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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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64 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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Good morning (is it still morning?)!!! :22: :nature-smiley-014:

I should get up and dress to go to merrieee's... what time are we meeting up? :highfive:

When I joined our company 14 years ago, Lyle Lovett's parents still worked here. It was soon after the time he married Julia and media people were saying, "Julia married him? What was she thinking?" And all I knew was that he and his family were very very nice people and I remember wondering, "Isn't that enough?"

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So how was the $9 beer last night Couchie? PacBell stadium is the neatest place to see a baseball game!!!

It sure is a neat place to see a game but since the GIANTS aren't my team we didn't go there last night :hysterical: Just teasing you. I'm an A's fan and so we're the underappreciated farm team for the rest of the league in the football stadium across the bay.

Cindilu, thanks for that different perspective. I bet if you look at a record company roster, most would probably be like this. I guess this is why I'm never really in worry mode..yep I want clay to be the most popular guy on the planet, but I also know if RCA dropped him tomorrow he could still hit the road and I could see him. It will be interesting to see if getting a part of merchandising and touring profit will be come the new norm for labels and artists.

ETA: Spamalot is coming to SF!!

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Since Clay wasn't actually working in the deli at my grocery store when I was there this morning, I assume he's still doing alright. :cryingwlaughter:

Seriously, I dreamed Clay was behind the counter filling orders and whatnot, dressed in his GMA jacket and sweater vest. No hairnet though, so I suppose the health department might be unhappy...


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I have to say, that I was kinda lax the first month listening to OMWH....so now I have just this new appreciation for it suddenly. I've really been playing it all day at work and in the car, which I hadn't been doing. I love singing ALAWH at the top of my lungs heee. Songs that I didn't really appreicate on the first listens are moving up.songs like Wieight of the World and Sacrificial Love, which I woke up singing the yesterday. I was like what am I singing.... hee. I also love the song OMWH. It's a catchy song IMO.

But other songs which I've always liked have really taken a hold of me like Where I Draw the Line and Grace of God. I aboslutely adores these songs. My fascination with ALAWH continues.  Now it's the "tempo" (cluessless music person).. the songs just seems to havce so many flavors.  I had finally turned off the song after literally listening all day yesterday and was listening to my sports station waiting for Muski to get home when she pulls up BLASTIN ALAWH...cracked me up. I thought about KAndre and her razz battle with some folks in LA.  Clay can actually kick a few asses with this album. Anyway, just wanted to say how much I loved it.

I remember before the album came out that I said the most important thing TO ME was that Clay got to do the type of album he wanted.  And now I can add,,, and thank god I love it to that.

So I think I'll go to work and put it on again...but this time..I don't think I will repeat ONE all day long. :cryingwlaughter: I do have to say that Ashes is middle of the pack for me and I think cuz I get a "stayling alive" vibe.. I literally see John Travolta and Finola Hughes flying through the air on parts of the song. hee. Don't know why that is.. I don't know a thing about what's current because I just don't listen to the radio but when I hear it I definitely think 1980s or maybe that was 1990s.

Happy weekend everyone.

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LALate has been really good to Clay. I was afraid it was part of the 2-week wunderpromotion, so I'm thrilled to see they are still at it.

I put up a "page" or "slide" or whatever for possible use in the "Project". Mosey over to the Clay Parties thread and take a look if you are so inclined.

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I'll have what bottlecap is having...[/When Harry Met Sally]

bc, was your sandwich made by Clay layered "bread, bread, meat?" Did you help Clay with the twisty-ties?


:cryingwlaughter: I love that interview...and the frustrated face Clay made when demonstrating his sandwich making skills

...I've been to three Krogers already bottle, just in case. Now point me to the ones we haven't checked yet. :imgtongue:

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Wow, it's been quiet in here today! Hopefully everyone is off having a good time.

I'm very pleased that LaLate has continued to give Clay such great coverage! I'm hoping that a few more blogs or news outlets will feature his Somalia trip at some point. I wonder if he will go on any TV news shows? It sure would be nice to see him again. But, of course, it's his vacation, and he deserves it verra verra much!

Couchie, I hear ya about the OMWH love! I streamed it so much prior to the CD release that I always skipped it when I first got the CD. But I've been listening to it a lot more lately, and there's a lot to love! I really do like the lyrics, the arrangement is good, and of course Clay's singing is wonderful.

Well, the sound of live singing is filling my house again! DD#1 - who has both mono and pneumonia - has not been singing for about a month. She's probably had the mono for a month, and we didn't know it until now. It's quite unusual for her not to sing at home, as she sings in choirs, musicals, solo performances, etc., and practices and sings for fun a lot at home. But she is feeling well enough to start singing again, and actually sounds pretty good! I'm relieved that she's feeling better, and that her voice, although in need of a bit of practice, is no worse for the wear. Although it's no fun being sick during the summer, we are grateful that she got sick when she's on vacation from school rather than in the middle of the school year, plays, competitions, etc. That would have been really bad!

