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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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For myself, I understand the ferretting, it is kinda fun. The only reason I don't like it is because inevitably some folks will decide they hatesssss the CD, the songs, the producer, Jaymes, Clive, Faye, Ray, Clay's direction, ad nauseum, based on snippets and googling and comparison with what they THINK Clay should be doing, and then spend months peeing in Cheerios about how awful the cd will be and how they will NOT be buying it. Blargh.

O/T, I think if advertisers are going to make a weirdly grotesque commercial about a cheerful chocolate chip cookie who wakes up to a beautiful morning and then.....gets grabbed up, presumably to be EATEN.....they should go all the way and include heart-rending crumbly cookie screams. Maybe show some crumbly cookie bits falling to the ground. As the cheery cookie is dismembered and mashed to bits.

Also, it is VERY CREEPY to see Orville Redenbacher still shilling popcorn. He died in 1995. Maybe he still owed the IRS money, and has to work in the hereafter, too. All in all, v. strange.

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I did post how Holly has access to my mail. I live in a 70 year old house and it is old enough that there is a mail slot inthe door and my mail comes into the hall way, that is if Holly doesn't pull it through the door and attempt to kill it. I think it cracks us pthe mail man. Most of my neighbors have replaiced their slots with mail boxes, but really, how can you go on vacation on the spur of the moment and not worry about your mail. I love having the slot, despite the fact that most people have tried to talk me into getting a mail box so I have fewer drafts in the house in winter. Bah humbug, I just bought a better storm door and still make the mail man walk up the stairs..

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Okay...so the guy's name is ... Kipper? That's it? Just Kipper? One word name like Madonna & Cher? Or is there more to it like Kipper Jones or Jonas Kipper? Isn't a kipper a fish?

Could I BE more of BRAT???? :clay:


{{{Clay}}} {{{Fans who traveled to see him}}}

Everyone gets sick. That's the way the ball bounces and the cookie crumbles and why the show must go on. I guess that's why I chose to make a Mother/Daughter event out of my trip to NYC in April. I just couldn't rationalize going only to see Clay in Spamalot and why it's not the only thing we are planning to do while there.


djs :cryingwlaughter:

You know what I find puzzling? Cartoon animals who wear shirts and no pants. Think about it.

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Perusing the internet looking for stuff is one thing, but this kind of thing pisses me off:

QUOTE(dancermom2 @ Feb 27 2008, 01:05 AM)

From the CH:


Austinclaymate at OFC has contacted Greg Critchley and he has confirmed that one of his songs will be on Clay's CD. It's not Forget I Ever Knew You.

bows to the CH sleuths


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I think there's room in the fandom for those who want to ferret out every piece of information and those who don't. It's easy enough to scroll.

Different strokes, you know. One way's not necessarily better than another.

I love the song lyrics, by the way, and Kipper looks good to me. I expect that if Clay REALLY wanted to keep him hidden, we wouldn't know a thing. It's almost March, so I think we'll be getting more and more "leaks." That's the way it works in the music business--how they build interest.

I'm so excited.

I'm all for 'leaks' - when they come from Clay (or TeamClay). I understand that it's part of building interest. I just don't care for the ferreting out of information (that more than once has turned out not to be true, and caused unnecessary angst). He might 'know' that we're going to do it - but that doesn't neccessarily mean that he likes it. I'd bet there are more than a few people who are hounding stalking contacting venues right now, trying to find out if he's booked there in the summer. It's just not my cuppa - it's okay to say that, right?

And as I'm posting - I see aikim's post above me. That's ma point. [tmTower Guard]

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The touring company of "The Lion King" is in town doing a six week run. One of the local television stations (which just happens to be owned by Disney - funny how that worked out :whistling-1: ) did a half an hour behind the scenes piece on the production before it opened this weekend. One of the things an actor talked about was how sickness can run through the cast and company - I think she even mentioned an illness that put people in the hospital. So it happens.

(((((Clay and cast)))))

On another topic - Guys' Night on AI - Jason (Dreadlocks) Castro - how cute and muppetlike is he? Not CUTE cute, but cute cute.

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I know it's fan nature. And I'm NOT telling anyone what to post. But I wish we could let Clay unfold his 'secrets' the way he chooses to. Digging up the songs? Meh.

I won't bother bringing over the information about the Producer that was dug up...I guess you all can find out yourself. I don't like the digging either, but I don't think you can stop the fans who want to know and I do think it is pretty funny that Producer turns out to be someone the fans didn't think of.


Please keep bringing the info. Some of us don't get out much. I am interested in knowing the producer and his work and whatever.... so what is this song...by somebody else... a cover? :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Yeah I do think the emailing of people and trying to get "in" goes too far..

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I'm all for 'leaks' - when they come from Clay (or TeamClay). I understand that it's part of building interest. I just don't care for the ferreting out of information (that more than once has turned out not to be true, and caused unnecessary angst). He might 'know' that we're going to do it - but that doesn't neccessarily mean that he likes it. I'd bet there are more than a few people who are hounding stalking contacting venues right now, trying to find out if he's booked there in the summer. It's just not my cuppa - it's okay to say that, right?

