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#36: It ain't my life, just my passion!


New Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like our next thread title to be?

    • Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...
    • And the biggest protection of all will be love
    • Tell me another person that's ever gone through the Idol mill with such gifts.
    • Clay is the master lemonade maker
    • If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
    • And--just on general principles--I love Clay.
    • muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • the class clown got to be the star
    • Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores
    • when the sweetsingerman finds a style he likes he buys a dozen!!!!

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You forgot the part where “critical thinking” equals saying critical things. That one always bugged me. I’m a scientist – I don’t think “critical thinking” means what you think it means (tm Inigo Montoya). Heh.

Heidi, I accept that you belong to another, sniff!, but this is so fucking perfect - it is ridiculous AT BEST to me when people equate critical thinking with being critical, as if it was somehow superior to find "faults".

I say "faults" because what constitutes a fault or a bad decision is sooooo subjective.

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I am really confused about the radio thing (and what exactly is terrestrial radio?)...so are they saying that the artists should be treated as advertisers, like say Ford or Viagra and be paid for the use of their material? If that is true, I don't see how it would benefit someone like Clay...the radio programmers or DJ's would still probably only pay for those performers who already get radio play and are proven to be popular. If they won't play Clay now, why would they pay to play him?


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You forgot the part where “critical thinking” equals saying critical things. That one always bugged me. I’m a scientist – I don’t think “critical thinking” means what you think it means (tm Inigo Montoya). Heh.

Heidi, I accept that you belong to another, sniff!, but this is so fucking perfect - it is ridiculous AT BEST to me when people equate critical thinking with being critical, as if it was somehow superior to find "faults".

I say "faults" because what constitutes a fault or a bad decision is sooooo subjective.

You forgot that we have a polygamist group here on this board. <eg>

In other things that I left out of my ridculously long post: Anyone see Cold Play on The Daily Show last night? Now that's a gig I'd love Clay to have. I would swoon. Or Colbert!!!

I also read Daily Kos with disturbing regularity - and I had no idea how prevalent/popular Spamalot was. I swear I read at least one reference to Spamalot and/or Monty Python and the Holy Grail per day. Some of it is definitely Spamalot - and it cracks me up every time. That and a huge number of The Princess Bride references (much like the one I used above).

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Post-ho to mention that we saw WALL-E today - I reviewed it in our movie section - and it was really a sweet charming movie with some social commentary.

I actually teared up because of a love story between two very minimally-speaking robots, and I am a cynical thing, usually. I did jeer at a movie trailer with hundreds of dogs dancing around a chihuahua (voiced by george Lopez, who I do.not.like), so it did even out the whole movie experience. Blargh. I don't like talking animal movies, really.

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muskifest So I do believe the "young" fans are the ones who have it the roughest. Just admitting you're a Clay Aiken fan is probably a courageous decision!

2 years ago at a fan dinner at the DF Star Search I was talking with a couple from Bellingham or Seattle who had driven their Clay fan daughter to the Gala. They were telling me what a rough time their daughter was given by her peers in high school because she was such a Clay fan. Yes..for many young fans it is rough.

Jaycee I don't think that Clay reads any of the fan boards but we do know that he reads at the OFC and I am sure that what he has read since the baby news hasn't made him happy. It really doesn't matter if it is true or not it was the way HIS FANS reacted without having any REAL facts.

I really hope that TC read fan boards other than OFC. I know I wouldn't be an internet fan of Clay's if the only on-line place I could read about him was the OFC.

I have decided to come out of the cell phone stone age and get a ring tone for my phone.

Where is a good place for me to get a Clay ring tone? Anyone? I don 't know anything about how to go about it.

Lotus, here is a website that I think I got from this board where you can make your own ringtones from your music. It does still cost though if you don't already subscribe to internet on your phone. It costs so much per kb, at least on my phone it did.


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I was reading the comments on the YouTube Obama Love Story and I just had to bring this over...

I thought it was just me who thought this sounded like a black woman. I was STUNNED to find out it was Clay Aiken. It is indeed a BEAUTIFUL song, and I have a whole new respect for Clay Aiken. I might even buy his new album with "Something About Us" on it.

