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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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CELEBRATE! CELEBRATE! DANCE TO THE MUSIC! :04: :00000442: :ura: :party20: :09:

The conference is over! It was a success! Many people came up to me to congratulate me! It's over!


Now...let's get to the important things.

1. It is true that couchiehas never seen me drunk.

2. It is true that Claygasm has. However, I'm confuzzled how she would remember it since most likely she was at least as drunk as I was when I was...drunk. :blink:

3. It is true that there is a chance ldyjocelyn will have seen me drunk before another 24 hours have elapsed. But then again, who knows whether or not she will remember.

Obviously, it's extremely crucial that we make periodic posts here tomorrow so that SOMEone will be able to save all this for posterity. bottle? :unsure:

So in a few minutes I'll join the staff in our executive director's Presidential Suite for...


wine and champagne...heh.

I'm beginning to sense a theme here. :blink::lol:

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I'm still trying to figure out how to keep up my self-imposed boycott of Walmart and still get this EP!

I mean, why did they have to pick Walmart?? Why not Target or any place other than Walmart???

Hmmm. That must be part of the evil plot! RCA/Clive KNOWS that many are boyctting Walmart for a variety of reasons so having it be a Walmart exclusive might hurt sales!!

That must be it! :lol:

Well y'know it won't be the same if we don't suffer in some way for our support of Clay...it just won't be dramatic enough :D

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OMG! I need help!

My hotel contact and I have been thick as thieves this week and of course, Clay came up (heh)...

and she wants to see some Clack! :o :dancingpickle:

Thing is, she won't be able to see a LOT...just gonna sneak to my room sometime during the last meeeting tomorrow for a quickie..

Now...since all my clack library was lost when the asshat stole my computer in LA...I don't have my zillion downloads from which to choose...so

I won't have time to download a bunch...HELP! ME! CHOOSE!

Something soft and sweet and hawt and vocally amazing and omg...(MGUCL? from GMA? or a Solitaire from a concert, like Greenville NAT?)

Something rockin' and growly and hawt and vocally amazing...(Kimmel ATD?)

Something cute and funny and and hawt and uniquely Clay in concert and vocally amazing...(Vermont WDC? The humping Clay in Charlotte NAT? The So Happy Together on the stairs of JBT?)

One WDC that shows all of Clay's hawt assets... B). He doesn't have to be vocally amazing in this one. Hee.

HELP! No time for everything...want primo clack...I think I have a convert on the cusp here! :ph34r:

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3. It is true that there is a chance ldyjocelyn will have seen me drunk before another 24 hours have elapsed. But then again, who knows whether or not she will remember.

Heh. I probably won't remember you being drunk....but I MIGHT remember what you look like hungover the next morning.


Of course, she can say the same for me. Uh oh...

I'm still trying to figure out how to keep up my self-imposed boycott of Walmart and still get this EP!

I mean, why did they have to pick Walmart?? Why not Target or any place other than Walmart???

Hmmm. That must be part of the evil plot! RCA/Clive KNOWS that many are boyctting Walmart for a variety of reasons so having it be a Walmart exclusive might hurt sales!!

That must be it! :lol:

Well y'know it won't be the same if we don't suffer in some way for our support of Clay...it just won't be dramatic enough :D

See, Clay picked WalMart specifically for MEEEEEEEEEEEE, because there's a WalMart 5 minutes from my house. Target? Pshaw. It's over a half hour away.

I understand people wanting to boycott WalMart, and I really do sympathize. Unfortunately, the money savings in my household overrides the political things. Sowwy.

oH, OH, woke up with the flu (I think) today, must run off an finish homework.

Hot tea? Chicken noodle soup? Clear soda? Anything to make you feel better playbiller. But what do you mean by "homework"?

Probably my last post before the party that IS Chicago. Everyone have fun at the gab tonight, and I'll talk to y'all (with a drink in my hand *g*) tomorrow!

And, I leave you with a favorite picture of mine...this will probably be the way I feel come Monday afternoon...


Just saw muski's plea. I'd definitely go with the JBT Happy Together on the stairs...such a goof. I'd also go with the last Kimmel appearance, interview and performance. WDC? What was the one shot from the side, where you get to see Clay's back and butt as he grinds against Angela? As much as that doesn't show off his gifts :o , that one got me really hot and bothered. Let me go look....

