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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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I think it took me an hour to locate the darned email from Clay, but locate it I did! I went through 3 different email accounts, two that I rarely (if ever) check, and had to weed through hundreds of spam, etc, before I finally found it. But yay, there it was with my name on it! It's also cool that you can send it to yourself, if you didn't get it.

Clay is a bit of a comfort, but can someone tell me how to donate using paypal and have it go to Somalia, I can't seem to do both.

I couldn't either, play. Just seems to go to the general Unicef for Children fund if you use paypal.

I have to go to work this morning, but will be leaving at noon to head into Toronto to visit with my mom, and then go to the Blue Jays vs. Yankees game at the Rogers Centre (formerly known as the Sky Dome) in the evening. All the kids, plus extra friends & so's, are coming, too. Son #2's guitar teacher is playing the national anthems on electric guitar for the game, so he is plenty excited about that! And I just found out that my mom's choir will be singing the national anthems at a game in September. Guess I need to buy more tickets........

{{{hugs}}} to all who need them today!

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I have to go to work this morning, but will be leaving at noon to head into Toronto to visit with my mom, and then go to the Blue Jays vs. Yankees game at the Rogers Centre (formerly known as the Sky Dome) in the evening.

Well, I'm sure you'll be rooting for your Jays, but could you give a little wave to my Derek for me, please? Thanx! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Man, I will be glad to get through this day and have time to relax. Are we in a period of Mercury retrograde still, cause everything has gone wrong this week. My husband's car's AC has gone on the fritz for about the 3rd time, necessitating a search for a new car. On Monday, as I was in the bedroom putting away last weeks laundry so that I could empty a basket for this week's laundry, (I didn't get the Suzy Homemaker gene, :cryingwlaughter: ) an entire side of our walk-in closet (MY side, of course) came crashing down out of the wall. The scary part was that two of our cats were in there playing at the time, my Charlotte, and our new kitten, Bailey. I screamed for my son, and we ran in and started trying to lift armloads of clothing to make sure they weren't trapped underneath. (memo to self- look for some storage bins to keep only seasonal clothing on hangers!) Thankfully, after a minute or so, both of them ran out, and were ok- so, someone coming today to look at the closet- and a lovely hole that our son had put in our bedroom wall in a fit of anger when he wasn't allowed to do something.

Crap, have to go get ready for work. Have a great Friday, everyone. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Is it too soon to hope for the next installment of Clay's Fieldnotes???

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Well, I'm sure you'll be rooting for your Jays, but could you give a little wave to my Derek for me, please? Thanx! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Actually, son #1 is a HUGE Yankees fan (and Jeter in particular), so I think we'll be rooting for both teams tonight! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Scary stuff about the closet, glad the cats got out ok.

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I just got caught up on the Broads' video Clack tournament. Those were some hard matches. Skating Clay will win most battles when I get to pick. I just love that clip, and grinned through the whole thing. Listen is running away with the vote, though. I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't really enjoy that song, and didn't care much for the way that Clay and Quiana did it. I admire what they accomplished that night, though. It was so interesting to watch Clay's facial expressions. They were really showing their professionalism and abilitiy to make it work. I thought they both sounded great in parts, but I just don't enjoy listening to it as a whole. The next match was harder for me. I absolutely loved Clay's Emmanuel during that tour and find myself enraptured during his performance every time... but the candy song was so fun. Emannuel won, but it wasn't easy.

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eeeeeeeeeeeeeee I get to stay home this morning!! Boo It's to get my alarm fixed! I cannot believe all the stuff that I have had to fix in the last few weeks.

But eeeeeeeeeeeeeee tomorrow the eHP is coming over! We shall have lots to talk about and it might even include Clay Aiken :cryingwlaughter:

I feel I have missed so much lately I just cannot catch up! Have I missed anything important?

Oh and you know who didn't send me a personalised message! So I say ppfftt to him! I too have GMail and I love it. But alas there was no email in the Spam folder! Ok so I sent money but I tell you.......next time see if I will! No emailey, no money! Oh who am I kidding I'll be pulling out that CC before I even read to the end!

Jeter...Jeter....Jeter...I've heard of that name somewhere! :whistling-1:

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Good Morning Everyone,

Back from my morning walk; did a mile this morning...probably doesn't seem like a lot but for someone for whom exercise is a dirty word...I feel pretty good.

Crazy here with the two puppies and my daughter's dog...they seem to be getting along pretty well, except Trixie doesn't realize they are little and can't play as rough with her. What is interesting is to watch Trixie with them. The puppies like to wrestle and fight and she doesn't like that...as soon as she hears growling she will run over and get between them and keep them separated until they go off and play. She will also herd them when they start straying too far...she would have made a good mama.