I don't see anything wrong in trying to figure out who a person in a clip is but contacting people to ferret out information...wrong!

Clay knew what was being filmed and he so knows us! If he had not have wanted the guys pic out there it would not have been.

He and Linda Loveland seem to have a special sort of relationship about his coverage and he seems to let her have little tidbits first!

Here couchie for you only *g*

From CH:

Faith has conquered fear"...

See lyrics and hear "On My Way Here" (written by Ryan Tedder) here :


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*Gibby coughs and hacks her way into FCA*

Yuck, I got the crud that's going around! I'm laying here in bed with my laptop, catching up on what's been happenin' in the Clay world.

I'm still finding old Cd's I had stashed away, to rip into my iTunes. Heh, it's 80 gb, I'm never going to fill it up! But it's fun trying. I'm over 3400 songs now, plus I've got all the AI2 videos on it, some favourite montages, the David Foster Gala stuff (my favourite!) and whatever misc mp4's I could find in the vaults. Next up - video from at least one venue from each Clay concert tour. Maybe that will inspire me to get back to the gym at some point this week. Will be cool to watch while I'm walking on that treadmill.....

IMO, this is the only way to workout. If I'm getting tired, I motivate myself to keep going until I finish watching a Clay song, and then another one comes on, and I have to keep working out until that one's done, and so on and so on. I find that it's very effective!

EEEEEEE about the new WRAL clips! I think Clay very deliberately let the Producer be flimed, knowing good and well that we'd figure it out. I'm so looking forward to tomorrow's WRAL clip, because of the 'secret' Clay's going to tell us about his music!

And I'm going on record now to say that the demo guy's voice does nothing for me. But I suspect Clay Aiken is going to melt my heart all over again.

I agree - the demo voice is pretty bland. But Clay will KILL on this song. Yup, I think he's going to melt us with it. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! New Clay music.

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Things like people going above and beyond - contacting songwriters, distributers, etc - bug me. Although I personally don't like to ferret out information on the internet (producers' names, songwriters, etc) I understand that others find it fun. I will read it if I come across it, but I don't seek it out. As soon as the first reports came in about Jaymes sitting with the British guy in the audience at Spamalot the other day, I knew "we" would figure out who the producer was before Clay told us. I am actually surprised it took until today's WRAL footage for it to happen. But it does look like we are going to get some serious album info tomorrow, so it's all good. It's so exciting! It's really happening already! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I feel really, really bad for anyone who had tickets for tonight's show, but I don't think I'd be asking for a refund if I was in that situation. In fact, I know I wouldn't. I have non-refundable plane tickets to NYC, and will only be there for 2 nights, so I'll be seeing the show twice, regardless. My son wouldn't have it any other way (because, as he keeps reminding me, he isn't going to see it because of Clay, he's going to see it because it's Monty Python). LOL.

My fingers are crossed that Clay and the rest of the cast who are under the weather will get well soon!

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((((((CLay, Tom, Matthew and the rest of the cast...that must be tough))))))

I gotta agree...when people google and use the search function to find Clay info...I say its cool. Calling people...not too sure about that.

Not loving the song...hoping that clay;s vocals and a better production will change my mind.

The lyrics are interesting though...

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Ok the girl that found out about the writer sent him a message on his myspace page and he responded. Now supposedly Ryan Tedder has not recorded the song. It is just a demo on his site.

This post brought to you with a caveat....I am just readin' stuff out there!

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Don't all songs (that are written by others) have demos? Doesn't make them covers. Lordy - I can see the handwringing starting already. (not here)

My problem with the ferreting of this song for example - people are now already judging it without ever hearing Clay sing it.

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Thing is, I like surprises...and I am just hoping there are still some surprises left on May 6th when I have that CD in my hot little hands, but I am not counting on it and that kind of makes me sad. I guess the only way to avoid knowing anything is to stay off the boards completely and I just don't have that kind of willpower.


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My problem with the ferreting of this song for example - people are now already judging it without ever hearing Clay sing it.

Unfortunately It wouldn't be the Claynation without it!

I guess its also up to the individual fan. Most of the time...like the kipper site and the demo link...it is up to every individual to click on those links...

aikim...I understand wanting to get surprised on May 6...I am just bad at spoiler.

Cindi...I have to agree...cos now, having heard it...I have a bias to it before hearing Clay;s version. I am keeping my mind open though

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((((poor son-of-a-bitch who has to understudy him)))))

Took the words right out of my mouth!

Possibly the song that Clay is singing...the lyrics so fit him and his theme:

(Posted By Katymom)

Is this what he's singing??

