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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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Simon is ugly - inside and out.



I think that statement is unfair. Personally I think Simon is rather good looking - albeit too short - especially when he smiles. He has a really wonderful smile, IMO.

And he LOVES animals so much and does a lot of good work for their welfare, so I would never say he is ugly on the inside. No one who loves animals that much can be ugly on the inside.

We have only ever seen his on screen persona. He has a role to play and he plays it well. You may hate that role, but it is unfair to judge the real man by it. After all, we don't like people judging Clay by what they see when they don't know anything about him, like his good works.

Now, on to Clay. Never been drawn to "pretty boys". Clay has always been the exception. i think that is one reason I liked his bearded look so much. He looked very masculine that way.

The CD cover is beautiful but he does look a tad toooooo pretty. I too am grateful for the sideburns, because without them..........

I would love to know more about the photographer. It is such an artistically amazing picture! I am awed by it.

ETA: I read at the CH that Clay will not be performing at the matinee, and maybe not this evening.

And either will Hannah....... :whistling-1:

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So poor guy won't be at the matinee, but will be there in the evening Via someone posting at CV who said they talked to Jerome.

I remember during IT tha Clay had a massager because his hips hurt - I think people supposed it was because of his double jointedness.

Some how, I think I still have fear of the angst again. I can only think about the album in little bits, I hear threats already - "this better be a rocking album". Guess that person doesn't really follow Clay much.

ETA - it is reported that Clay's name was taken down in the lobby and he is going on with the show.

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from the CH...

anntherese54 on the phone now... CLAY IS IN!! They went went into the lobby and happened to see the guy take Clay's name off the sign! He said he called and said he was going to do the show. Jenny Hill is still in for Hannah.
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Simon is ugly - inside and out.



Yep- totally agree! To me, what is on the inside supercedes what is on the outside- so that if a person is cruel and nasty to others, it doesn't matter what their "physical look" is- to me they are just ugly! Same with someone who may not be as good looking on the outside, but who has a beautiful heart- I'm much more likely to find them appealing and attractive.

Clay has been blessed with both- a beautiful heart, and drop-dead gorgeous looks!

(Hope his hip is OK! I'm still open to trotting down to NY to massage it for him!)

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Is Simon Ugly - well to me, he is not attractive, I don't like short men who over compnesate and try to look masculine by obssessive body building or by trying to bully other people. If Simon was really happy with himself and the way he looks, he would not were suchlarge lifts in his shoes. I have had not tall men as my friends, but they have to be people who don't obsess about their looks and their heights. Reminds me that I need to wrote to one of them, he moved away and sent me a picture of his new wife, not a trophy wife, just a normal looking person.

Back to is Simon attractive - his head seems out of shape to me, he really needs to grow in his hair to compensate. He also has an unattractive body, I am repusled by people who excercise so much they morph thier bodies into a unnatural opinion of what is attractive. Simon has pushupped his body into having large manboobs. Maybe I am predjudiced because I have never met a body builder I could respect (I think the ones I knew all took steroids and were pretty stupid), but their bodies do not ahpe this way naturally. Simon may not be a body builder, but he is aspiring to their shape. For some reason, I like people whohave real "bodies". I don't feel I have to hold back on my opinion of Simon, since he never holds back on his. Nothing I hate more than a whiny hypocrit. If you can dish it out, you have to be able to take it. - a good example of that is Bitchy Kathy griffin - will to drag everyone through the mud, but god forbid aomeone even says something mild about her and she goes into major whine and complains about how unfair it is.

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The Good...The Bad...The Ugly!!!

Well we are home and rested and down from the Aiken fog. I'm not good at details and recaps. However, I will try and do one. It will no doubt be long. So scroll if you don't want to read it or afraid you won't like something I say.


