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#51: You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken

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    • Clay is stil around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.
    • "He doesn't need the spotlight. He just glows."
    • Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth)
    • Clay Aiken: Just like Timex...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

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Got this off a link to an idol blog this morning on Twitter and it includes an audio of Justin Guarini: http://mjsbigidolblog.com/?p=3664

Clay Aiken Was Not Kicked Out According to Justin Guarini

This morning on WLS/Chicago, Paul Harris talked with Justin Guarini about whether Clay Aiken was kicked out of the “Idol” studio a few days ago.

As it turns out, the American Idol machine is bitter and creating a backlash against Clay for leaving them behind. He sued 19 to get out of the restrictive and greedy management contract in 2004 and helped Kelly Clarkson do the same in 2005. Last fall he chose not to re-sign with 19 Recordings (distributed by RCA/RMG). Honestly, who can blame him when they have not promoted his music at all and have made some bad decisions about the (cover) albums they wanted him to make.

His fans were wondering why he was often bashed by Simon. It explains why “Idol Gives Back” ignored their very own UNICEF ambassador and it explains why Clay hasn’t been invited back to perform on American Idol. I can understand not including him, if that’s as far as it went, but to plant a manufactured scandal in the National Enquirer is going too far.

Its a dirty business. How many other scandals was AI responsible for feeding to the tabloids? Ryan Seacrest has certainly also done his share of damage to Clay’s reputation on his radio show and on the E! network.

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I have been agonizing over something Clay said. I was just shocked, frankly.

Why oh why would ANYONE want to have a talk show in Atlanta??!!

It's hotter than holy hell there, and how many times can you go to the Coke Museum???

Then I remembered.

CNN is there.

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OK where have we seen that shirt before? Ready...set...go!

it only matters that we get Clay

I'd sure like to get him :whistling-1:

Ok... the mystery for me is how he put his outfit together and it actually looks great! :hahaha:

I like that blog on MJ's. Wish the media would take that and run with it. I actually laughed at the headlines this morning... did you know that Clay was warned to stay away from Adam??? :hahaha: I don't click on the stories, but I see the headlines. Idjits!!!

Bookwhore.... :bdayparty2:

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Flipping around channels last night, I see the AI judges have really gotten ridiculous. Maybe Fox or 19 can do a spin-off where the judges just look at random clips for 10 seconds and then spend 20 minutes babbling egotistically about them. Would be cheaper, and the judges might not even notice they were not on AI.

This is final exam season and I've missed every weeknight TV show for the past two weeks and this will last until -- Thursday night! (and isn't that blessedly convenient). I don't know specifically what you're referencing about the Idol judges, but I get the picture. To me, Idol will abide for a long time, but the judges and producers are in overdrive to gin up some excitement and controversy, no matter how obviously faked it is. Do they not realize we've watched them play the game for years and we're onto the scam? Never again will a genuine industry virgin take the country by storm, be the talk of the morning shows, the late shows, and the watercooler, incite an internet frenzy, and become an overnight and everlasting pop culture sensation. It's been done by the best and try as they might, it won't be repeated. Poor Idol. Glory Days aren't here again.

I love Clay walking around with Mystery Man. Was Clay eating at a Panda Express, I wonder, or just passing by? I've never actually been IN one, but drive through about once or twice a month.

I too am enjoying his easing of the language restrictions. He began with "Hell, naw" (which I remember well from The Color Purple) -- and proceeded on to being censored for "shit" as in "batshit insane" -- as in Rep. Virginia Fox. And then for "bitch" as in "once we're there ... we can bitch about how we are labelled." (What else could that censored word be?) Then he's talking rubbers -- which I haven't heard used for at least twenty-years. And old friend and co-worker introduced me to the term "dickbag" back in the 80's, and I do enjoy a descriptive appelation! Anyway, Clay is a grown ass man, and I for one am glad to see him stretching the boundaries of the OFC, if only just a bit.

ETA: Funny, I thought Donny Osmond was hobnobbing with Clay!

