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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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I guess I am still stuck on his Idol relationships; I loved the friendship between him and Ruben, loved their duets. I was kinda hoping he'd sing at Ruben's wedding but coordinating schedules when several busy people are involved is not a breeze. (I really only watched the whole of Series 2 in recent months so I haven't really moved on as much as the rest of you)

Nothing wrong with enjoying his Idol relationships. But questioning their friendship, based on something that we have absolutely no way of knowing - well to me, that is not fair. Everything both have them have said indicates that they are still friends. Questions that we have no possible way to know the answers to, and can only invite negative speculation are my pet peeve. JMO of course.

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For me, the supreme Sterling Heights performance of the night was Measure of a Man. Clay was inspired, the excellent orchestra turned it up to 11, and the well-deserved standing O went on and on even though Clay kept gesturing to the audience to sit down. Even Quiana was impressed. It's my favorite Live Clay moment ever.

MOAM in Sterling Heights was something else! crimsonice, cindilu2, goldarngirl & I were just discussing it over dinner last night. Even Quiana remarked that she thought she heard parts of the song she'd never heard before! Clay was really, really into it that night.....I will be forever grateful to whoever left their centre section seats empty so that cindilu2 and I could move into them for the second half of that show! :)

That MOMA was amazing...but then, I think that whole show was amazing. Different concerts become favorites for different reasons, and that one had a whole lot of wonderful for me to love. The little quirky things too...like the gal hanging in the tree and Clay moving to the side of the arena so the fans could see better looking away from the sun....even Angela leaving the stage (poor thing) became a thing of beauty. (Listen with Clay and Quiana)

*sigh* Fun times!

:00003653: claygasm. Enjoy!

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...I will be forever grateful to whoever left their centre section seats empty so that cindilu2 and I could move into them for the second half of that show! :)

Hey, I moved on up with you too! I even got a shout out that night. During the "Who's the Boss" theme he pointed at me and said "I see you singin'!"

I also remember the hip rider pants that night and the fact that we were all hoping he'd lose them. :013085001176249046: Loved the belt too and yeah, the fact that he moved so the sun wasn't blinding us and mentioned that the people in the front row were going to be upset with him.

(Sigh) Good times!

I miss him too!

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Hey, I moved on up with you too! I even got a shout out that night. During the "Who's the Boss" theme he pointed at me and said "I see you singin'!"

Hee, weren't you a row in front of us? I just remember a lot of seat-hopping going on! And PANTS! Who can forget the pants???? That was some concert, fo' sho'! I am thoroughly enjoying going through the clack again. claytonic, sorry, can't access YouTube from work. But we should have the montages ready by the beginning of next week!

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I see we are continuing to practice medicine without a license, but warnings are good things.


Happy birthday, Claygasm, from one crab to another.

I have my favorite concerts as well, but I can't tell you much about them since I suffer severely from Aiken fog disease.

Voice - I think people may have heard the rawness, the untrained voice first. I feel like Clay has learned a lot about his voice and how to use it, so it is not straight forward BOOM out there. Instead of just singing so much, he is now communicating with various tones. I feel like it is probably just growth and we all want him to grow, don't we?

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I guess I am still stuck on his Idol relationships; I loved the friendship between him and Ruben, loved their duets. I was kinda hoping he'd sing at Ruben's wedding but coordinating schedules when several busy people are involved is not a breeze. (I really only watched the whole of Series 2 in recent months so I haven't really moved on as much as the rest of you)

Nothing wrong with enjoying his Idol relationships. But questioning their friendship, based on something that we have absolutely no way of knowing - well to me, that is not fair. Everything both have them have said indicates that they are still friends. Questions that we have no possible way to know the answers to, and can only invite negative speculation are my pet peeve. JMO of course.

Agree with you on this especially after seeing how Ruben handled that reporter who was trying to get him to say something about the whole baby drama. To me, it seemed he was being very protective of his friend. And Clay always talks about how he and Ruben still talk about once a month and how they are still friends. And from all accounts, Clay was in Somalia or en route from there during the wedding so no suprise that he could not be there.

Also wanted to comment on the boobgate thing from the previous page. From what I remember, Faye was not upset and actually said something about how maybe that would stop all the other rumors. Can't say I remember the pic being on mainstream media, at least don't remember a big thing made of it there, however I do remember the freaking out that people did on the boards. I just thought he was having fun with a friend and had not thought about it getting out, which it had never been intended to except for some people have to find out everything possible about Clay. I don't know who the posters were and I don't really like judging others, but it really seemed like a big invasion of privacy to me.

