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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

New Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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NOTE on the link posting instructions. Am I the only one who gets a message saying something about allowing scripted windows when you click the link button?

No I get it too. I just clck to allow and go on my merrieeee way!

John D....always a possibility

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OK - oh wonderful Wiz of K (andre)

I have a question which has been bugging me for awhile.

Now that it's out that Clay is gay and all...

What do you think about all those people who insisted on making a couple out of Clay and John D?

Do you think there was a possibility of it being true?

NOTE on the link posting instructions. Am I the only one who gets a message saying something about allowing scripted windows when you click the link button?

About John D., it might explain why Clay tolerated his acting.....

About the windows, yes, I always get that -- a real pain.

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Good Morning Everyone:

17 Days until Daylight Savings Time! :yahoo:

29 Days until The First Day of Spring!:yahoo:

48 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM!


Everyone have a great day!


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About John D., it might explain why Clay tolerated his acting.....

....and the rooster hair, I figure they must have been having a fight! :clay: Anyway, Reed's a honey, I like him a lot better! For what it's worth, you have my blessings, Clay!

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Here's a picture of the adorable fabrics! Help, FromClaygary, Bella and annabear!!! I think I have the beginnings of a stash! Aaaaarghhhh!!!

:hysterical: Kind of like asking a skunk to show you how to stop smelling bad! :hysterical:

LOVE the batiks!....and that you're still using your Clay Aiken color selection method. I think that's awesome!

I have a question which has been bugging me for awhile.

Now that it's out that Clay is gay and all...

What do you think about all those people who insisted on making a couple out of Clay and John D?

Do you think there was a possibility of it being true?

Certainly a possibility! But John didn't really seem to me to be Clay's "type", which in women and men has seemed to be intelligent, classy, well-travelled, well-read people with mature opinions and broad ideas.

TO ME, that doesn't describe John.

But hey, everyone needs ONE bimbo in their lives! :cryingwlaughter:

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Here's a picture of the adorable fabrics! Help, FromClaygary, Bella and annabear!!! I think I have the beginnings of a stash! Aaaaarghhhh!!!


Indeed you do! You're on a slippery slope now, I tell ya! ;) Love your colour choices, BTW and I think your quilt choices are pretty. Don't think I'll post any pictures of all my scrapbooking goodies though - I'm scared to think of how much I've got in accordion folders!

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Here's a picture of the adorable fabrics! Help, FromClaygary, Bella and annabear!!! I think I have the beginnings of a stash! Aaaaarghhhh!!!

:hysterical: Kind of like asking a skunk to show you how to stop smelling bad! :hysterical:

Bwah! :hahaha: True! I've got stashes of quilting fabrics, bear fur and costume fabrics & trims, paints, inks, yarn, markers, colored pencils.... :blush:

John D? Always a possibility. I'm kinda partial to the cutie in the banner up ^^^ there with our CUTIE! :flirtysmile3:

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My two cents about John D. I always thought they were just friends. Now that I look back, I still think that, but realize John D. could have been his first gay man friend and that makes a strong bond. He was still dating girls in college up till AI, so John D. could have been the first time he spent any time around an admittedly gay man who wasn't Keith gay. :cryingwlaughter:

What happened to that old saw, though, that gay men make great hairdressers... :cryingwlaughter:

If Reed is his taste in men, then John D.... nah!

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I don't know anything about John..he seemed like an ok dude and a great friend. I have no idea about their relationship - but if it were romantic I feel a bit for him but Clay was going to have to do things on his own time. On the other hand maybe they were just friends and perhaps Clay was able to see he could still have a life if he were to come out. The process for him did start when John was around. My only true lasting memory of him is the joy on his face dancing during Jingle Bells. And he was around for a long time and I liked Clay's hair in the beginning and I can't think of too many bombs... did he do the rooster hair? heee I avoided all merchandise with that picture :hysterical: That is one of the few looks I didn't like. Don't really know much about John or Reed personally but one thing I always believe about Clay is he doesn't suffer fools lightly. John D, Was around for a long time so that says a lot about him for me. This post brought to you by speculations are us.

Happy Thursday!!

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What do you think about all those people who insisted on making a couple out of Clay and John D?

Do you think there was a possibility of it being true?

ITA couchie, he seemed like a nice guy and a good friend to Clay. There was some fun, light-hearted shipping going on with John D way back when, just as there have been many fun, light-hearted ships in this fandom. However, some of the “fans” who were convinced he was gay because of his association with John D were trying to use it to shove him out of the closet before he was ready. Just because it turns out he is gay doesn’t make their behaviour any less deplorable to me now.

Just my 2 cents. :)

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John D? Yes. No. Maybe. Do not care.

Considering the number of gay men in the entertainment business Clay was surrounded with opportunities to hook up with many partners. Or with none. Sometimes a friend is just a friend. Or more. I have no way of knowing until the book is written. Even then it does not really matter to me.

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I don't know anything about John..he seemed like an ok dude and a great friend. I have no idea about their relationship - but if it were romantic I feel a bit for him but Clay was going to have to do things on his own time. On the other hand maybe they were just friends and perhaps Clay was able to see he could still have a life if he were to come out. The process for him did start when John was around. My only true lasting memory of him is the joy on his face dancing during Jingle Bells. And he was around for a long time and I liked Clay's hair in the beginning and I can't think of too many bombs... did he do the rooster hair? heee I avoided all merchandise with that picture :hysterical: That is one of the few looks I didn't like. Don't really know much about John or Reed personally but one thing I always believe about Clay is he doesn't suffer fools lightly. John D, Was around for a long time so that says a lot about him for me. This post brought to you by speculations are us.

