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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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64 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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Watching SYTYCD and have to make 2 comments; 1) What kind of deal did OneRepublic make with these guys that their songs get played multiple times, and 2) What the hell was that that I just listened to?

I know this song is pretty popular because I'd read something on aol but that has to be one of the stupidest songs I've ever heard, along with a boring beat and that girl cannot sing. Better add, in my opinion. And this is what gets played over Clay? Really sad.

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Happy Birthday CLAYGASM

I brought you a present -- and I hope you enjoy the memories!

Also, in discussions about the voice and when it was this or that ... as far as I'm concerned, this is ALL that ... and a bag of Cheez Doodles!

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claygirl9131, check your Spam email folder. Also, I think you'd only get the email if you've donated to UNICEF before via the web.

The Broads have put up Match 11. Link is here. 2005 Atlanta Emmanuel vs. The Valentine Song from Kimmel. Holiday themed contest, and this is a battle between those who love the voice vs. the people who love the funny guy. I think you probably all know which way I voted, then -- Kimmel all the way. That whole thing made me smile, smile, smile. LOVE IT.

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Did everyone but me get the email from Clay???? :cry4:

BF doesn't like me...........

If you have an overactive spam blocker like I do, try going here and sending the e-mail to yourself.

Kicks stoopid Yahoo which seems to be eating more and more of my actual e-mail. Maybe I actually want a bigger p3n1s and a conterfeit Rolex!

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Did everyone but me get the email from Clay???? :cry4:

BF doesn't like me...........

I didn't get mine either, but mine are often late coming. I hope it'll show up by tomorrow.

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Watching SYTYCD and have to make 2 comments; 1) What kind of deal did OneRepublic make with these guys that their songs get played multiple times, and 2) What the hell was that that I just listened to?

I know this song is pretty popular because I'd read something on aol but that has to be one of the stupidest songs I've ever heard, along with a boring beat and that girl cannot sing. Better add, in my opinion. And this is what gets played over Clay? Really sad.

Holy Crap! That girl!

Y'all - this is what's considered great lyrics today?

I kissed a girl and I liked it

The taste of her cherry chapstick

Over and Over and Over and Over and . . . Gag me!

And I noticed 2 One Rep, songs, at least.

The Alvin Bailey guys were great, though. (and Whoa! The bods!)

Did everyone but me get the email from Clay???? :cry4:

BF doesn't like me...........

I'm sorry, Honey!

Like Bottle, I wondered about SPAM.

Did everyone but me get the email from Clay???? :cry4:

BF doesn't like me...........

If you have an overactive spam blocker like I do, try going here and sending the e-mail to yourself.

Kicks stoopid Yahoo which seems to be eating more and more of my actual e-mail. Maybe I actually want a bigger p3n1s and a conterfeit Rolex!

OMG! I get so sick of the crap that DOESN'T go in my yahoo SPAM folder!


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HBD, Claygasm! :bday:

It's always great to see his picture with little children!!! :29: :26: :16: :25: :18:

Scarlett, I love the idea of doing something as well....I have NO idea WHAT! :hysterical: but I'd love to be able to contribute something more than my few $.
:bliss2-1: (And merrieeee's on board too!)

DD#1 has been sick for a couple of weeks, and we got her on an antibiotic about a week ago for what we thought was a sinus infection. She hasn't gotten any better, has had high fevers every night, and her coughing is out of control. So I took her to the Dr. today, and found out she has pneumonia! I wonder how my otherwise healthy 16 year old dtr. got pneumonia?? Poor thing is spending her summer moping around because she feels so bad. I'm hoping that the new antibiotic and OTC meds will help her feel better soon.
{{{DD#1}}} :console:

ETA: And, Scarlett, if it's any consolation, I voted for ATD on Kimmel. I just saw it on TV and it blew me away.
{{{group hug with Gibby!}}}

For me, the supreme Sterling Heights performance of the night was Measure of a Man. Clay was inspired, the excellent orchestra turned it up to 11, and the well-deserved standing O went on and on even though Clay kept gesturing to the audience to sit down. Even Quiana was impressed. It's my favorite Live Clay moment ever.
Thanks for the reminder, need to watch that again! (and the seemingly suspended in mid-drop pants!) *oh, you lucky Sterling Heights-goers!*

Just got an email from Clay!


