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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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I can skip the K-Mart poster. What would I ever do with a poster but put it in a box!

And take it to bed with me......

If it's the poster that goes with the picture that's advertising the KMart deal, I'd like to put that in my box.

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OMG those pics are too much! To think the Clay-train could have been permanently de-railed at Charlotte just because "they" didn't think he could possibly be a pop star!!

Who is K-Rock, listed as a top 7 friend on Clay's MySpace? She's the only one who doesn't look familiar.

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I can skip the K-Mart poster. What would I ever do with a poster but put it in a box!

And take it to bed with me......

If it's the poster that goes with the picture that's advertising the KMart deal, I'd like to put that in my box.

Get in line, you hussy!

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Do we have a tickets for sale thread?

One seat, Closing night May 4th 7pm, Row Q, left orchestra for sale.

*sits on hands so as not to go looking for airfare and a hotel room*

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For those blocked from My Space at work, click here with caution (just about killed me):


Oh, wow! :)

OMG - that is fabulous!!!

And I couldn't help myself - I made another banner


Those new pix are to die for!!! OMG!!! He is trying to kill us!

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Look at this guest list on Rachel Ray's show: (of course, I didn't include Elisabeth Hasselbeck or the Jonas Brothers' MOTHER in the bolding! :cryingwlaughter: )

Big events and contests are only part of "Rachael Ray's" biggest May

Sweep ever. The show is also welcoming V.I.P. celebrity guests; including,

Barack and Michelle Obama, Regis Philbin, Maria Shriver, Patrick Dempsey,

Valerie Bertinelli, Clay Aiken, Mario Batali, Ty Pennington, Michael Buble,

Gordon Ramsay, "Ugly Betty's" Eric Mabius, Mary J. Blige, Elisabeth

Hasselbeck, Carrie Ann Inaba, the Jonas Brothers' mother and chef Ming


This is too freakin' exciting! Holyshit. Wooo hooo! Clay Aiken is the bestest boyfriend evah! :hubbahubba::clap::DoClay:

And HOOOOfreakin'WEEEEE! for Clay on Craig Fergeson (sp)! I've been hoping for this---he's already a regular and buddy of Kimmel and if he sidles up to Craig and wins him over, too (a sure bet, of course), ole' Conan won't know what hit him! BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

OK...who can make me an avie of that gorgeous profile in shadow against the NYC night? Hmmm? :lilredani::praying:

Oh, and is anyone else noticing in that middle picture above in YSRN's caps, that Clay's shoulders, upper arms and pectoral area seem quite....

beefy? :Thud:

No wonder he isn't going on tour -- he was so right when he said there would be no time to plan it!!! Look at all the stuff he has lined up!

HE'S EVERYWHERE!! HE'S HOT! :urhot: :hubbahubba:

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What a great time to be a Clay fan...honestly, I get on the boards every day and come away with a bigger smile than when I sat down. It's good.

Besides all the CD promo out there and good press (no, I'm not even going to mention the Carmen stupidity *lalalala*) and appearances and whatnot, I just read this recap from RockysMom...I know she posts at the CH and CV. I bolded the part I like...


I see snowdrop posted her recap! Just want to say that she did the CH and ClayNation proud last night....lovely young lady who had a great and much-deserved moment in the spotlight! Bravo sweetie!

Show was fabulous except for Tom's not being there....his replacement did pretty well as Not Dead Fred but I thought he sucked as Herbert. Since I'm always torn between watching Clay lying there breathing and watching Tom be hysterically funny last night I got to just enjoy watching Clay.His ribbon-fondling is getting funnier every night.

Had my picture taken with Clay and Hannah!!!!EEEE!!!I got lucky....best fucking photo taken of me in at least 40 years I swear. Funny part is that when you sign your credit card slip they ask you for your phone number....I mean Clay Aiken just had his hand on your back and they expect you to remember not only your name but your phomne number??? Good grief!!

One last thing....very sweet usher lady was joking around with me and some of the other frequent show-goers before the show started.I told her she only had to put up with us and our enthusiasm for a little while longer. She said everyone there was going to miss us....that they'd decided that if they were at the Shubert for another 20 years,no matter who was there,in what show...there would never be anything like the time Clay Aiken and his fans were there. We're one for the history books y'all.

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Do we have a tickets for sale thread?

One seat, Closing night May 4th 7pm, Row Q, left orchestra for sale.

:cry4::cry4: I guess this means you aren't coming!!! I wanted to see you, Twin!

I know. Bummer, huh? But I gotta be in town here, so... buh-bye ticket. Next tour though, for sure!

To think the Clay-train could have been permanently de-railed at Charlotte just because "they" didn't think he could possibly be a pop star!!

Amazing, isn't it? One teeny twist of fate... altered so many lives.

I feel happy.

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Caps of the rotating banner of deliciousness.




