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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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Holy shit! The man is amazing....No, it's not the same...unless he edited his post in the thread and I didn't see this before... he added stuff about radio play.

You are so right, laughn. I posted after only reading the first part.

OMG, he's really, really telling it like it is.

He is my hero. Truly.

I'm gonna cry.

Then do him again.

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I believe what set Clay off, perhaps, is the unrelentingly intrusive and harsh criticism of his business associates. By people who are armchair quarterbacks AT BEST. I also think his post sounded harsh only to the people it was directed at.

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Can someone tell me where to find the pissy post at the OFC??

I get lost there and I love me some pissy Clay!!!!

It's now all in Clay's blog, so you can read it there. If you want to read Clay's post in context, I find it easiest to just use the search function on the message board and search ClayAiken as the poster.

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Heh, that is how I found it, BC

I wish Clay had posted that 2 years ago, it would have done in FC and babymama and stopped the bleeding of fans who could not take the angst.

I was threatened with banning from the Clay board for saying what Clay just said. two years ago

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As far as I'm concerned, this is a watershed moment in this fandom.

Those who will disregard his posts/blog as some kind of spin - well I'll say it. Shame on you. Clay is telling us how it is - where he stands, what he wants and expects for himself and from us. To belittle by calling it 'spin' is just wrong. Those of you who do - I'm stating right here and now, I have no respect for you.

This man is completely and utterly awesome. He is my hero.

Still wanna do him.

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I'm just quoting a teensy little quote - if I am in violation - I'll edit it out.

BUT...........from his lips and fingers (gahhhhhh) to our eyes:

I don’t fit in there, and I don’t WANT to fit in there

God I just hope people pay attention to what he's saying. Clearly HE has a plan, RCA has a plan, it's been discussed, thought out, is realistic, and it's all Clay! He's so in touch with where his place is in the entertainment field. And that's healthy. He's still always going to do it his way. I respect him so much for not trying to be someone he isn't.

Playbiller said:

wish Clay had posted that 2 years ago, it would have done in FC and babymama and stopped the bleeding of fans who could not take the angst.

I was threatened with banning from the Clay board for saying what Clay just said. two years ago

Heh - got you beat! I WAS banned. And quite frankly, I'm proud of it! It's all about respect. If you love the man and you listen to him you also have to respect him!!!! And respect that he's intelligent enough to run his own career without the help of a bunch of fans who honestly don't know what they're talking about for a variety or reasons - the most obvious is they don't have all the information!!!!!

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He pointed it out as clearly as he could - 1, 2, 5, 3 - and they still don't get it! :bigemo_harabe_net-24:

I said it before and I'll say it again: I am ridiculously in love with the man and that's all there is to it. :flirtysmile3:

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Read the blog.


Holy shit!!!!!!

You go Clay!!!!!

Now if only those who should listen read what he ACTUALLY said and don't go whipping out the seekrit decoder rings to see the secret messages within.

He really does belong with us here at FCA! :D


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sticks tongue out at Iseeme Yeah, but were you also threatened with banning from 2 other boards because you thought that people should not assume they know what was happening at the label and that just because someone said they had inside information did not mean they did and think they should reveal their sources? I am not sure the one counts because that was by, well, someone under Clay's texting direction. Did you have to hide out at IDF and HH to not read constant complaining?
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As far as I'm concerned, this is a watershed moment in this fandom.

Those who will disregard his posts/blog as some kind of spin - well I'll say it. Shame on you. Clay is telling us how it is - where he stands, what he wants and expects for himself and from us. To belittle by calling it 'spin' is just wrong. Those of you who do - I'm stating right here and now, I have no respect for you.

This man is completely and utterly awesome. He is my hero.

Still wanna do him.

This IS a momentous day because I totally agree with you!

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Ah, everyone already said it way better than I would anyway.... I just LOVE that man!!! And pass me ANOTHER margarita on the rocks!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And, cindilu2? I get the impression you might just maybe wanna do him? I could be wrong but I think that's what you're sayin'? :cryingwlaughter:

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As far as I'm concerned, this is a watershed moment in this fandom.

Those who will disregard his posts/blog as some kind of spin - well I'll say it. Shame on you. Clay is telling us how it is - where he stands, what he wants and expects for himself and from us. To belittle by calling it 'spin' is just wrong. Those of you who do - I'm stating right here and now, I have no respect for you.