There are now over 65,000 views....hmm, not just us are listening to this gorgeous voice and song!!

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Not quite dead caught up yet, but quickly skimming and posting, then running off again. Took a 1/2 day off yesterday and all day today. Now mom is down at my place for the weekend & we're running around, celebrating her 68th birthday! :cake:

SAU? Loved the old fashioned, soft jazzy sound and hoplessly romantic, cliched lyrics with The Voice from the first time I heard it. Then the AOL Sessions version came along and I really, really, really LOVED it. Listening to it on my iPod with my new, noise canceling ear buds making it sound like Clay is right here, softly singing in my ear?! :Thud:

Forgot to add... while I think anything can be discussed...dont' really understand why every single Clay diss is brought to the boards and discussed ad naseum. Who gives a shit what Craig Ferguson has to say or some blogger with two readers before Clay Nation and the haters descended up on it. I think often times the perception of just how bad it is out there is skewed because we have to see every single thing. It's like there is heartbreak on the board every single day because of what some idiot said. No wonder the joy is sucked out of this thing that should be fun.

Word, word, WORD. And I'm glad you weren't involved in that horrible accident, other than sitting in the tie up for a while! :bighug:

You forgot the part where “critical thinking” equals saying critical things. That one always bugged me. I’m a scientist – I don’t think “critical thinking” means what you think it means (tm Inigo Montoya). Heh.

OMG. A variation on one of my favorite "Princess Bride" quotes! I wrote an entire blog entry on that quote. It's not inconceivable to say I think I love you, Heidi. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'll be back Sunday evening. Hope everyone has a great weekend! :bye6:

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I almost hate to say this because I know I would be stoned on most boards, but I think Clive was right in thinking that a lot of people who watched Clay on AI like cover songs and ATDW fit the bill.

Ouch that hurt!


I only watched AI for the first two seasons and then lost interest. Well that and refusing to watch the FOX network for political reasons. I prefer OMWH and like it even better than MOAM, mostly because of Clay's voice growth and his absolute commitment to the songs. But then I still enjoy ATDW. Clay can sing these songs like no other.

I really like ETIDN. This is a very different take for Clay. Can't say I ever heard him sing angry before. It's sad that the reviewers didn't give him the chance to grow and change.

I asked son #2 to give me his opinion on the cd. This was his favorite song on the cd. Unfortunately he related to the musicians and said that he thought the cd had an organic feel to it. He really liked the sound despite thinking some of the songs were schmaltzy but admittied he liked schmaltzy. He is extremely knowledgable about music but hates a lot of what is called music currently. He played, sang and wrote music from the age of 13 when he was in a punk band with adults and went on to every other kind of band after that.

I'm afraid I scroll over negative posts. I just don't care. There is enough unhappiness in the world and I like to read about what makes me happy. In our home namecalling was never allowed. The action might be wrong but the person wasn't. Both of my sons have turned out to be very caring men.

I have even blocked posters at the OFC. Amazingly none of them have posted since the renewal. They must have left the fandom or changed their names.

Am I on the wrong song? It's been a long day. :whatever:

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I was reading the comments on the YouTube Obama Love Story and I just had to bring this over...

I thought it was just me who thought this sounded like a black woman. I was STUNNED to find out it was Clay Aiken. It is indeed a BEAUTIFUL song, and I have a whole new respect for Clay Aiken. I might even buy his new album with "Something About Us" on it.

There are now over 65,000 views....hmm, not just us are listening to this gorgeous voice and song!!


I am trying hard to hear a black woman! hee

I'm just too used to seeing Clay in my mind's eye to make this happen, I guess!

I'm just too tired to comment much tonight.

We had to sessions today - lots of people making meals. Lots of new folks who needed hand-holding. One lady who says she just can't cook.

After watching her today, I might agree with her! :cryingwlaughter: I think she just doesn't take time to read directions! She was there today on a limited (make 3 meals) coupon, but she signed up for July! So maybe she'll be a better cook after a couple of more sessions!

