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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

New Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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BTW, written qualification tests will be in everybody's inbox by morning! :lilredani:

I ain't takin' no test! I'm stubborn that way. And lazy, too. Can't we just submit our IQ scores with the proper documentation? All 3 digits? In the correct order?

Anna, I left 2 apples on Couchie's desk. And they were Honey Crisps :P


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Oh, wait.... I love Clay Aiken... that is all the qualification needed!

How many points do you get for loving specific parts, er... pairs of parts? :Iluvclaysbutt:

Will saying it multiple times help?


Or in different languages?


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May I remind everyone just WHO had a dream about a CD yesterday morning?

The title and date were off, but dreams aren't meant to be literal.


The Queen Psychic :twinklewhore:

I think that should qualify me for an instant pass on the test. I'm obviously in tune with Clay's recording aura. :2:

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QUOTE (Clayzorback @ Feb 22 2009, 07:48 PM) *

I wish I could be as good a fan as you and your board are couchie. There doesn't seem to be a board out there that suits me anymore. All of them with their own little cliques and unless you tow the line you are not accepted. Sort of harkens to what I was saying about how many fans have been run off by the behavior of other fans and their treatment of you. This board used to be filled with a bunch of smart ladies. I miss them.

I'm sure that you are smart enough to find them, wherever they are.

Hmmmmm......not sure what "acceptance" is in this case - if anyone needs agreement with everything they post, they need to start their own board and mod accordingly. That "run off" thing works both ways. I have better things to do with my time than to read, much less participate in, pointless negative crap.

I doubt that any attempt to subvert FCA into that sort of board, all critical and I know something you don't know shit, will be met with anything but laughter.

Heeee......even if you think it is witless.

I still am puzzled - what exactly is Clay KNOWN to have been "stubborn" about - I think he is eating hamburgers now!

I was surprised and happy that Sean Penn won last night.

Lilyshine, maybe you should start writing down your dreams every morning!

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Anna, I left 2 apples on Couchie's desk. And they were Honey Crisps :P


Damn ducky, I was going to bring a couple of HoneyCrisps. *pout*

*pulls out a sharpened #2 pencil*

I'm ready! I studied all night and everything!

For the record, what I studied:






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Good Morning Everyone,

12 Days, 2 hours until Daylight Saving Time occurs in the United Sates; 33 Days until The European Union changes 1 hour and begins Summer Time...this occurs at 1:00 a.m. Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) the last Sunday in March!


25 Days until The Vernal Equinox, i.e. The date in The Northern Hemisphere when night and day are equal in length and the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator moving Northward!


36 Days until Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken; A Compilation Disc of Remastered Recordings is available for purchase!


44 Days until Recording Star and International Superstar Clay Aiken (born Clayton Holmes Grissom) makes a guest appearance on America's Next Top Model and performs in the capacity of Judge; i.e. evaluates the talents such as poise, intelligence; acting ability and so forth of women of diverse ethnic, socia-economic; age and ability in their quest for the title of America's Next Top Model! :yahoo:

(I don't need no stinking test!)

Everyone have a great day!


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BTW, written qualification tests will be in everybody's inbox by morning! :lilredani:

I wish to protest this omission....I didn't get no stinkin' test!!

I read that M&G section Clay did say something about the radio stuff but he also said that he knew it wasn't all fans just like that lady who posted here didn't say all intelligent ladies left the board.

That was no lady....and it wasn't even my wife!

I woke up this morning with the BIGGEST grin on my face! Funny how a "new" or "reworked" or ANY Clay Aiken CD can make that happen!

I'm guessing that Cyndi (sp?) Berger had something to do with an Amazon posting which happened Sunday; you go, Cyndi!

And it looks now as though there were three clues in Clay's question....

1. The date-which I think referenced the CD and the date has now possibly been moved up, or he knew it would be BY that date but not exactly when at that point...

2. Google-if we kept googling, we would find it.

3. Independent-yes, he's away from RCA. Actually, I'm inclined to think that may have two meanings. Independent usually means "free from"; but couldn't it also mean "no dependents"? ie, that the CD is the "last stop" on his time with RCA, when he had "no dependents".

I think having dependents is the thrill of his life!

