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#58: The man is made of awesome!

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35 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken can still curl my toes
    • Clay Aiken = happy sigh
    • I'm a satisfied Clay fan
    • He's still beautiful, sings beautifully and he's still OURS
    • He's made of awesome wrapped in fabulous with a little more awesome sprinkled on top!!
    • Forget life -- It's Clay time!

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Work is boring. Is it Thursday yet????

Ooooh, did I mention that when I called in to Seattle PBS Sunday night to order my TnT DVD, the woman confirmed the order with "ok, and that was one Chet Atkins DVD?". BWAH! Seriously, sometimes you just have to laugh. I felt like I was back in Meadville. *waves to fellow Meadville attendees from 2005 who will know what I mean*

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Work is boring. Is it Thursday yet????

Ooooh, did I mention that when I called in to Seattle PBS Sunday night to order my TnT DVD, the woman confirmed the order with "ok, and that was one Chet Atkins DVD?". BWAH! Seriously, sometimes you just have to laugh. I felt like I was back in Meadville. *waves to fellow Meadville attendees from 2005 who will know what I mean*

Hope they get it right. I think they did have a Chet Atkins cd/dvd on their list.

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Work is boring. Is it Thursday yet????

Ooooh, did I mention that when I called in to Seattle PBS Sunday night to order my TnT DVD, the woman confirmed the order with "ok, and that was one Chet Atkins DVD?". BWAH! Seriously, sometimes you just have to laugh. I felt like I was back in Meadville. *waves to fellow Meadville attendees from 2005 who will know what I mean*

Hope they get it right. I think they did have a Chet Atkins cd/dvd on their list.

Uhoh! :P

BTW - the Alex banter/druckin' funk clip? Best Clack Ever!

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pats kf fondly...as she frowns at all the dings in her door...

Less that two weeks before we party in Biloxi!

As for that person's review in the OC Register, he's a scorpion straight from the fable. I would no more look at anything he wrote without a jaundiced eye than I would anything from any abuser. The "niceness" doesn't make up for the slaps he merrily threw around before. He showed his true ass to someone he claimed to love and a bunch of people he knew nothing about in the most childish, unprofessional manner I've seen in a long time.

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Finally -- bc, can you do me a favor and get a screen cap of Clay backstage watching Ruben from the DVD? Mucho appreciated.

The backstage stuff is kind of dark and grainy, but I gave it a shot.

Near the beginning:



A nice one of Ruben, plus the wide-eyed look of wonder on the blond boy's face amuses me.


Towards the end:





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I'm back home with internet connection again and packing for NYC. Can't wait to see Clay again but already feeling bad it will be the last time--well, until October in Chicago and March in SF. Clay is putting me in the poorhouse.

I'm always happy when someone who wasn't a fan becomes one, regardless of history--so I welcome Ben and the OC Register. He liked the show. Good enough for me.

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pats kf fondly...as she frowns at all the dings in her door...

Less that two weeks before we party in Biloxi!

As for that person's review in the OC Register, he's a scorpion straight from the fable. I would no more look at anything he wrote without a jaundiced eye than I would anything from any abuser. The "niceness" doesn't make up for the slaps he merrily threw around before. He showed his true ass to someone he claimed to love and a bunch of people he knew nothing about in the most childish, unprofessional manner I've seen in a long time.


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Totally forgot about Phineas and Ferb tonight! Sigh. Oh well...I'm gonna download the song from iTunes tomorrow.

Hey, we're getting close to a new thread, and we've only got two suggestions for a thread title. Any one got anything?

I mentioned that I watched the DVD earlier today. Two things about it: 1) When Ruben came on stage, I love the two shots of Clay watching his friend sing from behind the scenes. His face just shows his love for old Rube. 2) I have to admit it...at the end of the DVD, I shed a tear of happiness. I'm so proud of Clay and his work. He's come so far in these 7 years since we've known him. He's grown and changed, and so have we as his fans. I totally believe that he's happy with his life and his career, and I've been blessed to know him.

ldyj... can you go back to any of the other threads and rip off the second place'ers? Other than that, we'll just choose between the two we have. No biggie!

Thank you all for the warm welcome back! Good to see all those familiar names!

Yes, I really did love the concert. It was incredibly entertaining, and far funnier than I expected it to be. I guess I had forgotten how hilarious Clay could be, and I really had no idea Ruben had that in him as well. They really do compliment each other perfectly. It was kind of different watching a concert without knowing everything about it beforehand, but I think that just made the experience that much more refreshing.

Jenna... I was not surprised at how funny Ruben was. Clay and he became fast friends and I figured Ruben was funny when he tried to smother Clay with the pillow on that talk show right after Idol. Ruben just doesn't show his funny unless he's with Clay. I bet by the end of this tour, Ruben will hence forth be more personable on stage than he could manage before. Clay is showing him that it's ok to be himself and even flub lines and still have fans and fun.

Well that's a damn sight better than his last review of Clay.

Happy Tuesday everyone.

Not a shining moment, for sure. Wonder if his mother ever forgave him?

