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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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But the fandom, all the gossip and attention-seekers are getting me down today.

I love being blissfully ignorant when it comes to gossip and attention-seekers. I was once at their mercy before I got too busy in RL to check other boards and that happy situation led me to my latest mantra: Do Not Stray From FCA. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I think there's nothing I need to know that I don't find out being here ... the company is fabulous, and apparently I'm missing a lot of crappola! YAY!!!

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Nah, I don't think fans are moving on from Spamalot due to short attention spans. There are more fans this time that won't get to see this latest project of Clay's due to location, so they're just looking ahead to something that they will be able to participate in, too. It's not like he's touring with Spamalot, a trip to NYC is awfully expensive and ticket prices are higher than a normal concert, so it's more prohibitive for the average working-girl fan. Plus, there's not the free-flowing Clack to hold the average fan's interest on a show they can't see or hear for themselves. Stage-door video is fun for the first two times maybe, after that..meh.

We've always had our calendars and count-downs looking ahead to the next piece of Clay on the plate. As someone who won't be seeing Spamalot I'm just looking forward to the next project that I can enjoy firsthand, not discounting Spamalot at all.

That is sooooo sweet that Clay asked the crowd to stay and sing HB to Prince Herbert! :flirtysmile3: That's just so typical of the kind of generous spirit Clay displays on a regular basis. I bet the cast & crew just love him to bits! I have such a sweet boyfriend.

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Regarding fan behavior, fans asking cast members questions about Clay and stuff like that, is very poor judgment but doesn't bother me all that much because the sad fact is that some people have little or no judgment in real life and aren't going to develop it just because they're fans of Clay. I try to not condemn people who may make asses out of themselves without actually hurting anybody else. What gets to me are the supposed intelligent professional fans who meddle in Clay's business by contacting the record label and distributors and putting out press releases and interviewing people only tangentially associated with TC and then broadcasting opinions and rumors as if sourced and causing a hullabaloo on the boards. That sort of thing is harmful in a systemic way, and crosses the line for me.

Clay's the only one who could ever attempt to exercise control over the fanbase as a whole -- and I don't think he's interested in doing that. This fanbase is full of people of all ages, from all walks of life, with a myriad of personalities and behaviors -- there are fans that project, pretend and think it's a power contest, and there are fans who buy tickets and albums and merchandise, and never express an opinion. This really is a Clay Nation and I'm looking forward to the day when the Clay Nation truly extends around the world. There's something unifying, purposeful and joyous about being Clay's fan that papers over a lot of behavior that I don't find laudatory, but I try to let it be.

ITA KF...I don't worry anymore about the effect of individual fans on Clay or the fandom in general. I may find some actions OTT or strange and may raise my eyebrows, but I just deal find all of this fascinating and let people be. I do have the same problem as yours with fan experts that don;t limit their activities on the boards.

I am really not worried about any delays anymore. There will always be fans that will get stressed by this...but I think as a whole, this fandom has learend to temper our expectations.

YAY...starting next week we will have Clay on our TV every week!!!


I love the fact that Clay got the fans to sing to "Herbert". Its funny that I keep seeing people refer to him as a kid. I saw a link to his myspace and checked it out...the kid is as old as Clay...hee.

Ivy...don;t let them take your EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE's.

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Nah, I don't think fans are moving on from Spamalot due to short attention spans. There are more fans this time that won't get to see this latest project of Clay's due to location, so they're just looking ahead to something that they will be able to participate in, too. It's not like he's touring with Spamalot, a trip to NYC is awfully expensive and ticket prices are higher than a normal concert, so it's more prohibitive for the average working-girl fan. Plus, there's not the free-flowing Clack to hold the average fan's interest on a show they can't see or hear for themselves. Stage-door video is fun for the first two times maybe, after that..meh.

We've always had our calendars and count-downs looking ahead to the next piece of Clay on the plate. As someone who won't be seeing Spamalot I'm just looking forward to the next project that I can enjoy firsthand, not discounting Spamalot at all.

That is sooooo sweet that Clay asked the crowd to stay and sing HB to Prince Herbert! :flirtysmile3: That's just so typical of the kind of generous spirit Clay displays on a regular basis. I bet the cast & crew just love him to bits! I have such a sweet boyfriend.

