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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Kareneh, best of luck! What an adventure! Lots of pictures, please!

Bon Voyage, Kareneh!!!

Ooops, forgot to add....couchie, I certainly am in the group that has NO idea what has held me here so long. I've never been a fan of anyone's before this~or, I guess I should say LIKE this. Really enjoy Amanda Marshall and have seen her in concert a few times. Enjoyed Neil Diamond and have seen him in concert lots of times (he puts on a wonderful show); ditto Bryan Adams. Have some of their albums, but not all. Lately I'm enjoying Christina Aguilera, and have gone back and purchased some of her older stuff. Their personal lives/loves/interests/shoe sizes/hair colours.... couldn't care less! :cryingwlaughter: And even with the newly (comparatively) accessible information on the Internet, going there with any of them hasn't even crossed my mind. Crossing the country to go to one of their concerts? Nope. My money is tied up with Clay.

What is it about the man? Much of what you've already described. For me, #1 was the music. I definitely still love the music, and thrill to each new piece he sings...but #1 is no longer the music. I guess, for me, it's the.....core of him is the only way I can describe it. His genuine, intelligent, humorous, generous, spiritual, strong, wise, empathetic, inner person. He says he's learned so much in the last years, and I can definitely say I've learned so much FROM him. All of which has helped me to live a happier and more fulfilled life. Sorry for the sap, kind of sickening isn't it? :lol: But true.

So, #1 is now the respect I have for him. #2 is probably the music. #3 is the humour, and often #2 and #3 are interchangeable.

I don't see my mind changing anytime soon. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:F_05BL17blowkiss: FromClaygary... I agree!

What draws you to him. Once past the obvious lures of voice and eyes and lips and smile and cheekbones and priceless expressions, I think that we all find something in Clay's personality and demeanor that causes us to relate to him in a personal way. I think I get him. I'm sure everyone in this devoted fandom feels the same way, even if we're getting different facets of him. We empathize and celebrate and support him because ..... because ... hell, I don't know. It's a mystery. It's a mystery inside a riddle wrapped in an egigma. It's a jigsaw puzzle of beautiful humongous proportions. I did spend a concentrated amount of time in the past trying to isolate and define it all, but no more. It is what it is. I just accept.

What is the other key trait that makes you get on a message board every day or download some clack. More than one. Charisma, his musical gifts, his magical looks, his intelligence, humor, human kindness, and humility. He's not slick and manufactured but complex with contrasting personal traits, in many ways a walking contradiction. He can be full of chutzpah and have a cheeky, cavalier attitude right on top of that "awwshucks" self- deprecating humor. I'm not going to use the *pissy* word (since I don't like it) but he seems to have a kick-the-can (or coke machine) temper and definite ideas of what's right and wrong for him and he uses his voice in so many ways. And, he has a passion for life and for accomplishing something meaningful with his. He's lovable, adorable, and a hug magnet. He has sweet eyes, and hawt, sexy eyes, and steely determined eyes -- and the eyes are the window to the soul. He smart, he uses the word "impetus" in his interviews. He's a news junkie and he's hip to politics and world affairs and you just know he can accomplish anything he sets out to do. And yet he always surprises. Clay Aiken is like that golden grab bag where you close you eyes, reach in, feel around, and pull out something wonderful -- it may be sweet, it may be cool, it may be controversial, it may be comfy and warm, it may be startling -- but it's wonderful. I come to the message board and download because I need to reach into that golden grab bag every single day.

Keeping... word to your whole post, but especially my bolded above. You write good!!!

8 Days until Daylight Savings Time!

8 days til the clock in my van is right again!!! :cryingwlaughter:

cha cha... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I thought I was the only one who spends 6 months of every year mentally adjusting the time in my car... I can change every other time keeper I own, but the car clock intimidates the h*ll out of me. :cryingwlaughter:

Skybar... I loved your "Clayfan" post, too! He is extraordinary, isn't he?

My answers, such as they are... And, I am of a metaphysical bent, so take that into consideration...

What is it about Clay? The voice is spectacular. Something about it fills my soul. He can make me feel emotion that life taught me to hide. Gladys Knight was right... he is magical and he is a mystery and I know no one else like him.

What draws you to him. I have learned more from him than just about anyone in my life. He defines the word "grace." He accepts himself and that has helped me accept myself. He is a light in this world of too much darkness. Like attracts like and by and large the people in this fandom are as smart/witty/caring as he is himself. Being his fan is just plain the most fun I've had in my life to date.

