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#51: You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA

    • Clay is stil around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.
    • "He doesn't need the spotlight. He just glows."
    • Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth)
    • Clay Aiken: Just like Timex...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

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So if I have to have my hips broken and repositioned, I can get the doc to suck out some of that fat around my ass? YEAY!

Seriously, I don't care if he had a little lipo for his chin fat...but I think it's interesting that he said that the chin fat was leftover from the Paxil---he's always has a little under there---even when he was a skinny boy! Genetics, I assumed.

In any case...it'll take me a little longer to get used to MaxHeadroom Clay! :cryingwlaughter:

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OK, so not much discussion of 30 Rock......was hoping for at least a screen cap or something! :P Caught up on the OFC thread, love that he's still answering more questions. That jaw procedure sure sounds painful. Guess I'll head for bed and hope for clack in the morning.

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I don't get the gay questions--I mean, would someone feel comfortable asking a man if he'd read any heterosexual biographies??

bwah..I know. He answered that perfectly.

I wish I could nip and tuck a few things.

He continues to fascinate me.

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He did seem to have a lot more chin-age during the Paxil. Good for him!

I love all of his looks.

Hey, many many years ago, when I first started working, my first purchase was contact lenses. I am hilariously near-sighted, and dear old dad never tired of mentioning my coke-bottle glasses. When I got the contacts, my entire family - dad, aunts, cousins - were horrified. Who did I think I was? How conceited I was!!!!!! Phone calls, dinner conversation - I was forced to go and buy a black wig that dwarfed Annette Funicello's hairdo, just to add fuel to the fire :-)

Anyway, soon after that, due to some other stuff, I moved out and never had anything to do with most of the family ever again.

Never missed that negative put-down crap, ever.

30 Rock was great! I love it anyway, and I love the rapid-fire talk. They manage to get a LOT into that 30 minutes.

At the end, during the song, I mostly stared at Clay, it looked like he was lit up or something, standing on the top row at the microphone. Or maybe he just always stands out, to me.

I have not been feeling well, and my son and grandson actually made a cake!!!! They read the instructions on the box!!!! And cleaned everything up - only thing in the sink was a big stainless steel colander. Which makes no sense at all, but I will ask about that tomorrow.

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OK, so not much discussion of 30 Rock......was hoping for at least a screen cap or something! :P Caught up on the OFC thread, love that he's still answering more questions. That jaw procedure sure sounds painful. Guess I'll head for bed and hope for clack in the morning.

from Gerhsip (sp)


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OK, so not much discussion of 30 Rock......was hoping for at least a screen cap or something! :P Caught up on the OFC thread, love that he's still answering more questions. That jaw procedure sure sounds painful. Guess I'll head for bed and hope for clack in the morning.

from Gerhsip (sp)


Thank you so much. She is just so quick.

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I don't get the gay questions--I mean, would someone feel comfortable asking a man if he'd read any heterosexual biographies??

good point although my friend asked me to ask him which character in the Wizard of Oz he related to. I was like what?? I thought he would take it the wrong way & I told her that. And she asked me what ta heck I was talking about? :lol:

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Clay is really brave IMO. I also have TMJ and was diagnosed when I was a Junior in HS. They wanted to break my jaw and realign it and still do. But I have elected not to have this done because I don't have the time, the money and quite frankly I am a chicken. I remember the first time they told me about it when I was like 16 or 17 and it scared the crap out of me. LOL This procedure can be quite painful and has quite a long recovery as we have seen with Clay. If I recall correctly, the doctors I saw did say it can change the appearance of your jawline somewhat. I decided I would do it when the pain I was in made going through all that worthwhile and so far for me I am so not there yet! I do hope that Clay's pain is gone now.

I love all of Clay's looks and I'd say his current appearance is a combination of maturing and the surgery. He is still one fine sexy man if you ask me! And I bet his look will change many more times still. I love that about him.

