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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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Do we have an "OMG he's so hot when he does that!" emoticon?!!


Wheeee, thanks annabear! MUAH! :arrowed:

Didn't we have a "hello, sailor!" one too?

ETA: Thanks, Muski! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Do we have an "OMG he's so hot when he does that!" emoticon?!!


Wheeee, thanks annabear! MUAH! :arrowed:

Didn't we have a "hello, sailor!" one too?

Why yes, we do... :17f71c4d:

Not that I'm familiar with that kind of language.

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HOLY FUCK. I just read the blog... I didn't realize he added a bunch.

I love him. That is all.

I'm listening to this fantastic album now! So far everything is in the I want to marry it and have its babies category.

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Before I run off to my mother's - ya want to know what my big thing I got from his blog?

"it’s easy to be an armchair quarterback." That is a direct quote.

So for all expounding about how this would be better than that, and that over there was inadequate, and those over yonder are incompetent or stupid or inept, and want justifications of why he did this and why haven't you answered me...

"it’s easy to be an armchair quarterback."

You ain't in the game. You haven't even been drafted. Hell, you can't even get in on a pickup game. Team Clay has.

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Before I run off to my mother's - ya want to know what my big thing I got from his blog?

"it’s easy to be an armchair quarterback." That is a direct quote.

So for all expounding about how this would be better than that, and that over there was inadequate, and those over yonder are incompetent or stupid or inept, and want justifications of why he did this and why haven't you answered me...

"it’s easy to be an armchair quarterback."

You ain't in the game. You haven't even been drafted. Hell, you can't even get in on a pickup game. Team Clay has.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES!!!!!

I just told Ansa that I'm going to print out his blog and read it tonight before going to bed. Talk about sweet dreams.

You know, I'm beginning to think that maybe Jaymes and Clay "tag teamed" today. Jaymes posted those numbers, knowing full well that they would probably set off a firestorm. And then...the opening. Clay swoops in for the kill with that post (and later blog). Of course, that's just a theory on my part....but I like it. A lot.

Hmmmm...maybe Clay is dancing like a kitty cat right now.

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I must say that was just a very raw truth. He's disappointed and he had to show his vulnerability to explain the things he did. I don't believe for one second that someone else put those words in his mouth. Not for one second.

Ok I'm up to Weight of the World..and it's the first one I'm not enamored with on first listen.

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Before I run off to my mother's - ya want to know what my big thing I got from his blog?

"it’s easy to be an armchair quarterback." That is a direct quote.

So for all expounding about how this would be better than that, and that over there was inadequate, and those over yonder are incompetent or stupid or inept, and want justifications of why he did this and why haven't you answered me...

"it’s easy to be an armchair quarterback."

You ain't in the game. You haven't even been drafted. Hell, you can't even get in on a pickup game. Team Clay has.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES!!!!!

I just told Ansa that I'm going to print out his blog and read it tonight before going to bed. Talk about sweet dreams.

You know, I'm beginning to think that maybe Jaymes and Clay "tag teamed" today. Jaymes posted those numbers, knowing full well that they would probably set off a firestorm. And then...the opening. Clay swoops in for the kill with that post (and later blog). Of course, that's just a theory on my part....but I like it. A lot.

Hmmmm...maybe Clay is dancing like a kitty cat right now.

I like your theory too...I don't believe Jaymes would have posted those numbers without Clay's knowledge.


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I don't for a moment think Clay is happy, but what choice did he have? Let the inmates break down the asylum again?

I totally agree with this. I'm so happy he did this so he can put a stop to what was surely to come. Still might. But at least they can't say they are doing it in his name this time around. I felt his deep disappointment and his exasperation.... and his love. Tough love and wisdom...it can help us all through this if we let it.

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I was just thinking how difficult it might be for him to come off such resounding success and love in Spamalot and have to deal with the recording industry and the critics - and some folks in his own fanbase. I hope the HDD prediction is wrong for alot of reasons, not the least of which....Clay's feelings! He's proud of this CD and rightly so!!!!

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Ok, I FINALLY listened while awake to the album.

I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorites? Well, LAA still stands out for its amazing LYRICS! Clay, please start to believe you CAN write lyrics!

My others, still MADLY in love with SAU and now SL (OMG - his voice on this one - GAH!). Also love TRM (which surprised me because I really didn't love it on QVC - and I heard the whole thing!), ALAWH (love the production on that one), GOG (which I would love to hear stripped, like AOL Sessions MOAM) and - are you ready I FUCKING ADORE THE MUPPET SONG!!!!!!!!!!!

I also really like OMWH. I don't know, I just really love this song and it is such an earworm. It absolutely could be a hit on the radio. Absolutely. I also found myself surprised that I like WIDTL - another I didn't iike on QVC. I like EIDN, but am not madly in love. The rest I like a lot, but frankly, when I listen to the CD I think of songs like EIDN, Ashes and Falling as GREAT concert songs, but not as great on CD.