The cat however wants no part of any of them and has pretty much gone into hiding in my bedroom. We also had to move the cat's food from her regular place and she is not happy about that.

Off to Target and the grocery store this morning; trying to do all my errands at one time so I don't have to make multiple trips and waste gas.

Everyone have a great day!


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Someone sent me this picture in an email and I got a kick out of it...

Labeled "Patience"


And, cause I have access to my home computer stash of pictures... for CG...


Then, for me, since I count, too... one of my faves since I was two feet from him and he looked at me just like this...


TGIF!!! Been a rough week and a good week at the same time. Parts rough, parts good. You guys scared me and I went and checked my receipt and my money did indeed go to Somalia. Whew!

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Good morning. I sound like a broken record but it's HOT here again this morning and I have no energy. Can't believe how that heat affected me yesterday. I have company coming for the weekend and still have to grocery shop. Trying to keep the air off as long as I can. Don't even want to think about my electric bill this month.

No Clay content. Some time we can discuss his dedication to his fans on OMWH........

laljeterfan - OMG. I would have been panicked until those kitties ran out. I guess I forgot you have a Charlotte as well! My little girl is Charlotte Rose! But everyone calls her Sharlie. I've had such a problem with ants in the past month that I moved the cat food in to a bedroom (having thrown out many dollars worth of IAMS because of ants) and they meow where their food used to be and then go in and eat where it is now! Cats are definitely creatures of habit!

Off to figure out a shopping list.

Still no news on mil's house and property but the fire is still only 42% under control. (wonder how they came to that figure....)

T.G.I.F everybody.

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I checked the box, I have received the e-mails in the past, I donated on line, when I forwarded the e-mail to myself it wasn't caught in a spam filter, I've checked the spam folders, I have only one email account that I use with UNICEF (and almost everything else), and a bunch of old e-mails that say, thanks (my real name), including several referring to the Afghanistan and Mexico campaigns. It's no big deal, just responding to all the suggestions.

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"Mercury in retrograde", laljeterfan? Hee...I've learned the gist of what that means recently and now I'm using it as an excuse for anything that doesn't go right! Quite handy, actually! :cryingwlaughter:

Sending those positive rays out there for all the WTF? moments in everyone's lives...

I'm just trying to Zen out here---I leave for Portland tomorrow to begin the onsite management part of a week-long conference and between now and then there's so much to do at work and so much going on in real life, I'm :smokelots: and I don't even smoke! But if I can get my crap here done enough to be able to let it go by a reasonable hour tonight, I get to take Couchie, my older daughter--who turns 17 TODAY!--and her friend to sixth row seats at the A's game! :EmoticonRingAround:

Gonna miss younger daughter's softball tournament this weekend, although I do plan to get up early tomorrow and catch the first one--at 8 am! (Who MAKES UP these schedules? :crazy:) before heading to the airport. Since the tourneys inland, on the other side of the hills from the Bay Breeze, where the temps have been over the 100F mark consistently lately, I can't say I'm TOO sad to be missing two days of spectating there, but shhhh :unsure:! Don't tell Carrie. ;)

Got my email. Was so excited to see that he addressed me by my first name :wub: but then he pissed on my cornflakes by signing it "Clay Aiken". :glare: I thought for sure he'd sign off with my pet name for him, "BigBoy".... :sleezy:


Have a good Friday, all!

Gibby--hope your DD is improving! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I have to go to work this morning, but will be leaving at noon to head into Toronto to visit with my mom, and then go to the Blue Jays vs. Yankees game at the Rogers Centre (formerly known as the Sky Dome) in the evening. All the kids, plus extra friends & so's, are coming, too. Son #2's guitar teacher is playing the national anthems on electric guitar for the game, so he is plenty excited about that! And I just found out that my mom's choir will be singing the national anthems at a game in September. Guess I need to buy more tickets........

Have a great time, lucky! You've been working hard, and deserve to have some fun! :748:

eeeeeeeeeeeeeee I get to stay home this morning!! Boo It's to get my alarm fixed! I cannot believe all the stuff that I have had to fix in the last few weeks.

I hear ya on all of the stuff needing to be fixed. I have someone coming today to fix our garage door opener, and then on Monday an electrician is coming to install a ceiling light in the entryway of the house. Somehow the hanging light that's been there just spontaneously started coming apart! Not good, since it was made of glass panels. We managed to get it down before it came crashing down on people. Groan, all of this stuff really adds up!

Hmmmm, wonder if we'll get some funny stories from the eHP tonight . . .