Thank God for my husband. With the help from his children he surprised me with a trip to New York for 2 days, to see Spamalot with Clay. It was a surprise late Valentine's Day gift to me. He said it was for being there for him during his recent cancer problems. He even attended the show with me. His daughter procured us first class tickets to fly there, with her connections, at no charge to us. His sons used their travel Hotel points to get us a room at The Marriott on 49th & Lexington. Usually about $300.00 and some dollars a night. Right across the street from the Waldorf Astoria. No charge to us. Not only that, they gave us a couple of hundred bucks to spend while we were there. Hubby was only out for the tickets to Spamalot, our eats, and souvenirs. Of course that added up to be a sizable amount. Add cab fares from and to the airport to our part too. I was so ecstatic to get a chance to go. For my husband to attend Spamalot with me was a big deal.....You see, he doesn't really like Clay's singing. Is probably a tad jealous and wishes I would grow up and move on from all this silly nonsense over a dorky looking kid, as he calls him..........I won't mention what else he thinks. However. He said he did enjoy Spamalot and although he didn't give Clay great props he didn't rain on my parade, and I love him for that. Anyone debating on going to see the show, should really not miss this opportunity. Clay has found his grail on Broadway and I look to see him performing there more and more.

The show was magnificent. Funny, well written, and a great cast. Husband enjoyed it and laughed along with the rest of the crowd, (Who seemed to be really liking it as well). He got the potty and bathroom humor stuff, that he is not too fond of. He's more of a Hee Haw humor type. Safe and family friendly jokes. Me? The trashier and dirtier the better. I split my sides open laughing at the French Taunter skit. Husband said Hannah was the star of the show. I tend to agree. Her delivery of the songs just made you bust a gut. I also liked the King and his interpretation of his role. Clay was very good. What I liked the best about the show, is the fact that Clay did not try and use his star power to upstage the real stars. That is as it should be. He was a part of the show and did not become the show. He blended in well with the rest of the supporting cast. His delivery was great and well executed. I was so worried that I would spend all my time focused on him and miss out on the play as a whole presentation. BUT, I did not. I think this is due to Clay not trying to upstage the veteran performers. We had great seats. Row G seats 5 & 7. Could see Clay and the others clearly and up close. The theater was a lot more nicer than I expected. Seats are small, though. I did my Clay supporting big time. I bought the T-shirt with him on it, his magnet, the button, and playbiller is holding a program for me. It seemed like he had a great attendance. I merely looked around the orchestra area. It seemed filled, but I did not check out the balcony and mezzanine. I think it was probably well represented too. There was some Clay fans there, for a Thursday night but more mainstream non fans, I would say. Of course being the bad fan I am, I did not interview all the people surrounding me, to ask if they were friend or fo? Which board they post on, or to give them a history lesson on Clay and his achievements. I just minded my own business and let them watch the show. Praying they would reciprocate for me. I believe he got a lot of people up on their feet at the end. I was standing and so was hubby.

The best of "The Good" part for me was not Spamalot, though. It was the wonderful romantic carriage ride through Central Park with my dear hubby. Topped off by the wonderful pre-show dinner we had at Sardis, where we also shared a bottle of Chardonnay. Other good things about our trip. It finally stopped raining Thursday. I snagged a couple of Hillary T-Shirts at La Guardia for $5.00 bucks a piece. Hubby said if I wait a few days, they will be giving them away. :cryingwlaughter: I loved the one that had a picture of Bill on it saying. Bill Clinton for 1st Lady of The White House. *g* We really liked New York and Times Square. What a fun open atmosphere. So much to do so little time. The calves of our legs hurt so badly today from all the walking we did.

To be continued.......................

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If one were to pick apart Clay that way, most would not find him attractive either!

I think Simon is not bad looking. I also think he is a good guy inside. But I am a sucker for anyone who loves animals. bp31154.jpg

I don't think Simon is cruel. I think he is blunt and there is a difference. I also think he does a service to all these wannabes. If they can't take it from him, they are in the wrong business. As we have seen with Clay, the real world can be much meaner than Simon ever was.

I hope Clay isn't being foolish about his hip. He has 4 shows this weekend and he could so easily do more damage if he isn't careful. He could even hurt another part of his body by favoring the sore hip. The show must go on, but he also has to be careful!