But time magazine says Adam Lambert is the first star to come out of Idol?????????????? Calling Carrie & Kelly just nice singers



OK where have we seen that shirt before? Ready...set...go!


July 4th, 2007 - Frisco concert!!!

WhadoI win? :cryingwlaughter:

I swear that shirt looks like the one he wore on the concert I went to (NH) but I usually don't notice that stuff. My niece was all upset because he told us how someone called him fat so he wore stripes to look thin. When we got home she sat me down to show me AI clips and how Clay was too thin & looked better. I had to sit through that for a half an hour! She was 11 and was telling me see he was too skinny then no one should call him fat. OMG she was so mad~

Happy Birthday Bookwhore :) :) :)

good for Justin :)

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I actually laughed at the headlines this morning... did you know that Clay was warned to stay away from Adam??? :hahaha: I don't click on the stories, but I see the headlines. Idjits!!!

And the purported reason for that would be because .... Clay would encourage Adam not to sign a management contract with 19? Aha! Clay could be a one-man wrecking crew for draconian 19 Management contracts. I'm sure Kelly wasn't and won't be punished because she was under the wing or in the clutches of The Monster Clay! You know, soooooo many people out there just despise the very idea of Idol and have from the beginning, including the early seasons (as I did BEFORE I was forced to watch AI2Wildcard), so Clay, being the one-time fair-haired boy of the show being now locked in a WWF-style cage-match for supremacy against the Evil Music Machine -- even if it's a tabloid creation -- can be a boost for Clay's reputation. These stories at least put Clay on the same level with AmericanIdol and 19, and actually make them look ... wait for it .... THREATENED by Clay Aiken. Idol can't be loving these stories that make them look .... what's the word? .... oh yeah, CHURLISH!

I think this is HILARIOUS!!!

ETA: I just can't WAIT until the judges and producers begin the Finale media circus and get questioned about how they treated CLAY!!!! Personally, I don't think any of this ever happened -- but the tabloids got a story from somebody, so Yeah, Baby!

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It would be hilarious if the contract thing was what most people are going to run with.

But I would bet most people are just gonna go with the gay angle.

I am certain that if Clay wanted to talk to Adam, a phone would do nicely, his people, Adam's people, whatever, I don't think Clay needs to storm the AI studio holding a baby in front of himself as a diversion. :-)

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I have come to the conclusion that he has to be a real thorn in the side of AI. I mean he is only a runner-up who should have had his 15 minutes and then poof like Kaiser Sose...gone! But no he stayed around and in their minds defying them at every turn. He really didn't but to them him just being still there just doesn't fit in, in the grand scheme of things.

One or two choice things said in the right places and now the media types (who are mostly lemmings anyway) join in and you have everything Clay/AI relate blown way out of proportion!

Well at the end of the day I really know nothing about nuttin'!

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That story ^ ^ ^ does not go with the headline. Unless it was snipped - it says 'he was not kicked out according to Guarini' and then the first line says Justin was asked about it, and then in the story... nothing about that. *shrug*

When did Justin Guarini become an authority?

I just don't know - every single AI related question Clay's been asked, on the OFC, in the media, in M&G's, wherever, he has been positive about them and his relationship with them. He took his son to the set. Given that he's not a clod and is about the most self-aware person I've ever experienced, I doubt he'd walk into a snake pit with him. So unless and until Clay says differently, I'm going to continue to believe him.

I sure don't see how stories like this can do any good for him though. At this stage of the game I no longer believe in the 'any publicity is good publicity' saw. Maybe if people actually took the time to read stories (if indeed, they were reported accurately to begin with) or look beyond the headlines, maybe. But that just doesn't happen, especially with entertainment stories.

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I have been agonizing over something Clay said. I was just shocked, frankly.

Why oh why would ANYONE want to have a talk show in Atlanta??!!

It's hotter than holy hell there, and how many times can you go to the Coke Museum???

Then I remembered.

CNN is there.