Addressed to MEEEEEE:

Dear Anne,


Just got home and finally opened my AOL e-mail with the Unicef message. Very nice!!! Is it too late to re-register at Unicef with my first name as "Sweetiepie" or "Snookums"? (would also have been cute to use "sweet babboo" but I won't let anyone else, even Clay, call me that)

Cotton, stay safe tonight! I hope the thunderstorms have passed.

3. How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way?

Ah, this is the question that will get me tomato-ed! :lilredani: (or more precisely, the answer that will get me tomato-ed!) Shipping- hate it, hate it, hate it! I had to chuckle the other night when people were talking about "projecting" our thoughts and feelings onto Clay, cause I think this is the one area where most of that is done. I don't have a problem with statements about how "Clay and fill in the blank would make such a lovely couple" or "Wouldn't it be nice if he got together with x, y or z"

Will wallow frolic in the tomatoes with you, though I probably won't call it a "hate" thing, just a "why waste precious drooling time?" thing.

I was messing around with the Unicef pics with some filters in PSP, and I accidentally came up with this.
What a beauty! Thank you! :clap::clap::clap:

I have nuthin' to say - I just wanted to see my purdy new avi agan.

I want to see it again too!!! I usually make yarn colorways out of Clay's appearances but in this case I'll probably be the only one willing to wear a scarf in those colors.

claygirl9131, if you've donated before, why don't you call to inquire? (after adding 'honeybunch' to your name)

ETA: Ooops, I meant claygirl9131... and thanks for the smiles your pictures bring, annabear! :thankyou:

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Gahhhhhhhhhhh - just came home from working outside all day in 105 degree heat and the house was 96. I might be dying - not sure.

Clay's voice......I think he can be pure and crystal clear when he wants. But I think he's learned how to use his voice better than he did when he was younger. I think he's learned how to use the power to advantage and that he doesn't need to hit glory notes in every song. Some of his earlier stuff was raw with him just belting the notes out. The song that comes to mind is Still The One! I bet if we heard him sing it now it would be aces over the earlier version.

I think it's interesting that Clay's appeal for money came through UNICEF and an email and not a blog on the OFC. It would appear he is avoiding blogs and the OFC - and not just because he's taking a rest! Makes you kind of want to go....hmmmmmmmm!!!!

Clay and Ruben - I think they're friends because Clay has said they are friends and they try to keep in touch. I mentioned the fact of Clay using Ruben's wife's apparently common name when it first came up. For all we know they've been socializing occasionally over the past year or so. But I also agree that for Clay to have gone to the wedding would have brought unwanted attention to someone other than the bride and groom on their special day! And that's pretty sad, when you think of it, that he maybe can't attend a friend's wedding because of the papparazzi.

Clay and Ryan - never thought they were buddies. I think Ryan was just another person on the American Idol team. Clay doesn't sing the type of music that Ryan plays on his radio show apparently and there's really no reason why Ryan should have any allegiance to Clay. They're probably congenial when and if they see each other - like Clay is with alot of other show-biz type. Sometimes I think some of Clay's fans feel he automatically exacts allegiance and loyalty from everyone he's ever known. Not true.

John Mayer - he's a good guitarist and I used to like his music - until I saw him on a few talk shows and saw his unbridled arrogance. Don't like the man so not fond of his music.

Ummmmm - did I leave anything out?



HAPPY BIRTHDAY CG......and many more!


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Thanks everyone :F_05BL17blowkiss: I did ck my spam folder all day to make sure but NOTHING.....oh well at least I got to see those wonderful pics and read it on the board.

Clay is truly in his element when he is with the children. I am proud to be his fan :wub:


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Gmail rocks. Just sayin'.

*picture "Yeah that!" emoticon here someday* :P

:bday: Claygasm!





If y'all survived the pics..... anybody ever play around on FreeRice? It's a fun little online vocabulary game that actually does something pretty cool:

For each word you get right, we donate 20 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.