ETA: Good to see you Clayzor and how wonderful you got to see Spamalot!!

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Well, if I'm being honest . . .

I do not find Simon to be attractive. He does occasionally smile nicely.

But he is just not attractive to me. I don't like the way he dresses. And even though he does sometimes gives good advice, he just as frequently takes the cheap shot. I find him insincere. It's not just the bluntness. I believe the contestants do need to be prepared for unkind things to be said to them. To hear rude judgmental comments is part of the business. I just feel he blurts things out without even thinking about the performance he's just watched.

Maybe that's not the real Simon. But nothing I've seen of him makes me want to look at him, listen to him, or watch him.

Clay, on the other hand, I like very much to hear, see, drink in.


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THE BAD?.........................

Trying to get to La Guardia Wednesday. What a flipping nightmare. We arrived in Atlanta at 11:00AM...Was due to arrive in New York at 3:00PM..............Well, that didn't happen. It rained at home, here, on Tuesday all day and all night. Non stop.. It continued to rain and follow us all the way to NY. We knew it was supposed to be raining when we where there, because we were watching the forecast for NY on the web. Flight landings and weather in La Guardia were way behind schedule. They postponed our flight one time after another. Atlanta was also having their fair share of bad rain and winds. We finally got into La Guardia at 11:00PM Wednesday night. :cry4: Of course we had to circle the airfield for another half hour. After spending close to 9 hours in Atlanta. I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but that just sucked.

We lost a whole afternoon and evening of sight seeing. I already figured there would be no stage door due to rain on Wednesday night. However, I was planning on taking my chances and going to the stage door Wednesday night to see if I could see Clay and get an autograph. Just in case I couldn't get up close or get one on Thursday night, when we actually had tickets for the show. (What? Shut up about being a bad fan. Causing someone else not to get an autograph, by going to the door when you aren't attending the show) You snooze you loose. That's the name of the game, people. :imgtongue:

Anyway, it didn't matter. The rain stopped when we got there, but of course it was too late. The show was way past being over. I lost a chance of getting to see Clay the one time I will get to go to NY. I don't even know if he came out Wednesday the 19th or not. I'm hoping he didn't. That might make me feel better..................Or Not!

Getting back home from La Guardia was not as bad but, was not without it's delays as well.

I won't even look that other gift horse in the mouth and talk about all the freaking construction going on underneath our room. Automatic jackhammer starts at 6 in the morning. Who knew? :cryingwlaughter:

To be continued............

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Of course being the bad fan I am, I did not interview all the people surrounding me, to ask if they were friend or fo? Which board they post on, or to give them a history lesson on Clay and his achievements. I just minded my own business and let them watch the show.

HA! Please turn in your Claymate card for your failure to attempt to Clayvert everyone you came in contact with in NYC, from the cab driver who drove you in from the airport to all the theatergoers who were within striking distance. It's required, dontcha know.


Glad you had a good time, and look forward to reading the rest of your recap.

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So Clayzorback, do you think hubby was surprised with Clay's performance or impressed one way or the other? And ... did Clay surprise you? I'm so so glad you got to go.

Clay did not try and use his star power to upstage the real stars

Now, Clayzor darling, he is one of the real stars! His name promotes the show on the marquee, and his face is on the bus. He's real, I tell you, REAL!!!!

Yes, girl, I took that carriage ride through Central Park one beautiful September day with my man. Unforgettable.

And ... before you go back into deep cover again (and btw I think it's time to come out of hiding with the new album coming on), what do you think of the new album cover?

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I don't give Simon much thought but honestly CG there are people out there that treat animals well but don't know how to treat people. I don't mind his schtick on the show and thoroughly enjoyed the back and forth with Clay and Simon during Clay's run - I thought it was great TV. I do think he is a bit cartoonish but I don't think he realizes that. Or maybe he does. It would be nice to know he had a sense of humor about himself. Haven't watched the show in a few years so don't know if he has evolved any. I thought some of the "jokes" between him and Ryan were absolutely high school. I hope they've graduated. But I also don't think the show would be the hit that it is without Simon. I know lots of people would like a more serious talent competition -drop the bad auditions etc, but I doubt the show would have lasted so long it if were more serious. Other shows have tried and failed and I do think Simon is a big part of the success of the show.

