU!!)

Now to figure out how to get my butt to NYC so I can wear them there too... :think:

Thanks Couchie and cindilu2!! :thankyou:

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Regarding seat A101...wouldn't the box office know the significance of that seat...just find it hard to believe that they would give that seat to the same person 8 times in a row...sorry for the skepticism, but since everyone watched the Spamalot clips with DHP, I find it hard to believe that those with that seat didn't know they would be going up on stage and I think it quite plausible that someone would ask for it.


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I have a clack inquiry. Could someone identify the venue in the JN04 tour when Clay was bantering about New Year resolutions ... and didn't know what half&half was? I haven't seen that in ages and can't remember where it came from. I just remember it started with a fan yelling "You rock my socks!" and Clay at the end of the clip says "I just can't stop rubbin' feet." I think that's all from the same piece of clack ... and I have a strong urge to see it again.

JNT 2004 Cleveland -

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. He's so CUTE!!!!!

I'm killing myself today. In my clack search I was diverted to the DCAT/SRHP tour and checked to see if there was Houston clack I haven't seen. Sure enough there's clack by Megaclayfan of the Houston classics ... and I downloaded and watched it, and the Yeah part with the legs ... the part I've backed up about 10 times so far .... it's just a must.

To cut to the chase, if you download that file, advance it immediately to 5:34 and watch those legs, then back up and watch it several times in a row ... not only does it get better and better, it will free your mind.

Is this the movement which you are admiring?


That and putting it to the music with those hips swiveling to "she was all up on me" .... and that left leg thing right before that on "I knew" ....

I have a 10-sec video in my photobucket. Is there any way to bring that here where it can play when clicked on?

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Oh My...that clip is so distracting.

Now what was I going to say? Hmm, right. I have been playing around looking at some of the archived threads and found the posts from May 24th, 2006 and for the days afterward. There was such excitement in Clayfanland after such a Clack drought.

How times have changed. Now it's hard to keep up to all the Clack goodies.

As you may know I came to this fandom late, June of 2006 and fell in love with that slim young AI2 man with his chicklet teeth and wonderful smile. I was not anywhere near as attracted to the maturing, manly Clay but I have realized in the last few months that I have come to love Clay as he is now. Finally, a breakthrough. I'm a Taurus and we take a time to adjust to change.

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