Sorry, my memory is too long to take this guy's backhanded compliments and grudging enjoyment as worthy of anything but disdain. Meh.

cindi... gotta agree with you. He hurt his mom so badly in public that I have no respect for him at all. I will say that, for him, that was a positive review.

He did say that the show was not full and I do admit he was right. It was a small floor and not full. The balcony was bigger, but I didn't see how full it was. However, I tried for closer seats an hour before the concerts and there were no tickets available. Interesting. I had great seats for seats that were not in the first few rows. I was in the first row of the risers on the floor and there was an empty seat in front of me (after I moved because of a noisy cellcerter in front of me at my assigned seat) so my view was unimpeded. The sound booth was at my back. A couple came and sat next to me and the gal said, "he's much more handsome in person and so thin." I thought to myself... JennaBush picture or SRHP/DCAT tour. LOL

There were a few differences in dialog and the preacher bit was a bit different, too. Ruben had a fan section that stood up for him after every solo. No interaction with the audience, unfortunately. Reno's audience was much bigger and louder. They used the same bit of that night was the first time Rube had seen those wild hammer pants and Clay said that LA had some great shops, too. They did get a great reaction from the audience. If I hadn't seen it the night before I'd have believed it was true and I think it was true in Reno.

I am still high on seeing Clay and entourage at the airport. It just makes me feel all fuzzy inside.

keeping... I'm so glad you are feeling a bit better and that you found the Clay DVD. Were you a good clay fan and put them all front and center??? LOL

I worked till 9:30pm last night and have to work late again tonight, so back to it...

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I guess I started things with my offhand comment. There is no emotion behind it, just a memory. And really the memory had absolutely nothing to do with Clay. Because his last article really wasn't about Clay IMO. I don't care what he personally feels about Clay but since his article will be read by subscribers and others, then I'm glad he put down the knife and picked up a pen.

Have fun Ducky. You're gonna love it. I had only seen one clip before the show and hadn't really read anything since the disjointed opening night comments. So I felt pretty unspoiled and I had a blast!

Wandacleo are you going to the SF show? weeeeeeeeeee

I have to admit I'm not into children's programming much. And since the kids rule the roost here I'm subjected to a lot of it. So I watched the first half of the show. Did Clay reappear at all or can I call it a day. I still have it on the DVR. He was the cutest cartoon character ever!! And Chaka .. I lol when I saw her because the 70s Chaka is still in my memories!

Welp, off to work. Looking forward to reading the reports later.

Clay is looking Scrumpdillyicious

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keeping... I'm so glad you are feeling a bit better and that you found the Clay DVD. Were you a good clay fan and put them all front and center??? LOL

Oh liney, I've been known to do that. But no need this time. There were 20 newly arrived and displayed on the top shelf over the alpha bins. And immediately next to the AC/DC cds/dvds that Walmart is so strategically marketing. The TnT's couldn't have been in a more prominent place. Imagine my surprise. I was looking down at the alphas and when there were only a couple of Playlists there, I was looking in the other artists grouping for something misplaced. It was a big DUH for me that they WERE front and center, and in the biggest numbers yet. But, okay, yeah, I put a couple of 'em down there before his name card in front of the Playlists. You busted me. I'm incorrigible.

And, just for the record. My DVD arrived by mail late this afternoon. Now I have one to Clay forward.

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New tweet from Quiana:

Great show Milwaukee tonite with @CaseyMThompson, @RubenStuddard, & @clayaiken! Windsor Ontario here we come! Let's get it!


EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!11!11! ME TOO! laughn and her husband will be picking me up this afternoon for the short drive up to Windsor. Can't wait!!! See you guys there!


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2old4Clay from CV:

At the beginning of the show a woman was shouting out to them and Ruben said turn on the house lights, she was in one of the booths, so she walked forward to the steps and said I'm a lesbian and I'm in love with a gay man!...Clay just stopped and looked at her, and said 'you're a lesbian' then paused and said...we can't do anything for each other".

As far as Clay's wrinkled pants, he has worn this suit before, from what I can tell it looks like a black summer suit of polished cotton. The material looks very stiff and even the jacket wrinkles at the bend of the arms. An iron won't help it out, it's the material.

During the duet with Casey where she gets really close to him, at the end he just leaned into her and kissed her, not a peck, but a short kiss, he was quite smug about it and just stared into her eyes for a moment.

He also must have read the article by that Ben because he mentioned several times that there were too many rim shots, every time that Felix would hit one.

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71 Days until The Special Chicago Concert!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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KaTu from CV:

Clay and Ruben must have had extra wheaties today, because they changed up a bit of their banter and shenanigans.

When they were doing the stool schtick, Ruben kind of picked Clay up and put him on the small stool. Guess he was tired of waiting for Clay to offer to switch.

Clay's kissing Casey was cute. They must have some kind of running joke about it because when they were going back across the stage, Casey backwards, Clay with his arm around her waist, she was kind of making a small effort to dodge it. When he kissed her he had the cutest sh#t eating grin on his face. I think he must have won the bet.

Rev. Studdard was serious tonite, he had his glasses on.