Very good point. Without clack its hard to discuss the finer points of the show. Also...the reviews are not in yet...so nothing new to talk about. I really love the recaps and reports from the stage door.

Of course...I would also enjoy it if the people that have been to the show can discuss Clay's performance in more detail. like what parts were your faves and how y'all think he measures up to DHP's version.

Now that I know Clay is doing really well with Spamalot...I am more anxious about the CD. I hope we get some songs previewed or leaked.

The "no comment" answer on the tour...probably means he cannot discuss it right now since they don't know if there will be one or not. I think thta answer is better than a flat out...no tour ...

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I think a summer tour is something that he just isn't prepared to talk about at this time, perhaps because it's still uncertain. It could depend on a lot of different things, including a CD promotional schedule and/or other opportunities that we don't know about yet. I can't really blame a fan for asking about it (or the CD), but I can only hope that most won't take his "no comment" in the most apocalyptically pessimistic way (though I'm sure that's already happened for a few).

I am delighted that Clay seems to have developed a great relationship with his fellow castmates. Having the fans sing to "Herbert" was a lovely gesture, a great way to "share the love," so to speak. Was there video of this? It would be great to see.

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.. but I can only hope that most won't take his "no comment" in the most apocalyptically pessimistic way (though I'm sure that's already happened for a few).

I always take "no comment" from anyone as an avoidance of a question because .... there's something to it. It's in the air. A no is a no, but a "no comment" says to me ... "we're not ready to discuss it -- don't jump the gun." That's good enough for me.

BTW, when was Clay asked this question about a tour? At the stagedoor?

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But the fandom, all the gossip and attention-seekers are getting me down today.

I love being blissfully ignorant when it comes to gossip and attention-seekers. I was once at their mercy before I got too busy in RL to check other boards and that happy situation led me to my latest mantra: Do Not Stray From FCA. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I think there's nothing I need to know that I don't find out being here ... the company is fabulous, and apparently I'm missing a lot of crappola! YAY!!!

keepingfaith... you have the perfect solution, plus you rhyme... :cryingwlaughter: Yes, that question was asked at the stagedoor.

Nah, I don't think fans are moving on from Spamalot due to short attention spans. There are more fans this time that won't get to see this latest project of Clay's due to location, so they're just looking ahead to something that they will be able to participate in, too. It's not like he's touring with Spamalot, a trip to NYC is awfully expensive and ticket prices are higher than a normal concert, so it's more prohibitive for the average working-girl fan. Plus, there's not the free-flowing Clack to hold the average fan's interest on a show they can't see or hear for themselves. Stage-door video is fun for the first two times maybe, after that..meh.

We've always had our calendars and count-downs looking ahead to the next piece of Clay on the plate. As someone who won't be seeing Spamalot I'm just looking forward to the next project that I can enjoy firsthand, not discounting Spamalot at all.

That is sooooo sweet that Clay asked the crowd to stay and sing HB to Prince Herbert! :flirtysmile3: That's just so typical of the kind of generous spirit Clay displays on a regular basis. I bet the cast & crew just love him to bits! I have such a sweet boyfriend.

Bookwhore... WORD every word! You are totally right! I do hope we have video of the HB singing. That would be cool... and thru his myspace, we could share it with Herbert (Tom something, isn't it) and impress him even more with how wonderful Clayfans are.

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Well, that was good timing! The Best of Houston series has just been vaulted this morning. Here is the ClackUnlimited link, although it's also in the CH and CV vaults at the same path.



Yaaaaaayyyy :dancingbanana: Now as luckiest1 said last night, we are working on Canandaigua (see I spelled it right) but next is Kalamazoo from the CITHL. Anyone who has clack from that venue and hasn't posted it, we would love to have it. As I keep saying you never know when you are the only one that got that few seconds that give us a priceless memory. So :praying: let us at it.

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I always take "no comment" from anyone as an avoidance of a question because .... there's something to it. It's in the air. A no is a no, but a "no comment" says to me ... "we're not ready to discuss it -- don't jump the gun." That's good enough for me.

