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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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Niiiiiiice banner. He looked so yummy that day.

Thank you all for the good wishes. I'm actually going to a Steely Dan concert tonight -- and then the surgery is tomorrow. You know how you're supposed to get a good night's sleep before a surgery? Yeah, right -- like that's gonna happen.

Meanwhile, I was leaving work pretty OK...and then a possible problem employee came through and dumped. I'm pissed at the moment, and frankly...don't care. I hate that feeling, but on the other hand, I'm glad to be getting away from work for more than a few days.

OK, gotta run. See ya'll in a few days...

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I want to get belatedly into the hip hop conversation. I am a curious person and in that, I sometimes listen t words, not always, but I have learned that for Hip hop it pays to listen to the words. In the beginning the songs were more about life on the street and experiences, now the majority of songs are abut sex, offensve sex and the videos made to support them shouod be exrated. I will never forget seeing one video where a woman in a thon bent over and a guy ran his credit card through her crack. That is offensive in so many ways. Here is a link to a guy who now sings about not wanting "dark Butts" link, it will probably be a hit. And the graphic descriptionof sex acts in lil'waynes Lollipop makes it so offensive to see the young girls in front of Kimmels stage screaming for him. His sles also offend me. It is as if porno is selling now - when I look at a lot of the top 4 radio it seems very porno, so my dislike stretches beyond hip hop. And, yes, I did sign the etter taking the Rolling stones to task for offensive lyrics toward women in the 70's. Today that song would not even cause a blip.

Prude, fussy, puritan what ever you want to call me is fine, I just really hate what it is doing to the minds of young girls and guy. I believe I read teen abuse is on the rise, wonder where guys get the idea they can push their girlfriends around?

Is there good hip hop - sure but does it get the play the crap does?

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I agree with you Playbiller about the language and the porno type video that is played. I too may be a prude but I think it is so not necessary to sell music. I work in a pediatric unit and can not believe the parents that let their children watch BET. These kids are only about 8 or 9 and can sing every song and their parents see no problem with them watching what I consider porn. The nurses that work the night shift say when they go into the rooms at night and it is on it is even worse. My boys did no even watch mtv when they were young and we only had cable for a short time and pulled it. I find the words to the Lollipop sound really offensive and can not believe they can play it on the radio.

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Play, I'm not even into hip hop and totally agree that some of it horrible, especially the misagony and that a brighter lined should be shined on it. Actually a side effect of that DJ calling those basketball players nappy headed hos is that it indeed create a dialogue in mostly rap but some hip hop, for about five minutes. But I also think the most of it doesn't fall into this category. I do get where K is coming from though because my issue is similar.. how Nigel is trying to take credit for turning hip hop dance into an art form with his watered down "lyrical hip hop." I think just because it's more palatable to some people doesn't make it suddenly art while the other stuff was just ..what exactly. I actually prefer my hip hop dance more authentic.

Yes if you listen to an urban station, which I do on occassion by default in my sister's car hee, most of it is just good jammin' beats and fun with lyrics that are not hard core. There may be lyrics I can't relate to because it is from the streets and that's just not my reality. Some of the more hard core stuff also has a radio edit. However, it does make buying the album a bit enticing.

Clay Content: I'd love to see him do some hip hop dance :hysterical::hysterical:

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ETA: I think news people and tabloid people, et al, can miss the forest for the trees so often.
Was just hearing a discussion about why oh why did Angelina and Brad name their new son "Knox" and whether that could be a family name on Brad's side, or whadda whadda what. The first time I read the story on the web the other day and it listed the childrens' names I saw that the boys were Maddox and Pax. Obviously they wanted another boy whose name ended in "x" so how myterious is that?

I am a huge fan of Angelina Jolie, even though I've never seen any of her movies. I think that everything she does regarding the kids is carefully thought out. She went to incredible lengths to have her biological daughter born in the same country as her adopted daughter, so that they would have that connection as sisters. Now her biological son's name ends with X, just like her two adopted sons, so that they have something special to connect them as brothers. She is an amazing woman, and I feel certain that her love and devotion to her children (and indeed the underprivileged children of the world - like Clay) is what Brad Pitt finds attractive about her; her physical beauty is a bonus. She obviously thinks deeply about making sure her kids all feel special, especially the adopted ones who need extra care and attention so that they feel secure about their position in a family of blood-related siblings. I have greater admiration for Brad Pitt since he hooked up with AJ. I know it hurt his ex Jennifer A. but sometimes things happen for a reason that is not immediately obvious.

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Have we seen this blog in the myspace quiana Parler fan club(started by fans.....)

If it is wrong to copy the questions here, please feel free to delete it

Monday, March 10, 2008

Quiana answers fan’s questions!

1. Quiana, what is it like traveling and performing with Clay? -Alisha

- Traveling with Clay is very interesting. We are like a family and its very weird because we fight over what we're going to watch on TV and then there's the usual "Clay Aiken The Prankster". He loves to play pratical jokes and sometimes it scares me that someone would really go as far as he does to scare the crap out of you. Performing with Clay is so much fun and I'm so blessed to be able to perform with someone who doesn't treat me or Angela as your "typical background singer".