I thought the crowd was very good. Not a quiet crowd. Lots of clapping and cheering and swaying arms. Pretty good for a smaller venue. The smallness also seemed like they were right in your lap. I was first row balcony and I could see their faces perfectly.

I do not know if anyone was taping. I saw two flashes.

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Thread title poll at the top of the page. I pulled a few from last time (those that were directly on the suggestion page I was working from...OK, I'm kind of lazy this morning), plus the new nominations.

couchie, I hope you remember how to create a new thread...I'm at a family reunion this weekend and may not have a chance. jmh and bottle are stalking following Clay this weekend. You might have to do this!

I love reading all the recaps!

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New tweet from Quiana:

Great show Milwaukee tonite with @CaseyMThompson, @RubenStuddard, & @clayaiken! Windsor Ontario here we come! Let's get it!


EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!11!11! ME TOO! laughn and her husband will be picking me up this afternoon for the short drive up to Windsor. Can't wait!!! See you guys there!

You're gonna be really, really early. *g*

*wishes it was Thursday*

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Ha ha found a link to this Live Journal blog on CV, it's kind of cute and funny and apparently has good video (I can't watch it at work). They make fun of the die hard Claymates but I enjoyed reading it.


Also just read this about clack last night, from dlh7777:

Had a great time last night. Had great seats, 4th row center. I did get video of 99% of the concert, but I will apologize in advance for the quality. Security was out and shut down Scarlett and jojoct at some point. One guy reminded me that I could not shoot video only pics. So, I said yes, but kept on shooting. I was told that they kept watching me, but they never came back. Unfortunately, since I was shooting thru the view finder, and in the fake taking picture mode I would lose focus or get a little bouncy. Also, using new camera, and totally out of practice. Hope to be better in Hammond! Will now figure out how to get these long segments of video up.

Also this from toni7babe:

Great time last night!!! great Meet & Greet, great concert, great time with friends!!

I am so tired though, got home way late and got lost coming home because of having to take a detour due to construction on the way home...so it was forever to get home...and now severe rain here so I have to leave for work now.

Pics, video and recaps will have to wait till tonight. Tons of pics and a bit of video but not sure how it came out. I will try to take laptop to work and if video any good load up there.

It was just a great concert with so many little changes since the first two I saw and Clay WAS HYSTERICAL LOVED IT ALL!!! crazysparkle.gif

After the show Ruben came out and talked with everyone standing in the area by the door and he shook hands with everyone and was so sweet!! There wasn't many of us maybe 15 ....Casey came out and talked with her for quite awhile, I finally had to leave it was late I dont know if Clay came out that door or not..though someone said he was on the bus already.

M&G was great!!!! will try to get a report up later, Nancella said she would try too but she is having laptop probs.

It was so GREAT to see everyone last night!!

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From moonhead at CV:

Clay Aiken coming back to town -- late Valentine's Day present?

American Idol star Clay Aiken will return to the Tennessee Theatre on Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011.

Aiken's live concert special, "Tried & True," will air on East Tennessee Public Television at 8 p.m. this Thursday, Aug. 5. Filmed at the Memorial Auditorium in his hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina, the special is a preview for the upcoming tour. Aiken will perform standards from the '50s and '60s with a full orchestra. The special airs again at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 8.

Tickets for the Tennessee Theatre show go on sale at 10 a.m. Friday, Aug. 6, at the Tennessee Theatre box office, all Tickets Unlimited outlets, by phone at 865-656-4444 and online.

Updated List...

Tried & True Tour (tentative/rumored dates/locations):

Miami, FL - Feb. 10, 2011 The Adrienne Arsht Center (Ziff Ballet/Opera House capacity 2454 or Knight Concert Hall capacity 2166)

Orlando, FL - Feb. 11, 2011 Hard Rock Live (capacity 2500-3000)

Atlanta, GA - Feb. 16, 2011 Cobb Performing Arts Energy Centre (capacity 2750)

Knoxville, TN - Feb. 17, 2011 Tennessee Theater (capacity 1631)

Homestead, PA - Feb. 18, 2011 Carnegie Music Hall (capacity 1022)

Cleveland, OH - Feb. 19, 2011 Palace Theatre (capacity 2714)

Towson, MD - Feb. 22, 2011 Kraushaar Auditorium (capacity 994)

Charlotte, NC - Feb. 23, 2011 Blumenthal Performing Arts Center (capacity 2100)

Greenville, SC - Feb. 24, 2011 The Peace Center (capacity 2100)

Long Island, NY - Feb. 26, 2011 Capital One Bank Theater at Westbury (capacity 2742)

Glenside, PA - Feb. 27, 2011 Keswick Theater (capacity 1300)

Cinncinnatti, OH - March 1, 2011 Taft Theatre (capacity 2500)

Mesa, Arizona - March 10, 2011 Ikeda Theatre/Mesa Arts Center (capacity 1600)

San Francisco, CA - March 12, 2011 and/or March 13, 2011

Memphis, TN

Sarasota FL

Waukegan, IL

St. Louis, MO

Los Angeles, CA

San Diego, CA

Dallas/Grand Prairie, TX

Soooo, I guess I know where he'll be on my birthday. ;)

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