30 Rock - Definitely not enough Clay for me! Thanks so much for bringing over the download :-)

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:) :) :)

Clay answered my question

when people sing along to your songs does it bother you when the sing the wrong lyrics or not in the right key? if yes, I am sorry

I don't really love it if they mistakenly change keys while singing the song because they are tone deaf. But I can't blame folks for singing the wrong lyrics when I don't sing the right ones either

post 5576

Picture of Clay & Elvis C here http://i43.tinypic.com/2uqzmv6.jpg

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When someone has a career that requires them to be in the public eye, most especially in the entertainment business where it's pretty much a "visual art", if you get what I mean, I think having a nip and tuck or whatever is part and parcel of it.

I think there is a big difference between wanting to look one's best (isn't that why we go to the hairdressers and wear make-up?), and being obsessed about one's appearance. I know a few of the latter and it is something I find annoying in women and particularly hate it in men, and I mean men who spend more time in front of the mirror than women.

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:) :) :)

Clay answered my question

when people sing along to your songs does it bother you when the sing the wrong lyrics or not in the right key? if yes, I am sorry

I don't really love it if they mistakenly change keys while singing the song because they are tone deaf. But I can't blame folks for singing the wrong lyrics when I don't sing the right ones either

post 5576

Picture of Clay & Elvis C here http://i43.tinypic.com/2uqzmv6.jpg

Great question and a great answer too!

:) :) :)

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:cry4: Holy crap, I'm so happy! My two music fandoms colliding before my eyes on TV!!

I wish Clay had been given more lines and "face" time though. hee


He's a sexy beast and getting wilder hot every time I see him lately.

KF, you said a mouthful, sistah. And I happen to want a mouthful of that :hubbahubba:


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Start with post 5539....

Oh man, that was cute. I wasn't expecting a whole lot, and I think he did a great job. Clay and Elvis Costello -- what a pair. Love it.

And my husband's ears and eyes perked up whe he saw Steve Earle (alt-country God, who looks like crap but writes and sings really cool songs.)

I LOVE Steve Earle with a passion! America 2.0 -- Jerusalem -- Christmas in Washington. I've always thought of him as a folk-rock-country radical, but wherever he's put, he walks the walk.

Funny what a difference that makes to the sexy for me. I will still love him for his wonderful qualities and beautiful voice and I do hope that as I get used to his different look the sexy will return.

He's a sexy beast and getting wilder hot every time I see him lately. I'll bet you'll be able to adjust somehow if you aren't currently loving his look. Remember the Teeth! I loved his special little teeth before, but I wouldn't want to go back. I still miss the long bangs in the back of my heart, but one thing I noticed about him the night of AI5 is that his jaw was fuller than I'd remembered it. And then a couple of months later the jaw was narrower again, so he must have had some swelling in his face the night of AI5. Anyway, all that to say, I'm one who drools at the fuller jawline. It's so manly hawt! I'm totally happy for him that he looks in the mirror and sees what he sees now.

I'm late to the board tonight because I had to get every second of the Rockets game and wrap-up tonight. There's no way they should be at this point after losing two centers and a point guard -- but somehow they've won seven playoff games so far, even though it can't be done. I'm proud of 'em.

I did catch 30 Rock -- and of course Clay's part was too small -- but this does open the door for future appearances as Cousin Clay. I love open doors.

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Man, I'm late. I like those snow pictures, but more for those sexy bedroom eyes than anything else about them. (My mind is a few pages back... give it a minute to catch up...)

Clay had COSMETIC SURGERY??? OMG, I can't love this man anymore! The chin-fat suckage totally means he can't SING, ACT, or be FREAKING HILARIOUS anymore! I'm done with Clay!

Yeah right. I could never be done with Clay. :laugh2: Couldn't the fat suckage have been somewhat medical anyway? You know, like have helped the surgeons work on his jaw better? Not that I care. He can have anything sucked that he wants... I might even volunteer to help him with that... *boots Reed out of the way, whistling innocently*

Couldn't watch 30 Rock :tears: Ever since this switch to digital, NBC hasn't been coming in in digital or analog. *glares at it* I guess I'll just have to wait.

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I know those pics are posted to reveal the shoes but can I say that i don't like those "posey" pics of Clay? I don't like men in those kinds of poses. PLEASE don't shoot me for not liking SOME Clay pics!!