This is a verra, verra good album. No song I would skip. His voice is great, the production on the whole is excellent, with some very interesting surprises and the thought that kept running through my head was how many singers in today's world could handle the variety of styles that are on this album? I can only think of one.

The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!

I love him and I really, really want him bad!!!!!!! :DoClay:

This album WILL succeed because its that good. Slow and steady wins the race.

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YUMMMMM!!! My WalMart pre-order arrived on my doorstep today. I knew about the bonus track, but I don't recall anyone mentioning that the cover was different! :hubbahubba:

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WOW...what a guy!!!

with one blog he brought peace and harmony in our corner of the Clay world...and caused Couchie to curse..hee

are we the only board totally thrilled about this blog?

I am royally pissed though that he had to do this. I think he is a very private and proud man. He had to put his business out there and all because some of his fans think they know more than him and the professionals that are helping him. But I am sooo amazed that he cared enough about the people that works with him and for him to take this chance to defend them

For those people that need to hear this and yet is saying he was forced to do this or that other people wrote this for him or he is spinning...shame on you. I think y'all know he was serious and royally pissed...you know it in your heart and I just really hope that the rest of the fandom can actually recognize that yall know nothing about his business and should not presume to talk for him.

sigh...what a man...

I am not worried...lots of good songs in this CD...

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I believe what set Clay off, perhaps, is the unrelentingly intrusive and harsh criticism of his business associates. By people who are armchair quarterbacks AT BEST. I also think his post sounded harsh only to the people it was directed at.

Amen! And why does it seem that the people that I personally find to be the most unrelentingly negative about All Things Clay are the ones that think he was much too harsh in his statements? :bananasign: Ironic, huh?

I made the huge mistake when I got home from work of reading elsewhere first, and WHOAH, was I ever sorry that I did! Reading Clay's post/blog, and then coming back over here to read has made me much happier! :dan1: :funny:

So, where's the line forming to have a go at that hot, sexy, take-no-prisoners singer-man? :DoClay:

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Now I love my family---y'all know I do. But WHY oh WHY did our first quality family outing in a vurra vurra long time have to happen this coming Friday evening? I won't be able to do the listening party! I know I can do it Saturday, but it's the FIRST half of the CD I like best! :cry4: :cry4:

Okay. I've over it. :lilredani:

For those saying they feel that Clay's words were 'harsh' or that they feel 'chastised'...I say...

"Yeay! He did it! They heard it! But will they LEARN from it!"


OOOOH! CG likes the CD! Couchie likes the CD! I can't stop listening to it! YEAY! :DoClay:

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I read Clay's post before I left work, and thought it was amazing, assertive and HAWT. Then I get home, start catching up on what my prolific peeps at FCA have been saying, and find out that there's a blog? Whew, that was steaming hawt!!!!! You go, Clay!!

I'm thrilled that he gave specific instructions about radio play. I've never been one to call radio stations, but I will now. YES, MASTER!!! Only local AC stations. YESSIR, anything you want, sir!

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From what I understand, Clay lies to us regularly.

I really wonder why some people claim to be fans - he is not making the music they like, they don't like him to ask for money for charity and they don't believe what he says - ??? explanation anyone?

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I'd kick the shit out of some of those know-it-all bitches.

Chastise, my ass.

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From what I understand, Clay lies to us regularly.

I really wonder why some people claim to be fans - he is not making the music they like, they don't like him to ask for money for charity and they don't believe what he says - ??? explanation anyone?

Well they are around cos they have people that listen to them in this fandom. I just hope that now these so called followers will get a clue and realize...there is no expert in the fandom when it comes to his career.

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Playbiller said:

I really wonder why some people claim to be fans

I have wondered that for YEARS...about 5 to be exact!!! There's just this sense of entitlement with some of them that makes me want to urf!!

I won't wander elsewhere tonite - that's for sure. I'm happpeeeeeee right now with Clay's cojones and I don't want that "high" to be ruined. He did what he had to do and he did it verra verra well. If "some" didn't get the message it's because yet again they aren't listening. Some of you knew Clz4Clay from SimplyClay. Her mantra was "Listen to Clay!" She felt that he divulged alot about what was going on - perhaps in bits and pieces - but if you listened to him you wouldn't be in any doubt. He's made comments about his label, about Clive, about radio play, and about alot of other things that get lost because it isn't what people want to hear. Now he's being completely specific and because it's still not what some want to hear they have to find a rationalization such as "spin" or "being forced to say it" etc. Honestly, if they don't get the message this time they never will.

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I can only imagine what it must have cost Clay to lay it all out there like that. Just knowing that there are still those who want to flay him for it - lordy, I could do violence.

Apart from the immediate 'disappointment' of not having it hit #1, he sounded pretty optimistic about its possibilities on AC radio - and he DID say we could look forward to hearing the songs on tour. Tour, people!!

The fandom needed this - as somebody else called it a Moonstruck-inspired 'snap out of it'!!

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