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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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Several people have mentioned backing away from the internet because of the unrest in the fandom (my words!) I sincerely hope no one really does that. I'm still very new to this board and I have had differences of opinion, agreements, a spat or two, but it's still the best place I've found on the internet to love and support Clay!

On "the other boards" there are people who are constantly criticizing everything about Clay - and yet, those very people can usually be found in the front row at his concerts and more recently at Spamalot. There was even one person who vowed she would not go see Clay make an ass out of himself all over the stage - and yet, I believe, ended up seeing Spamalot more than a couple of times and crowing about it. I totally agree with what Muski said about some being so over-invested in their "Clay life" that (to quote her)

this over-investment, IMO, leads to behavior that runs the gamut from pomposity or self-importance to true and tragic delusion

I'm trying reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaalllllly hard to not let those kind of people ruin the enjoyment I have loving and supporting Clay!!! I believe his people and his label know what they're doing. They may not always be right but at the time their decisions were made (and Clay's as well) they were made with the best knowledge and information they had at that time!!!!

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I miss my peeps!

I cannot wait to hear Kandre's reaction to fans kissing a bust of Clay in the Kimmel Line!

On "the other boards" there are people who are constantly criticizing everything about Clay - and yet, those very people can usually be found in the front row at his concerts and more recently at Spamalot. There was even one person who vowed she would not go see Clay make an ass out of himself all over the stage - and yet, I believe, ended up seeing Spamalot more than a couple of times and crowing about it. I totally agree with what Muski said about some being so over-invested in their "Clay life" that (to quote her)

Just for the record I'm not going anywhere...and since it is indeed the same old fans, who are the first to complain, I know where the scroll bar is and it is indeed my friend.

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Several people have mentioned backing away from the internet because of the unrest in the fandom (my words!) I sincerely hope no one really does that. I'm still very new to this board and I have had differences of opinion, agreements, a spat or two, but it's still the best place I've found on the internet to love and support Clay!

On "the other boards" there are people who are constantly criticizing everything about Clay - and yet, those very people can usually be found in the front row at his concerts and more recently at Spamalot. There was even one person who vowed she would not go see Clay make an ass out of himself all over the stage - and yet, I believe, ended up seeing Spamalot more than a couple of times and crowing about it. I totally agree with what Muski said about some being so over-invested in their "Clay life" that (to quote her)

this over-investment, IMO, leads to behavior that runs the gamut from pomposity or self-importance to true and tragic delusion

I'm trying reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaalllllly hard to not let those kind of people ruin the enjoyment I have loving and supporting Clay!!! I believe his people and his label know what they're doing. They may not always be right but at the time their decisions were made (and Clay's as well) they were made with the best knowledge and information they had at that time!!!!

I agree whole-heartedly! If it does turn out that what they're trying is not successful for this CD, next time it will be different, I have every confidence. Sure am glad I don't have a job where I have to be perfect 100% of the time!

...and I strongly suspect the ones whining the loudest are damn glad they don't either.

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I've been away most of the day (waves to Karen Eh?...talk soon, k?) and so I'm behind. But I did want to squee over the Rachel Ray interview...and Clay's socks not matching. EEEEEEEEE :)

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welp...I just finished my afterwork perusal of the Clayaiken fan world...

ho hum...another boring day on the island of Pagi-Pagi [tm Hudson Bros.]



Seriously...I know I've said this manymanymany times, but what the hay, scroll if you've heard it.

I really got a new perspective on this fandom when I joined an online community related to my favorite sports team. It really was wonderful to have people to share my Twin's love with but the downside FOR ME was...the same. You have no idea what the online Twin's community was like this off-season. You'd think the world was coming to an end. Really. I had to back away from one official newspapers blog when it was suggested in the comments section that my favorite player (my Twin's BF) be taken out behind a barn and shot. A comment that was roundly applauded by many of the regulars. Instead of celebrating the signing of four key young players to long term deals they bitched and moaned about the loss of a couple others. Instead of choosing to believe ... they packed it in before Spring Training even started and belittled anyone who dared to believe. You have no idea how verbally assaulted ownership (think RCA) & management (think Team Clay) can be. Really.