Muski, good luck with your conference! Wow, sounds like a real whirlwind weekend with work and your daughter's activities. Give your 17-year old a birthday hug from me, okay?


Thanks for asking about DD#1. She's actually feeling a little better now that she's on a new antibiotic. :badmedicine:

But I just got a call from the Dr's office with her lab results, and found out that she also has mono!! No wonder she's been moping around - pneumonia and mono at the same time is pretty awful! I'm all for a combination of traditional and naturopathic medicine, so I took her yesterday to a naturopath that's going to work with us at getting her better and building up her immune system. She's not normally a sickly kid, so this is all new to her, and we need to get her back to healthy before the school year starts again.

Clay content? I miss seeing him in concert mode -







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Today's word of the day from FreeRice? Hauberk

Without looking it up, does anyone know what it means and how it's Clay related? I'll be back later & will try to bring photographic evidence of the answer... ;)

For now - - -


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<snip> and a bunch of old e-mails that say, thanks (my real name), including several referring to the Afghanistan and Mexico campaigns. It's no big deal, just responding to all the suggestions.
No big deal either, I just found it curious.

What I was suggesting was that it seemed that neither the Afghanistan nor the Mexico mailiing lists were used for this one, since my name was different from the one used on those e-mails. I don't know how long Unicef keeps mailing lists but I'm suggesting that maybe some new person on the staff couldn't find the right mailing list, tried to put together a new one and inadventently missed some entries.

FromClaygary, merrieeee and I are having a chat about the "online equivalent of an inspirational book" thing tonight at 8:30 Eastern. If anyone else wants to help, please PM merrieeee, not me because my Inbox is full. We're also going to be asking for pictures, animations, quotations, game applets, youtube clips, poems, short prose, etc. soon so if you have any nice ones please gather them. Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: :PickMe-1:

Oh, annabear, pick me pick me!!! It's straight out of my Neverwinternights/Bard's Tale/Wizardry arsenal (eg. +50 Adamantium Hauberk of Total Annihilation)

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Today's word of the day from FreeRice? Hauberk

Without looking it up, does anyone know it means and how it's Clay related? I'll be back later & will try to bring photographic evidence of the answer... ;)

I know what it is, too, from playing all of those war/adventure medieval games! Clay wore a hauberk as a part of his Spamalot costume.

Hint: chain mail - and no, it doesn't have anything to do with sending a letter or an email!

ETA: I think think annabear should pick MEEEEE, cuz I'm ON TOP!!! Heeeee.

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Just saw this posted at the CH. Anyone here want to go to the convention and pick up some extra cd's for the team.

<H3 class=post-title>Music for the Afghan Teacher Training Project </H3>

There will be an exciting announcement made in Chicago this July.

Delta Kappa Gamma has teamed with UNICEF to produce a CD that will

serve as a fund-raiser for the Afghan Teacher Training Project. We

are so excited to tell you all about it. The CD features the song

"We Sing for the Children" which Northwest members sang in Vancouver, B.C.

last summer. There is an update on the work being done in Afghanistan

and interviews with Afghan teachers, UNICEF staff and the popular

singing star Clay Aiken. You will be able to get a CD by making a

donation of $15.00 or more at the convention.

Here's the link:


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Is the convention open to the public: I would sure hate to see it turn into a Clay fan reunion...I know being cynical...but everytime something like this is announced...and event that is really not about Clay, I just get nervous thinking about fans going overboard to get some clack.


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I'm not even sure this is something that Clay would be at. I was just assuming that they would be offering a cd with an interview of Clay. I'm hoping that the cd will be available somewhere besides the convention.

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I'm not even sure this is something that Clay would be at. I was just assuming that they would be offering a cd with an interview of Clay. I'm hoping that the cd will be available somewhere besides the convention.

I didn't think you meant Clay would be there; just wondering if the convention is for Delta Kamma Gamma members only and if so it would be inappropriate for Clay fans to "crash" it in order to get a CD.

It isn't a Clay event and I don't want some fans to make it about him.


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Scarlett, Merrieeee and FromClaygary and whomever else joins in the chat, please keep us informed so we can help and contribute whatever you need. I won't be home this evening... Muski taking me to the A's game..looking forward to the $9 beer.

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:98 :herewegoagin: :

:onFire::Ahh: :RandomSmiley: :chores015: :women23:

And to the people who play dumb when they're asked, "You have the (fill in the blank) ready, right?"

:fuckoff: :italianflick:

:boredsmiley: :wtfcat:

Couchie,...you can get to my house any time after you get off work. I'll be home in time to get us to the game but right now I have no idea exactly when. But the Muski crew will be there so...head on over!

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