By the way - my word of the day? Geophagy. Know what it means?


clay eating

With that thought in mind, good night! :Iluvclaysbutt:

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Thanks everyone :F_05BL17blowkiss: I did ck my spam folder all day to make sure but NOTHING.....oh well at least I got to see those wonderful pics and read it on the board.

Clay is truly in his element when he is with the children. I am proud to be his fan :wub:



He loves ya - he just lost your email addy!!!

Me, too! :claydreaming_ClayIzzaQt:

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Gmail rocks. Just sayin'.

Trust me, if I didn't "own" a little local Clay Yahoo group board ***wavestoClaygirl*** I would get rid of Yahoo mail!

Doesn't mean you can't have a Gmail account too. *g* I have a yahoo account, a gmail account, and my internet provider email address. Oh, and my work email. Sometimes it gets VERY difficult to remember what email address is connected to what particular sign-up, especially for something you don't use very often. Ran into this problem the other day when I went to Dell's site to possibly look for a new computer. I've bought stuff with them before...but damn if I could remember what email address I originally registered with them!

Gahhhhhhhhhhh - just came home from working outside all day in 105 degree heat and the house was 96. I might be dying - not sure.

I KNOW I'd be dead. Can't stand the heat. Glad you survived...have some lemonade.

Clay and Ruben - I think they're friends because Clay has said they are friends and they try to keep in touch. I mentioned the fact of Clay using Ruben's wife's apparently common name when it first came up. For all we know they've been socializing occasionally over the past year or so. But I also agree that for Clay to have gone to the wedding would have brought unwanted attention to someone other than the bride and groom on their special day! And that's pretty sad, when you think of it, that he maybe can't attend a friend's wedding because of the papparazzi.

I agree...but unfortunately, it's part and parcel of being a celebrity. One I can believe that Clay isn't interested in...

Clay and Ryan - never thought they were buddies. I think Ryan was just another person on the American Idol team. Clay doesn't sing the type of music that Ryan plays on his radio show apparently and there's really no reason why Ryan should have any allegiance to Clay. They're probably congenial when and if they see each other - like Clay is with alot of other show-biz type. Sometimes I think some of Clay's fans feel he automatically exacts allegiance and loyalty from everyone he's ever known. Not true.

Bolding mine. ITA with all this. While I do think Clay has some extremely good working relationships with a bunch of people in the business, it really IS a business, and that's how I see the Clay/Ryan thing. Heck, that's still the way I see the Climmel, although Clay has now said (5 years later) in an interview that he seems to have a friendship there.

You know, I really love CG's birthday, because everyone posts her favorite Clay look from the 2006 AMA.

And mine too.

annabear, I've played with FreeRice many times. LOVE that site.

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Eh, I have netmail. G-mail reads your posts to focus the advertisements. I dont;' get advertisements at netmail. Yahoo mail is for my throw away accounts. Ihave lots and lots of them. I don't want to use outlook because then I am stuck to one computer, it downloads my mail and then I can't read it when I am at the beach. I just need an account that won't pass on anuything with Cialis or Viagra in the subject. an maybe "account renewal" either.

ou know Clay has attended some of Ruben's concerts early on by just not announcing he would be there and sneaking in the rear (as opposed to announcing that He or Kim need a good welcome in Raleigh and standing in the front row). Clay did not take away from Hannah's last day, I think if he were an unannounced guest he could have gotten away with it. I do believe that Ruben gave an exclusive on the wedding to a magazine to get some good publicity.

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Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes - and all the GORGEOUS pics, including my all time favorite AMA pics! :hubbahubba: YUMMY!!!!!

And kf, :F_05BL17blowkiss: for that YouTube present! One of my very favorite performances of MOAM ever!!

I had a decent birthday considering I had to work. I do long for the birthdays that involved doing whatever I wanted and getting lots of presents and cake and everything!