Have you ever been this involved in another singer's career? No, tho I did a little bit for nSync. Don't snicker... they were good dancers and were funny. Since they've broken up, I have been very disappointed in the choices JC and Justin have made.

Is it just the singing? Nope... I would say the humor is equally as compelling as the singing. I watch the banter first, to laugh; then listen to the voice, to sigh. Course, looking at his gorgeousness is never a hard thing to do... LOL

What is the other key trait that makes you get on a message board every day or download some clack. I get on the boards everyday because he has become important to me and I want to share my time/space with like-minded folk. I download clack cause you never know what he will do or say and it's so much fun to find out! He is ever changing and that is fascinating in and of itself.

And was it the voting and the nature of Idol that invested you so much? No. I didn't turn AI2 on until the final two shows. When I saw the makeover I just about flipped and couldn't believe it was the same guy... then he sang and it was all over for me. I was unemployed at the time after an office closing and scared to death. I re-watched his part of the show over and over and over and everytime, something

about him just made me feel better and more able to face what life was throwing at me. I have loved him ever since.

This was fun, couchie.... what is more interesting to me is that I feel I have barely scatched the surface of what it is about Clay!

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I guess I just must be dense, but I canNOT get all riled up that Clay chose---for whatever reason---not to go to the stage door this afternoon after the matinee. Good God. As I just posted on CH, this man has spoiled the fans to the point that anything LESS than MORE THAN EVERYTHING elicits criticism of him as "punishing" his fans. I'm sorry, but stage door is NOT included in your ticket price. Yes, he's created a level of expectation from the very beginning of his celebrity by being soooooo accessible to his fans (and certainly more accommodating than the majority of other celebrities), but I still think it's HIS call to continue OR to choose to refrain from any gesture past giving his usual 500% during his actual performance.

MY opinion and all that. Just stating it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Safe travels, KarenEh!

Whoa - look at those sideburns! :hubbahubba:

Is it selfish to hope all the screamers and fakers and flashers and whatnot will be all burned out and out of money before I get to NYC on April? :imgtongue:

I will fervently join you in this hope! :praying: Thanks for bringing over that blog entry from James Beaman - interesting stuff!

I see Couchie was feeling reflective today - I love it! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I really have to say that for me, it's the whole package (no smut intended!). His voice, his smile, his faith, his personality, his humor, his heart.... :wub: He's just got IT. In spades.

I don't think I voted until finale night & I did manage to get through a time or two. I got teased pretty good at the end because I was a very reluctant watcher to AI. Didn't watch the first season and had no desire to watch the second season, but did so on WC night with the intention of that being my only time so that we could do the "water cooler" talk at work the next day. I wasn't even really watching - I was in my kitchen cleaning or doing dishes or something equally as thrilling when I heard Clay. I was intrigued and for whatever reason, felt drawn to follow his progress. I liked Ruben well enough and remember reasoning that Clay was so good he'd probably get a record deal, too. I ignored the AI tour (and now kick myself looking back to see that there were 3 or 4 shows within easy driving distance) and wanted to ignore MOAM when it came out. I told myself it was silly to be a fan. As with most things, I have no self control when it comes to Clay and I left work early to stop at Best Buy, then drove around for much longer than the 10 minutes it should have taken me to get home. Then came my first concert, before which I could never have imagined going to mulitple shows of the same person, let alone the same tour! :cryingwlaughter:

As for other fandoms, ummm, let's see.... I had a huuuuuuuuuge crush on Ricky Schroder and my mom actually let me join his fan club - I think I still have my "Ricker" button somewhere - hee! Of course, I was only 7 or 8 at the time so I didn't do much following around, but we did have a family friend who was on the production staff of Silver Spoons, Facts of Life and Diff'rent Strokes over the years and she was able to get us into an SS taping one time!

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oooh, the hair is curing over his collar, soon he will not need a wig in Spamalot (J/K)

maybe he is growing it out so taht it can be cut anyway for the new album cover? I guess when we see a hair color change or style change we can assume the promo pictures are done?

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I guess I just must be dense, but I canNOT get all riled up that Clay chose---for whatever reason---not to go to the stage door this afternoon after the matinee. Good God. As I just posted on CH, this man has spoiled the fans to the point that anything LESS than MORE THAN EVERYTHING elicits criticism of him as "punishing" his fans. I'm sorry, but stage door is NOT included in your ticket price. Yes, he's created a level of expectation from the very beginning of his celebrity by being soooooo accessible to his fans (and certainly more accommodating than the majority of other celebrities), but I still think it's HIS call to continue OR to choose to refrain from any gesture past giving his usual 500% during his actual performance.

