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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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59 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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Has the ClayNation forgotten the word "fan" comes from "fanatic"....

zena, are you sure?

I thought it came from 'fan fiction'.... :whistling-1:


zena checks her Websters.....

Let's see now, fan....

fan belt,





fantasy,(that pretty darn close to fanfiction, muskifest, so I'll give you thumbs up)


belt, cy, dango, g, fant, asstic..... :P the phonetic verbalizations here are verrry interesting...

but as someone wiser than me just said,

"Well! *I* never swear or make crude jokes or rude gestures." hey cindulu2

hee.... I hafta get out of this damn darn snowbank soon. Help!!!! :snowing2:

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Baker Street

oooh, kf, memories! Loved the saxophone intro to that song!

I think the play's a hoot and a half--I think the bathroom humor and the 'foul' language (would that be fowl language if Sir Robin says it?) is just part of the whole thing, so if people are offended by that kind of stuff and they KNOW it's a big element in the play and they STILL go, then they really don't have the right to bitch.. That's just my opinion.

Grin and bear it or don't go. Or wait until there's a dvd and then edit out all the offensive parts for your personal viewing pleasure!

And I'm really perplexed by those who are aghast at Clay saying shit, shitty, bum, tit, bastard.

Good grief. Do people REALLY believe that he doesn't say this stuff in his REAL life? :rolleyes: I WOULD be surprised if Clay said something like "m-f*cker" or some of the cruder synonyms for certain body parts, but not those relatively tame words listed above...

And yeah, Couchie---I ride the bus, too, and it's too bizarre and disturbing what the younguns say---every other word is fuck and yep---everybody's a 'nigga'....WTF?

I'm pooped. Long day at this conference. Still have a reception to be civil during. Then I'm hibernating in my room and downloading all the mp4s I can possibly get on my computer over this maddeningly sl---ooooo----wwwwww (tm CHA) internet connection in the hotel.

if I can stay awake....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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From what I've heard, I'll probably be laughing at so much of this play while turning beet red at the same time, especially since I had to go back to the DHP version of Spamalot to check out the French guards. Oh dear. Heh. Having said that, my husband claims that I cuss a LOT more since I started posting on the Clay Aiken message boards. Heck if I know why that has happened. :whistling-1:

muski, I think Clay THINKS many of those words, but I do believe he's pretty conscientious about not saying them all that often. I'm not saying he's perfect with this, and I think something slips out from time to time. *g* (Take that any way you want to....)

Any word on the Bubel-Aiken badge and how it did?

Finally....we're close to the point of starting a new thread, and we need some thread titles!! I just did my search for suggestions, and came up with 4! Hee. Well, maybe that will be an easy choice then, instead of the twenty that we usually have! Hee.

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What a nice surprise awaited me at the mailbox today. The pins arrived and very nice they are.

Thank you cindilu2 and CouchTomato

I thought the Sarah Silverman video with Mat Damien was a hoot. I would assume that the bleeped version on YouTube was the same as the broasdcast one.

ETA I d/l'd the stage door video from last night of Clay shaking his hair loose....mmmmm....now wouldn't it be nice to run your finger thru his hair and fluff it up?

Lotus slips off into fantasy land.

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French taunters? People are offended by the French taunters?????

I'll take farts, asses, and obscenities over violence any day of the year.

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I think that a drop from the first week is normal and probably expected since so many people like to go to openings. This is a very slow time of year and the reviews haven't come out yet. I doubt that he's worried and thinks the Claymates will come in droves if he asks--we're already going in droves, and the crowd gets bigger as the weather gets better. This isn't the time when a lot of people like to travel--me included. I'm going in March.

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Wanda, I'm not worried.

I'm going in March, too.

It just sounded like he might be a little concerned.

This is so new to him. Even if people are reassuring him that this is the norm for Jan., I can see where he might still be a bit worried.

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Why would he be worried? Sure, they reported the week was 'down' 19% from the first week (perfectly normal, I'd say) but that first week was mostly sold out. So 81% still sounds pretty dang good to me for a show that was on the decline, and in a market that's slower all over.

I don't have a single doubt that Clay and TPTB are quite pleased with things.

(I know somebody will be along to correct me - sure the show wasn't sold out every night the first week, but it was over the weekend and pretty full through the week as well. It's still good). I think it's hilarious (and reassuring) that he's relaxed enough in his role and his 'place' to stop by and snark on the message board. Not directed at you Cotton, but it always amazes/amuses me, the feelings that get projected onto Clay from a few typed words.

It's all good.

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the feelings that get projected onto Clay from a few typed words.

Yeah. I'm not sure how those few typed words translate into him "sounding" worried or concerned since I can't "read" a tone of voice. But then I gave up worry in my own life 5 years ago and have never looked back. So maybe I just don't know the code words for worry *g*

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French taunters? People are offended by the French taunters?????

I'll take farts, asses, and obscenities over violence any day of the year.

But wanda, they viciously smash poor Patsy with a COW!!!

OMG, I've become completely desensitized to violence. I just shrugged off death by cow.

I'm so ashamed.

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OMG, I've become completely desensitized to violence. I just shrugged off death by cow.

I'm so ashamed.


wandacleo, i'm looking for a new therapist.

I'm perfectly willing to take the chance that you might just kill me with your scintillating wit in the process.

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