I think my point is that it's not Clay and us ... it's human nature and the internet.


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CG, I do agree with several things in your post or at least understand where you are coming from. I think a lot of the problem is the frustration with how long it takes. How long does clay have to pay his dues, how long before he gets a break on radio, etc. Sometimes it does seem like he's had a harder time than a lot of others because there are so many who would like to bring him down. But I think thats part of the reason he will be around a long time, because he arouses a lot of passion in people, and unfortunately some of it is negative. How many other people would get so much attention for putting their foot on someone's armrest? Too bad they couldn't spend more time on the good stuff, like the crowds he drew at Spamalot or his work for Unicef or BAF.

Another problem is that we do have such limited information. We don't know what plans are in the works or if radio play will build, and I do believe radio play is important, or at least some kind of continuous exposure, like a tv show or commercial. It won't guarantee success, as we have seen with Kim Locke or some of the others, but for someone with Clay's talent, it would definitely help. This is a beautiful cd, and I so want others to hear it, and sometimes I just want to beat some of these radio station pd's and dj's over the head with a big stick. As much as I want radio play though, I'm with Clay in that I don't think the ends justify the means. I don't think Clay wants to be pulled down into the muck of this business, and I really respect him for that.

I was going to try and add something to the conversation, but now I don't really need to. justclay said it for me. Bravo!

muski, ITA with your assessment of TRM. I think that song is very personal for him, for the reasons you state.

I've been away most of the day (waves to Karen Eh?...talk soon, k?) and so I'm behind. But I did want to squee over the Rachel Ray interview...and Clay's socks not matching. EEEEEEEEE :)

His socks didn't match? Well shoot, I'm going to have to watch the clip again. But this time....on the widescreen bigscreen! EEEEEEEEEEE! He's so freaking adorable, isn't he?

merrieeee, please bring any eHp reports to us!

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I think I've gotten used to the fact that people enjoy their fandom in many different ways and I've accepted that. The key is to find your place in it. I don't care if people express concerns - that's part of the process. My brain will ping me when it gets overwhelming. I haven't gotten pinged oh in about a year and a half now.

Yep, Jamar -- my GH soap message board which I read but don't participate in is the same damn way. I continue to read it cuz there is often so much brilliant commentary that you can get over the ..this show sucks stuff. One of these days, like in my Clay fandom, I'll get to the point where I'm tired of hearing it and stop reading.

Is it 5 yet?

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Talked to Solo. They are in line on the sunny side and are really hot. The staff from Kimmel brought out umbrellas and want them to stay hydrated so they can enjoy the show. They did not see the bust of Clay. They are just getting their bags checked and they will call back later, with reports. They heard Ashes & OMWH.

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I think the RCA Press Release about dominating the Top 10, "led by Clay Aiken", means RCA is more than happy to have that hoss in the stable. I sooo do not worry, because, if the music business goes completely bust tomorrow and all the artists are on their own to record, produce and distribute their own music, whether hard-copies or digitals, Clay would make it better than most. He is an entertainer -- a recording artist, a concert artist, a Broadway star, a comedian ....

This is a great point and soooo true. The problem with sales because of radio hit...most of the times people will be buying the CD because of the song and really do not become a FAN of the artist. That is why there are tons of one hit wonders out there. When you have an artist that is able to outsell a lot of people on radio today because he has a fanbase that is willing to support him...that is a more stable artist in this time of uncertainty in the Music industry.

I'm toying with the idea of being just a "lurky loo" for a while. If the doom and gloom is here -- where fans of Clay come to play -- I can only imagine what it's like "on the outside." OMWH has been out for exactly 10 days. Kimmel is tonight. Rachel and Clay were great today. I can't stand the whining and worry -- not right now anyway. Tolerant as I am, I can't tolerate the overwrought concern and consternation right now, because I LOVE this CD and I wake up every mornng with one of the songs in my head ... and this morning it was The Real Me. He must have been singing to me in my sleep, because

I woke up mid-song. Yesterday it was Falling. My head and heart are full and heavy with serious love for how Clay sings these songs -- and the arrangements are fantastic. I'm not much of a David Foster fan from waaaay back -- pre-Clay -- but I love the piano on The Real Me. David did a fantastic job on that accompaniment (but maybe because Kipper was producing?)