Honestly....in the time I've spent in this fandom....I've learned to not ALWAYS take a "no comment" anymore as avoidance. There have been times where Clay has basically said "no comment" (not exactly in those words) where I felt he was saying "none of your damn business." IMO, it really goes on a case by case basis, but also IMO, I'll go with Jenna -- there are no details set, so he really doesn't know much yet, or can't discuss it.

Love the singing to Prince Herbert story at the stage door.

I'd write more, but I've got to run -- Sam's Club is calling me.

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I'm enjoying the discussion this morning! For the most part, I try to ignore OTT or meddling fans. There are people like that in all walks of life, and I'd rather just enjoy my life than let them get me down. Besides, there's so much great stuff going on with Clay right now to celebrate!

Like this review from llbun at CV:

I am finally getting back to semi normal after an amazing time in NYC. I had the pleasure of seeing Clay in Spamalot 7 times and with each performance he just got more and more comfortable in all his roles. He rocked every single one of them but I had no doubt that he would. His portrayal of 5 very unique characters was thrilling to behold.

The Migrating coconuts was delivered in a very believable banter first with King Arthur and then the other tower guard.

The bring out your dead scene was hillarious with Clay and Rick (Sir Lancelot) and Tom (not dead Fred).

As Sir Robin I was very enthralled by his chorus line like song and dance during All For One. (Thanks to Rainlover I now know the rest of what he sang in the solo during this song). You Won't Succeed on Broadway showed his total commitment to this character and did another wonderful job. The scenes where he got scared were also hillarious.

As the drunk or goofy guard in the rescuing of Herbert I laughed and laughed. Along with Chris (Herbert's Father), David (the other drunk guard), and Tom (Herbert), I thought it was one of the funniest scenes in the play.

Brother Maynard was also played to perfection.

Clay Aiken showed such versatility in this production that I have no concerns about reviews from critics. I know I'm just a fan but good is good, no matter who says it. The man is truly a superstar. We are now seeing a very new and different Clay Aiken and I believe he will continue to show new sides to his talent with each passing year. I was slightly nervous for him at first but as usual it was all for naught as he is uber talented.

And I love this fangirly enthusiasm from linluvsclay at the CB:

I'm sitting here with a huge grin on my face. I live on Long Island, and one of the commercials during tonight's Rewind was the promo for Spamalot! How fabulous to see him being touted as an international superstar while the judges were being their usual selves!! It was a neat moment of the past meeting the present--just awesome!! I hope they show that commercial each week so that those who are unaware of Clay's phenomenal success can see it for themselves right on their televisions! Go Clay and go Spamalot!!
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My granddaughter and I were at the Houston DCAT so I'm loving all the new clack. I've always felt that particular performance was almost a "dress rehearsal" for the rest of the tour. Not in the arrangements or vocals, but in the choreography (such as it is) and in Clay's banter. To my eyes, he is trying out things, not sure where he or the girls are going to be or how they are going to interact. Later concerts were more similar to each other. Boy, the lighting was terrible there!

It's also interesting that "the lies, you were the truth" line hadn't become the roar out line in BYLM yet. Roar outs are scattered at various lines. I wonder when "lies-truth" became the line.

I find it fascinating to watch the twists and turns that both performance and banter take. I understand the lack of clack from Spamalot, but I miss being able to see the performance grow and change. Personally, I know it's wrong, but I'm hoping that there will be at least one video, maybe the last night, so we can relive Clay's first Broadway show when we are sitting in the CA Old Age Home.

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Good morning! (Phew, just in time...)

(start whine...)Better morning today; yesterday I got up at the crack of dawn for me on a weekend (7:45 AM) to get ready for the delivery of a new bed from The Brick. When they came, they first of all absolutely refused to move my old one downstairs as I had been promised they would~then couldn't get the new box spring up the stairs to the bedroom. They were SOME pissed when I made them take the whole thing away! I'm not sure what they thought I was going to do with a queen size mattress only, standing in my bedroom!

But they found out when I told them exactly where they could move it to for me!

Now, of course, I have a queen size, quite expensive mattress pad that I was told to wash several times before using...and now of course can't return, because...duh...I washed it several times.

Now I know how they make THEIR money.