You're RIGHT!! I was wondering the same thing, never even thought of CNN. Atlanta seemed so....random. D101 :clap:

Yaay for the 30 Rock clip being archived, thanks ldyj.

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That story ^ ^ ^ does not go with the headline. Unless it was snipped - it says 'he was not kicked out according to Guarini' and then the first line says Justin was asked about it, and then in the story... nothing about that. *shrug*

When did Justin Guarini become an authority?

I just don't know - every single AI related question Clay's been asked, on the OFC, in the media, in M&G's, wherever, he has been positive about them and his relationship with them. He took his son to the set. Given that he's not a clod and is about the most self-aware person I've ever experienced, I doubt he'd walk into a snake pit with him. So unless and until Clay says differently, I'm going to continue to believe him.

I sure don't see how stories like this can do any good for him though. At this stage of the game I no longer believe in the 'any publicity is good publicity' saw. Maybe if people actually took the time to read stories (if indeed, they were reported accurately to begin with) or look beyond the headlines, maybe. But that just doesn't happen, especially with entertainment stories.

Justin works for TVguide channel & hosts the Idol chat show. He blogs about behind the scences & the show every week. Which is probably why somone would ask him.

Elliott (season 5) didn't sign with 19 & has been back on the show a few times.

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Okay, if Time Magazine is calling Adam Lambert the only star to come out of Idol --- then Idol is really done and desperate, and Time Magazine is a bigger whore than I already considered them to be. To paraphrase Simon -- I only like Adam with my eyes closed -- and not because of his hair and makeup -- but because of that tongue hanging out. Everytime I've watched him sing, the tongue falls out of his mouth on the big notes like when someone's feeling nauseated -- and that's just nasty. As far as the whole Voice of Adam thing -- he has a rock singer range no greater than that of other rock singers who have come and gone, including Plant, Tyler, Rob Halford of Judas Priest, Axl Rose in G&R days, Geoff Tate of Queensryche -- there's a lot of them -- too many to mention. He's not some unique thing. And as far as him being gay, Rob Halford is gay, big deal.

I read at MSNBC or CNN a while ago that Adam sang U2's "One" last night and changed it up. I would hate the changing of a single phrase or note of that song, since "One" is about as good as a song can be, and messing with it would be a mortal, unforgiveable, and deadly musical sin, at least it would be on MY Judgment Day.

And -- while I don't regularly watch Idol, my DIL does, and my sister does. One is a Danny Gokey fan, the other a Kris Allen fan. I liked Allison.

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Okay, if Time Magazine is calling Adam the only star to come out of Idol --- then Idol is really done and desperate, and Time Magazine is a bigger whore than I already considered them to be. To paraphrase Simon -- I only like Adam with my eyes closed -- and not because of his hair and makeup -- but because of that tongue hanging out. Everytime I've watched him sing his tongue falls out of the mouth on the big notes -- and that's just nasty. As far as the whole Voice of Adam thing -- he has a rock singer range no greater than that of other rock singers who have come and gone, including Plant, Tyler, Rob Halford of Judas Priest, Axl Rose in G&R days, Geoff Tate of Queensryche -- there's a lot of them -- too many to mention. He's not some unique thing. And as far as him being gay, Rob Halford is gay, big deal.

I read at MSNBC or CNN a while ago that Adam sang U2's "One" last night and changed it up. I would hate the changing of a single phrase or note of that song, since "One" is about as good as a song can be, and messing with it would be a mortal, unforgiveable, and deadly musical sin, at least it would be on MY Judgment Day.

I think they said Simon made that arrangement. I hated what they did to that song. I thought I was the only one not on the Adam train. I have been rooting for Matt (eliminated) & Kris. They are more the singer/musician/song writer types.

Oh I get why they would ask him - just not why I should believe him over Clay. :cryingwlaughter:

Okay (you have to play the video for Justin's answer)

I don't think Clay has said anything about it has he?

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I actually liked what Justin had to say! At least someone sounds like they have some sense of reality when it comes to Clay and AI. I don't really care for Justin, but that rocked!