Clayzor!! Yay...for your romantic time in NYC and the opportunity to see Clay. I'm glad you got to go. What a great family you have.

Off to run some errands.

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I do see the judges getting "old" in more ways than one. Their schtick is getting long in the tooth and oh so predictable. The jokes between Simon and Ryan are still high school, except when they're middle school. I predict that the day is on the way when this tiresome trio will bore the crap out of "America" as much as they do me.

I love people and I love animals, and I prefer people that at least attempt to be respectful to all living things.

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THE UGLY?......................

I don't know who is the ugliest here. Clay for not coming out and doing stage door Thursday night or me for how I felt about it. I guess the best way to describe how I felt is to liken it to the stages of death, one goes through.

1. First there comes the intense feeling of sadness, disappointment, and the why me Lord.

I was, yet again in my fandom, devastated that he chose my one appearance to deny me what so many other fans get. I felt so hurt and betrayed. Why does this always have to happen to the good guys like me? :cry4:

2. Then there comes denial.

Even though when I came out to the stage door and saw there was no barrier up. I still couldn't believe it. I just knew Jerome and that smart ass theater guy, who/whatever the hell he is, was just making this all up. Just wanted to see if they could get the crowd to disburse. Didn't work. We stood our ground faithfully. We just knew he was coming out. Just knew it. After about a half hour of no Clay, my husband gave me the look. :cry4:

3. Then comes the anger and hate.

I was so angry and mad at Clay for not coming out. I cursed him all the way back to the hotel fighting back the tears. Here it rained & was nasty all day Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Thursday it finally got cleared and got better. I hads no doubt in me mind that I would get a stage door appearance. The weather had cleared. The sun came out in the evening. My fear of him being sick and not in the play was alleviated. All was going to be right with the world. EXCEPT NOT!!!

Jerome comes out and scans the crowd. Says in his own sweet gentle way that Clay would not be coming out. It was too cold and windy. Say What? It wasn't too cold and windy for his fans who come all this way to see him. It wasn't too cold for those young kids out there. It wasn't too cold for those middle aged horny women who just wanted to get their fodder for the next few rounds of sexual fantasy. It wasn't too cold for those teen aged girls standing right their in front of the door with their cell phones poised to snap his picture when he came out.

I thought you selfish little twit. What a weeny. Suck it up and be a man. You little panty waste..... :cryingwlaughter: Come out here and give us 3 minutes of your time. Hell I watched the video of Hannah at the stage door where she says she loves Clay. From when he 1st came out the door until he walked and finished the line, it took a whole whopping 3 minutes and 28 seconds for him to do. That crowd was much larger than ours Thursday night. I know he has a down jacket. I've seen him wear it. :cry4:

4. Then there is acceptance.

You finally accept the fact that you are going to die and this is your hell. No stage door for you buck-a-roo. No pictures either. No member of the lucky Spamalot stage door peeps. Just an outsider looking in. Having to live vicariously through others. No autographed playbill. Nothing, zilch, nada. :cry4: Just take me now Lord. I've come to terms that it is not meant to happen for me.

These are as close to Clay pictures as I got:





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Yeah, sitting here with the laptop, in my jammies, with a cup of green tea that my husband brewed for me. I hate being sick.

Okay LdyJ, here's what I really think about this album cover. This picture made it Good Friday and then some. Excuse me merrieeee, but I do detect a quality about it -- maybe it's the profile with the hair falling forward in the light -- that reminds me ever so slightly of a snowflake photo , but there's also this ultra-healthy vibe to the picture. It's quite an aerobic vision, or is it just that MY HEART IS POUNDING? I think I see this as GOOD GOD PLEASE HELP US!