MY opinion and all that. Just stating it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I agree, but I think what is upsetting a lot of people is not that he chose not to do the stage door, but why he allegedly chose not to do the stage door.

But I cringe at those who felt he had punished everyone for the actions of a few. I sometimes think Clay feels oblligated to do things like the stage door or the bus lines. If he does them, I hope its because he wants to and enjoys it, not because he feels he has to.

In a way, I think Clay has created a monster and now he doesn't quite know what to do with it.

But he sure does look purdy!

ETA: I find myself strangely drawn to his ear in those pictures. I would dearly like to trace it with my tongue.......

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This is going to be quick, so forgive any typos. If John gets back from Walgreens and I haven't showered my ass is grass! In the Residence Inn on Eldridge, being picked up at noon for our 4PM flight. Dog, 6 pieces of luggage, expectations galore. The past week has been crazy trying to get all done and ready to go but I have burned the all nighter oil a couple of times to keep up with Clay. I can't believe I downloaded the WRAL interview and didn't watch it for almost a day! Which reminds me I need to download the mp4 and synch my iPOd.....crap!

Thanks for the well wishes. The house in Baku already has its wireless set up so I should hit the ground running.....well a nice two point soft landing first would be ideal. Bye for now......and who knows I might be able to log in from Frankfurt!

God, I'm hating to leave Texas, though. It feels very weird now that it's actually happening....but back to North America at least in April for some Spam.

I wonder if they sell that at Ramstore?

Bye!!!!!!!!!! Except we'll get to talk to you right away so it isn't really bye. Please report in as soon as you can. I look forward to hearing all about Baku and your adventures, and wish you great good times and a feeling of home when you need it.

Have any of you figured it out yet? What is it about Clay? What draws you to him. Have you ever been this involved in another singer's career? Is it just the singing? What is the other key trait that makes you get on a message board every day or download some clack. And was it the voting and the nature of Idol that invested you so much?

I was thinking last night and ya'll know how dangerous that can be. I'm amazed that five yearss later my interest hasn't even begun to wane. In fact I think it's even greater.

voice ... humor ... QUICK. And really I don't think I discovered this about him on Idol. This came later when he hit the interview rounds after the show, the radio interviews during AI tour, his stage persona..the more he showed me the more I like it. I love the sarcastic part of it as well. And I can take it when it's aimed at a group but I really think he'd leave me a babbling idiot if I got into a snark off. I need time to think. I'd get him two days later cuz I've have thought of all the things I should have said.

... friends

Anyway, I think after the humor I think it's that he continues to surprise me. Constantly. Spamalot is a complete and utter suprise to me; that he conquered it. It just never gets old or boring.

What a great post. Spamalot is by far my favorite thing he's done, and I haven't even seen it yet. I'm lucky that way, in that for me this is a huge fantasy come true. I can't wait to see it and I've loved all the reports and the buzz and the photos and most of the media. Such fun! If I still lived up there I'd be a Spamajunky for sure.

For me, over time, I think his quickness, and the fact that he's so bright and determined and funny and such a great an entertainer and a humanitarian--all of that may have surpassed even the voice for me. Though without the voice, none of the rest would be quite the same, so it's the combo that's lethal. I think one thing that keeps it from getting old and boring for me is that I don't think we've seen even yet all of what he is capable of, and I'm so eager to see more, always looking forward to the next amazing thing he does better than I had even imagined he could do it, because I know he's got so much more to give.

What keeps me hooked? That. And the friends, as you've said. One part of my social life has come to revolve around concerts and trips and gatherings of friends, and I have such a good time. As much as some aspects of the online fandom may annoy me, it doesn't outweigh the friendships I've made, and the way I stay in touch with those friends is centered on the boards, although it goes far beyond them.

Voting/nature of idol? I never voted either, just dialed one time the last night, a few, can't remember, got a busy signal and gave up. I do think some of my need to defend and protect comes from Idol, and folks being mean to him afterwards, but I think the heart of any "campaigning" for Clay I have ever done is the fear of losing him. I want him to always be in the entertainment business because he entertains me 1,000 times more than most everything else in the world of entertainment does. I'm happy to say I'm finding it easier and easier to let that fear go and all the crap that goes with it, I think because I'm more and more sure he will always be around.

