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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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Hey everyone,

Just thought i'd pass along that Tyra's at the show this afternoon. My friends are there right now (I couldn't make it ) and she's there in the orchestra. Lots of security around her from what I heard. Not sure about her reactions to the show so far because my friend's can't see her well enough.

Last Edited By: jax5230 02/02/08 3:08 PM. Edited 1 times.

from JAX5230 at the CB

Wow, she is really a true friend.

AWWWW the Clyra lives!!! hee!!!

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I honestly don't care about any friend of a friend info. I will believe none of it. Sorry for anyone with those connections but 2006 was a bitter pill to swallow. And really, who cares. According to Clay, the album will be out round about May. Considering I have some sort of life, have a big Clay trip to plan I don't need to sort through what's true or what's not. Amazon..see, I'll believe them. An album is coming. It's fine if it's brought over but telling everybody upfront, there's not a person in ClayNation left with any kind of secret info cache with me.

And I'm sorry..it's PROBABLY David Foster? What kind of in the know info is that. I can say that crap. Either it is or it isn't. It isn't secret info if the person doesn't actually, definitely know. Jesus. Should probably start tracking it up front cuz I was to lazy and didn't care enough to throw all the words back in the faces of the people who claimed..that was never said about ATDW.


Just back from a fantabulous Cluncheon at goldarngirl's house. There must have been 12 - 15 people there.....I lost count. My visiting mom tagged along, and she now believes that I am not the craziest Clay fan out there. BWAH!

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Just saw the CUTEST guy on AI Rewind! An adorable crooked smile, gorgeous green eyes, and man, could he sing! I think his name was Clay A-something? Atkins maybe? I swear, this kid is one to watch. He's got a load of potential!


bottle.... :cryingwlaughter: It's only 1:30pm here, so I'll be sure to watch this kid! Sounds like a winner to me! :cryingwlaughter:

That insider info... I want the "Clay wrote 3-4 songs" part to be right, so I'm only salting part of it! The unsalted part I'm putting on my alter to "please, please, please." :cryingwlaughter: He did say the CD would be about his five-year journey, and he did say he'd only write when he had something to say, so... I just hope some of what he had to say is fun and up-tempo!

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Just saw the CUTEST guy on AI Rewind! An adorable crooked smile, gorgeous green eyes, and man, could he sing! I think his name was Clay A-something? Atkins maybe? I swear, this kid is one to watch. He's got a load of potential!


Hey back off. I saw him first!

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After watching the whole AI Rewind Wildcard episode, I'm reminded again why I had no worries at the time about Clay making it through as America's Choice. The other contestants were remarkably charisma-free and mostly dull. That Clay kid was head and shoulders above the rest vocally. And did I mention that he was really, really CUTE?

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The sooper secrit again? Nope, not buying a single word of it. A friend of a friend of mine in the music business thinks it's the same load of crap.

Clyra? Oh, I can't wait for a Scarlett report!!

Officially signed up to be notified by Amazon! Oh, that makes it so real.

Speaking of real, real life dictates no Mardi Gras for me today -- just when I was getting ready, I answer the phone and that was that. Egads the timing of RL! So as a consolation prize for myself I'm headed to Randall's. If I have to have company today, they WILL eat King Cake!

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recap details from windstar2 at the CV:

Thank you to everyone who read my first recap. I'm glad I could provide some visual for some of you. I need to say that I probably would not have soaked up as much detail as I did but I traveled with five other ladies and we usually all sat in different seats at each show. After the show ... we would all compare what we had seen/noticed/witnessed. There were a lot of things they saw that I didn't and vise versa. So, at the next show, I would look for the things they saw too. (Probably helped that I attended five shows in a row. Not going back for more, so I wanted to do as much as I could on this one trip.)

I'm sorry about all my typo's in my last recap too.

General observations about the show:

Drunken guard outfit - I didn't give a description of this outfit in my first recap because I felt that recap was already too long as it was. But now I realize that the details are important to many. He has on a fancy tunic that looks black in color. It is sleeveless and comes about mid thigh? It is covered with what looks to be round gold beads/brads/studs. In the middle is a wide belt that buckles in the middle. I can't remember the shirt underneath that or the pants. I do remember that he wears the fleece lined gaiters again (like in the "Not Yet Dead" outfit) that cover the lower part of his legs ... ankle to just below the knee. He has a helmet on. It covers his head and comes to about his mid forehead. I think it is silver in color (but not sure) and it has flowers on the side of it. Wildflowers. You really concentrate on Clay's face here because of the way the hat fits. He is carrying a tall spear .... something a guard would carry if standing guard at a door. The spears is decorated though ... with ribbon and flowers ... same flowers that are on his hat. ( I didn't get the reason for the flowers, decoration, or the "dressed up tunic" until about the 3rd show. One of the ladies I was with reminded me that they are having a wedding at that castle ... so everyone is dressed for the wedding festivities. ) His facial expressions are just hilarious and I don't know how he keeps a straight face. And his comedic timing is just brilliant.