If I had my preference of (1) Clay puts out a throwaway CD that has catchy pop tunes and sells 2 millions copies the first year and in ten years nobody would be caught dead listening to it (i.e., most of the big multi-million sellers today), or (2) Clay puts out an album that stands the test of time and is a treasure forever but doesn't go platinum for years ... I'd pick (2) anyday.


I understand no one likes to think about the negative so I won't bring it up again.

For me, it is NOT that I don't like to think about the negative - it is just that I do not SEE the negative. I am not in any sort of odd denial. I see the same facts and make different conclusions, is all.

This is how I feel too.

CG...despite our different conclusions we do agree on a lot of things.

I don't think we can blame RCA...

I do think that TC is not going to give up on this and I bet there will be several waves of promo...

Yes there is an uphill battle for Clay..that is only if you want him to get to the next level of SUPERstardom. IMO at this point Clay is already a star. You need a certain star power to get the kind of TV appearance he got at such little notice and without a radio hit. If you doubt that just look at the difference in how Spamalot treated Clay and Tamyra. Clay is always goign to be a multi-platinum selling recording artist. That 6M figure will never get smaller and the significance of that number will just get bigger as CD sales get more difficult.

The next level I believe is one or two solid radio hits away for Clay. It will not be easy or fast but there really is no formula for making a hit and there is no real schedule. Who knows what will happen down the road with this CD cos the hit may be the second or third single. It may not even be from this CD but from the next or the next. But even if he never gets to that level he is a legitimate star and already has a viable career.

Yes TC is probably concerned because this is their livelihood and I;m sure they would like to have as much income from this as they can get. BUT I am not TC. I already got what I wanted from Clay...a great CD that I will probably play for a long time. I am also sure that we will see more of Clay in the future and in the mean time there is a great CD to enjoy.

Yup..after tonight...who knows what he will look like the next time we see him...

That is sad...but I think if we try and have fun with this CD...we can survive the upcoming drought.

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So I just can't and won't write him off. Even if OMWH never reaches some gold or platinum or whatever status...I just don't believe he'll disappear. He's just too much. He has too much to offer this crazy world. I just can't believe he'd be wasted in obscurity. Selfishly, I won't seriously consider it.

I have been thinking about this so much since the numbers came in. I do rhink that if the fans could believe that we won't lose him, that he WILL stay around doing something; then everyone could relax and just wait to see what is next. It might not be quite what we thought but he will still be here on TV, Broadway, Movies... something, Once we have done what we can do, we can't do any more... and we really shouldn't feel like we have to. Obviously, there aren't as many of us as there were. That is a fact but we still have a good number and little by little people will be added, I am sure of it.

This is the first time that I have been a fan of anyone that I gave any thought to numbers and placement and to whether or not I heard them on the radio. I went over to RIAA to check on a couple people that I have liked in the past and still like. I discovered that one of them has never had a CD that even went Gold and yet she keeps on putting them out. I went to her website and she is doing concerts, about 5 a month for the rest of the year. That is what is showing now, I am sure more will be added. Another person had one Platinum and two Gold and he has had several CD's beside those that I guess didn't make it but that didn't keep him from being allowed to make others.

So, Clay can have a very nice career, if he wants it, even if it isn't on the level that WE thought it would be. There are a lot of people that like him. I work with one, she says she loves him. She has never been to a concert or bought a CD but maybe someday she will. I think there are alot like her.

We really need to get back to enjoying this. Knowledge is good but maybe you can have too much

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For those of you who saw Rachel Ray today....did you think Clay's hair is getting back to that strawberry blonde/reddish look more so than the blonde it's been lately? I love when his hair is red. Maybe it's just wishful thinking!!!!

How did you know his socks were mismatched? I did see one stripedy sock peaking out!!!! He's so funny.....striped socks at every performance. I love it!!!

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Seriously...I know I've said this manymanymany times, but what the hay, scroll if you've heard it.