Okay, if Time Magazine is calling Adam Lambert the only star to come out of Idol --- then Idol is really done and desperate, and Time Magazine is a bigger whore than I already considered them to be.

Did they really?!?! WTF are they smoking *insert one fingered salute here*

tribeca, you are NOT alone. I cannot stand Adam and have triiiied. BLEH!

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Elliott didn't sign with 19 -- Jennifer Hudson didn't sign with 19 -- and Idol is happy to have them. The difference is whether you quit them, or they quit you!

I don't believe all publicity is good publicity, but I do believe publicity is essential. There's nothing worse than ... 'wonder whatever happened to so-and-so?' when so-and-so is still out there beating the bushes. The point is, whatever the publicity may consist of, it can be spun every which way -- and then someplace else -- whether deemed good or bad initially. A lot of what we may think of as "good" publicity would turn off someone else. Believe me, I know people impressed that Clay was on Broadway, and people turned off by it. Because, howeer much we love it, some people really do not like musical theater.

My POV is that a show such as Idol being less than gracious to the person who put them on the map puts Clay in a power position. And that's not even considering the part of his fan base that arose as a result of him being perceived as mistreated by Idol in the first place. What's the downside? Haters? Haters don't live in the real world. But Clay does and he's HAWT!

I think he did address this issue with the Mother Teresa quote. He's a much bigger man than this sort of thing, which is why you'll never hear him say a bad word about Idol. Heh, I also think he wants to keep his options open to replace Simon Cowell one day.

I think Idol only really had magic when people believed the kids were truly unknowns seeking a once-in-a-lifetime lightning strike. Now people understand that most of the contestants are coming into the show with a musical career they're aiming to improve or hype -- and the show gets a more professional sheen. But I think the magic is gone now that Idol is nothing more than a showcase -- and when everyone knows you don't have to win in order to really win. Clay was the first to blow that for them.

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Hate the whole idea of the NE article, and all the crap that they write about Clay, just because he's well known, and people want to read about him, good or bad. I agree that the"any publicity is good publicity" thing is NOT something I agree with. I think negative publicity hurts Clay.JMO

Loved seeing how handsome Clay looks in those pics of him walking down the sidewalk with the mystery man. I don't know if anyone watches Brothers and Sisters, but he looks a lot like the actor who plays the youngest brother, Justin, in that series. I have read on other boards, though, that the mystery man is David Foster's stepson, ??? Jenner.

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I actually liked what Justin had to say! At least someone sounds like they have some sense of reality when it comes to Clay and AI. I don't really care for Justin, but that rocked!

Okay, if Time Magazine is calling Adam Lambert the only star to come out of Idol --- then Idol is really done and desperate, and Time Magazine is a bigger whore than I already considered them to be.

Did they really?!?! WTF are they smoking *insert one fingered salute here*

tribeca, you are NOT alone. I cannot stand Adam and have triiiied. BLEH!

I tried too because I kind of like his personality

here is the article


I really never thought that quote was about the article. I dunno why. Just thought it was a quote he liked or something. doesn't really matter one way or another I thought the article wasn't true in the first place.

like someone said above I don't think he would have put Parker in that situation. And as much as people hate the show he has never said a thing bad about them. He could have skipped all the AI questions. He didn't. He seems to have a lot of respect for the people who work on the show.

the pictures of Clay walking in LA with a friend. ... I can't help feeling I have seen that guy somewhere else. He looks so familiar to me. But, I can't figure out where I have seen him before.

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Yeah, but hear me out. Clay's publicist can see to it that Idol is asked about this issue and actually this story is one that makes Idol look very bad. If the tabs made it up, Idol has to deny. If Idol made it up and planted it at NE, Idol has to deny.

Clay taking his baby to show off to his old pals on Idol is sweet. Idol spinning it as an anti-Clay story, AS IF Clay begged to mentor those kids, is way too unbelievable in the real world. Clay would maybe be a mentor if they PAID him enough. And you know he'd have a contract, that's for sure!