We all thought Clay looked like certain other actors during this play. Out of the six of us that I was with, all these were mentioned:

"Not Yet Dead" - Danny Kaye.

Drunken Guard - Tim Conway.

Brother Maynard - Jerry Lewis.

Finale (tux and top hat) - Willy Wonka.

- Knights of Wi changed up their name at all five shows I saw.

- The Lady of the Lake also changed up her "Camelot" song. She also changed up some of her gestures in her "What Happened to My Part" song. (I loved that robe she wears!!!)

- Lady of the Lakes lipstick ... Ruby red with glitter. Really sparkly!

- Clay's feet. Always point out to the side. During the Camelot scene, he sits on the table and his feet are that way. Also, when he is playing dead, his feet our each out outward. So cute.

- Look of determination on Clay's face as he does the bottle dance is hawt. (And about the stomach muscles comment I made ... I think I should clarify that we really couldn't see his stomach muscles per say, as his tunic is thick and bulky. What I meant to convey is that we could see his stomach area expand and contract as he did these moves. If your sitting close, look for this and you will see what I mean.

- His beaming face when he is dancing and singing. I said in my last recap that he brightens up the stage. He just does. He's magnetic.

- The confetti feels heavy!

Saturday afternoon:

The lady in front of me caught the bouquet that the Lady of the Lake throws at the end. I was so busy watching Clay that I didn't see it coming and if the lady in front of me hadn't of caught it ... the bouquet would have hit me and/or my friend sitting beside me in the face. Sometimes watching Clay can be dangerous ... maybe even leading to getting an eye poked out.

Jerome left after the performance and stage door carrying Clay's backpack (or what I assume is Clay's backpack) and walked down the street toward Broadway. We didn't follow ... just watched him until he disappeared into the crowded sidewalk.

Yes, I went to the stage door and all I can say is ..... Chest hair!!!

Saturday night:

When they mentioned that the grail had gone beyond the 4th wall, the cast appears to look out into the audience like they are just noticing them. I waved to one of the supporting actors on my side and he waved back.

Jamie goes to stage door and Jerome escorts her back stage. Comes out soon afterwards and takes a picture with someone standing at the stage door barricade.

Sunday afternoon -

As Brother Maynard, Clay sings a 5 fold Amen and then the Knights do too.

When Clay lays dead on the stage, his tunic flipped up. We tried our best to check out what was lying beneath, but he is in the shadows and we couldn't get a good look. (Darn it.) But could still see his feet splayed out to the sides and his stomach going up and down as he breathed.

Sunday night -

When Clay played dead, he missed his mark when he fell so after he was down, he moved over. LOL!!!

Something was off during the Brother Maynard part. Clay almost forgot to skip! He recovered from that though. (Sir Galahad and Patsy were cracking up ... didn't even try to hide it ... just bowed their heads and were laughing.) Then the King said "Amen" before he was suppose to and Clay paused here too. Maybe he was going to sing the "Amen's" again but then the King spoke too soon? Clay never batted and eye and covered up whatever was miscued beautifully.

And to my five travelmates/friends - Thanks for a wonderful trip and experience and for letting me use your "eye" in my recaps.

To the cast of Spamalot - You're all great!!!

To Clay Aiken - Bravo!!!

PS ... Ummm, we also discussed the wig issue some. Glad Clay cleared that up for us.

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from Toni7babe at CV:

She thought he couldn't be any better than he was opening weekend but he is! Says she seems much more comfortable on stage and his dancing is effortless.

Says there is more ad-libbing from Clay. In the scene where they bring out the Wooden Rabbit (it was a rabbit, wasn't it?) Clay is lying on stage next to the rabbit and hugging it!

Says his delivery in the tower scene is even better than before!

The show is over. Clay got a huge standing ovation. Natch.

Tyra was sitting fourth row dead center - she was with 2 other women. Tyra was clapping like crazy at the end of the show!

toni and Invisible are at the stage door waiting for Clay - once gain, they're in the front row. hee

She'll call back after Clay arrives on the scene.

Clay's on the fast track to today. He already did the stage door thing - came out the door only 10 minutes after the show. Big crowd there today! Wearing the black puffy jacket and jeans. Didn't stay too long but was very friendly and fun!

toni and Invisible got pictures and Invisible has a short video!

Hair was all messy and Clay was very friendly and interacting a lot with the crowd.

One guy said to him: "See, and Simon said you couldn't dance." Clay replied "I still can't." hee. I beg to differ.