I really got a new perspective on this fandom when I joined an online community related to my favorite sports team. It really was wonderful to have people to share my Twin's love with but the downside FOR ME was...the same. You have no idea what the online Twin's community was like this off-season. You'd think the world was coming to an end. Really. I had to back away from one official newspapers blog when it was suggested in the comments section that my favorite player (my Twin's BF) be taken out behind a barn and shot. A comment that was roundly applauded by many of the regulars. Instead of celebrating the signing of four key young players to long term deals they bitched and moaned about the loss of a couple others. Instead of choosing to believe ... they packed it in before Spring Training even started and belittled anyone who dared to believe. You have no idea how verbally assaulted ownership (think RCA) & management (think Team Clay) can be. Really.

I think my point is that it's not Clay and us ... it's human nature and the internet.


Very good perspective!!! Thanks for that!

are there any on site reports from Kimmel??? do I have to go out there in the Clayfan world...I'm skeered...

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Talked to Solo. They are in line on the sunny side and are really hot. The staff from Kimmel brought out umbrellas and want them to stay hydrated so they can enjoy the show. They did not see the bust of Clay. They are just getting their bags checked and they will call back later, with reports. They heard Ashes & OMWH.

I only heard ashes and it was live! Lots of bass.. Solo says they were playing the cd earlier

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Talked to Solo. They are in line on the sunny side and are really hot. The staff from Kimmel brought out umbrellas and want them to stay hydrated so they can enjoy the show. They did not see the bust of Clay. They are just getting their bags checked and they will call back later, with reports. They heard Ashes & OMWH.

I will offer up my entire collection of jewelry and every single shiny thing in my house including a roll of tin foil if the eHP manages to infiltrate the green room and take out Seacrest. (I'd offer up my electronics, but Scarlett would just laugh at my antiques.) If Clay's performance of Ashes gets Kyrie'd because of time limits, I'm gonna seriously hurt someone.


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So I just can't and won't write him off. Even if OMWH never reaches some gold or platinum or whatever status...I just don't believe he'll disappear. He's just too much. He has too much to offer this crazy world. I just can't believe he'd be wasted in obscurity. Selfishly, I won't seriously consider it.

I have been thinking about this so much since the numbers came in. I do rhink that if the fans could believe that we won't lose him, that he WILL stay around doing something; then everyone could relax and just wait to see what is next. It might not be quite what we thought but he will still be here on TV, Broadway, Movies... something, Once we have done what we can do, we can't do any more... and we really shouldn't feel like we have to. Obviously, there aren't as many of us as there were. That is a fact but we still have a good number and little by little people will be added, I am sure of it.

This is the first time that I have been a fan of anyone that I gave any thought to numbers and placement and to whether or not I heard them on the radio. I went over to RIAA to check on a couple people that I have liked in the past and still like. I discovered that one of them has never had a CD that even went Gold and yet she keeps on putting them out. I went to her website and she is doing concerts, about 5 a month for the rest of the year. That is what is showing now, I am sure more will be added. Another person had one Platinum and two Gold and he has had several CD's beside those that I guess didn't make it but that didn't keep him from being allowed to make others.

So, Clay can have a very nice career, if he wants it, even if it isn't on the level that WE thought it would be. There are a lot of people that like him. I work with one, she says she loves him. She has never been to a concert or bought a CD but maybe someday she will. I think there are alot like her.

We really need to get back to enjoying this. Knowledge is good but maybe you can have too much.

Great post. I especially like the last lines!! Enjoying it is what I've been doing for awhile. I much prefer it. I'll let him worry about his career and I'll enjoy his music, his tours, his TV appearances, and everything else he does.

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Talked to Solo. They are in line on the sunny side and are really hot. The staff from Kimmel brought out umbrellas and want them to stay hydrated so they can enjoy the show. They did not see the bust of Clay. They are just getting their bags checked and they will call back later, with reports. They heard Ashes & OMWH.

I will offer up my entire collection of jewelry and every single shiny thing in my house including a roll of tin foil if the eHP manages to infiltrate the green room and take out Seacrest. (I'd offer up my electronics, but Scarlett would just laugh at my antiques.) If Clay's performance of Ashes gets Kyrie'd because of time limits, I'm gonna seriously hurt someone.