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I would go with MGUCL from GMA...The View MDYK...Toronto TRD...Any BFM...an elvis medley...anyone from JBT...

No help on the WDC...oh Toronto one was also hot I hear.

the whole Kimmel appearance to show with and fun...

NAT invisible...the one from Raleigh...

YGAF...Rhode Island...the waldo appearance.

oh you can also show IT acoustic...wonderful voice.

ISY is also very hot.

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The WDC I was thinking about was WDC from Worcester, the IT tour, shot by SLC. March 8, 2004. Shut it off before he gets to the thanking the band, though...


Hey, my ISY from the Dayton NAT would be good too.

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I think what you show her depends on the type of person she is - which Clay is she looking for?

Food, no food. I just finished of the last of the second chicken soup of the season 2 days ago. I am supposed to be starting the stew for the week today, but have no interest in food at all. In winter, I cook in batches.

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Yes, it's me again......one of the lurkers. I've got issues with all of you. I'm not much of a poster but I do love FCA and I come here almost every day to see what's going on. You have all kept me so informed and totally entertained with your snarky comments. I do love reading all the posts, but lately it's been taking a big chunk of my time trying to read them all. OMG! I miss one day of reading and I have to go back a bunch of pages so I won't miss anything. LOL It's sooooo good to see that much activity here. Love it!

There's another big board that I won't mention that I've just given up on because of all the conspiracy theories. Geez! :blink: As much as some people would like Clay to be the biggest thing ever I really just hope that he's having the time of his life and enjoying every minute of it. I know I am. :D

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2. It is true that Claygasm has. However, I'm confuzzled how she would remember it since most likely she was at least as drunk as I was when I was...drunk. :blink:

Well, it is true most times I have seen you drunk I too had been imbibing, however, there was this one party, pre-Musikfest 2004 I believe....... :trink3:

Hey, someone had to drive! B)

As for your plea - if you want somethig recent I would go with Kimmel - the interview shows his funny side and the concert shows his rockin' side and besides, he looked especially hot that night!

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Just for you, Fear. O calories:


Thanks bottlecap, it was almost as good as eating them. Had another 15 today. Now I have discovered Edies 1/2 fat Peppermint Stick ice cream. I thought I deserved some as I did a pilates class this morning.

I'm sorry I missed the cheez doodles, another favorite of mine.

Oh, by the way, I do like that guy Clay too! :lol:

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oh I cracked up today as I was in my new discovery -- the 99 cent store...why have I avoided them all this time heh ... and I heard a kid's voice ring out..oooh candy corn can we have the candy corn. Of course my mind went to dancing penises. heee.

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From the CH:

Review of ATDW in American Idol magazine, print issue, Vol 3 Issue 1


I picture two different groups of songwriters lining up outside Clive Davis' office, begging for a chance to be covered by Clay Aiken: those who have written new sterling ballads that deserve masterful delivery, and those who wrote classic pieces in another time that Clay can carry up the charts again in 2006.

These two groups feed right into Clay's third album, A Thousand Different Ways. This 14-track collection of memorable love songs from the past 30 years receives the classic Aiken touch of tender rearrangements, lilting melodies, and a voice from heaven that continues to grow and dazzle. Which is a good thing: For this effort Clay leapt off the cliff to cover songs by icons (Celine Dion, Elton John, Jon Bon Jovi, and Dolly Parton) and a host of former chart-toppers by familiar names among the over-35 crowd (Foreigner, Bryan Adams, Paul Young, Harry Nilsson, Richard Marx and Mister Mister).

Numerous songs stand out on this CD. Clay's rearrangement of "Everything I Do, (I Do It for You)" caught my ear because instead of trying to emulate Adams' raspy voice, he deepened the feeling with a wonderful Celtic sound. His rendition of Dion's "Because You Love Me" serves the song very well, while he gives us plenty of range in terms of both sensitivity to material and vocals with "Everytime You Go Away", "When I See You Smile", and "I Want to Know What Love Is". These songs might have started out in your parents' collections, but Clay just made them your songs. Buy them now.