Seat C101 was chosen for the peasant. toni said it was a cute young girl who was there with her boyfriend.

I'm pretty sure toni still thinks he's f****** gorgeous. They're off to dinner at Junior's

From Ch:

Invisible926 calling.

Tyra was right behind her and she didn't realize it until the end. Tyra had a blast, she was laughing a lot.

Awesome show.

He did not sing the Amen.

She got an autograph, pictures and short videos at stage door. She'll put it up tonight after the evening show.

His characters are hysterical. He is not hiding Waldo in those white pants at all.

Invisible calling again.

She figured out why she didn't realize about Tyra until second half. Tyra was sitting further back and then moved up. She looked nice, barely any make-up on ,thin and casually dressed. She was with an older woman (her mom?) and a younger woman.

She did not go backstage that they could see.

They are very hyper and are at Junior's waiting to eat.

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Just got in and haven't read any where else yet, but since when is David Foster a Grammy-winning British producer, which is who Clay said he was working with?

Isn't DF from BRITISH Columbia? That totally explains it to me. [/snark]

Seriously....I read the blurb, and I just had to shake my head. What-evah.

This insider sh-stuff makes my head hurt. IMO, the last round of "insider information" turned into a cautionary tale of what could happen if too many people started to believe it.

I think I'll just wait until I hear it from Clay's lips (or blog).

I love reading the recaps from excited fangirls. Can't wait to hear from Scarlett, that lucky wench.

Very cool about Tyra being in the audience. Very cool.

lilyshine, glad you had a great time, and congrats on the autograph!

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from windstar2 recap, I thought this was funny. Can't you picture it? :cryingwlaughter:

Sunday night -

When Clay played dead, he missed his mark when he fell so after he was down, he moved over. LOL!!!

...and from lsdollylovesclay (CB) from last night...

th_spaamb.jpg th_spaama.jpg

bottlecap, I watched that cute singer guy an AI too. He was CUTE!

...still is :imgtongue:

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I KNOW that this super sekret information is true, because my housekeeper's mothers' boyfriend's cousins' first grade teacher knows David Fosters gardener. And the gardener said that he heard Clay and David talking while he was planting flowers under a window at David's house. He also heard the album (he was planting lots of flowers under that window!), and said it was excellent. So, it absolutely must be true!!! *snerk*

I love all of the Spamalot recaps! Thanks for bringing them over.

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This insider sh-stuff makes my head hurt. IMO, the last round of "insider information" turned into a cautionary tale of what could happen if too many people started to believe it.

It probably wouldn't hurt to elaborate a bit about why so many of us are extremely skeptical about "insider information" for the benefit of the newer FCA members who weren't around for the fun in 2006. You guys feel free to correct my account, or add details as appropriate.

During 2006, the Clay Nation was anticipating the release of Clay's follow-up to Measure of a Man. There wasn't a ton of official information about the CD - a few vaguely worded blogs from Clay, and there was a blurb in Entertainment Weekly that implied the CD would be primarily covers that I think got published in the spring of that year. There was much angst, speculation, and in general, just DRAMA on the fan boards over the whole thing. At some point, a poster on the Official Fan Club message board began posting information about the upcoming CD that she claimed was coming from a contact she had that worked for the Canadian branch of RCA. Long story short, whatever her motivation was, her information turned out to be completely and totally fake. So when we get a story in 2008 about the new CD that starts the same way that the bogus information in 2006 did, it sets up huge red flags for many of us.

Personally, I will only trust CD news that comes from Clay himself or from another official source. I have no doubt that there are fans who have genuine contacts in the music business that might have legitimate information about Clay's new CD, but because of the bad experience with what was supposed to be "insider information" in 2006, I would have a very hard time believing much of it unless it has reliable support behind it. As always, other posters may disagree and feel differently about the situation.

Now enough of the boring history lesson. This CUTE guy and his talented TONGUE was just on my TV. :hubbahubba:


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People can post all the super sekrit information they want. I like all gossip.

I just won't BELIEVE it until the evidence smacks me in the ears.

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Spent the afternoon with DH. Walked around Southport (pretty little seaport village South of Wilmington), had a great lunch at THE PHARMACY. Delish. Great afternoon, sunny, 60+º, checking out the little shops,etc.

Came home to find AMAZON says there WILL be an album in '08!

Signed up for the alert!

:cryingwlaughter: at the supersecritinfofromthesupersecritsource.

:clap: to hear that Tyra was in the audience!!! Isn't it time to see Clay on TV again??!! Maybe Tyra went in advance of his appearing on the show??? I'd love that. But - just that she was there and appeared to have a blast is great!

Anything else I missed?

Did Clay and Tyra get married?

Did she hang around and wait for his autograph, cuz you know all his CLOSEST :image008: people do that, right??