Well, if they take out Seacrest, does that mean the replacement job to LKL is available? Clay would rock in suspenders! Plus he actually knows what he is talking about and half the people like to hear him talk almost as much as sing anyway.

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Talked to Solo. They are in line on the sunny side and are really hot. The staff from Kimmel brought out umbrellas and want them to stay hydrated so they can enjoy the show. They did not see the bust of Clay. They are just getting their bags checked and they will call back later, with reports. They heard Ashes & OMWH.

I will offer up my entire collection of jewelry and every single shiny thing in my house including a roll of tin foil if the eHP manages to infiltrate the green room and take out Seacrest. (I'd offer up my electronics, but Scarlett would just laugh at my antiques.) If Clay's performance of Ashes gets Kyrie'd because of time limits, I'm gonna seriously hurt someone.


Well, if they take out Seacrest, does that mean the replacement job to LKL is available? Clay would rock in suspenders! Plus he actually knows what he is talking about and half the people like to hear him talk almost as much as sing anyway.

Well, I just spit my Calistoga sparkling lime water all over my computer screen, bottle! BWAH! ANd then when I read your suggestion, play, I just smiled conspiratorially and nodded my head.

I do hope nothing is made of that freakin' statue and fans kissing it and rubbing it and whatnot. I really hope Clay can be on the show without attention being called to his 'crazy' fanbase. :rolleyes:

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was this posted yet?

interesting explanation of the cancellation of Ferguson appearance...from the RMD guy...via CH:


Ferguson was cancelled when the performance was added to Kimmel. It seems you can appear on competing shows within a short period of time but you cannot perform on the competing shows within a short period of time.

well thats another thing I didn't know about TV scheduling...and Leno does not count apparently cos they are on different time slot. apparetnly if there was something like a 3 week gap between the two it was ok...

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And if Simon Cowell could somehow be implicated in Ryan's mysterious disappearance, all the better. You know Nigel and all the TPTB would love the press attention right before the finale. This whole caper could be advantageous all the way around...

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And if Simon Cowell could somehow be implicated in Ryan's mysterious disappearance, all the better. You know Nigel and all the TPTB would love the press attention right before the finale. This whole caper could be advantageous all the way around...

Yeah...but Pauler would probably read off her cards about how upsetting the loss of Ryan and Simon was before they were even absconded, and the cat would be out of the bag.

Hey, I'm reading that people are hearing rehearsals of OMWH, Ashes and Falling! :clap::hubbahubba: Woot!

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Enjoying is what i've been doing this evening also. I was getting so depressed earlier from reading some of the boards and then the projected sales, that I had to do something to cheer myself up. So I turned on Clay and all was right with the world. He has one of the most perfect voices. What I think is such a shame is that for a lot of young people brought up on rap and hip hop, voices don't matter one bit. Thankfully my daughter never got into either of those genres, but my son and a friend of mine both are into that type of music. They also like other types of music but for both of them, it is more about the beat of a song. My son doesn't even pay attention to the lyrics at all. I made him listen to Clay's cd as a mother's day present to me since he doesn't have much money right now, and actually his favorite is LAA, then OMWH. But for LAA, he said the only words he heard was all alone. Wasn't interested in the lyrics either. Which explains some of the crap lyrics to most of the rap/hip hop songs, since nobody pays attention to them anyway. His favorites did suprise me though because they are probably the 2 slowest on the cd. I'm wondering if it has something to do with his expectations of Clay though, and I think a lot of people, especially guys, react the same way. They see things or people in a certain way, so its harder for them to accept something that doesn't fit into that box. Look at how Simon reacted to Clay doing Grease or Everlasting Love. They didn't fit into Simon's pea brain perception, so they had to be horrible.

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Anyone want to discuss songs?

I am watching Bill Moyers, after that my mind will turn back to music. Sometimes I have to stretch that pea brain of mine. heh.

I will write about ashes, but I need note paper while I listen, I have some ideas, but they leak away when I walk from the music.

Anyone Here taht they are having the D2 finale at a large theater, like they are trying to pretend that there is as much interest as there was in season 2? Only season 2 was at a large theater because there was such a demand by stars/VIPs for tickets. Do you think that demand is there now?

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