- Mitch Velez

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Sounds like this guy might have actually listened to the CD. I think I'd have to say that if there is anything that disappointed me during the roll out of this CD, it was the reviews. It's not that I put a lot of stock in reviews, it's just that there seemed to be an all out effort by critics/reviewers to trash this CD. Many were unprofessionally written and got personal. Sometimes it looked like they were trying to one up each other with their vitriol. Plus it led to lots of "I knew this was going to happen" types of comments from fans.

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Hey we are nearing the end of this thread...YAY that didn't take long!!!!

we had a few thread title suggestions...

does anybody else have one...

we can have a short poll tomorrow

Anyway...I suggest the thread title...

All is well...and thats no spin

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All is well...and thats no spin



I just came back from our staff celebratory dinner and got online to see if any of you had made some clack conversion suggestions...and I'd been thinking about new thread titles.

I saw this, Ansa, and just about choked on my five-dollar hotel water bottle! :o

Cuz I'd been thinking about using "All Is Well", too...and had given it this 'spin', though: ;)

"All Is Well...after all, this is Clay Aiken we're talkin' 'bout!"

Hee! :lol:

OOOOOh. I think I'm gonna show the Greenville Solitaire (hi, CG!), the Pittsburgh or maybe Valdosta WDC, Wilkes-Barre MOAM (can't help myself), the GMA MDYK and Kimmel's interview and ATD.

Now...I'd LIKE to show that JBT clip of him on the stairs with his two girls in a headlock and just being too freakin' cute...but does anyone know exactly which concert venue that was?

Also...any ideas about the very best Elvis medley from JBT? I remember one where he especially did great pelvic circles during "Heartbreak Hotel" in those PANTS!...anybody?

Thanks so much for the suggestions, pals! I'm going to go to bed and try to get some sleep...Lord knows I haven't had much this week and will need to build up some reserves before the Chicago ClayWomen join me tomorrow!

Oh...and at our staff gathering before dinner, my new boss brought out a dozen long stemmed roses and presented them to me! And said some really nice things. It was way cool. :)

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Well, Muski, if you are looking for some hip/thigh action, you can always show that short clip from La Vida Loca. I believe there is a slo mo floating around.

I am bringing this over from the flubs thread-

You were talking about the voting on AI2 - As I recall on one appearance Nigel said that Clay led each week and they thought he would win. Then in the Idol Phenomena - he said the lead alternated. Changed his story. I need to find the original clip.

As to the mail idols from that year described Clay's mail as filling up a room, where the rest ofthem got a few letters.

Voting - no one I know in NY/NJ or NC got a single vote in for Clay. Some one did, just no one I knew. I think Clay won the east coast and Ruben did better on the west coast and around Alabama.

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Playbiller I live smack in the middle of the country. I was never able to get a single vote in for Clay. I was not on the boards, so I didn't know about any of the controversy. I just remember feeling pretty disappointed that I couldn't vote. I wasn't one of the people trying one call after the other. Like I said I didn't know any of that was going on. I tried every five minutes for the entire voting time. Nada.

It's funny when I think about it now. I never even considered going to the AI2 concert. But after seeing him live on the IT, I'm going to do my best not to ever miss another of his concerts. I do think that lurking on the boards and reading about all of the excitement of seeing him live, was what convinced me I needed to go to a concert in the first place.

He'll get you, if you give him half the chance.

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Now...I'd LIKE to show that JBT clip of him on the stairs with his two girls in a headlock and just being too freakin' cute...but does anyone know exactly which concert venue that was?

OOOh, Oooh, Mr.Kotter, I know this one - my single Clay concert to date, so I saw it with my very own eyes. That was the Toledo JBT. You left out the spreadeagle part, where Clay threw his legs over the girls briefly.

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Now...I'd LIKE to show that JBT clip of him on the stairs with his two girls in a headlock and just being too freakin' cute...but does anyone know exactly which concert venue that was?

OOOh, Oooh, Mr.Kotter, I know this one - my single Clay concert to date, so I saw it with my very own eyes. That was the Toledo JBT. You left out the spreadeagle part, where Clay threw his legs over the girls briefly.

Ok, Horshak....you can give......er....go to the head of the class.. B)

Thanks, bottle...I'll download that while I'm in the shower.

Anybody have a vote for a particularly good Elvis medley?

Think I could just quit real life to sit around and do compilations of "Best of Clay" videos? I wouldn't even ask for a salary. :unsure::lol:

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