Happy Thursday!!

John D? Yes. No. Maybe. Do not care.

Considering the number of gay men in the entertainment business Clay was surrounded with opportunities to hook up with many partners. Or with none. Sometimes a friend is just a friend. Or more. I have no way of knowing until the book is written. Even then it does not really matter to me.

Combine these two posts and you've got me (except for the "rooster hair," because that made me laugh and laugh, hee). I didn't mind John, and he seemed (possibly seems, current tense -- who knows?) like a good friend. But at the same time, whom Clay sleeps with is no matter to me (curiosity aside -- is that bad of me?).

This message brought to you by "(" and ")". *g*

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Combine these two posts and you've got me (except for the "rooster hair," because that made me laugh and laugh, hee).

bwah you would... :thbighug-1: Did clay ever actually wear the hairstyle or just take some photos for the tourbook. I honestly like or am neutral on Clay's hair 99% of the time. I just don't think he has a lot of bad hair days so I think most of his stylists have been good. But that's from someone who spends about 2 seconds a day on her own hair.

Chacha - I don't give much thought to ..forget the name of the board -- but really if you wanted to discuss Clay and gay at all it wasn't really allowed on most boards so don't blame people for wanting to do go where it was allowed. I have friends who post there. I know there was OTT stuff by some member which I don't condone and the annoying fighting with the rest of the fandom but in that regard it takes to to tango. For anybody who insisted Clay come out before he was ready - inside or outside the fandom, the media etc - I have no respect for. Glad he did it in his own way and time and seems content with his life now.

had an interview today... 4 minutes from home. But I actually liked the people who interviewed me and the company seemed cool.

Ok I have ignored most social networking websites cuz really that's not my thang but I keep running up against a brick wall with my work because I don't have Facebook. I know I've gotten a few invites to be friends from people here but I'm' not on Facebook. I'm thinking of signing up --any experts here? Is it public/private - did you use your own name?

Clay did say in his last blog post that he will be sharing what's in store for 2009 soon? Did I dream that?

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Not an expert by any means but I enjoy Facebook a lot. The whole idea of it is to use your real name and people who know you can search you out. That was my biggest issue with it at first, because it is so ingrained in me NOT to use my real name on the internet. I know it's not as private as I like to think it is, but I try to remember to always choose "only my friends" in anything that gives me an option as to who can see it (i.e. photos, notes, etc). I don't add anyone who I haven't met or who I don't know personally, and up until now, I haven't mentioned it to anyone at work, because, while I like the people I work with, I don't count them as friends, and I don't know that I want to start mixing business with pleasure.

I found a good link the other day about 10 ways to make your Facebook more private, but I sent it to my home email and I can't access it right now. I'll try to remember to post it later.

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10 Facebook Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know

The biggest revelation in this article, for me, was the friends list (the first one there). I like that option a lot. Anyway, I think that's the article luckiest is talking about.

couchie, I've gotten sucked into the Facebook thing, and it's really fun. But -- you have to pick and choose which things you want to do with it. I just have fun with it, for the most part. (But my library is also looking at setting up a Library "fan page" so students can come to it for information about our library...)

couchie, that wasn't a dream, but we all know Clay's definition of "soon." *g* And that board you mentioned is "Openly Clay."

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clayzy, I'll have to go through my photobucket account, because I know I have it there. There's a picture of Clay, promo picture for the JNT 2004, where it looks almost as if Clay has a Fauxhawk. Many (OK, most) fans HATED the picture. I just laughed. Hee. ETA: found it. I'll just post a link, since so many want to avoid it, LOL: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y249/ldyj...uxhawk_1024.jpg

Speaking of pictures...

Found on Openly Clay, and it's supposedly from RHT. Anyone know where it came from? Looks as if it's from 2007 -- maybe Gala time? Beard, long hair, rings -- but also glasses.

*fans self*


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John D. Who? Just when I think I've heard about everything, there's a new one!

I've heard of J.P., and now J.D., when will this get around to Jay-Z? :cryingwlaughter:

LdyJ, that picture of Clay above would have gone unrecognized by me if not for Jerome standing there, and the rings. He looks like a Beat Poet. Who said Clay wasn't cool???

Just heard Hillary say she likes to work to classical music, and to listen to the Beatles and Stones. That sounds vaguely familiar. I'm thinking of sending her some Clay Aiken.

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clayzy, I'll have to go through my photobucket account, because I know I have it there. There's a picture of Clay, promo picture for the JNT 2004, where it looks almost as if Clay has a Fauxhawk. Many (OK, most) fans HATED the picture. I just laughed. Hee. ETA: found it. I'll just post a link, since so many want to avoid it, LOL: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y249/ldyj...uxhawk_1024.jpg

Speaking of pictures...

Found on Openly Clay, and it's supposedly from RHT. Anyone know where it came from? Looks as if it's from 2007 -- maybe Gala time? Beard, long hair, rings -- but also glasses.

*fans self*


Wow. I can't really see anything about that hair that's that different from his regular hair of that time period. I like it.

Scraggly hair... not so much. He definitely does look different. I think my favorite Clay hairstyles have been his Tyra hair and his AI-ish hair, but hey! If it's Clay, I like it!

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