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#49: I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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    • I still don't have money I just go anyway!
    • I'm hooked .... like a fish.
    • I think there's always going to be something big coming when it comes to Clay.
    • Not only did he take his life back he took the power from them.
    • He is large and in charge and I love it!
    • He puts a happy face on my heart!

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Maybe it's just me, but saying BMW place and then not saying what kind of car for safety's sake seems kinda funny!

Unless they sell other makes.

Well, amongst you and I it's just you! :lol: Have you ever known a car place that didn't??

Re: that info. I just saw the original note and it says the exact colour and model of BMW that he was buying, so that's what was removed and likely a good idea.

Heeeee.......50 per cent of us still thinks it is pretty funny!!! :-O

I think perhaps a quite a few people might be thinking about, if not carrying, basketballs in Chapel Hill right now - 13th time to be named #1 seed - a record! and third year in a row, too. (March Madness has begun).

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FromClaygary: Do we know when the picture was taken. I know the blog date is today. Just curious. If in the last few days, he is home & not in NYC. He looks good. Anybody know what the R on the hoodie stands for??

I don't go to blogs, so I'm not sure what you're referring to there....but no, I don't know what the date of the picture is. Its properties say that it was taken today, but I know for sure that isn't accurate.

Re the "R", I'm going with bella on that one; I think it's a Roots hoodie. But it could STAND for anything he wants it to stand for! :lol:

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When you're talking about cars and plane tickets, frugal he ain't. Street clothes, haircuts and food, yes, he is.

But yeah, I'm not worried about him. Wonder if he has a hand-me-down car to spare? :cryingwlaughter:

I wasn't implying that flying in First Class or buying an expensive model car was unusual for Clay. Speaking as a former flight attendant, it's pretty unusual for ANY celebrity not to fly in First Class. However, the Premium Service, or whatever it's called appears to go way beyond ordinary First Class pricewise and service-wise. And who knows, maybe his car lease was up.

My point (which I guess I didn't make very well) was regarding the TIMING of these recent purchases. Flying Premium Service and buying a new car AT THIS POINT IN TIME didn't strike me as the actions of someone who had nothing coming up to generate income in the foreseeable future. Somehow an upcoming appearance on ANTM wouldn't really justify that kind of purchase, I wouldn't think.

So (since my middle name is Pollyanna), I'm interpreting that to mean there is cool career news coming that Clay feels secure about, but to which we are not yet privy. It makes me happy to think that, so there.

I'll be happy to loan out my rose-colored glasses to anyone else who would like to see things my way.


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Not a movie quote, but one of my top three of all time, from the one and only Mae West:

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

Another Mae West favorite: It's not the men in your life that matters, it's the life in your men"

The Roots hoodie, if that's what it is, could also be a cast-off from "Uncle" David.

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When you're talking about cars and plane tickets, frugal he ain't. Street clothes, haircuts and food, yes, he is.

But yeah, I'm not worried about him. Wonder if he has a hand-me-down car to spare? :cryingwlaughter:

I wasn't implying that flying in First Class or buying an expensive model car was unusual for Clay. Speaking as a former flight attendant, it's pretty unusual for ANY celebrity not to fly in First Class. However, the Premium Service, or whatever it's called appears to go way beyond ordinary First Class pricewise and service-wise. And who knows, maybe his car lease was up.

My point (which I guess I didn't make very well) was regarding the TIMING of these recent purchases. Flying Premium Service and buying a new car AT THIS POINT IN TIME didn't strike me as the actions of someone who had nothing coming up to generate income in the foreseeable future. Somehow an upcoming appearance on ANTM wouldn't really justify that kind of purchase, I wouldn't think.

So (since my middle name is Pollyanna), I'm interpreting that to mean there is cool career news coming that Clay feels secure about, but to which we are not yet privy. It makes me happy to think that, so there.

I'll be happy to loan out my rose-colored glasses to anyone else who would like to see things my way.


I think you made your point fine. Sorry if I offended.

I was just ruminating on the general topic of Clay's frugality, which amuses me, because while he might be cheap about some things, about other things, he is anything but. And I agree on the general thought that there's nothing to worry about when it comes to Clay's career. Is something big coming soon? I think there's always going to be something big coming when it comes to Clay.

That dealership was having a big sale this weekend (and the basketballs might've been an ACC tournament-related giveaway). I wasn't paying real good attention beyond noticing the gigantic "3-day sale" sign as I'm not really in the market for a car. Wish I were. Sigh.

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Maybe it's just me, but saying BMW place and then not saying what kind of car for safety's sake seems kinda funny!

Unless they sell other makes.


I wondered the same exact thing!!