Other fandoms? Not like this. I've had two periods in the music world where I listened to a group or individual almost exclusively for periods of time. One was my Grateful Dead phase, and I went to only two concerts over a period of 15 years. I listened to a lot of bootlegs, and I listen to a lot of clack. I never thought of travelling to see them, though I had a friend who did and was a taper. The other obsession was Eric Clapton. I saw him once in concert, and I did travel for that. My sister got third row tickets and I flew to NC from NY to go. I was really obsessive after that for awhile, and listened to a lot of his music a lot of the time and read a biography. I thought that was major intensity. I never got involved with other fans or anything of that nature. Until Clay.

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No, this was a special saluting Jiimmy Kimmel, One of his pecial guests for this show was... Jimmy Kimmel. It was cute. He also showed Britney from the same show as the Clay skit. The girl was kind of slow then.

OK someone at the OFC posted some guy in the front row was taking pictures. My problem with blaming people before any facts are out there, is you can't take back the bitchy remarks if you are wrong, once you attack someone, they always remember.

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OK someone at the OFC posted some guy in the front row was taking pictures. My problem with blaming people before any facts are out there, is you can't take back the bitchy remarks if you are wrong, once you attack someone, they always remember.

You are SOOOOO right! I have seen such a bloodbath on the boards today that it's scary.

For everyone who pointed a finger in one direction, there were other posters who sat in the same area that saw nothing irregular (beyond seat "adoption") that took place. Hard to know what to believe. Three people were named initially, but one was home today and not at the theatre.

But it hasn't stopped many from voicing their opinion anyway.

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For everyone who pointed a finger in one direction, there were other posters who sat in the same area that saw nothing irregular (beyond seat "adoption") that took place. Hard to know what to believe. Three people were named initially, but one was home today and not at the theatre.


But seat adoption is irregular? :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I've done it several times myself but I have to say I'm always very nervous that I'm about to be embarassed and escorted out of the theater.

Why am I up?

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the Playbill...click it twice


I just read that .... and noticed the mention of 2 being Clay"s lucky number.

By coincidence, this crossed my mind a couple days ago about Clay and the Number 2.

He auditioned in 2002

He had to audition TWICE, because he was 'cut' in Charlotte

He had to perform TWICE for the TV audience, before he was accepted into the Top 12.

He came 2nd to Ruben's win

It took TWO viewings of Spamalot before he was convinced to do it.

He has two backup singers (ok, this one's a bit lame.....nothing unusual about it)

He was raised by two grandmothers - although one wasn't related by blood

He had two Dads, although neither could be considered remotely adequate as fathers

He has two brothers, one step-brother and one half-brother

He has two sisters, one step-sister and one half-sister (now passed)

He now has two dogs

He has two 'careers', one as an entertainer and one as a humanitarian

The phone number to vote for him at the Final was 02

When Ryan announced the phone number to vote for him after the Final performance, Clay held up two fingers

Am I wrong about any of the above?

HA! I just edited my post to add

The phone number to vote for him at the Final was

When Ryan announced the phone number to vote for him after the Final performance, Clay held up
two fingers

looks slyly at claytonic...

Lack of adequate fathers, there could be an disagreement there - but in general I think you're right - but I am the last person to know all things about Clay trivia!

LOL I'm big on trivia ....for me, it kinda represents the little details that make up the big picture. However, I admit I don't really know much about Clay's biological father and step-father, except that I got the impression from his book that he was rejected by both of them, and I don't really understand it. It's actually one of the reasons I feel protective of him, and get angry if I feel someone is causing him emotional pain.

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Good Morning Everyone,

7 Days until Daylight Savings Time!

20 Days until The First Day of Spring!

63 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

65 Days until The New CD! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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I love Spamalot, too. It's my favorite thing. JTGranny's pictures are something to behold. He looks like a famous dramatic actor. In one of the pictures, you can see the wonder in a young girl's eyes. It's the Aiken fog. Poor thing.

Clay has to hold the line somewhere or things will just evolve. This too shall pass. Today is a new day and I wish I was in NYC and I hope Clay gets to do his thing.

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love the last picture. his smile just lights up everything.

Yep. He looks happy. I'm happy. :wub:


I've gave up trying to "figure it out." Made my brain hurt. So I just decided to go with it. Hee.