On My Way Here by Ryan Tedder

I turn my first step

on the black and white kitchen floor

I sometimes wonder if that house

is even there, anymore

I had my first glimpse of love

when I was 5

I watched two people split apart

but still the three of us survived

I’ve seen the best

I’ve seen the worse

I wouldn’t change what I’ve been through

I’ve touched the sky

I’ve hit the wall

but I did what I had to ohhhh


on my way here

where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

and have to walk to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

but I’ve been loved

and in the end it all works out

faith has conquered fear...

On my way here. Oh yea yeaaa

My address has changed

almost every year

I found that standing still

can quickly make a lifetime disappear

I rather try to fail a thousand times denied

and this will never you thinking


No guarantees but I believed

that I would find

an open door

an open light

to lead me to the other side

I guess that is why

on my way here where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

and have to walk to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

but ‘ve been loved

and in the end it all works out

faith has conquered fear

on my way here...

Ah ha! He is doing another cover album!!! Clive DID kidnap one of the pups and is holding him/her hostage!

I know it's fan nature. And I'm NOT telling anyone what to post. But I wish we could let Clay unfold his 'secrets' the way he chooses to. Digging up the songs? Meh.

Except, he chose to sing that song with a film crew present knowing it would be broadcast and, I suspect, knowing the sleuthing nature of his fans. So my guess is he is unfolding his secrets his way.

laughn, thanks for clarifying....

Heh. I don't normally do this, but I couldn't resist because I saw Sting's name....


Sting? One of my other boyfriends? Cool!

For some reason....I'm imagining this scenario right now...

Clay, in his apartment in NYC. Dressed in a bathrobe (not going to say what is underneath the robe *g*). Chicken soup at his side, as well as cough drops and some antibiotic. Sitting at his Mac. Reading the boards. Laughing uncontrollably at how quickly his fans figured out both the song and the producer. Coughing fit from the laughter. And then he goes to bed and sleeps.


Perusing the internet looking for stuff is one thing, but this kind of thing pisses me off:

QUOTE(dancermom2 @ Feb 27 2008, 01:05 AM)

From the CH:


Austinclaymate at OFC has contacted Greg Critchley and he has confirmed that one of his songs will be on Clay's CD. It's not Forget I Ever Knew You.

bows to the CH sleuths


I agree with you. Its one thing to do some sleuthing and another to contact people for information. That to me crosses the line.

Please keep bringing the info. Some of us don't get out much. I am interested in knowing the producer and his work and whatever.... so what is this song...by somebody else... a cover? :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Yeah I do think the emailing of people and trying to get "in" goes too far..

I totally agree. I'm lazy and need someone to feed me the information! Hey, maybe we could have an album spoiler thread so those who don't want to know anything don't have to. I love spoilers personally. Bring it on!

Thing is, I like surprises...and I am just hoping there are still some surprises left on May 6th when I have that CD in my hot little hands, but I am not counting on it and that kind of makes me sad. I guess the only way to avoid knowing anything is to stay off the boards completely and I just don't have that kind of willpower.


They'll be surprises. Plenty of them. First, remember, not every song recorded makes the CD. Secondly, no way will every song leak. I am convinced Clay will let as much leak as he wants to leak.

I do hope he doesn't have that flat blond hair for the album photo shoot! (Just a reminder that at heart I am basically shallow!)

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My problem with the ferreting of this song for example - people are now already judging it without ever hearing Clay sing it.

Unfortunately It wouldn't be the Claynation without it!

I guess its also up to the individual fan. Most of the time...like the kipper site and the demo link...it is up to every individual to click on those links...

aikim...I understand wanting to get surprised on May 6...I am just bad at spoiler.

Cindi...I have to agree...cos now, having heard it...I have a bias to it before hearing Clay;s version. I am keeping my mind open though

And that is exactly my point - not fair to Clay.

For the record, I didn't click the links - unfortunately I read too fast to have missed the lyrics. *g*

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People are trying to get their money back? Really????

Oh dear.

This makes me sad. I hope the rest of the cast doesn't hear of that. I understand that most (I said most, not all) Clay fans are going to this show just to see him, and for many it will be their only show, but asking for a refund because Clay isn't there is just sad, IMO.

People that I work with that have had this bug that's going around have been off sick for 3 - 5 days, really, really sick. I sure hope Clay doesn't have the bad version.


{{people who will be missing him tonight}}

{{{{{{{{poor understudy who has to try to fill Clay's shoes tonight}}}}}}}

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I think it's going to be pretty damn hard to remain unspoilered until May because people are going to be talking about what they see and hear. I think the only way to achieve that would be to take a two-month break from the boards! Honestly! I'm hoping for an early release of a single and LOTS of preliminary information. I just have a really positive feeling about this!

One of my friends had a friend at the Shubert tonight, and she was able to exchange her ticket for a day later in the week.

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Sending get well wishes & hugs to {{{{Clay & cast}}}}.


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Believe me, I am not all that pure...first night of any tour, I am plopped down in front of the computer listening to the cellcert, but a CD is just different to me. And I did download the WRAL clips because that is information that Clay is giving us...I know he can't keep everything secret; just wish the fandom could be a little more patient...I know...Clayfan and patience...total oxymoren.


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