Musing out of my ass, as usual :hysterical:....carry on!

In any case, my order went in last night, and I'll be thrilled with whatever it turns out to be!

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Hee, FromClaygary, I can muse out my ass with the best of them, too. Even if I'm not smrt. :smartass:

I predict that he meant that April 16th would be the start of the Very Best Of Clay Aiken tour. Which will, of course, include songs from all previous albums, including OMWH. :lilredani:

cindilu2, I like your math! :clap:

aikim, that is the most intelligent countdown I have ever seen! :BlowKiss:

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I read that M&G section Clay did say something about the radio stuff but he also said that he knew it wasn't all fans just like that lady who posted here didn't say all intelligent ladies left the board.

Thank you for acknowledging that I didn't make that up. It's nice to know that some people can still read a person's post and not cherry pick out words and twist them around in an effort to purposely try to embarrass or humilate someone. With the intent of trying to send them packing or shut them down.

You never used used to post the way you did yesterday, either, couchie. You would take it to PM if you an issue with me. I find it terribly two faced of you, couchie, and some members of your board, to be such a nice person when you are talking to me in PM or privately. When others can't read it. How nice & accepting a person you can be when accepting gifts or acts of kindness and thanks from me, or anyone else, that benefits you or your board. Then to have you come out here on the board and try your best to be such a smartass to me, twist my words all around, all the while your friends high fiving you, getting their little digs in, shows more about who you and some others really are, than me. I've always been the same person on the board as off.

I don't understand why you would come out here blasting me for talking about other fans in this fandom, when this board does exactly the same thing. You and some of your members here have made fun of the Clackhouse members & the OFC members ever since I found this board. You're still doing it. Just because you don't name names doesn't make it any more acceptable than me and my way of posting. I don't see a difference in my making fun of OTT fans than what some of the members on your board say about other fans.

I have contacted BAF and asked them to withdraw my request for my donation to be credited to FCA. I no longer want my donations associated with any fan board that shows such disgust and disdain for me. You don't even make an effort to try and hide it anymore. This board has definitely changed it's dynamic and IMHO not for the better.

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Hee, FromClaygary, I can muse out my ass with the best of them, too. Even if I'm not smrt. :smartass:

I predict that he meant that April 16th would be the start of the Very Best Of Clay Aiken tour. Which will, of course, include songs from all previous albums, including OMWH. :lilredani:

cindilu2, I like your math! :clap:

aikim, that is the most intelligent countdown I have ever seen! :BlowKiss:

Ooooooh, I LIKE your musing out your ass!! :cryingwlaughter:

This also just CMSU this morning....someone else on another board pointed out that "The BEST was yet to come!" :hysterical::lol:

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So, anyway, moving on, did everybody watch the Oscars last night? I switched between that and The Sopranos, got derailed for a little bit over a hamburger cooking contest. Yum. I actually went to the web site to see if they had recipes. Yep.

Looks as though that new CD will be an "old" CD, but I am still going to buy one. Just because I want one. I don't think the industry will be holding its breath and watching Legacy CD sales.

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Good Morning Everyone,

12 Days, 2 hours until Daylight Saving Time occurs in the United Sates; 33 Days until The European Union changes 1 hour and begins Summer Time...this occurs at 1:00 a.m. Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) the last Sunday in March!


25 Days until The Vernal Equinox, i.e. The date in The Northern Hemisphere when night and day are equal in length and the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator moving Northward!


36 Days until Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken; A Compilation Disc of Remastered Recordings is available for purchase!


44 Days until Recording Star and International Superstar Clay Aiken (born Clayton Holmes Grissom) makes a guest appearance on America's Next Top Model and performs in the capacity of Judge; i.e. evaluates the talents such as poise, intelligence; acting ability and so forth of women of diverse ethnic, socia-economic; age and ability in their quest for the title of America's Next Top Model! :yahoo:

(I don't need no stinking test!)

Everyone have a great day!


aikim... :hysterical::hysterical: The most intelligent countdown E.V.E.H., woman. I am all kinds of impressed!

cindi... I LIKE your countdown... you win the math quotient of our qualification test!!! That is one sexy Reed picture.