Advice to Canadians~don't deal with The Brick. (end whine...)

Oh, after Clay was done , he told everyone to stay and sing "Happy Birthday" to the kid who played Herbert. "I"ll go get him"" said Clay. When they came back out , we all sang HB and this kid almost cried. We were such good little fans. And that kid was amazing.


God, this just KILLS me! It's sooooooo Clay AND soooooooo us! I mean, really. Maybe this synergy we have between us---between Clay and his fans---is replicated with other celebrities, but I'm just completely new to this whole thing. He can ask us things...can direct us and we're there. And he KNOWS we will be. There's never doubt on either side, is there?

He KNOWS who we are. The bad with the good, but he depends on the good.

So true! I absolutely love the relationship we've developed with Clay over the years. Again, having never been a fan of anyone else, I have no idea if this happens in all fandoms. Perhaps so.

But it makes me continuously schmoopie when I hear him asked about us in interviews and he fairly quickly evades the question, or amends the description used, or gives those there a quick grin a la Mike and Juliet...without really getting into it. Because when he does that, it reminds me of the way he discusses friends with others; ie, he really doesn't. He's not rude when asked~but the discussion is pretty quickly shut down.

But when he's NOT being interviewed...on the OFC, or in M&G sessions...he is open and friendly and communicates with us as I believe he DOES with his friends~with honesty, openness and trust.

It's one of the things I love most about him.

I didn't see this brought over here....blog of the new Miss America, who is from Michegan:

Miss Michigan blog

Partial text:

Later that day, Terri Dooge, my traveling companion, and I had a very interesting experience at the Berkley parade. So it is 4:50 pm, we are sitting in the, at this point, warm, closed-top convertible, chatting about Clay Aiken (who else?), waiting for the parade to commence. The parade in front of us starts to move, and so we launch into gear, and the driver presses the button to put the top down so that I can sit atop the backseat. Natural, normal, parade procedure. However... This brand new, I think it was a Pontiac, convertible will NOT maneuver the top down in less than 32 degree weather. Uh oh.
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Of course...I would also enjoy it if the people that have been to the show can discuss Clay's performance in more detail. like what parts were your faves and how y'all think he measures up to DHP's version.

OK. I wasn't going to post a recap because I don't think I have anything to say that hasn't already been said, but I'll give it a go.

I was at the matinee yesterday with a couple of friends who are also Clay fans. So fun. The show was the kind funny that makes you cry with laughter, and I think I cried all of my eye makeup off by Intermission. Clay was beyond wonderful, so fun to watch. We went to the box offcie and bought tickets for closing ngiht, so I guess that about sums it up.

Here are a few favorites:

Favorite scene:

There are so many, but two come to mind quickly:

-The first time Sir Robin soiled himself. I am still laughing.

-The Brother Maynard scene - Clay's portrayal was hysterical. Those lines must have been difficult to learn, but he delivered them quickly, crisply, and with just the right expression. It was pee your pants funny.

He was great in his big number, of course, but I expected that.

Favorite lines

The entire 'swallow/coconut' exchange

Favorite facial expression

Clay's facial expressions were priceless, but my favorites were the multiple facial expression changes during Brave Sir Robin. He communicated so much without saying or singing a word.

Clay's dancing

I thought Clay did really well with the dancing. He seemed natural and comfortable. Good for him! I loved watching him dance.

Clay's portrayal of Sir Robin

Other than Sir Robin's big number, I didn't watch any clips of the show with DHP in the part, so I didn't know what to expect from the character. Clay plays him in a very endearing way, IMO. You like Sir Robin. He is the most appealing knight to me, and not just because Clay played him.

Non-Clay favorites

Herbert - hysterical - what a talented kid!


The Laker Girls

Sir Gallahad was excellent, too. I mean Sir Dennis Gallahad.

They were all good, really. It's a wonderful ensemble cast, and Clay fit in really well.

The stage door

We went to the stage door after the show. We didn't get that close to the barrier, maybe 3 people back. One of my friends got her playbill signed! I'm not sure she'll ever be quite the same again. I didn't try because I wanted to stand back a bit and watch. I followed Clay around the line, could see him really well, and could hear his voice at times. I loved that! He looked great in his long camel coat and jeans. The tousled hair is a good look for him.