We need a pic of Clay on this page. This RS pic is one of my all-time favorites. He looks so handsome and sensuous! I love the contrast between light and dark in B&W. And the open lips, cute ear, long eyelashes, vulnerable neck, and strong jaw just do me in. :hubbahubba:


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Is it wrong that as soon as I arrived at my hotel here in Portland and connected to the internet, I checked in HERE first instead of with my work email? Hmmmm? :imgtongue:

Hot up here! But lovely. I just settled in at the desk in my room when "DING DONG! Room Service!" got my plate of fruit, along with a bottle of pinot noir and a chocolate airplane. I didn't even order room service, either...heh. The sales guy here sent it up to me, of course, since our company's bringing the hotel mucho money this week.

After I take care of some actual business, I'm gonna take the train into downtown and scope it out so that I can tell the conference participants what it's all about..especially where the best brew pubs are... :whistling-1:

The A's game was SUUUUU--PERB last night! We had fun, didn't we, Couchie!

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EEP - Giants - A's, whoops!!! Welllll, PacBell is still a good place to see a baseball game! Hee! (where's that embarassed emoticon??)

If anyone is interested in hearing Lyle Lovett's beautiful voice......find A Simple Song. He sings it pretty much a capella - I think only has a cello and a piano behind him. Beautiful, beautiful song.

My only comments about Lyle vs. Clay, Cindi, were that Lyle's found a niche that is pleasing to a fanbase that has been following him for 20+ years and he tours all the freakin' time. So not sure that his record sales would be acceptable to someone who doesn't want to tour all the time. But there are similarities in how the two men relate to their audiences and give one hell of a show in person!!!

Hope everyone is having a good evening. Back to my company............

Oh and


in any language!

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If anyone is interested in hearing Lyle Lovett's beautiful voice......find A Simple Song. He sings it pretty much a capella - I think only has a cello and a piano behind him. Beautiful, beautiful song.

I just listened to Simple Song online. It's a beautiful song.

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This thread travels so fast sometime and so with working full time and going to school two nights a week makes it really easy to get behind. And also, right now I’m sitting on this term paper I have to do which has to be six pages on a subject having to do with “Technology.” Ok, well that narrows it down…

Any great ideas out there?

I think we're all in this together -- how about I PM my AIM, Yahoo & google and you can pick?

Maybe I'll do something on 'Webster’s' and how with a name like that they should really better catch up. Ha, can you imagine what somebody reading that even 10 years ago would have thought?


cha cha trusty… your ‘wordles’ were VERY cool!

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This thread travels so fast sometime and so with working full time and going to school two nights a week makes it really easy to get behind. And also, right now I'm sitting on this term paper I have to do which has to be six pages on a subject having to do with "Technology." Ok, well that narrows it down…

I want to go back to school for my Master's but I just know I can't handle it working full time. I took one little class..only went once a week and it almost killed me. So congrats on your endeavor. I love learning and if I could go to school without worrying about eating I would do it in a heartbeat.

Gibby I've always loved that ROlling Stone photo of Clay. He looks absolutely gorgeous in it.

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I'm here, just been entertaining my mom today. Went and saw Wanted tonight. OK movie, I guess, a lot of strong language and pretty graphic stuff, though. Hoping to kick back and relax a bit tomorrow.

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Gibby - I've been meaning to say that I hope DD feels much better. And it IS good she can rest right now without worrying about school. Mono is such a crappy thing to have - you literally have NO energy.

Couchie - I went to grad school while I was working full time. Check out JFK University or Golden Gate in SF. Even if you only took one class a quarter it would add up sooner than you think. Not sure what kind of work you do but sometimes you can get work credits.

Shamrock :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm so glad you checked out that song. It's always been one of my favorites. I've even won bets on it. People who think they don't like Lyle Lovett can never guess who is singing that song!

Tri-tip on the barbie and we're all starving here. Guess I better go check the "doneness!"

I miss Clay. I really do. I hope wherever he is - he's smiling!

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I love that interview...and the frustrated face Clay made when demonstrating his sandwich making skills

which interview? :)

Been at work and then met with a few Clay friends! Whoo-Hoo!

We had dinner at PF Chang's. First time I've ever been to one. Really good. And fun sharing our orders family style! I think I'd like to go back there.

No edamame (sp?) for me to try though! Poo!

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I love that interview...and the frustrated face Clay made when demonstrating his sandwich making skills

which interview? :)

That's the 2006 Leno interview. It's one of my favorite interviews with him, and he looked hot to boot! And I think this is the look laughn is talking about, I love that one too...


Here's a cool new YouTube montage. Clay's Power Over Lights (HA HA) and his fans...

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We need a pic of Clay on this page. This RS pic is one of my all-time favorites. He looks so handsome and sensuous! I love the contrast between light and dark in B&W. And the open lips, cute ear, long eyelashes, vulnerable neck, and strong jaw just do me in.