Then a good friend of mine came to the second session and we got to catch up a little bit while she made her meals.

Then it was break down and wash "dishes" after that. Lots of reaching and bending and reaching and bending. I'm wore slap out! But it's a good kind of tired, ya' know?

So - where is our BF??!!

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I just wanna know one thing . . .

WTH does Clay ask them to STOP the music . . .

then tell 'em to PLAY THE SONG!!!


Can't he make up his frappin' mind?


You know that's what I thought he said too, then I decided he meant Start (haven't read the words, just made up my mind on my own)

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Forgot to add... while I think anything can be discussed...dont' really understand why every single Clay diss is brought to the boards and discussed ad naseum. Who gives a shit what Craig Ferguson has to say or some blogger with two readers before Clay Nation and the haters descended up on it. I think often times the perception of just how bad it is out there is skewed because we have to see every single thing. It's like there is heartbreak on the board every single day because of what some idiot said. No wonder the joy is sucked out of this thing that should be fun.

Awww geez, isn't that the truth!! I hate it when I read about Conan said this and Craig Ferguson said that. It seems some days I read the boards and there's nothing but the same shit rehashed over and over and OVER. I just don't want to read it. I hardly click on any Clay links or blogs anymore unless it's Unicef related or something that shows Clay some respect. I won't give hits to sites that mock him. The fandom for me anyway was supposed to be fun. It was a blast meeting new folks and watching the boards for news...remember the Dotcert?? :00000462: I don't like feeling depressed, defeated and angry when I read the boards...and I'm NOT referring to this board AT ALL. I love this board! I just have too many issues going on in RL without reading all the garbage.

muskifest So I do believe the "young" fans are the ones who have it the roughest. Just admitting you're a Clay Aiken fan is probably a courageous decision!

2 years ago at a fan dinner at the DF Star Search I was talking with a couple from Bellingham or Seattle who had driven their Clay fan daughter to the Gala. They were telling me what a rough time their daughter was given by her peers in high school because she was such a Clay fan. Yes..for many young fans it is rough.

Jaycee I don't think that Clay reads any of the fan boards but we do know that he reads at the OFC and I am sure that what he has read since the baby news hasn't made him happy. It really doesn't matter if it is true or not it was the way HIS FANS reacted without having any REAL facts.

I really hope that TC read fan boards other than OFC. I know I wouldn't be an internet fan of Clay's if the only on-line place I could read about him was the OFC.

I have decided to come out of the cell phone stone age and get a ring tone for my phone.

Where is a good place for me to get a Clay ring tone? Anyone? I don 't know anything about how to go about it.

I hope Clay and TC know that the OFC is not representative of the fandom. I'd love to see quite a few "fans" removed from there permanently, as I believe some there are indeed trying to split the fandom. I think the OFC is a cesspool, and I don't want it to be. I want Clay's fan club to be a place where Clay is respected.

Ringtones? If you have Verizon, they have a lot of Clay's songs as ringtones and ringbacks. OMWH though for now, is only ringbacks. Whoever calls me will either hear Falling, I'm Not Dead Yet, or the theme from Looney Tunes. :lol:

Has anybody read about, and have an opinion on, the vote in a House Judiciary Subcommittee this week that would force radio stations to pay royalties to artists and record labels? This is aimed specifically at terrestrial radio -- it's already a done deal for satellite. No doubt the National Association of Broadcasters will fight this tooth and nail when it moves to the full Judiciary Committee -- but over in the Senate, where this goes next, both the Judiciary Committee Chairman (Pat Leahy) and the opposition ranking member (Orrin Hatch) are supporting it. Maybe this is the answer to the dismal plight of the record labels. Considering everything I've heard on the Clay message boards for the last couple of years about payola, this is really through the looking glass now -- pay TO play instead of pay FOR play!

From yesterday's news:

House Subcommittee Passes Royalty Bill, NAB Girds For War On House Floor

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property met TODAY and approved a bill requiring radio stations to pay royalties to performers and record labels. The vote came while Representatives, often of the same party, were sending letters to their colleagues , advocating one side of this issue or the other.