During Intermission I talked a bit to the guy sitting next to me. I just said the show was great, wasn't it, and he jumped right in. He liked it quite a lot even though he was only there becoss Wicked was sold out. He lives in NYC and goes to a lot of shows. I didn't mention Clay, he did. He said, and this is close to a direct quote, 'I like Clay Aiken and all, and he has a great voice, but there are a lot of great voices up there. The cheering for everything he does is a little too much.' I commented that Clay fans just do that. It's not really voluntary, and he nodded. None in my group cheered for Clay other than at the end of his numbers, but there was some cheering at atypical times. Not a lot though. I barely noticed it. And really, I don't think they can help it. Didn't bother me at all. Just not something that comes naturally to me.

It was all good. :clap:

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Heh, as a Clay Aiken fan, I believe it is my jhob to weigh in with an opinion based on no facts what so ever. So here is my Starr opinion on the diverse remarks about the hosts. Perhapsthere is time defined in thier contract for chatter in the beginning, and so much time for contests and so much time for guests and so much time for music. Perhaps Regis was willing to reduce some talk time to allow Ringo some extra music time and Kelly was not.

On to something different - so Clay said No comment - why is that controversial? Was he attatched to a lie detector or something?

No clack - I have always believed that clack encouraged attendence to shows, It certainly did with me. A quick glance around the boards and it seems to be quite the opposite with this show, I think more people are taking on the expense because they can't see it otherwise - shows what I know. People who swore they would not go are now packing and traveling.

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:clap:Duckyvee gives good recap!

I think a discussion on this: "'I like Clay Aiken and all, and he has a great voice, but there are a lot of great voices up there. The cheering for everything he does is a little too much." would be interesting. Not because I'm wanting to stir up a bunch of shit, but because, as I was telling ducky earlier, I hadn't really thought about how our 'enthusiasm' for everything clay does could be annoying to other theater-goers. We're accustomed to concerts where everyone is a Clay fan and screaming is the norm. But in this theater setting, where there might actually be people who are fans of the other performers, or just people wanting to see the show, not fans of anyone in particular, mightn't it be distracting to hear people cheering everytime Clay moves his little toe? I'm not referring to well-deserved appreciation, such as at the end of a big scene or a big number, but in places, for instance, when he flips up his tunic before sitting down at the piano bench.

And does our extreme enthusiasm make people sit up and take notice of Clay, make them think "Hey, there must be something to this guy?" or does it cause people to want to put a lot of distance between themselves and us and the object of our affection?

Just topics for discussion.....

ETA: Play, I agree with you. I hadn't planned on going to Spamalot, then I started hearing all the wonderful recaps and really thought I MUST GO!! But, if the $$ ain't there, it ain't there. :cry4:

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Awww duckyvee...thanks for your comments. It makes me so happy that he is doing the part so well.

I probably saw the dl of this show so many times and listened to the cast recording. I really think it is an excellent show so I am happy to see that he is a great addition to the cast.

I do think well known cast members tend to get a bit more attention. In the Dl DHP and hank Azaria get big applause when they first came out. I also think that DHP's rather stoic portrayal of Sir Robin works because the audience is familiar with his Niles character in Frasier...

I do love Christopher Sieber's work...I believe he also is in the dls from you tube. He is great at portraying all his characters.

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Now that I've seen Clay in the role, I think I'll check out the clips of DHP. I just wanted it to be fresh the first time I saw it, and since I didn't have to wait too long, it wasn't too hard.

I'm fortunate to live close enough to NY to be able to go a few times with minimal travel costs. I wish everyone could go.

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:clap:Duckyvee gives good recap!

I think a discussion on this: "'I like Clay Aiken and all, and he has a great voice, but there are a lot of great voices up there. The cheering for everything he does is a little too much." would be interesting. Not because I'm wanting to stir up a bunch of shit, but because, as I was telling ducky earlier, I hadn't really thought about how our 'enthusiasm' for everything clay does could be annoying to other theater-goers. We're accustomed to concerts where everyone is a Clay fan and screaming is the norm. But in this theater setting, where there might actually be people who are fans of the other performers, or just people wanting to see the show, not fans of anyone in particular, mightn't it be distracting to hear people cheering everytime Clay moves his little toe? I'm not referring to well-deserved appreciation, such as at the end of a big scene or a big number, but in places, for instance, when he flips up his tunic before sitting down at the piano bench.