If Idol is overtly mean to Clay -- David Foster might not like that!!!

This has been fun today .. now off to finals.

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the pictures of Clay walking in LA with a friend. ... I can't help feeling I have seen that guy somewhere else. He looks so familiar to me. But, I can't figure out where I have seen him before.

Well you know what they say, "everybody in LA looks like somebody else!" :imgtongue:

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Yeah, but hear me out. Clay's publicist can see to it that Idol is asked about this issue and actually this story is one that makes Idol look very bad.

We actually do not know that AI planted anything at all - that was the opinion or hearsay from the blogger, Justin did not say all that stuff.

And if Clay replies to anything it will become even more of a story - I think if someone asks him to his face, he will just laugh and shake his head. Don't give the story legs. Hell, all the hits is going to keep it up there.

No matter what Clay says, the general public will go with the gay thing. And if anyone asks Idol about it they will just laugh, too.

Damn, we have a huge rainstorm here - we desperately need rain, but not all at once!!!!!

But then again, I should have known this would happen when I broke down and topped up the pool.

Dang NBA finals - I watched for one freaking minute, and the other team rallied to beat my team.

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Yeah, but hear me out. Clay's publicist can see to it that Idol is asked about this issue and actually this story is one that makes Idol look very bad. If the tabs made it up, Idol has to deny. If Idol made it up and planted it at NE, Idol has to deny.

Clay taking his baby to show off to his old pals on Idol is sweet. Idol spinning it as an anti-Clay story, AS IF Clay begged to mentor those kids, is way too unbelievable in the real world. Clay would maybe be a mentor if they PAID him enough. And you know he'd have a contract, that's for sure!

If Idol is overtly mean to Clay -- David Foster might not like that!!!

This has been fun today .. now off to finals.

no I get what you are saying but in my RL no one I know reads the the tabloids . I mean most people I know family/friends would never buy that magazine. They may look at it in the check out line but usually just the cover stories. If I didn't have a google alert and/or read Clay boards I would have no idea this story was out there. NO idea where the story start........but AI seems to have this type of stories a lot. A few weeks ago there was an article posted elsewhere that Adam & Kris were fighting because Adam is gay and Kris is Christian and Adam leaves his nail polish all over the place :lol: both Adam & Kris say they are best of friends & thought the story was crazy .

the pictures of Clay walking in LA with a friend. ... I can't help feeling I have seen that guy somewhere else. He looks so familiar to me. But, I can't figure out where I have seen him before.

Well you know what they say, "everybody in LA looks like somebody else!" :imgtongue:

hmmm I thought the guy looked like someone I remember seeing on a trashy reality TV show that I should not have been watching :lol:

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I'm with DJS. It's a tabloid. I don't know who made up what out of whole cloth. Everybody is just talking out of their asses. And who the hell is"Idol." Idol is hundreds of people and I doubt they are all of one mind. As for Adam, he can have his day! Good for him. I don't care that he is complimented. Every year it will be someone different. It's just the hype of the moment. And he'll have a career or he won't. This isn't any different than any other year.

ETA: Edited to take out someone's real name. Sowwy. Also talking out of their asses are NE, MJ's Blog and all the other media just making shit up cuz it's easy.

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I'm with DJS. It's a tabloid. I don't know who made up what out of whole cloth. Everybody is just talking out of their asses. And who the hell is"Idol." Idol is hundreds of people and I doubt they are all of one mind. As for Adam, he can have his day! Good for him. I don't care that he is complimented. Every year it will be someone different. It's just the hype of the moment. And he'll have a career or he won't. This isn't any different than any other year.

Words of wisdom, oh great leader.

Who gives a shit about NE anyhow?? It's just such a non-issue! Clay has it easy compared to Brad, Angelina, and Jennifer. Jesus! There is BS about them in every issue. If Clay weren't important, the tabloids wouldn't bother with him.

And, who cares if Adam is getting hype now?? Clay was on AI years ago--of COURSE Adam is going to be the focus now. (I LOVE me some Adam.)

Clay is stil around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.

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