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#59: Forget life -- It's CLAY time!


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36 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • My life has been so enriched by knowing this Clay Aiken guy!
    • I love Clay !! Forever and ever !
    • It's About Damn Time for the Spaghetti & Meatball Show.
    • Let's do it again, girls!
    • Clay is hilarious and lickable at the same time
    • I l.o.v.e. my hawt humanatarianactivistsingersongwriterambassador boyfriend
    • Brad Pitt, Johnny Dep move over, way over, here comes Clay.
    • It's always like the first date all over again with Clay, and I always end up falling in love.
    • Whoever shrunk those jeans... thank you!
    • He branded me for life.
    • Clay Aiken: I am me.

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Meeting ldyjocelyn and her husband for the first time tomorrow. Is it wrong that I always picture lrdjocelyn as looking like the Burger King? Only I hope he doesn't have the big plastic head, because if he did, I'd feel sorry for whoever has to sit behind him at the concert venue.


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You know, to me the best thing about that Jim MTV guy's review, it that MTV is probably THE most irrelevant entity in the music business, and he may be the last to know. It's more over than hula hoops and drive-in movies.

What this guy loses in translation is that relevance isn't deemed on high. It's a result of having an influence. MTV had it a long time ago. Clay has it now. These guys can be snotty about "claymates" -- but we know who claymates are, all ages and types and sizes and nationalities and ethnic backgrounds and ... and it's a lot bigger than MTV Dude imagines.

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Meeting ldyjocelyn and her husband for the first time tomorrow. Is it wrong that I always picture lrdjocelyn as looking like the Burger King? Only I hope he doesn't have the big plastic head, because if he did, I'd feel sorry for whoever has to sit behind him at the concert venue.


You know, none of you have looked like I pictured the first time I met you (that I've met, that is). But I hate to tell you bc, but my husband looks EXACTLY like that.


BTW, bc, I think you look just like Clay from the Tyra show. Don't know why exactly. Will I be surprised tomorrow night?

Can't wait to see The Clay and Ruben Comedy (2) Hour Show tomorrow night!

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I'm not listening to the cellcert, because I want to be a bit "fresh" for tomorrow night. A born-again virgin for the show, as it were. LOL.

Anyway, I wanted to congratulate kf on her new Clayversion. That is very cool.

I'm working on my own Clayversion as well. I have a co-worker who knows I'm a Clay fan, but I've never had all that much time to talk to her. She knows enough about Clay to know he's gay (she has a gay brother) and that Clay has his own foundation working on inclusion (another thing that she likes about him). Anyway, she's started working a bit closer with me lately, and she ended up asking me about my Reno show, and of course, I gushed. She next texted me about the PBS special being on TV that night. While she didn't get to see it, she did mention to me that she LOVES the music he was singing in the show. So, today, I presented her with her own copy of TnT. She thanked me profusely, and was totally loving the track listing. She also said to me, after looking at the cover picture -- "he's handsome." I told her that yeah, I thought so too. I'll let you all know how she likes the album later.

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I laugh at the arbiters of cool. Everything is cool, except for the stuff that's not cool. Not cool stuff is eating with your mouth full, cutting people off on the freeway, ripping people off, playing high maintenance games, and instructing other people what cool is supposed to be -- that stuff ain't cool. What's cool to anyone is, by definition, cool. And especially music. Making music that makes people happy is to make the heart full. That's is so not uncool. One of the most not uncool things on the planet.

As Michael Franti's sings in Everybody Ona Move: Don't you forget why you came to the dance. Music is not competition, Music is not repetition. Music is love for the masses -- for all classes -- Love conquers all, Love accepts all, Love respects all -- Love dares to dream. And my favorite line: So-called experts: We're all beginners! That song is so very not uncool.

Clay Aiken is extremely not uncool.

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LOL, it really is (very early) Friday morning where I am. :)

Idyj, enjoy your born-again virgin state at the Hammond Concert. And all the best with your Clayversion! :whistling-1:

keepingfaith, I used yours in the new Carolina blog. Super cool! :snoopy:

I was so glad when jb4clay posted the MTV guy's reply to her comment. I had been gradually deleting the few paragraphs of his review I planned to quote in the blog. Finally ended up with this remark to her:

They have fantastic chemistry and seem to be having the time of their lives on this tour. It was a fun night.

