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# 63: Clay Aiken for President!


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So nice of Clay to schedule a chat while I am on vacation!


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I'm available that night! Woohoo! Now, time to come up with a good up with a good question....

I hope it is a little more clear than that last sentence, LOL!

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I don't think I will eat for a week! I just had the best ribs ever at the Memphis BBQ which is not actually in Memphis! I also had really good grits and I don't like grits.

Tomorrow we are going to Graceland........shhh don't tell anyone but I don't like Elvis.

The Heartbreak Hotel has the tackiest decor and the pool is heart shaped with a design that looks like a break! I had a hard time keeping a straight face when I checked in. The purple, gold and red lobby furniture just about did me in!

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Having a day off in the middle of the week is throwing me off..I know I am going to keep thinking today is Monday, LOL! We are looking at 105 today and near 100 tomorrow before a cool down..glad about that since I will be on vacation next week and I would like to be able to sit outside and enjoy the week.

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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aikim, I know what you mean regarding the holiday placement. It feels really weird to be off in the middle of the week like that. I also didn't plan on going anywhere for fireworks last night, knowing that 1) it was too hot anyway (supposed to hit 100 again today); and 2) I had to get up this morning to go to work!

Well, I submitted two questions yesterday for the chat. I'm hoping he'll pick one of them, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Would any of us would have turned down a donut? Have a wonderful vacation merrieeee. There's plenty of time to eat right when you get home.

I finished painting the old baby dresser yesterday. Many babies used it before my kids, so it's pretty darn old. Now I can put my things back in it. :)

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The Heartbreak Hotel has the tackiest decor and the pool is heart shaped with a design that looks like a break! I had a hard time keeping a straight face when I checked in. The purple, gold and red lobby furniture just about did me in!

Wait til you get a load of Graceland! I was there in the '90's and wondered how Elvis fit that much gaudy, tacky stuff into his rather small mansion.

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No kidding...tacky doesn't even describe it! The green carpet on the ceiling in the tiki room was something else and the hand carved furniture...well... Oh and the mirrors everywhere were too much!

We went to the National Civil Rights Museum and it was very impressive but very weird to stand right by the balcony where Martin Luther King was shot.

It's hot but I miss the humidity....right!

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You feel about Graceland as I did. Honestly, the mansion isn't much -- and definitely from the 70's. But there was a lot of other exhibits there that I found interesting, so I still enjoyed it. The National Civil Rights Museum is wonderful, but it IS weird to end the tour there with being next to that balcony. Kinda unnerving, actually.

I'm glad we went when we did -- it was only 90 degrees that week!

Make sure too to go to Beale Street, if you haven't already. Great music, lots of interesting characters, and booze. *g*

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Went to Beale St. It is like 6th Street in Austin. Gus' fried chicken...omg. It is sooo good. I never eat more than two pieces of chicken and I had four!!! Fried chicken coma! It is such a great place with really cool atmosphere.

On to Oxford Mississippi tomorrow. I bet their souvenirs at a bit classier! I have admit I bought a thermal mug with a gaudy gold lining...yeah that will wake them up at work!

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Yay for Friday! Right before I left work yesterday the air conditioning went out; waiting to see if I get a call this morning saying not to come in...wouldn't mind starting my vacation early. Going to be 102 again today before the cool down..do not relish the idea of spending the day in a library with no air conditioning.

The tickets for that concert in Pa we found out about go on sale July 21 and the show is Dec. 8...hoping they announce the whole tour soon so the rest of us know what to expect...that may be the reason for the chat..either way..can't wait!

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Did you know that 19E has a controlling interest in Graceland now? Not the mansion but everything else. That's probably why Scotty McCreery has an outfit from AI displayed in one of the museums.

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I'm home..no air at the Library..of course I had no car today so had to call my daughter and by the time she got there the AC people were out working on it, but I figured I would leave anyway even if they got it running..on vacation next week so started a little early.


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Yesterday, I got a call at 7am from the husband of T, who is my Admin. T was pregnant and due in early Oct. She had a seizure and lost consciousness, so he rushed her to the hospital. Her blood pressure was extremely high and they couldn't get it down, so they took the baby boy early to save her life. T is fine now. Baby is 1lb, 5oz and doing as well as one can at that size. Please keep baby in your prayers. Anyway, since she left unexpectedly, I am doing her job in addition to my own for awhile and will not have time to breathe, much less keep up with Clay or visit here. I will be back when I can. Liney

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Hooray for an extra day of vacation aikim!

I hope everything works out for your admin liney, I'll be thinking of her and her son. Check in when you can -- hopefully someone can text you if Clay gets his butt into gear soon!

Off topic but still vitally important: did you know that you may lose your internet connection come Monday? There's a piece of malware that's been around for several years, but doesn't go into affect for infected computers until Monday.

Here's an article on the malware infection, a good

Here's the link to the site so you can check if you're infected or not (trust me on this one, OK?)

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:yahoo: for Joyful Noise Tour, 2012! Hope they release the entire tour schedule soon so we can all make plans.

Last day of the 100 degree temps..cool front coming in this evening..so glad..I am so tired of the heat and having the ac running!

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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