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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


Thread Title Poll  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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Thanks ladies for the information on the Charlotte Christmas show being the one with Jaymes. annabear was also helpful in this regard, and I ended up rewatching that clack last night. That whole clip is hysterical, and, of course, I couldn't help it -- I had to watch that clip with a totally different set of eyes at this point in time. IMO, I can (and think I actually could before) see the good basis for friendship, and that they mean a great deal to each other.

It's a little early (by about an hour), but --


I kinda like this schmoopie thing...

I use GetRight as my download manager, and was very happy to discover last week (when I was repopulating my new computer with the programs I use) that they now have an add-on for Mozilla Firefox users too!

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Good Morning Everyone:

35 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam! :woohoo:

43 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula!


64 Days until The BAF Gala!


Everyone have a great day!


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Totally OT, but I wanted to show off our recent visitors!

Hummingbird Visitors


Very cool!....and wow you must have been fast!!

ETA: Gibby, love yours too!

Being a Northerner :lol: from the Igloo section originally, I never thought to hang a hummingbird feeder, but I bet I would see some too if I did. It always used to make me laugh when I saw them selling....well, ie, having in the stores....hummingbird feeders in Calgary. As if!! :hysterical:

I thought I was going to have a relaxing evening, enjoying my son's baseball game, but instead I found myself in a mad rush to get to the Toronto airport, driving through rain and thunderstorms. Poor luckiestdaughter missed her airport shuttle bus due to a confusion over the reservation times, and was left stranded at the pick up point. Thankfully, we made it in time for her to get the last window seat and she is on her way safely.

I obviously take the tabloids with a huge grain of salt (regardless if they are right once in a while) but I wouldn't be all that surprised if Clay & Jaymes have some frozen embryos waiting, just in case they decide to try again. Right now, I bet they've got their hands full! :wub:

{{wandacleo}} I hope you can work it out. I can't believe I didn't notice the dates when I read them earlier!

Oh crap! Glad luckiestdotter made it OK! That must have been panicsville! I always tell the shuttle when I book it that they will find me there until 30 minutes past the time they are expected~and then I'm outta there.

Wandacleo, sounds like something I would have done as well! Hope you can find a solution. Had you planned on attending the Gala as well?

Some info on the LOTL for Clay's next run in Spamalot, for those interested:

Merle Dandridge

Awww, thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! Claymatron I believe we'll be sleeping together sometime soon :lol: so revenge IS possible!

It's gonna be a girlfriend weekend....what better way to spend a birthday??

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Some info on the LOTL for Clay's next run in Spamalot, for those interested:

Merle Dandridge

Awww, thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! Claymatron I believe we'll be sleeping together sometime soon :lol: so revenge IS possible!

It's gonna be a girlfriend weekend....what better way to spend a birthday??

That's a nice bio, thanks for sharing FromClaygary. Never knew there was a musical called "Atlanta" -- other than a spoof in the movie "Irreconcilable Differences"

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:7254: to you FromClaygary!

Awww, thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! Claymatron I believe we'll be sleeping together sometime soon :lol: so revenge IS possible!

It's gonna be a girlfriend weekend....what better way to spend a birthday??

Okay, I'm gonna let Claymatron cheat with you just this once, but after your bday weekend, she's mine again! ;)

I'm also going to miss the fun tomorrow (thanks for the invite!), but have some Claybuddies coming over for lunch on Sunday as my consolation. I know we'll all have a great weekend.

Gibby - Just had to add a "Wow!" to your hummingbird pictures. I don't have anywhere near my house to hang feeders, or I'd have to get them after seeing how beautiful they are.

ETA - Woo hoo! I'm a body guard now!

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Did somebody ask for some Smut?

Ooh, Daddy!


Commander Clay



You know - these pics aren't really worth all the effort! :cryingwlaughter:

They're not that good. Greensboro lighting was terrible.

And I was NOT CLOSE!

Anyway - I took 'em and I love what he's doing - so . . .

I'm posting them anyhoo!


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ETAA: Gibby, thanks for the beautiful hummingbird pictures. Been missing you lately!!! :thankyou: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Aw, thanks, Scarlett! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Gibby - Just had to add a "Wow!" to your hummingbird pictures. I don't have anywhere near my house to hang feeders, or I'd have to get them after seeing how beautiful they are.

ETA - Woo hoo! I'm a body guard now!

Thanks, and congrats on your new status! Be sure and guard that body well, okay? ;)



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Haven't you seen any JNaT 06 video, claytonic? The Word of The Day was a running bit throughout the concert series. Clay teasing about not being musically literate - not knowing all the 'big' words the musicians used. It evolved to Jamie bringing the word-of-the-day out on a sign during the bit. This concert, Jaymes got the job.