Whew! I'm so glad you like it. A lot. I do too. A lot. And I think you're right, his hair does give a bit of the snowflake photos vibe to it. (Of course, that means merrieee will now think we've tainted the album cover for her...sowwy.)

YSRN!!!! Glad to see you here!

Awww. You all want MY opinion????

Yeah, I did. I know how much this is important to you!

Thank you Gibby and cha cha for my new laptop wallpaper. Drool. Clay in widescreen is a sight to behold.

Sure hope there are lots more just like it because that one is superb. I want a book full of them for the tour...or a calendar....or something.

From what I know of the calendar publishing business (which is admittedly very little)....the timing is good for there to be a Clay Aiken calendar 2009. Pictures for calendars need to be shot NOW, in order to go through the publication process. And now that we know he's had a recent photoshoot, I'm VERY hopeful for a professional calendar on sale in August!

I called this in my photobucket account---Boy to Man

Watching that avi....in a way, it is amazing how much he's changed. And yet, I also think "the more things change, the more they stay the same." He's still Clay (or even Clayton), and that makes me feel good.

Although I'm not a sideburns lover and have always thought Clay looked better without them, I do think they are appropriate for this picture. Being that he's so overly gorgeous with all his sexy/adorable features so prominently displayed, he needs them to add a more masculine touch to that face as photographed.

I absolutely love pretty men. My favorites were always Warren Beatty, Paul Newman, in their day, and then Rob Lowe in his -- and now Clay. Simply drop dead pretty men all of them. GAH!!!

With ya on the sideburns. Never really liked them....but they FIT with this look, and this picture.

Sort of with ya on the pretty men. I loved Parker Stevenson back in the 70's...but then I loved Harrison Ford after that, and he's certainly NOT a pretty man. I think what attracts me about Clay is that he can be incredibly pretty, to be followed a few days later by NOT being pretty. And then he goes back again. It's that damn chameleon look for him, and I find it fascinating.

gbmifan, I hope you have safe travels, and an enjoyable few days of rest and relaxation. I also hope someone has your cell phone number that they can call you with the latest Clay news!

To those still having winter flashbacks on the third day of spring, my condolences. It's just cold and grey here, and they are talking about a bit of snow/rain tomorrow.

from the CH...

anntherese54 on the phone now... CLAY IS IN!! They went went into the lobby and happened to see the guy take Clay's name off the sign! He said he called and said he was going to do the show. Jenny Hill is still in for Hannah.

Oh thank God. I just hope he doesn't hurt himself further. These are the kinds of things where I worry about him.

CLAYZOR!!!!!!! I'm so glad you got to see Clay, and I'm so very glad your family made it happen for you. The carriage ride in NYC sounds fantastic too....

For the most part, I just can't get all that worked up, one way or the other, about Simon. I know some people like him; I know some hate him. For me, he's just not all that much on my radar.

OK, back to sniffling and sneezing....

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Ack, I need to PM you Clazorback, the unlucky (except about your husbands health which is v. important). Sorry about your bad luck. I have a few more tries for you.

Simon, Ugly, Fans pick apart every darn thing about Clay already and don't even start onthe haters or the stupid public who are judging on assumptions, rumors or goosip, some of which was started by Simon,the ugly..

People with quesy stomaches don't read this section.

Simon loves animals and is a member of PETA - well, you should know my stance on PETA, I actually wrote someone who worked for Clay on his my space about it (not to talk about Clay, but to talk about PETA) - My hatred a PETA predated any Clay involvement Those are not animal lovers, they are against animal slavery and do more harm to animals than a lot of animal haters. They have no problem renting space in an office that is an environmental crime and ahs removed habitat, the leasders are insane, and they have provided some of the cruelest deaths for animals they "liberated" byt the thousands.