The new Carolina On My Mind features the Hampton Beach, Hammerstein, and (coming) Verona concerts. For the overview, there are photos (cameocat, Asolo, mustbeeme), video (Scarlett), and quotes from recaps/posts (dancermom2, Brightstar, momo, Marilyn, libra1014, keepingfaith, rhodeislandfan). More photos in the morning ... :dancetom:

Thank you for your comments and visits. Safe travels and Happy Weekend, all! :BlowKiss:

Caro :listen:

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Looking forward to Hammond tonight...the show has evolved so much since I saw it in Asheville. Very hot and humid here in the Chicago area...home the venue has good AC!

62 Days until The Special Chicago Concert!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a good day!


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Oh Kim, you forgot this:

1 Day until Keepingfaith Sees Clay Aiken Again in Biloxi!:yahoo:

Have fun, kf! Btw, people are loving your accidental recruitment story. :cryingwlaughter:

Happy TGIF, FCA! :twinklewhore:

Caro :listen:


Drop by anytime: Carolina On My Mind

Thanks, Caro. I loved it too!!! It was my most unexpected clayversion EVER!

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Getting there...bathed, shaved and hair all washed and blow-dryed. I was outside with the dog last week and tripped over his chain and now both knees are rainbow colored...I could wear long pants to cover them up but it is so hot...so capris it is...we aren't leaving until around 5:00...can't wait to see everyone and the show!


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LadyJ and Kim, have a wonderful time with my boyfriend tonight. Yes, I'm very liberal. I share. Oh, you guys will be with your husbands tonight, right? Well, then, I don't HAVE to share, heh, heh. That worked out well, and will keep him fresh for me tomorrow night.

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Err KF just remember who'll you be sharing with tomorrow!

OMG It's tomorrow! Hair done...check, nails done...check, outfit ready...check, lost 20lbs...check (ok so I lied), packed...tonight! Yeah

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Leaving the house now for Hammond! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

PPPPTTTTTTHHHHBBBB! Slackers. laughn and I have been here for an hour and a half already.

BTW, the conversion to Central Time from Eastern is going to mess with my already-fragile mind for the next couple of days. :wacko:

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Leaving the house now for Hammond! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

PPPPTTTTTTHHHHBBBB! Slackers. laughn and I have been here for an hour and a half already.

BTW, the conversion to Central Time from Eastern is going to mess with my already-fragile mind for the next couple of days. :wacko:

Y'all have a super time. Clay expects it of us, I think.

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Err KF just remember who'll you be sharing with tomorrow!

OMG It's tomorrow! Hair done...check, nails done...check, outfit ready...check, lost 20lbs...check (ok so I lied), packed...tonight! Yeah

You also have a husband -- although you do have the good sense to leave him at home. I don't understand people wanting their husbands to meet their boyfriend. I would keep that in two boxes, myself. :naughtywag:

Yes. It's tomorrow. Hair fucked up as usual ... check, Nails? .... nails? ..., Outfit? I have no clue what I'm wearing tomorrow night, or during the roadtrip, or even to bed tonight ... check, Lost 20 lbs? I keep losing it and finding it again! But Clay loves me just the way I am. He's wonderful like that.


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Err KF just remember who'll you be sharing with tomorrow!

OMG It's tomorrow! Hair done...check, nails done...check, outfit ready...check, lost 20lbs...check (ok so I lied), packed...tonight! Yeah

You also have a husband -- although you do have the good sense to leave him at home. I don't understand people wanting their husbands to meet their boyfriend. I would keep that in two boxes, myself. :naughtywag:

Yes. It's tomorrow. Hair fucked up as usual ... check, Nails? .... nails? ..., Outfit? I have no clue what I'm wearing tomorrow night, or during the roadtrip, or even to bed tonight ... check, Lost 20 lbs? I keep losing it and finding it again! But Clay loves me just the way I am. He's wonderful like that.


Asked myself that very thing after Ashville...he did not enjoy the show but I think it was more to do with the fact that we were "ass to ass" (tm Ficus); and it was hotter than hades.

Although, I have to admit he remembered more of the show than I did..I was talking to a Clay fan friend and he was listening in and kept prompting me when I would forget something. So I think maybe he did enjoy the show, just not the atmosphere.

Hopefully tonight will be a much better experience.


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