This man is completely and utterly awesome. He is my hero.

Still wanna do him.

This IS a momentous day because I totally agree with you!

:cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I believe it cost him a lot to lay it all out there like that for us, his fans. He deserves our respect. Those who will still try to write it off as spin to justify their own ideas - well that's just sad.

Seriously - if they still think they have all the answers they ought to shut down the message boards and start applying at PR/Record Companies and quit wasting their time on someone who clearly doesn't recognize their...talents.

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This IS a momentous day because I totally agree with you!



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Playbiller - well, let's just say that I'm quite sure one of the mods at CV has an alarm on her PC that tells her every time I post!!! I can have 20 posts after mine agreeing with me, high-fiving me, etc. and she STILL mod-slaps me and comes up with the most creative of TOUs. I've maintained the same position forever on this subject......I've been called an RCA-lover, an ostrich with my head in the sand, and worse.....for maintaining that Clay knows what he's doing! But - on point - I'll cede to you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
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GEEEZ!!! It looks like the bottom dropped out while I was out buying 5 more CDs!

Turns out I am lunching with 5 other mothers on Sunday and I needed some extras.

I counted about 5 at KMart and 15 at Best Buy. KMart has one poster left.

But the best part was the weather is great and I was blasting OMWH on the stereo and driving with the windows down, so the sounds could waft away to unsuspecting ears.

I enjoyed myself. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Here is my general mantra, which can be applied to all the doom and gloom over the HDD numbers.......

I REFUSE TO WORRY. :imgtongue:

eta: did I mention I just love that guy!?? :beatingheart:

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Ah, everyone already said it way better than I would anyway.... I just LOVE that man!!! And pass me ANOTHER margarita on the rocks!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And, cindilu2? I get the impression you might just maybe wanna do him? I could be wrong but I think that's what you're sayin'? :cryingwlaughter:

This IS a momentous day because I totally agree with you!



Must be the wine.

*hic* :704:

(can I do him now? please????)

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Thanks guys, I got it.

It's funny but Ansa has been saying all that stuff he said for the last 3 months. Pointing fingers takes no imagination whatsoever. All of the fan marketing experts made it sound oh so simple to just hand Clay the world as if marketing spare parts is in any way the same as marketing a pop star. Yeah I can get him a concert special on HBO too, IN MY DREAMS. The trends in music industry has been staring us all in the face for years. And KAndre your link takes it a step further. What made me happy about that article is Clay has the ability to draw people to see him. So what if it's 2000 rather than 20,000. The music industry as we knew it is OVER. It's just too easy and cheap to download one song or the few that you like. I'm so glad he defended his team. I do believe they are working hard for him.

I think he will trend up due to the fact that there will be more people in the stores this week AND he just started promotion today. Maybe I'm wrong but at least I'll have another week of peace. The panic and the gracelessness in which Clay Nation can act when there is adversity always amazes me. Smart women turn stupid...what was that about a dedication. I don't even want to know where that came from.

When I was in NYC last week I had dinner with a friend who is still a fan of Clay but no longer follows the fandom or reads every article. She still talks to her Clay friends which is probably why she explained to me that Clay hated ATDW very matter of factly. I said No it was not his first choice to make ATDW but he did not hate it...the fans hated it. I hope we, in our wisdom, do not begin to once again put our version of Clay's truth in public blogs and review areas for unknowing folks to come along and read. Let's concentrate on the beauty of the album (alleged beauty since I haven't heard it yet).

I understand disappointment. But I agree with Clay. Just use the energy for good rather than negative - it almost destroyed this fandom in 2006. And I hope everyone remembers the music is the most important thing. And I'm not saying don't express disappointment. There are a bunch of issues that can be spoken to. For instance I'm sure they knew that Clay would be extremely busy on Spamalot all the way to the album drop but chose to go ahead and release anyway and I think they did it for the mother's day sales. Would another week have made a difference? I thought they did a fantastic job leading up to the release for a person who really wasn't all that available.

The pit of despair won't help anyone and if it overshadows the fact that Clay put out some really good music, then that will be a disgrace.

Great blog Clay!!

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Well, he pretty said what I have been saying for the past couple of years and got royally bitch-slapped for...I so love that man!

And yeah, the people that really need to hear what he is saying. won't.


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