Gibby... I swear, that is one of my favorite pictures of him of all time!!! And probably the one which, for me, started this whole mess... **Scrolls back up to look at it one more time**

And I really like this one too.


Linda Hubber's pencil sketch ~ layered over the original... from my Photoshop class last year.

Goodnight all.

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Thanks ldyj!

I'll watch tomorrow!

Ooh, purdy pics!

Tired y'all! And I have a - spider, I think - bite that is driving me crazy itching. Redness and swelling! Yikes! Hope I don't end up having go to the ER tomorrow!!!

Had a great time at PF Chang's today with a few fans (5)!

After a great dinner, we walked around Market Common a little bit.

Handpicked Jewelry, Pottery Barn, and Anthrpologie - where I saw clothes I'd love to buy - if I were married to Clay Aiken!!!

Saw several babies while we were out and about.




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This thread travels so fast sometime and so with working full time and going to school two nights a week makes it really easy to get behind. And also, right now I’m sitting on this term paper I have to do which has to be six pages on a subject having to do with “Technology.” Ok, well that narrows it down…

Any great ideas out there?

iPods/MP3/digital music technology? Good luck, whatever you decide! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Wow - only a page to catch up on since my computer went wonky last night! I've been working all day on a couple of special projects (stuffed animals) for friends. Tired & getting ready to head to bed momentarily.

Hee! :lol: "Miss Congeneality" is on TV and I just heard something about a "frontal assault".... killer_rabbit.gif

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I love that interview...and the frustrated face Clay made when demonstrating his sandwich making skills

which interview? :)

That's the 2006 Leno interview. It's one of my favorite interviews with him, and he looked hot to boot! And I think this is the look laughn is talking about, I love that one too...


Here's a cool new YouTube montage. Clay's Power Over Lights (HA HA) and his fans...

ldyj... I loved that Leno, but he had a bit more scruff than I like. And, thank you for that YouTube... I enjoyed that a lot! Very CUTE!!!

Chardonny... how bout the text messaging wave, especially among teens. My grandson texted his grampa (who loves text messaging) a math question during a test at school. My ex texted him back the answer and all was well. Yes, it's cheating but it's such a funny story that it was hard to get mad at him. He's very smart in math, too, even without cheating.

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Well, I hope it translates into one or two sales at least, but after about 14 e-mails, I got idolstalker,com to add Clay's On My Way Here Amazon link to the advertisement page and take down all is well. I notice a lot of the idol blogs don't have Clay. One at a time, I will get them.

Offers Merrieeee some hot chocolate milk and cookies, muchlikethe hot chocolate and the cookies given to us at the UNICEF snowflake lighting.

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We just got back from the wedding - it was a mega-celebration!! Church ceremony, followed by a 1-hour cocktail party, followed by a 4-hour dinner and dancing, followed by an after-party at a nearby restaurant/bar in a hotel where the bride and groom were staying. Which was still going strong when we left!!

Chardonnay - another idea for your technology paper would be audio recording. I was just thinking a couple days ago how it was state-of-the-art in 75 to have a cassette recorder, or even a Dolby in your home, but what I was thinking about was the "compact-sized battery-powered" one I used to have which was about the size of a 350-pg paperback book. Now, you can record on a digital recorder the size of a 9 volt battery. It's amazing what technology has done in 35 or so years! You could go back to 8-tracks and reel-to-reel too, depending on the scope of your paper. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I did a series of wallpapers on the RS photo - here they are:





You can see the whole wallpaper gallery HERE. :) (although it hasn't been updated for awhile now! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I went to bed with my ipod last night and listened to the whole of OMWH (all 14 tracks) before I could fall asleep. It was spectacluar having Clay sing into my brain like that. He really is a superb singer!!

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Chardonny... how bout the text messaging wave, especially among teens. My grandson texted his grampa (who loves text messaging) a math question during a test at school. My ex texted him back the answer and all was well. Yes, it's cheating but it's such a funny story that it was hard to get mad at him. He's very smart in math, too, even without cheating.

First of all BWAH merriee.... heeee

Liney, what a great idea..and Chardonnay, if you need an expert texter just ask me. Before I went to the game my brother in law called me and said something derogatory about the A's fans..like it would be me and 1000 other people. So I texted him from the game with the number in attendance... over 31,000. I think the fact that I got a successful text done should be applauded. It is a first, if you don't count that one I sent to Lucky about PP... still don't know how I did that. And never mind that I had a little problem getting out of numbers mode..so could only text him the number and not the my little na na na na that I wanted to text :hysterical: Muski's teenager taught me how to get in numbers mode. Baby Steps.

Cute wallpapers Cha Cha.

And yes I agree about the singing man. I keep discovering new things all the time. Today I also went back to ATDW. I think I'll keep him.

good job Play!!

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