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Hee, saw the play from a great seat, thanks to the kindness of Amazingin NJ

Seeing it from the seat I had today made it like another show, it wasn't the balcony or mezzanine, that was for sure. Who knew Tyra was sitting by Amazing in NJ? She moved up from row M. Does this mean fans need to treat her like Ethel? I mean Tyra moves up to empty seats and can talk to Clay on the bus if she desires, sooooooo. Note, the "desires" was just in honor of Muski's Tyra story.

Who knew there was a little cartoon of

can can dancers kicking the historian

on the intermission wall? Who knew the

Finnish dancer's shoes

were furry? Such a different aspect.

Was Clay any better? Well, I wanted to join in on the


banter, I have an opinion on it, you know! It seems to me his guard is more and more


each time I see the show.

it was funny, I was looking at the faces of all the characters doing the bottle dance. Maybe the intensity is a measure of difficulty from them. If so - Tom - grinning away, various knights go from small smile to grimaces. Clay, it was like his eyes were burning, no smile, no emotion besides intensity.

More when I remember something funny.

Inside information? Maybe more people are texting with FC?

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This insider sh-stuff makes my head hurt. IMO, the last round of "insider information" turned into a cautionary tale of what could happen if too many people started to believe it.

It probably wouldn't hurt to elaborate a bit about why so many of us are extremely skeptical about "insider information" for the benefit of the newer FCA members who weren't around for the fun in 2006. You guys feel free to correct my account, or add details as appropriate.

During 2006, the Clay Nation was anticipating the release of Clay's follow-up to Measure of a Man. There wasn't a ton of official information about the CD - a few vaguely worded blogs from Clay, and there was a blurb in Entertainment Weekly that implied the CD would be primarily covers that I think got published in the spring of that year. There was much angst, speculation, and in general, just DRAMA on the fan boards over the whole thing. At some point, a poster on the Official Fan Club message board began posting information about the upcoming CD that she claimed was coming from a contact she had that worked for the Canadian branch of RCA. Long story short, whatever her motivation was, her information turned out to be completely and totally fake. So when we get a story in 2008 about the new CD that starts the same way that the bogus information in 2006 did, it sets up huge red flags for many of us.

Personally, I will only trust CD news that comes from Clay himself or from another official source. I have no doubt that there are fans who have genuine contacts in the music business that might have legitimate information about Clay's new CD, but because of the bad experience with what was supposed to be "insider information" in 2006, I would have a very hard time believing much of it unless it has reliable support behind it. As always, other posters may disagree and feel differently about the situation.

Now enough of the boring history lesson. This CUTE guy and his talented TONGUE was just on my TV. :hubbahubba:


Tongue?? Look at those cheekbones!!!!!!!!

That was a good summary of the insider info brouhaha of 2006. I'm not believing anything until it comes from Clay or a press release from the label. Not going down that crazy road again in 2008. Nope.

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Good summary Bottle...I think the only thing that I would add is that we actually had different insider infos in different boards. In my old home board, someone that was pretty well respected was giving info that was so rosy that was soooo good that people can;t help but have really high expectations about the CD. I still don't know if that fan was being given false info or she was just reading so much into the information she was given, but it sure created a lot of disappointments in the end.

Then in other boards the insider info was going opposite...was giving the fans all kind of worrisome info about how Clay was reacting to the CD...some actually were asking the fans to take action and help Clay fight RCA...I thought that was the most insidious of all. That really divided a lot of the fandom. Nasty business....

So at this point I am really not worried about these inside infos...cos I am hoping that the fandom has learned our lesson. Take everything with a grain of salt...just because it fits in with what we want to happen does not mean we embrace the info....and always be suspicious of info that claims to know what Clay feels.Another thing that I think hurt the fandom...the secrecy...the back channels. Most of these infos were never fully discussed on the boards because it will get the informer in trouble...right...as soon as the person telling you the info can;t give sources ..do not take it seriously.

So right now I will treat this as a game....lets see how many inside info comes out and whether anything will actually be accurate.

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And don't forget much of the angst inducing stuff was texted directly from the man himself *snerk*

So right now I will treat this as a game....lets see how many inside info comes out and whether anything will actually be accurate

Interestingly enough I can't think of one thing from the insider infothon that actually panned out. Anyone?

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Clyra? Oh, I can't wait for a Scarlett report!!

Part of that report came from me, at least I was the one who told Invis that she was on Row M during the first half and got moved to Row C. Based on hearsay of course. Remember, I'm the one who once got an autograph and turned it around and around for 15 minutes before realizing it was by Kobe Bryant.

Oh, if no one mentioned it, right after the show, she and her 2 companions went straight backstage (from her seat in the audience). -->again hearsay. Sometime, it'll help if the eHP travels with me so that you can notice & report on famous people and what they do. *g*

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