ETA: You really need to get downloading some of the Word banter if you haven't seen it - some of the funniest Clay moments evah!

No I haven't.. perhaps it is amongst the DVDs KAndre sent over via ausdon. I started watching them but had to stop for a couple of reasons, and I now have to plan it for when I have a stretch of time. The first bundle of DVDs from KAndre... well, I never did a thing for a 48 hour stretch except to watch the DVDs non-stop, some of them more than once! Knowing my addiction, I have to plan it properly!!!! It is like a wonderful treat waiting for me. I have confess I have snuck in a few quick views but really want to just watch it in a stretch without distraction. Know what I mean?

But I love those pics of Clay and Jaymes, she really looks like she adores him, and why should that be a surprise to any of us? Lucky, lucky girl!!!

Happy Birthday FromClaygary!!!!

There is still so much I don't know... <sigh>

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Gibby, much as I'd love another birthday celebration, I do not want to be another year older, so if you don't mind, please change your grats to FromClaygary. She and I will be sharing a bed this weekend, but not a birthday! :hysterical:

BTW, those hummingbird photos are beautiful and yes, the males are very territorial. I love their mating rituals, they do big swooping circles to attract the females, then apparently, once they've mated, they completely ignore them. The females are left to do everything, build the nests and feed the babies while the males go off beating their wings, attracting new females and defending their territory. Not particularly fond of the males, but they are pretty. (My DH is a bird lover, that's how I know all this shit stuff!)

Okay, I'm gonna let Claymatron cheat with you just this once, but after your bday weekend, she's mine again!

Bella, darlin', you know you'll always be my first love and I don't sleep around on you ever much. OK, maybe with cindilu and luckiest1 occasionally, and this time with FromClaygary, but other than them...never! (Unless you count my hubby!)

Congrats on becoming a body guard, you can take one side and I'll take the other! As soon as Cotton gets her commander photo up, I'll tell which side I want. So far it's looking like his right!! :lmaosmiley-1:

ETA, obviously I was thinking "commando" not "commander"! But I still wanna be on his right side, K?

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Look upthread.

I think they're finally both there!!!


How about this . . .



Don't know why my camera kept straying. Must have been heavy.


So - here's a cleansing HANDS shot.

Just think. What are those hands doing today.

Holding his sweet one week old baby? Changing his diaper?

Giving him a bottle?

Bringing Mama Jaymes Breakfast in Bed? He should! She did all the work!!!


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I'm off work today! :nana:

Great hummingbird pics, Gibby & Cotton!

Never knew there was a musical called "Atlanta" -- other than a spoof in the movie "Irreconcilable Differences"

That's exactly what came to my mind, too! :lol:

The first bundle of DVDs from KAndre... well, I never did a thing for a 48 hour stretch except to watch the DVDs non-stop, some of them more than once!

Gosh. I'm not sure any of us can relate to such behavior...... *snort* :hysterical:

There is still so much I don't know... <sigh>

Patience, Grasshopper. :therethere:

:00003653: FromClaygary! bd-party2.gif

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Happy Birthday FromClaygary. I so enjoyed meeting you last Chrstmas. You are a super cool lady.

LadyJ..NO YOU DIDN'T heee happy one week birthday? LOL

TGIF off to work... let's see what I can get done with no work email, no accounting software, and no network access... hopefully it's fixed

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FromClaygary....Happy Birthday to YOU! :00003653:

Funny, I kept getting confused seeing the birthday wishes FromClaygary...you know, as if the wishes were FROM Claygary.... :unsure::rolleyes: heh

It's Friday, y'all! :09: And this weekend is Carrie's softball team's last summer tournament---well, actually it's the last one Carrie can play in since the family's going on a real vacation next Thursday evening! Woo Hoo! I'm actually taking 8 days off work! :o

Have been totally obsessed thinking about Clay since yesterday afternoon...Clay, Jaymes, Parker..Clay....Clay....Clay....









ETA: and for some reason, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell; and Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins keep flashing up in my brain.....

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Quote of the Day from Real Simple

August 15, 2008

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams


Muski, good luck to Carrie and her team!

So loving USA's gymnastics, beach volleyball and swimming teams!!!

:ole0: :laola0: :04:

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From CV

Posted by Notacanuck at the CH:

Marty Stuart and Clay Aiken Voice Support for School Music

MENC released the newest edition in its award-winning series of radio public service announcements featuring top pop and country musicians for “Back to School” 2008. The series, called Why Music?, features musical stars talking about the value and importance of music education.

New artists joining the lineup for Back to School 2008 are Clay Aiken and Marty Stuart.


Each PSA in the Why Music? series features an artist talking about the importance of music education for today’s youth or a personal experience he or she had with music in school. The PSAs are available for radio stations to download. MENC members can help get the PSAs played by contacting their local adult contemporary and country radio stations.

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