Same here, the posey pics are beautiful but 'gayish' and unnatural (with make-up?). I love those stolen shots, especially where he was walking with Mystery Man (seems to me he's a friend or neighbor). He looks very manly, very handsome; those are the best photos for me.

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Funny, I had a totally different interpretation of his answer.

He had to have his jaw broken and repositioned due to TMJ, definitely NOT cosmetic surgery. That he took the opportunity to have some extra fat removed (again, caused by medication) at the same time is hardly a reflection on his character. He did say there was still stiffness and (he thought) some swelling. The tabs can't/won't say or spin it any worse than his fans have.

Plus - look at that guy up there in the banner. Glowing, happy, and super smokin' hot. And he's only gonna keep on getting better!

ETA: You and me both, goldarngirl. :hahaha:

Hey I did not say that his TMJ surgery was cosmetic. That was a very necessary surgery for him. And yes I understand what you all are saying about having to look good if you are in the public eye but I just did not realize that that was so important to Clay.

And we all have different ideas of what is attractive in a man and personally I preferred the way his face looked when he was on ANTM.

I just hope I get used to the new look very soon.

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And we all have different ideas of what is attractive in a man and personally I preferred the way his face looked when he was on

ANTM ? I just checked the glossary and it's not there, so someone is very slack ... :o

solo, :happybirthday03:

Hm, it's showing that it is your 13th birthday... so here's a quote for you....

Oh the innocent girl

in her maiden teens

knows perfectly well

what everything means.

If she didn't, she oughter;

it's a silly shame

to pretend that your daughter

is a blank at the game.

The Jeune Fille
, Pansies, 1929.

Same here, the posey pics are beautiful but 'gayish' and unnatural (with make-up?). I love those stolen shots, especially where he was walking with Mystery Man (seems to me he's a friend or neighbor). He looks very manly, very handsome; those are the best photos for me.

Exactly, the best pics are the ones when the subject isn't aware he is being 'shot'. I just don't like fake poses and plastic smiles.

ETA: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showb...icle2430156.ece

THEATRE guru Andrew Lloyd Webber is to make Susan Boyle’s dreams come true by giving her a part in a West End musical.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Last night was only second time I have seen 30 Rock and I really don't get the humor of the show...maybe too much going on for me. Again, only have seen the show twice, but I really don't like the Kenny character and wasn't thrilled that Clay was associated with him.

The interplay between Clay and Elvis was cute...wish there had been more. It was great seeing Clay on TV.

3 Days until Clay is at the NCT Awards in Raleigh!


154 Days until The BAF Gala!


Everyone have a great day!


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Thanks for all the links and pics.....I set the VCR up to tape the west coast feed before I went to bed so I was able to watch the entire episode this morning. I've never seen 30 Rock before, so I don't know any of the characters, etc, and I don't generally watch the half hour sitcoms. Let me guess - Kenny is the nerdy guy who was talking about Science early on? Hee. I thought Clay did great and loved the interaction about the subway with Elvis. Not enough camera on Clay for me (obviously) but loved that he was included in the episode. However the biggest WTF for me was......how did Alan Alda get so old? I mean, he sounds like Alan Alda but he looks like my great-grandfather. :cryingwlaughter:

I don't get all the angst over Clay having some fat sucked out of his chin, or having a new jawline, but I never got it about the new teeth either, so wouldn't expect to. Good for him for getting it done.....the TMJ must have really been bad for him to even consider such a painful procedure. As for the lipo, I'd do it in a second if I had the chance. I hate my double chin.

Baseball last night was good, I like watching my son play under the lights. Seems more exciting, somehow. Now I have the season finales of Grey's Anatomy and Bones to catch up on this weekend. :clap:

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O/T EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! I just found out my little domain name that I thought I lost is still mine!!!!! Evidently I somehow paid for the name through Feb 2013. I have not done much with it, but maybe now I will. I think Yahoo ran a special at one time, dirt cheap multi-year registration - long since discontinued - and I got seven years for $35.

Can we hear Clay's voice on the official download of Kidney Now?

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Clay singing UM at the DF Gala! EEEEEEEE!, It's beautiful!

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