Unless he's buying a new tour bus, I guess it doesn't matter!!

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One of the most notorious of the Monty Python Flying Circus sketches -


Mae was my kind of girl: Love thy neighbor - and if he happens to be tall, debonair and devastating, it will be that much easier.

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When you're talking about cars and plane tickets, frugal he ain't. Street clothes, haircuts and food, yes, he is.

But yeah, I'm not worried about him. Wonder if he has a hand-me-down car to spare? :cryingwlaughter:

I wasn't implying that flying in First Class or buying an expensive model car was unusual for Clay. Speaking as a former flight attendant, it's pretty unusual for ANY celebrity not to fly in First Class. However, the Premium Service, or whatever it's called appears to go way beyond ordinary First Class pricewise and service-wise. And who knows, maybe his car lease was up.

My point (which I guess I didn't make very well) was regarding the TIMING of these recent purchases. Flying Premium Service and buying a new car AT THIS POINT IN TIME didn't strike me as the actions of someone who had nothing coming up to generate income in the foreseeable future. Somehow an upcoming appearance on ANTM wouldn't really justify that kind of purchase, I wouldn't think.

So (since my middle name is Pollyanna), I'm interpreting that to mean there is cool career news coming that Clay feels secure about, but to which we are not yet privy. It makes me happy to think that, so there.

I'll be happy to loan out my rose-colored glasses to anyone else who would like to see things my way.


Hey Perma, I've got my own rose colored glasses but thanks for the offer. Funny that we have the same middle name cuz what you said sure sounds good to me. And I didn't know you use to be a flight attendent. Learn something new every day.

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Maybe it's just me, but saying BMW place and then not saying what kind of car for safety's sake seems kinda funny!

Unless they sell other makes.


I wondered the same exact thing!!

Unless he's buying a new tour bus, I guess it doesn't matter!!

I think that the phrase shoulda been "for privacy's sake" vs "for safety's sake", lol. Did sound silly but maybe the person who took out the exact colour and model of BMW that Clay bought, figured it would be safer without a buncha crazy claymates chasing all of the BMW's in that colour and model around the triangle, lol?


I checked it out (cuz I'm nosey and all) and it looked practical and ideal for carseats. :dadrocks:


Let us know if you hear that he's rented any tour buses, K? My calendar is completely clear for the Summer. :thumbup:

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Tried to reply twice and lost both posts...let me just say I concur with the Luckiest1 on the Stephen King movies; nice to see BF out spending some money...guess now that he is a family man he needs a family car.

Reed is a fine looking man; they make a very attractive couple.


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Why do I have an unusual desire to head to Target and buy a set of 1200 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets and a bag of potato chips?

Well, I don't know about you but my first thought when I read this was "eating in bed" :tasty::tasty:

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Why do I have an unusual desire to head to Target and buy a set of 1200 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets and a bag of potato chips?

they sell 1200 thread count sheets at Target?

Oh see I am an idoit I thought that was a friend of the first person who posted it.

I noticed the bag of chips more than the basketball.

Lays you can't just have one.

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Why do I have an unusual desire to head to Target and buy a set of 1200 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets and a bag of potato chips?

they sell 1200 thread count sheets at Target?

Oh see I am an idoit I thought that was a friend of the first person who posted it.

I noticed the bag of chips more than the basketball.

Lays you can't just have one.

I noticed the chips too because my husband works for Frito-Lay and any purchase of chips means job security! I did notice Clay too!


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I think there's always going to be something big coming when it comes to Clay.


Mark this date in your calendars, ladies! jmh SMUTTED! :hahaha:

I definitely want to know the make, color, model and license tag number of Clay's new ride! Think he'd donate his old one to me? :lipstick:

Don't know if it's just the picture quality or any fiddling with the pic, but his jaws look sorta chipmunk-like to me---kinda swollen. Maybe I'm just projecting since I know he's recently had a TMJ "procedure", heh. But he does like his cheeks are full of something...

(that one's for you, treenuts... :sleezy:)

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Do I see a ring on Reed's left hand?

Possibly if you have Xray vision! :) as his left hand is behind his body....but he does have a school ring on his right hand.

Well, it was on MY left. LOL.

(Oh, f@%#, this is probably a sure sign of dementia.)

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did anyone see this ?

America's Next Top Model Audition Turns Bloody

Things got really ugly yesterday during a casting call for America's Next Top Model in New York yesterday.

An overheating car started all the chaos, the NYDN reports. If you watch the video, you will see that there were thousands of models lined up for the audition. Once the car started overheating people started screaming and running for their lives. It got even worse when people in the crowd started yelling, "There's a bomb!"


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