Do we have a tickets for sale thread?

One seat, Closing night May 4th 7pm, Row Q, left orchestra for sale.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting these pics! I'm at work and can't access myspace. EEEEEEEEE for all of the new appearances! I figured that more stuff would come out with time. So far I'm thrilled about all of the promotion.

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Just popping in to say thanks to Claygasm and most Pennsylvanians........Great job! :clap:

Also to say I hope someone will keep the FCA calendar updated, on the front page, with all these appearances. My God, how are we expected to remember all of them. :lmaosmiley-1: What a busy, busy man our Clay is. Great job with his MySpace. Whoever put that together should be hired to do his OFC. Great colors and so professional looking. Same with the Sony BMG site. I absolutely love his CD cover picture the best, so far.

So many different cds and bonus tracks. What's a girl to do? :DoClay:

Well, I think I can do without the QVC one. I don't need more of MOAM songs. I've got my Clay Aiken shrine filled with extra cds. There is one other bonus song I don't care too much for, so I can rule that one out. Sorry, I'm having a brain fart and can't remember which one it was. I would like the K-Mart Poster offer, though, and would be happy to return the favor to luckiest and pick her up one for getting me a numbered poster. PM me if you are interested luckiest.

I'm so glad WAMLAW won the poll. That Hallelujah song is not my cup of tea, and I really am not into Clay singing songs of faith and religion, that much. Even though he sings those type songs better than other music. I think that will be where he finally wins a grammy. Doing a CCM CD.

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Also to say I hope someone will keep the FCA calendar updated, on the front page, with all these appearances. My God, how are we expected to remember all of them. :lmaosmiley-1:

You mean you don't add his appearances to your daily planner calendar? I certainly do -- it was one of the last things I did before leaving work today.

So many different cds and bonus tracks. What's a girl to do? :DoClay:

Buy them all? Well, I guess maybe that's only in my case. And for this, I don't care how big my credit card balance will be!

Gah! What a beautiful set of pictures. I honestly can't pick a favorite at this point. I love the "shadow/looking over the city of NYC" one very much, because it's kind of "arty." But the one with the KMart ad? Wow. Those eyes. And I love that can see the texture in that blue shirt for the iTunes ad.

He's so gorgeous.

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GAH, chach, you are KILLING me with those WPs! :hubbahubba:

I can't wait to get home from work and save them to my laptop. The only probem is - which one will I use as my WP first? Or should I use a program to rotate them every 20 or 30 seconds? Can't change them more often than that - I need tiiiime to stare at and droooool over each one.

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GAH, chach, you are KILLING me with those WPs! :hubbahubba:

I can't wait to get home from work and save them to my laptop. The only probem is - which one will I use as my WP first? Or should I use a program to rotate them every 20 or 30 seconds? Can't change them more often than that - I need tiiiime to stare at and droooool over each one.

how do you program it to change every 20 seconds??? Inquiring minds what to know!!

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Posted by Notacanuck at the CH:


From the Star-Telegram (I think that's Dallas?)


QVC prepares for ratings spike

Clay Aiken will make his QVC debut Monday night on the home-shopping channel. No, he's not for sale ...

And the calendar is all updated, I have been adding the dates as fast as I can...don't think I missed any, but If I did, someone let me know.


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No, he's not for sale ...

But you can get in a butt squeeze for an extra $50, right cha cha? :imgtongue:

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Posted by Notacanuck at the CH:


From the Star-Telegram (I think that's Dallas?)


QVC prepares for ratings spike

Clay Aiken will make his QVC debut Monday night on the home-shopping channel. No, he's not for sale ...

And the calendar is all updated, I have been adding the dates as fast as I can...don't think I missed any, but If I did, someone let me know.



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It's so exciting to see Clay popping up all over the place! :)

Said in best Knight of Nii voice: "Oh, it is a good publiciteeeee!"

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I've got this great big grin on my face that just won't go away! So much good stuff happening for Clay and us'n!

Pondering ahead... watch out! :cryingwlaughter:

I honestly think that he started the ball rolling when he told Diane he was taking his life back. The next tour was when he let his inner comedian out and things have been getting better and better and better. Doing Spamalot was brilliant and garnered him lots of respect.

I really think that by just keeping on keeping on, Clay has shown that he has earned his place in the entertainment world. He just did it after becoming famous instead of before like is the norm. The norm before AI. Clay and Ruben contributed greatly to putting AI on the map and they suffered from lack of respect because of where they came from. Each year AI became more respected until "f"in Prince is willing to go on it (and gets upstaged by our BF, hee).

Getting Kipper was a stroke of genius, too. IMO, this cd is going to do very well, I'm predicting platinum before the end of the year.

Just remember to keep clicking on his song wherever it shows up, especially on radio websites after it is released.

This is just soooo cool!

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