Let's just talk about one group in North Carolina (that made it inot my local papers because it ws so horrific). They took dogs that had a chance of being killed or maybe adopted from shelters all over and them kept them in a hot black van in the sun to kill them. Why would they do that? Because they are against animal slavery and having pets! So lets not have they get adopted or even possibly killed by injectuion, no, let them die a horrific death. They do this over and over in various ways for various aminals - like freeing turkeys from a turkey farm, but duh!!!!1 Farm bred turkeys need to be fes, they don't know how to feed themselves abd drown in the rain. Thousands of dead turekys all over the place, because it is cruel to eat turkeys - they don't mind if a few (thousand) uselessly die in the cause of stopping farming. The media does not always report on thier "hiJinks". And CG, for your FYI, pet owners are cruel . Of course, that is not how their publicist allows them to be seen, no, you have to listen to speeches from the leaders to learn that.

OK, it is safe to read again and I am off to the cemetary.

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So Clayzorback, do you think hubby was surprised with Clay's performance or impressed one way or the other? And ... did Clay surprise you? I'm so so glad you got to go.

Clay did not try and use his star power to upstage the real stars

Now, Clayzor darling, he is one of the real stars! His name promotes the show on the marquee, and his face is on the bus. He's real, I tell you, REAL!!!!

Yes, girl, I took that carriage ride through Central Park one beautiful September day with my man. Unforgettable.

And ... before you go back into deep cover again (and btw I think it's time to come out of hiding with the new album coming on), what do you think of the new album cover?

I think hubby was surprised in this way. That there were lots of people there to see this show. That they laughed and clapped and enjoyed it. That he enjoyed himself. That there was that many people who went to the stage door. He thinks it was about 100. I was guessing more like about 50 people there. But I didn't scrutinize the crowd that much or take a head count. Although, there was this one women who was shoving her friend up to the front of the crowd though. Saying that this was her first time to see Clay, yadda yadda yadda. The woman being pushed had short red hair and glasses. I don't know who she or her companion were. My husband noticed them too. He laughed at the typical claymate demographic. He just doesn't get it.

What do I think of the new cover picture for Clay's next album? 268751940_N75aK-XL.jpg

Does this answer your question?




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It wasn't too cold for those middle aged horny women who just wanted to get their fodder for the next few rounds of sexual fantasy.

heee that made me smile.

ahh Clayzor.... sorry you missed the stage door chance...

OMG spring is here. It is SO beautiful outside today... I wish sunshine to all!!

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Awww Clayzor....just don't give up hope, OK? I've yet to have a truly upclose and personal experience with Clay. Will I try next weekend? Of course I will. Will I get upset if I don't get it? For a bit, sure. But since I don't know what goes on in Clay's life at all, I won't be knocking myself or Clay out because of it. And I still will keep hope that it happens sometimes. I want for you to feel that hope too.

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I am sorry for those who don't get to see Clay at the stagedoor, but at least you got to go to NYC and see the show, some of us won't be seeing the show or the stagedoor (living vicariously through stagedoor videos)...still..there is the Summer Tour to look forward too.


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The 'Simon' we know is the one he chooses to present to the world, and he is ugly to me. He's shown it too many times for his love of puppies to redeem him in my eyes. Since he had no qualms about calling Clay ugly, or other contestants fat, or, what was it he called that fellow last season - a tree monkey or some such thing? Ugly. Admitting you are 'blunt' doesn't exonerate nastiness. Not to me anyway. *shrug* The day after 'Fantasy', he showed what kind of a man he is to me. Ugly.

I figure as long as I don't go on a Simon fan board and slam him, it's all good.

I heard he paid off some family's mortgage recently. I heard it because he went on Oprah and announced it.

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Via CV

From GBB at the CH


Invisible926 called in a matinee report to Corabeth, who was in her car and called it in to me. The Clay News Network at its finest *g*

Clay did fine today. He did well in the bottle dance, he did the stage door -- signed quick and went back in. Someone said they thought he was limping outside, but she didn't see it. She did notice that during the slo-mo bit he didn't do the deep knee bends very deep.

In the Camelot scene, Clay looked under one of the girl's skirts. "He's a lech up there." *g*

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