And does our extreme enthusiasm make people sit up and take notice of Clay, make them think "Hey, there must be something to this guy?" or does it cause people to want to put a lot of distance between themselves and us and the object of our affection?

Just topics for discussion.....

ETA: Play, I agree with you. I hadn't planned on going to Spamalot, then I started hearing all the wonderful recaps and really thought I MUST GO!! But, if the $$ ain't there, it ain't there. :cry4:

I had pretty much decided not to post about Spamalot and Clay, etc - mostly because it does sting to be informed that your posts are discounted or scrolled simply because you are a 'fangirl' and therefore, not objective. Warning: I am a fangirl. Begin scrolling now.

But I do feel like I want to respond to this. Having been part of the audience five times, I have to say that yes, Clay gets some more reaction for his dancing/singing - but NOT to the detriment of anybody else on the stage or in the audience. There was huge applause and appreciation for every scene, especially the individual 'big numbers'. So what if some people appreciate Clay more than others? I also noticed more 'appreciation' for Sir Dennis than say, Sir Bedevere also. It's subjective. There is one point where Sir Dennis flounces his hair - many giggles and screams. Another part where Lancelot thrusts his spangled crotch at us. MANY giggles and screams. So when Clay flips up his tunic and we react? Part of the deal.

In my opinion the entire cast was energized by the audience reaction, not distracted by it. ETA: this is the kind of show where people are, dare I say, expected to react like this - it's not Shakespeare, it's broad, in your face comedy. As for the 'other peoples' reactions to it - as I posted elsewhere, the best compliment I heard, and I heard it more than a few times was people asking 'which one was Clay'?

And I wouldn't begin to compare his performance to David Hyde Pierce's. They are two distinct things. Clay isn't playing David Hyde Pierce playing Sir Robin, he is the character, just as David is. And comparing what you see live, to what we've seen of David on youtube is not fair criteria either. For me though *fangirl alert*, Clay IS Sir Robin - he is completely, 100% believable in it. The desire to sing and entertain. And maybe even moreso the guard in scene one - his snarky, not-going-to-get-by-with-anything-dumb banter with the King is priceless. And sooooo Clay!

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Well DHP and Clay are playing the same character so there is a point of comparison.

I am not saying that one has to be better than the other. I like the way KAndre compared it as two different interpretations. Which is fine. Some people will like the more innocent version of Clay's and others may like the more reserved treatment of DHP. Like I have seen two versions of Eponine on Les Mis and I have no problem comparing the two.

For example...Bottle said she liked the touring company's Lancelot than Hank Azaria...I am not really surprised cos I was underwhelmed by his portrayal too.

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Thanks for your review Cindilu2. I hope you haven't been made to feel here like your review wasn't wanted. I've beenw waiting for it. 3 months and counting for me.

I agree that the appreciation by his fans is part and parcel of having Clay. I do understand why it would be puzzling. I think Clay fans respond to things that are Clay, not necessarily Sir Robin if that makes any sense. like just him saying a dirty word or dancing maybe? It's like they are left out of a joke.

Thanks for sharing!!

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Thank you for the recaps, duckyvee and cindilu! It's so good to hear first-hand reviews.

And I never mind fangirliness. Of course, that might be because I tend to be a bit fangirly myself. I don't love everything Clay does, but I love most of what he does, and don't mind being fangirly about it!

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On to something different - so Clay said No comment - why is that controversial? Was he attatched to a lie detector or something?

Hee. And Amen.

Begin scrolling now

Nah. I love the fangirly. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks for sharing!!

Amen! I appreciate any and all recaps.

I'm so happy for our mutual friend ducky! I'm so glad she got to see this with you guys and have her playbill signed.

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Would someone please tell me what is the protocol for bringing recaps from OFC here?

There one from yesterday from BichonLover which I really enjoyed reading and would like to share.

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