My mother and I went out to dinner. Good food and I did get a great present from her. This is the first birthday since my father died and I was hoping she would be ok. I was having a bit of trouble with it, not that I would let her see that, though. Anyway, for the first time since he died in January, she would bring him up and laugh about him without her voice cracking or her saying wistfully "Poor darling" or something like that. For the first time I believed she is moving forward. I always knew she would be ok because she is a very strong woman. But I did worry because it was so hard for her to talk about him in a normal way - you know, laugh about the things that used to irritate her about him - stuff like that. Anyway, it just felt so good to see her relaxed and happy and laughing about my father. That to me was a great present.

Then of course my boyfriend sent me an email for my birthday! Sure, he diguised it as an appeal for money, but I can read between the lines with the best of them! I had on my super-seekrit decoder ring! It was a hidden birthday wish just for me for sure! :D

But he made one critical error.... HE WAS WEARING GLASSES!!!!!!! He really ought to know better if he wants to get money out of me! <_<

Yes, I know. I am being shallow, but then again, its my birthday and I get to be shallow on my birthday if I want to! And any other day I want to, for that matter....

Anyway, thanks again for all the birthday wishes. They mean a lot to me. Despite the fact we sometimes disagree, argue, battle, hiss at each other etc., I still love this board - and Clay!


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:hb2: claygasm!

Darn that man- I made a donation yesterday, and then today he goes and sends me an e-mail and asks me ever so sweetly to donate money to the children of Somalia, and how could I ever refuse him????? :wub:

By the way - my word of the day? Geophagy. Know what it means?


clay eating

With that thought in mind, good night! :Iluvclaysbutt:

Yep, I'll be taking that thought to bed with me!


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I've been gone for so long I'm not even going to try to get caught up. I did pop in once in a while to see what was going on.

Anyway, the houseguests are gone...they stayed an extra day than I expected them too, but I'm glad in a way...probably won't see them for another 10 years. We all had a great 4th.

With all the music and song analysis going on here lately I decided to try to take up piano again...we'll see how it goes. So far, so good!

No email from my BF either...can't afford to donate right now anyway. We have 2 cars in the shop being repaired! :(

Love the AMA pics! God, he looked good in those... :hubbahubba:

Happy Birthday Claygasm!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I have no idea what this means but I'll post it anyway... :Iluvclaysbutt:Is it smutty?????

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Did everyone but me get the email from Clay???? :cry4:

BF doesn't like me...........

If you have an overactive spam blocker like I do, try going here and sending the e-mail to yourself.

Kicks stoopid Yahoo which seems to be eating more and more of my actual e-mail. Maybe I actually want a bigger p3n1s and a conterfeit Rolex!

claygirl, I believe like ldyj said, only the people who usually donate online received the email. I only donate via snail mail and on phone with my credit card, so I did not receive it either. Here, you can follow this link and not only read the email, but then send it to yourself. (scroll down)

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but but but I always donate on line....

And he still won't write me. I did successfully e-mail it to myself, but I wanna e-mail that says, Dear (my name here) instead of Dear Supporter.

Tomorrow. Maybe.

{{{Play}}} dental hell is no fun.

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Did everyone but me get the email from Clay???? :cry4:

BF doesn't like me...........

I didn't get one either!! It made me realize that I don't get e-mail from UNICEF anymore. I let them take some money each month from my bank account but they have always e-mailed me also and I haven't responded to that. Maybe they have given up. I really didn't want them to, I was just waiting for Clay to ask.

Guess I will just pretend he wrote to me.

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jmh, I don't know if this will help or not but Unicef has not sent me any e-mails under the same combination of proper name & email ID as yesterday's Somalia appeal, in the past 2 years. This is what I mean. Unicef has 4 email ids for me: A, B, C, D. (some pre-date the Clay fandom). When it sends e-mails, it uses either no name (ie. only the e-mail id, nothing more), my nickname or the name on my license, L name.

The Somalia e-mail from Clay went to "L name" <D>.

The previous e-mails I received from Unicef were sent to one of the following:



"Nickname" <C>

"L name" <B> (this was the 'Clay Aiken and Unicef Thank You' photo album for the Mexico appeal)

"L name" <A> (this was the semi-personalized "UNICEF: Kids in Afghanistan need our help" from "Clay Aiken, UNICEF USA <email@unicefusa.org> sent in April 2007 )


Seemingly every very other combination but THE one.

*no rhyme or reason why*

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