2. Did Dreamgirls make you want to pursue theater more? If so, would you be interested in Broadway, or do you like local theater better? -CJ

- Dreamgirls has opened my eyes to whole new world of theatre that I did not know even exist. I would love to do Broadway someday.

3. Quiana, Have other artists tried to steal you away from Clay? - Ethel

- ha ha.... nope no one has ever tried to steal me away from Clay and i'm not sure if he would let me go (lol).

4. What was the event in your life that made you say "I want to sing for the rest of my life"? -Donna

- My first paycheck (lol) just kidding. Music is all I've done since I was a little girl and to be honest If this all ended today I would be in big trouble because I don't know how to anything else but sing. Being on stage and knowing that "my gift" brings so much joy to people's lives makes me want to sing for the rest of my life.

5. Hi, Quiana! You once said that you were content with where you were in your life. Are you still content with your career, or are you now aiming for something bigger? Perhaps a recording contract of your own? Broadway, maybe? -Vickie

- You know the record industry isn't what it used to be and I would love to have a record deal but there's so many independent successful artists that has made a great living through the internet that its not really about being on a label anymore. I think when I made this comment about being content I said it before my son was born and now I feel even more blessed to have a beautiful son. I'm also very blessed to be able to work for a great guy and great people and be able to come back to SC and work with my band almost every weekend and still be able to entertain outside of touring with Clay and spend alot of time with my son. But like we all should be doing in life period is to never stop aiming for something bigger but I thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed upon me thus far.

6:34 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment -

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Speaking of Clay & Quiana... one of my favorite pieces of Clack evah!

Same song, but a different viewpoint

Love his wandering hands and then his laughter! :hysterical: Oh - and Q can SING! :clap:

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One of the times I went to see Q sing in Chas., she told me that Clay and Nick were incorrigible! And SO SMART that nobody could get them back for their practical jokes!

I wonder if he's had another partner in crime since Nick moved on? Bet he misses him.


I've been reading and not online so much. Haven't even turned the tv on once today! Reading one of Patterson's Women's Murder Club books, just finished it. The 5th Horseman. Didn't want to put it down! Now I have to find something else.



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I got it & mine opened right up in Adobe, too. Did you try copying & pasting the link, Cotton?

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Thanks for the video links this morning Couch Tomato and annabear.

I had not seen nor heard the Will Smith video before and I enjoyed revisiting the Ft. Meyers WTLGD.

Do you think that was one of Clay's practical jokes?

playbiller thanks for bringing over Quiana answers fan's questions.

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Ahhh, those banner pics. To me, they just epitomize Clay. It's too early in the morning to be schmoopie (or worse, philosophical) but I have always had a feeling when I look at him, that he somehow emits light. It isn't always glaring, but it's always there. I know that photo (on the right) is studio lighting, etc - but I still feel that aura from him. Always have. Hope I always will. And when he really smiles, he smiles with his whole face, no matter how big or small his actual grin is. Gah, I love him!

cindilu... me, too! Clay is a light! I firmly believe that and that's part of the reason the man is attacked so much. Those that live in the dark cannot stand the light. We see the light and become lighter ourselves.

Cotton... after you save it, go in and change the ending to .pdf and retry.

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Okay - I dl'd the TBAF letter again and did the OPEN WITH pull down and opened it with Adobe. So - I finally got it. I think there must have been an update that I hadn't actually opened/installed yet.


Storms here. Of course, it's been gray all day and gave up and watered the plants - THEN the rain came!


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Oh Cotton - I would LOVE to have it rain buckets here. The smoke has cleared a little bit but the air is still kind of nasty. And I've read all the Women's Murder Club books - very entertaining. I was sorry to see the show was cancelled - thought Angie Harmon was very well cast....

Really enjoyed reading Quiana's answers......I imagine the behind-the scenes activities on tour are pretty hysterical. And yes - Clay and Quiana seem like the very best of friends. Thought it was cute when she said he wouldn't let her go!!! She has one killer voice though - really, really beautiful and powerful. And.....I like it better than Kim Locke's

Playbiller - I have to agree with you about the nasty lyrics on alot of the hip hop songs but there are some that are pretty catchy that aren't quite so bad. Can't say as I own a hip hop CD though..... But nasty lyrics aren't just confined to hip hop. My g-daughter LOVES her some GreenDay. My son has had to download the CDs and leave out some of the songs....same with some of the other groups she likes. The funny thing is...some of the younger kids sing the words and often don't even know what they're singing! Or don't hear the words correctly and morph them into something else. It's pretty bad when you have to police the radio though.....

Has Nick really moved on? I know he went to Spamalot but didn't know what he was doing these days. I vaguely remember him touring with Clay to get some experience in "artist management" or something like that.

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He looks like he's tickling that little boy in the last picture. But what the heck kind of pants is he wearing.....anyone see a zipper? Okay, I'm shallow. $50,000 donated already is nothing to snuff at though - that's great!!! Looks like he has a whole wardrobe of linen-type shirts. we've seen pink, beige and chartreuse. Probably very cool.....

I love how the kids around him all seem to be laughing or smiling......

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