DD, her BFF and I are going to buy our plane tickets today. Once that is done I will be looking in earnest at the Spam tickets. I'm torn. What's coming up for Orchestra Center is pretty far back, like row R. Would front of the mezzanine be better? Or side orchestra? I really am not as interested in being close as I am in having a good view of the whole show. When we saw Phantom recently (here) we had great seats in Center Orchestra (row F?) I understand there is a lot that goes on above the stage in Phantom but felt as if I missed some of the feel of the show because we were so close. Her Broadway friend thinks the back Orchestra would be better than the mezzanine but admits he hasn't been to the Schubert in a couple of years and may not be remembering it correctly. Anyone?

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From what I've read, anything farther back than row L orchestra, you might as well be in the mezzanine, because it apparently overhangs row L. I had a choice between row R orchestra and first row mezzanine, so I chose the mezzanine. Of course, that wasn't too hard, seeing that I have row B orchestra the next night. But I was in second row mezzanine when I saw the show in Toronto, and it was a great view.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe! My countdown is into the single digits! 9 more days until I get to see it in NYC for myself!

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Entitled, needy fuckers. That's my explanation for the venom being shown towards Clay for not enabling doing the the stagedoor yesterday afternoon. For a fandom that so disdains the word 'we', I saw it being bandied about quite a bit yesterday. 'We' are being punished. We?????? Exactly how are you being punished sitting on your ass in where was it? Topeka?? hammering out complaints on your laptop? But I digress. It's very easy to sit in our cozy warm living rooms and armchair-quarterback every single move Clay makes or word he utters. As we sip our coffee (or smoke our crack it would sometimes seem) and type up and edit (and edit and edit) our oh-so-eloquent edicts on What Clay Should Have Done, Were He As Smart As I, we forget that Clay doesn't get an edit key. He doesn't get to go back and maybe take out that one word - or delete it altogether and let's pretend it never happened. The bottom line for me is - we were not there. We did not feel the embarrassment or anger and then have to decide RIGHT NOW how we're going to handle things (and do it knowing that the keyboards of thousands of 'fans' sit ready to vilify you either way). Walk a mile in his shoes.

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JaMar, it's a really small theater. Row R is not that far back, really. I'd even do SRO. I've been dead center (Row K) and far right (Row L). Both were good. Just don't go too far left (the left side as you face the stage) or you'll miss the tower/swallow scene. I have row C tickets coming up and I think that's going to be too close. Fine for an extra show, but not for an only show IMO. It will be hard to get the full view. I always like a Mezzanine seat if it's near the front - a floating seat is always good.

Muskifest, I couldn't agree more. The stage door, just like an encore, is a gift, not an entitlement. I was at the show on Wednesday, and Clay didn't come out. I didn't feel at all disappointed, no matter the reason (still a bit sick). That's just the way it goes. We are so lucky, and I revel in that.

The reflections yesterday were interesting to read, and I could relate to a lot of the comments. I thought about trying to put my experience into words, but I just couldn't find them. The only descriptors I could come up with are 'out of character' and 'puzzling,' but as JaMar said, it makes my brain hurt to try to figure it out, so I just don't. I just stay in it for the happy happy, joy joy of it all. And the unexpected. Well, and of course, the specialness that is Clay Aiken.

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Entitled, needy fuckers. That's my explanation for the venom being shown towards Clay for not enabling doing the the stagedoor yesterday afternoon. For a fandom that so disdains the word 'we', I saw it being bandied about quite a bit yesterday. 'We' are being punished. We?????? Exactly how are you being punished sitting on your ass in where was it? Topeka?? hammering out complaints on your laptop? But I digress. It's very easy to sit in our cozy warm living rooms and armchair-quarterback every single move Clay makes or word he utters. As we sip our coffee (or smoke our crack it would sometimes seem) and type up and edit (and edit and edit) our oh-so-eloquent edicts on What Clay Should Have Done, Were He As Smart As I, we forget that Clay doesn't get an edit key. He doesn't get to go back and maybe take out that one word - or delete it altogether and let's pretend it never happened. The bottom line for me is - we were not there. We did not feel the embarrassment or anger and then have to decide RIGHT NOW how we're going to handle things (and do it knowing that the keyboards of thousands of 'fans' sit ready to vilify you either way). Walk a mile in his shoes.


