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#42: We're still having fun, and you're still the one!

Couch Tomato

FCA Thread Title  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • Endlessly entertaining, never a dull moment!!
    • Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!
    • I luv him, he is the anti-cool. He is his own cool that far exceeds cool.
    • The balls may be lavander, but they're still titanium.
    • He's Clay. He's gay. And whatever. When's the next tour?
    • He's made of awesome!
    • Even more beautiful now, inside and out!
    • God, what a MAN!
    • That is a MAN.

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Last night's sweater/shirt combination was MUCH better. Very handsome, that man.

For those asking how to do multiple quotes...when you find a post that you want to quote, just hit the "Quote" button in that post, but then keep reading the thread. As you find more posts to quote, hit the "Quote" button for each one. Then, finally, when you've found all the ones to quote, hit the "Add Reply" button. All the posts you wanted to quote should be there! I usually make a habit of editing out the stuff from the posts that I don't want to reply to, but that can take a bit of practice. It's really pretty easy, though.

ldyjocelyn I think I've got it! Yes! Thanks for these instructions, now I just have to remember them.

Oh...and I guess I was thinking that People issue was going to be out for a month. I gave my one copy to a co-worker and told her she could keep it. Now the new issue is on the stands! Aaaargh! Hey, Couchie? You buy more than one, by the way--maybe have an extra you'd like to sell? :whistling-1::lipstick:

And where I live, yesterday they were finally in some stores. I was so pleased to have it in my hands at last.

This morning listening to a quiz show, humourous take on current affairs podcast I was a little upset by one of the stories which quoted a fan being so upset. The story was of Clay coming out. There was no dissing of him but of his fans. I am wondering how long it will take for fans to stop being the butt of the joke. I wince when I hear us being characterized as "as dumb as a box of hammers".

Next Tuesday cannot come soon enuf for me.

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I read a blog this morning from a fan of Clay but not "in the fandom." Looks like she's become obsessed with Clay since he came out. I thought it cute how she was doing alone what we've been doing together all these years. She wanted to find some photos of "winking" Clay and I thought it so hilarious. She said she signed up at the Clayboard to ask her question and was banned with no explanation. I found that sad but since I can't remember my live journal screen name or password I couldn't offer her any advise. Looks like she has been a fan since Idol - she even loved the hip shake and the red jacket. I hope Clay interest has been reignited with other fans as well.

Lotus - I'd rather take the hit than Clay. Joe Blow doesn't point and laugh and call me a stupid Clay fan as I walk down the street. It was old and fat and tasteless last week, it's stupid this week, and it will be something else next week. That commentary says more about the person giving it than me.

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I just managed to get 2 People, from last week, before they pulled them. Let me know if anyone wants one.

MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Please? Just keep it really nice for me and I'll pay you for the mag AND I'll buy you a drink after the last Spam show in January, 'kay? :lilredani:

Couchie....hhhrrrmmmphhh! It's times like these that you find out who your REAL friends are! :glare: :hysterical:

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Hee, wasn't it just the other day we were having the "why do I buy multiples" discussion? And now people are scrappling for them. :P

Just had a lovely lunch with heartsocean. She hasn't logged on here for a while because she forgot her password, but I don't think you need to be logged on to view main, do you? Anyways, hopefully she'll be around these parts soon.

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I read a blog this morning from a fan of Clay but not "in the fandom." Looks like she's become obsessed with Clay since he came out. I thought it cute how she was doing alone what we've been doing together all these years. She wanted to find some photos of "winking" Clay and I thought it so hilarious. She said she signed up at the Clayboard to ask her question and was banned with no explanation. I found that sad but since I can't remember my live journal screen name or password I couldn't offer her any advise. Looks like she has been a fan since Idol - she even loved the hip shake and the red jacket. I hope Clay interest has been reignited with other fans as well.

This is concerning to me - I hope that new fans will be greeted warmly and not "banned without explanation". WTF? I don't often go to the CB so I have no idea what this is about, or if I should take it with a grain of salt. I also don't use live journal so I am of no help there either.

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Waves to Gibby...just cos! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

*Waves back to merrieee* - :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks to everyone for the advice on getting even for my 6am fiasco yesterday -- I slept in today (yay!), will have a long lunch and will leave at 4. Hah! :)

Have a great day y'all!


That's the way to do it, Scarlett! Sleeping in is WONDERFUL.

Lotus, looks like you got the multiple quote thingy down! *applauds*

I've been listening to OMWH and ATDW nearly non-stop since last week. So I decided to start listening to Clay's Christmas music, instead, for a change. Oh, that voice! It slays me. It's so gorgeous, smooth, strong, passionate, controlled and lovely! Sigh.

He's purdy nice to look at, too!
















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This is concerning to me - I hope that new fans will be greeted warmly and not "banned without explanation". WTF? I don't often go to the CB so I have no idea what this is about, or if I should take it with a grain of salt. I also don't use live journal so I am of no help there either.

Maybe it was done accidentally. We've been getting ton of bots recently..and oops forgot again to submit a ticket for that. I think they have an upgrade that can fix that.

Maybe we can look into our photo buckets and post some winking Clay photos.... and someone with live journal can just post a link for her so she can see them.

Here's the blog

She has other CLay related entries: This cracked me up.

Listened to David Archuleta's new single "Crush" today. It reminded me of this review I read for Measure of a Man where the reviewer complained about, of all things, Clay enunciating. I don't know about you, but I like enunciation. In "Crush" I couldn't understand a word of what Archuleta was saying. And I'm not exaggerating at all. I listened to that song five minutes ago and, right now, I couldn't name a single word in it.