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You guys are CMSU :cryingwlaughter:

I'm still lagging behind in the 'he was bored and wondering about the date and decided to give us a little thrill and post' car. But the imagination of the 'mates never fails to astound me! LMAO!

I really hope he decides to talk to us (without the need for Cliff notes or decoder rings :imgtongue: ) this week. If not about the 'new' CD and RCA (which I don't expect), then about the fan club and his promised sneak-peek at what's coming in 2009.

I am also in the wait-and-see car about the 'Very Best' cd. eyes.gif There's no question I'll buy a copy - hell, I've bought compilation cd's that I have zero interest in just because he's on it, so why would I not buy a whole cd of his stuff (even if it's stuff I already have - already had all the other stuff too). I think this will be one of the few times that I'll 'read' something into what he does or doesn't say. He's never been shy about asking us to buy his product before, so if he wants this one to do well I'm assuming he'll at least acknowledge its existence. If he's pissed about it, it's not like he can call for a boycott - all he can do is ignore it. Oughta be an interesting week in Clayland!popcorn.gif

(edited because 'its' existence and 'his' existence are not the same thing. No Freudian slip there at all. Nope. Nuh uhh. No way.)

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djs - I did watch the Oscars last night - more of it than I have in years - although I did run to do some stuff during a couple of the longer, less interesting (to me) awards.... I really enjoyed Hugh Jackman... I thought he did a nice job and was quite nice to look at!

My sister and I try to see all the movies up for the Oscar before the show but she had to have some back surgery so we'll do it later... guess I'll be looking for those puppies on DVD. But I would like to see them all. Some good reviews from folks here so I'm looking forward to them.

Did some bowling for Special Olympics on Saturday and yesterday and today I feel like I got hit by Mack truck on my right side... geez, guess I need a little more exercise in my life... although a bit of my pain today is arthritis related but the rest is plain old "I used muscles I haven't in awhile!" pain... but it was for a good cause and we had fun so it's worth it as I limp along... :lol:

I'll buy the CD also, regardless what's on it... the good thing is I won't feel like I need one to open and one to keep pristine... if it's all repeats, then I only need one - unless, of course, they're remixed... I wonder if iTunes will have it? Any guesses?

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Let me know when you all get done with musing out of your asses. I am trying to stay well this winter and that just sounds sick.

Meanwhile, according to Antimusic.com RCA has confirmed the break happened in '08.


Follow up: We did confirm with our contact at RCA that Clay Aiken parted ways with the label last year.

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Best Oscar show I have seen in a long time. Liked everything about it. All the movies nominated were Oscar worthy IMO. Sometimes I do not feel that way and wonder why a movie was in in the running. IMO, I felt that Sean Penn definitely deserved to win. I loved the spirit of "Slumdog," but Milk had more of an impact on me. I felt it was an important movie. and I hope that a lot of people go to see it. I did enjoy "Slumdog," very much and it also touches on what happens to poor children in India. I asked my son-in-law who has gone to Mumbai many times if he had seen a lot of blind beggars. I hoped that he would say no. He said yes. Sad. But the spirit of the movie overcomes the sad parts. Beautiful movie!

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Oy. Totally O/T, but does anyone know if Toshiba is a good brand for external hard drives? With my computer going kaput a day ago, I'm looking into getting an external hard drive so that I can (hopefully) transfer all my stuff onto it before I send it in to be fixed. I asked my bro, the only person I know who knows computers, and he's recommending Western Digital and Seagate because of their warranties, but they seem a little pricey... (Get what you pay for, I know, but...) So I just thought I'd ask here for a little advice.

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Sentence structure, coherent thoughts, white space - those will be tested. Which means we may lose a mod in the process :lilredani:

A certain mod eyes couchie with deep suspicion...and plans on assigning some sort of English major/librarian minion to take "her" test...Ha!

Of course I totally missed the Oscars and TAR because of that goddam Comcast...I swear, they will be first up against the wall come the revolucion! And I've order my Clay whatever the hell thingie...and I FUCKIN' HATE my new bifocal glasses (that I went cheap on 'cause I didn't wanna pay $177 for the progressives on top of the $300 for everything else - which I'm gonna have to do anyhoo now because I can't even see my own boobs. Dammit.)

Clay's having 52 children? Why don't you people tell me these things?

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