Cue The Happy People

The MUSICFIRST COALITION's Exec. Dir. DOYLE BARTLETT was pleased with the House vote. “Subcommittee passage of H.R. 4789 is a major victory for America’s artists and musicians and a major triumph for fundamental fairness. ....

“A loophole in the law lets AM and FM music radio stations earn $16 billion a year is advertising revenue without compensating the artists and musicians who bring music to life and listeners’ ears to the radio dial, he continued. "It’s not right, it’s not fair and we are going to make sure it is changed. All other music platforms – satellite radio, Internet webcasts, and cable television music stations – pay artists and musicians to use their music. It’s only fair that terrestrial radio be held to the same standards."

Sen. PATRICK LEAHY (D-VT), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will take up the bill next, gave it his full endorsement: "Members of the House Judiciary Committee today took the first steps in moving forward legislation to provide fair performance rights to artists. Since I joined with Sen. HATCH and our friends in the House last year to introduce performance rights legislation, I have heard from both performers and local radio stations about this legislation. The House Subcommittee’s mark today has continued the debate on how best to protect the rights of performers and songwriters, and the needs of noncommercial and small commercial radio stations .... I hope the Judiciary Committee might be able to turn its attention to this issue before the end of the year."

I'm assuming that terrestrial radio is AM/FM? This is interesting. Iseeme is right...if you don't like what you hear, don't patronize the advertisers. Radio is a nasty, nasty business.

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Well, I initially thought he was singing Start, but the lyrics booklet says STOP!

How about in the AOL sessions and the QVC thingy?

Does he do that in both? Is the camera on him?

I'm too lazy to go search!


Anybody want a White Zinfindel Slushy with me???

I put my wine in the freezer to chill.


Left it too long!!!

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ACK! I'm having internet problems, but I managed to catch up. Interesting comments and discussion.

I PERSONALLY don't care if I never hear people bitching about Clay because that's not what I'm here for. I want to be a fan not another frigging critic.

However, if people feel compelled to share their every negative thought, i just wish they'd begin it with "I" (as in I don't particularly like that song) instead of "Clay" (as in Clay doesn't care about his fans or he'd ..... or Clay is stupid or Clay is a jerk.) That just pisses me off--especially when it's the same few people over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Talk about tiresome.

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Well, I initially thought he was singing Start, but the lyrics booklet says STOP!

How about in the AOL sessions and the QVC thingy?

Does he do that in both? Is the camera on him?

I'm too lazy to go search!

Heee well we can just make up our own minds if we don't read or watch anything. Right now I'm working on HYCA from Sterling Heights, I'm a happy camper. :Thud:

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I just love the guitar and piano and strings weaving around each other in this song!

The singer ain't bad either.

If you wanna know the truth, I think it was written about my Hubby and me. :wub:


That's a terrible picture of me! :cryingwlaughter:


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Oh Cotton, what an exquisite picture! I don't think you look terrible at ALL! I think you look positively lovely!

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Another thing I hate about having to read every little diss in some places is that inevitably, someone decides it is really Clay's "fault" this stuff happens, because he made "bad decisions".

Cotton, that is a great picture - you both look like models!

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Well, I initially thought he was singing Start, but the lyrics booklet says STOP!

How about in the AOL sessions and the QVC thingy?

Does he do that in both? Is the camera on him?

I'm too lazy to go search!

Heee well we can just make up our own minds if we don't read or watch anything. Right now I'm working on HYCA from Sterling Heights, I'm a happy camper. :Thud:

YAY! Excited about Sterling Heights montages. :)

And he definitely sings "stop". I thought it was a bit odd at first, too, but now I think he's telling the band to stop playing what they started with, and play "their" song instead.

ETA: couchie, what a sweetheart! I'd post pics, but I've learned that people don't seem to find teens/twenty somethings cute. :cryingwlaughter:

Night, all! Past my bedtime...........maybe we'll get some news tomorrow about Ruben's wedding. I'd think that there is a good chance Clay is in attendance, if he is finished with his Unicef business.

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