Keep enunciating, Clay!!

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Plenty of People mags still on the stands here - if anybody needs one, let me know. It is the exact same as the one I purchased in the US.

On the 'wink' person - I recall a thread very recently asking for 'wink' photos on the CB. I don't recall there being anything bad happening in it. I'll look and see if it's still there.

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Lotus - I'd rather take the hit than Clay. Joe Blow doesn't point and laugh and call me a stupid Clay fan as I walk down the street. It was old and fat and tasteless last week, it's stupid this week, and it will be something else next week. That commentary says more about the person giving it than me.

Yes. Clay has put up with so much over these last 5 years that I should be able to stick it out for as long as it takes.

I have not been a fan for the past 5 years so haven't gotten to that place yet where I can hear those insults with equanimity. And I do realize that the way that some of the media have characterized Clay fans over all these years has not been complimentary.

I'm not being very articulate this morning...oh well... I'm sure you get my drift.

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I haven't had a chance to read all of those blog entries but from what I have read, she sounds adorable. Some of her posts are really sad and I'd like to be able to adopt her so she realizes that she is not messed up. I like her writing and her enthusiasm.

I have to head to work now and work on catching up on schoolwork but if I don't get to post again tonight, I just wanted to say that I wasn't criticizing anyone about the political stuff. I don't mind someone changing the subject because sometimes when the topic here gets onto something that I don't like, I keep hoping someone will bring it around to something I can get into. However, I just do a lot of skimming and scrolling because I feel this is a board for everyone to discuss whatever. I've seen tv shows discussed, some that I like and some not so much. I've read religious posts, ranting posts, and hormonal posts. Not complaining because those I usually enjoy, but the point is, we all bring something here and I don't think politics should be targeted as taboo because it may get heated. It's hardly the only thing that has caused things to get heated in here. And sometimes a little heat gets interesting, unless its run amok like at OFC, although even that is interesting. What can I say, I'm a free speech kind of gal, even if I think the other person is a butthead. It also helps me to weed out all those people that I need to avoid in real life.

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djs111 I think you had me mixed up with another. I know nothing of this David of which you speak. LOL!!!!!


merryclay - I have the feeling that Clay arranged things so that he will have a career even if most of his fans decamped for David Archuleta. Heeee.....that was the most insulting thing I read about Clay fan reaction, that they could flock to Archuleta.. a teenager. Good grief! Nothing against the boy, but not exactly a substitute.

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How dare Clay lie to me like he has. Well he didn't lie but he inferred he was a cheapskate by wearing his clothes until they fell apart at the seams. Yet I noticed since he came out he's been wearing all this new stuff. Wonder if that means he's had a double wardrobe all along and didn't share it with us. I don't know how I will get over this betrayal.

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couchie, do you need a voodoo doll of Clay to get over your rage and anger? *g*

This is interesting...from heartracerclay at CV, via the CH:

I'm usually lurking away. However, I must point out there's a reason for Clay's new cutting edge wardrobe! It's called Recession Chic - they had a bit on ET the other night! Quite interesting, the major color choice is grey. The few pictures they included were 'ill-fitting' sweaters and shirts, also jackets, caps and large 'mailbag' shaped purses for the ladies. So if he continues with the trend in the color grey, we know he's definitely been shopping in the Recession Chic display in a NY store.

In other words, he's probably cutting edge. Or not. I guess he's just Clay.

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Maybe designers figured out people would be tracking Clay down to take pictures of him and sent him a bunch of new clothes??

WARNING: CA political issue--feel free to scroll.

In CA, Proposition 8 proposes a state constitutional amendment in order to override the state supreme court, which ruled that there was nothing in our state constitution precluding gay marriage, thus overturning a state law that resulted from Proposition 22, which was passed by the state bigots in 2000. I'm hoping and praying that people have evolved in the past 8 years. The ads and literature are really ugly. REALLY UGLY. The argument in the state information pamphlet states "it protects our children from being taught in public school that same-sex marriage is the same as traditional marriage. ....The best situation for a child is to be raised by a married mother and father.....State law may require teachers to instruct children as young as kindergartners about marriage...If the gay marraige ruling is not overturned, TEACHERS COULD BE REQUIRED to teach young children there is no difference between gay marriage and traditional marriage. Etc. etc.

The whole gist of the voter pamphlet argument is that we must protect our children from being taught about alternative sex practices, as nearly as I can see. I'm sure there are people losing sleep over anatomically-correct depictions of sex for kindergartners. Assholes.

AND this is in one of the most liberal states in the country.

And people wonder why Clay waited to come out.

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couchie, do you need a voodoo doll of Clay to get over your rage and anger? *g*

will it be life size?

If it's life-sized and anatomically correct, I might need to be really mad at Clay for something, too.

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couchie, do you need a voodoo doll of Clay to get over your rage and anger? *g*

will it be life size?

If it's life-sized and anatomically correct, I might need to be really mad at Clay for something, too.

Perverted hussies.

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BWAH! Saw this among some comments to that asshole Newsweek 'reporter' who has issues about Clay not giving him a scoop in the previous article and who is now saying the fact that Clay came out NOW is 'too little, too late'.....whatever...

But...get this!

Comment: I don't care whether Clay had decided to come out at 20, 29 or 50 what would be truly upsetting is if he admitted to lip-syncing to his songs.

I Agree! :cryingwlaughter:

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