And I'd have to go with the Listen duet because that is still one of my favorite moments. I loved the ATD performance on Kimmel, but I'm really not a fan of that song. Liked the skating thing too but it feels like a lifetime ago.

And I'm one who likes the Goo Goo Dolls version of Iris. Not saying they or he has the greatest voice ever but sometimes a certain voice seems to go with a song. Just like Apologize by One Republic. Think Ryan Tedder leaves a lot to be desired as a singer and I'm no fan of his, but I liked his voice for that song.

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Just got an email from Clay!


Addressed to MEEEEEE:

Dear Anne,

As you may have heard, I've been visiting UNICEF field locations in northwest Somalia. Today, I would like to share some of my experiences and ask for your help.

Without a permanent central government, Somalia has become one of the poorest and most volatile countries in the world. Currently less than 25 percent of the population has access to basic health services, less than 30 percent of children attend primary school and only 29 percent have access to a safe water source.

Thankfully UNICEF is there, and has been present in the region since 1972, to provide support for the most vulnerable children. I witnessed children attending UNICEF-sponsored schools, nutritional feedings and immunizations at UNICEF health clinics. The good news is that these programs are working, saving children's lives.

We've been so successful helping kids in the past—thank you.

Please join me in making a donation today to aid the children of Somalia.


Clay Aiken, UNICEF Ambassador

P.S. Make a difference today: please pass this message to your friends and family.

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EEEEEEE!! I got the email, too! And like Cotton, I wasted no time changing my avi.

Lucky, the email is from UNICEF. There's a donate button in it, and since I've been waiting for Clay's direct appeal, I'm whipping out my credit card right now!

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As soon as I saw it here, I checked my email and there was mine from Clay. I did the same as you Gibby, whipped that card right out to donate. Was going to donate today anyway, but once Clay asked, I was all over it.

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I haven't gotten any e-mails from UNICEF lately, so I suspect Yahoo is eating them. I'll have to check when I get home. If there's a particular link to use to donate, can someone please post it? Thanks!

Here's the link:


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BloomingClay has posted another video of a Korean show with OMWH in the background. Some of the uses are rather amusing. I certainly hope Clay sells more than 10K in Korea, which is all the international report

link - play or download

Very interesting, Play!

I also noticed that on the DONATE page, if you look left, there's a column of 'other ways to donate' and you can donate through Paypal!

So - maybe I can give a little more since that would be from my funds instead of family funds. :)

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Hey! I got my mail from UNICEF! And it's signed by CLAY!! :D

I've got stuff to do today, so I can't sit here reading all the responses to the questionaire and writing my own......

BUT... :013085001176249046:




:04: :04: :04:

For those who missed The LOVE one-year-anniversary Larry King Show with Paul, Ringo, Yoko and Olivia,

HERE is the first of 7 parts on youtube: Paul Ringo Yoko & Olivia on Larry King 1/7

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All this spirit of helping others seems to be in the air. I came here to post this link:

Washington Post on Documentary Film

It is an article about a documentary that a colleague of mine was co-producer for. We screened the film yesterday at work---this is an endeavor that is not part of her job here, but is part of her life and interests. She just announced that she's leaving our organization to pursue her passion of African dance as a livelihood and not just a hobby. I'm really going to miss her. We 'connected'.

Anyway, it struck me as I read this article and talked with Juanita about her involvement in the making of the film--what she learned and what impact she thought it had on others, etc.---that there are so many ways that one person can make a difference, can do something worthwhile. And it made me really want to look for a way for ME to do the same thing....I do feel that volunteerism and charity-related teachings is an area I've NOT done enough of in my parenting. But I also know that the best way to teach such things is to exemplify them...(teach by example) so I need to get MYSELF involved first, I think, before I start urging my kids to do so.

Have a great day, everybody! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm in the midst of that typical "days right before a conference" frenzy here....

:wacko::breakpc1: :bigemo_harabe_net-24: :mallet::fncomputer::smokelots::onFire: :dumb_people: :Ahh:

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I got a letter and lovely new pictures from Clay, too. :yahoo:

Happy Birthday, Claygasm :openflower3: . I am not averse to regifting, so when my birthday comes around in early December, if you'd be willing to share that lucsious picture Muski sent to you, I'd be so grateful. I don't think I've seen that one before.

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