It appears after reading all the recaps yesterday, that there were 4 different incidents:

1. The gentleman who was taking pictures.

2. The group who yelled out during the Knights of Ni.

3. The McVargas Girls

4. The group who left during the curtain call to go to the barricades.

I think Clay had every right to be upset.


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Entitled, needy fuckers. That's my explanation for the venom being shown towards Clay for not enabling doing the the stagedoor yesterday afternoon. For a fandom that so disdains the word 'we', I saw it being bandied about quite a bit yesterday. 'We' are being punished. We?????? Exactly how are you being punished sitting on your ass in where was it? Topeka?? hammering out complaints on your laptop? But I digress. It's very easy to sit in our cozy warm living rooms and armchair-quarterback every single move Clay makes or word he utters. As we sip our coffee (or smoke our crack it would sometimes seem) and type up and edit (and edit and edit) our oh-so-eloquent edicts on What Clay Should Have Done, Were He As Smart As I, we forget that Clay doesn't get an edit key. He doesn't get to go back and maybe take out that one word - or delete it altogether and let's pretend it never happened. The bottom line for me is - we were not there. We did not feel the embarrassment or anger and then have to decide RIGHT NOW how we're going to handle things (and do it knowing that the keyboards of thousands of 'fans' sit ready to vilify you either way). Walk a mile in his shoes.

JaMar, it's a really small theater. Row R is not that far back, really. I'd even do SRO. I've been dead center (Row K) and far right (Row L). Both were good. Just don't go too far left (the left side as you face the stage) or you'll miss the tower/swallow scene. I have row C tickets coming up and I think that's going to be too close. Fine for an extra show, but not for an only show IMO. It will be hard to get the full view. I always like a Mezzanine seat if it's near the front - a floating seat is always good.

Muskifest, I couldn't agree more. The stage door, just like an encore, is a gift, not an entitlement. I was at the show on Wednesday, and Clay didn't come out. I didn't feel at all disappointed, no matter the reason (still a bit sick). That's just the way it goes. We are so lucky and I revel in that.

The reflections yesterday were interesting to read, and I could relate to a lot of the comments. I thought about trying to put my experience into words, but I just couldn't find them. The only descriptors I could come up with are 'out of character' and 'puzzling,' but as JaMar said, it makes my brain hurt to try to figure it out, so I just don't. I just stay in it for the happy, joy joy of it all. And the unexpected. Well, and of course, the specialness that is Clay Aiken.

Clay does the best he can to please this fandom. It is never enough.

It is true that saying " you give them a hand, they want the arm " or something like that !!!! :cryingwlaughter: ( I am not sure the correct saying )

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Entitled, needy fuckers. That's my explanation for the venom being shown towards Clay for not enabling doing the the stagedoor yesterday afternoon. For a fandom that so disdains the word 'we', I saw it being bandied about quite a bit yesterday. 'We' are being punished. We?????? Exactly how are you being punished sitting on your ass in where was it? Topeka?? hammering out complaints on your laptop? But I digress. It's very easy to sit in our cozy warm living rooms and armchair-quarterback every single move Clay makes or word he utters. As we sip our coffee (or smoke our crack it would sometimes seem) and type up and edit (and edit and edit) our oh-so-eloquent edicts on What Clay Should Have Done, Were He As Smart As I, we forget that Clay doesn't get an edit key. He doesn't get to go back and maybe take out that one word - or delete it altogether and let's pretend it never happened. The bottom line for me is - we were not there. We did not feel the embarrassment or anger and then have to decide RIGHT NOW how we're going to handle things (and do it knowing that the keyboards of thousands of 'fans' sit ready to vilify you either way). Walk a mile in his shoes.

cindi... WORD to the bolded part (mine). Those that were actually there have a right to their feelings of anger at being punished (their feeling of it) for actions not theirs, but IMO that anger needs to be directed toward the miscreants, not at Clay/Jerome. IMO, I think there is also "oh, poor me" in the mix, too.

Being punished for the actions of others is something that happens in life all the time. Some idiot in my apartment complex left a lit cigarette in his VERY full garage and started a fire. Now the rule is that you may not have ANYTHING in your garage except your car.

I also believe Clay (since he is the newbie) has been apprehensive since before he started his run that his fans would be disruptive to the veteran actors on that stage and it finally happened. I'm crossing my fingers and everything crossable that this was the last time. The fact that Clay handled it the way he did doesn't make me think any the less of him or Jerome. I don't envy him the tight-rope balancing act that is his life a-tall!

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