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#4-Everything is mucho-good-o


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Ah man...ran home to hear the snippets and they aren't there anymore..neither is any place to order. Crap.

What is going on with this EP?

well maybe if nosy ass fans wouldn't call them up I could have gotten my order placed. I mean really, do people actually have real jobs or do they just sit around all day ontheir computer looking for pro bono work to do for the fandom.

((((couchie and others who missed))))

I just got home too and downloaded those stream and its now continuously playing on my player...so I cannot turn this off now cos it might disappear.

I just made it cos I juts closed my window and find out Couchie couldn't find it...shoot.

Anyway, these are just beautiful...wonder who the producers are?

I;m just glad we got the clips...why can't Clay fans leave well enough alone?????

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The questions were rhetorical because I knew the answer - just like I knew there would never be an apology. People like that are never - or at least rarely - wrong because they think they know more than us mere mortals.

I suspect it wouldn't have taken long for them to find out what they were doing was a mistake. I bet someone from TC would have read about it on the OFC or something and notified Sony. And as long as they didn't take your money, they don't really have to do anything.

Look at it this way. We got to hear the clips and we didn't get that from Walmart!

Edited by Claygasm
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Pax put it in her space, I will put it in my 4shared library and you can copy that anywhere, no limits. Check back, I am loading it now.

All is well


Christmas Waltz

My grown up Christmas List

Click on it and scroll to the bottom to play or to download.

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Are you sure they are rhetorical? I am pissed.

Why, why, why would anyone call them when they might have had to honor these requests anyway? I mean when some people make a mistake they have to make it up to you, right? If only it had been there for a little longer, like 2 weeks.

At least when I do something stupid, I apologize about it (mediafiends), will we hear an apology here?

Well, that was answered pretty fast.

Not just that...if there was a huge order in Sony...they may get the clue that they need to press more of these EP's. It would've given Sony/BMG a clear idea of how popular this item is...NOW...NOW....F*cK IT...nothing...just because some people are such know it alls. UGH!!!!!

Why are there so much busybody no lifes in this fandom....GAH let TC do their jobs..let them make their mistakes...let them clean it up...KEEP OUT OF CLAY'S BUSINESS!!!


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You know, I used to have a number of message boards on my favorites here at work so that I could do a quick check in from time to time. A while back I removed one board because I just got tired of the shit going down there for pages and pages....I got over not being (faux sniff, sniff, sob) 'accepted' there.

I'm glad it's still not on my faves cuz that means now I'd have to make a concerted effort to actually read there what the f*ck happened, the rationalizations and defenses of what to me is an inexcusable overstepping of boundaries...the pages and pages of "You done good!" and "Not sure about this one" and "Well, we didn't seem to mind when fans were 'interfering in order to get RCA to help with the release parties..." and "Unf*cking real.."

In case I haven't been clear, I'll word the "Unf*cking real" part. :glare:

Now...back to work in my wonderful workspace, with Clay singing and putting me back into my HAPPY place!

^_^:dancingpickle: :00000442: :nanadance3: :em0200:

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Muski - you're just too darn happy for someone who is at work! :lol:

The problem with telling fans to keep out of Clay's business is those fans really truly believe everything concerning Clay IS their business! I really believe that, and it scares me.

No wonder Clay wants to pull back a little.

Now I just hope Walmart stocks enough of these suckers..... :glare:

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Oh I have no doubt that they would have removed it eventually but the clips were up in the middle of a work day and maybe, just maybe, it would have taken them a day, or two, or a week to realize the problem. In the meantime, many more people would have had the chance to listen, to stream, to order - like Ansa said, show Sony just what they have. There's nothing quite the steamroller of "Clay Nation" running to place an order. Thankfully, they also quickly moved to get the clips so at least I'll get to hear them when I get home.

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Unfortunately, you can only order this CD through Wal-Mart.com. This item is in the process of being taken off of our website and you should receive a email explaining, and all orders placed through www.sonymusicstore.com will be cancelled.

We do apologize.


SonyMusicStore.com Customer Service

So I'm cancelled. Crap! I don't have a nearby Walmart. Play, in the last thread you mentioned you might be doing buys for people; I may have to take you up on that and get on a list. Which I hate to do, becasue I so prefer self-sufficiency. That, and I already took help from ldyjocelyn when my iTunes was out of whack on the old computer and the new Dell didn't get here until October 9. (Bless her, that lovely lady -- I was dying to hear LAA. Like gasping for air and flopping around like a fish outta water, people!)

Big sigh. Yeah, it was a Sony mistake. And people might not have gotten their orders anyway. Still, I would have liked to have had more time to eeeeeeee and squeeeee and stuff.

That's all I really want in life. Lots of squeeeeeeeee-ing. Is that too much to ask?

Cool on sales. That's basically no drop, still Top 100 and now he has other appearances coming up. Slow and steady is good. Very good.

I'm really late on mentioning it -- but great banner. There were so many pretty ones to choose from, I was half expecting a three or four or five way tie. I'd love to enter a contest, but I don't parody and I don't montage. However, I so love and appreciate those that do.

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I am entertaining myself by looking at K-Fed's reviews on Amazon...my favorite so far...

The soulful crooning by Britney Love's husband is a welcome change from the hurtful and angry "music" that comes from the likes of so-called Kelly Clarkman and Clayton Ayton. It is a relief to hear a man sing lovely songs like a woman.

Second fave:

I bought my dad a copy. Because I don't like my dad very much.
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Clay has a message for certain self-righteous, interfering fans:

mmclaywave2.gifSTFU Already.

I also have a hand gesture that I'm making and a few choice words along the lines of $#^%#&&^%. At least I didn't actually cancel my WalMart order.

playbiller, thanks very much for the links to the clips. It was very good to be able to come home, download, and blast those snippets. And again, I don't think you have anything at all to apologize for over the mf thing. I thought the interview answers were actually pretty great and we got new information, no matter what the means were.

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What the hell? That four freakin' questions poorly disguised as one! And look Clay types "I" instead of "Ah"! He doesn't actually write in dialect! What a notion! Still needs the exclamation points, but I see nothing wrong with that! So the evil dead that is Clive didn't actually shove a list of the world's worst covers and beat Clay until Clay, broken and battered, warbled them out? Clay and Clive and Jaymes (and moi)have some tastes in common? Kewl!

Two more questions? Chick thinks she's slick, doesn't she? And look, Clay is friends with a poet. How cosmopolitan of him! Clay and I clearly both believe in nepotism (that counts for friends as well as family, right?)

Shall we go back and look at the negative feedback on TRD and BFM? Because there were lots and lots and LOTS....

Ooooo look! Clay left out the word "mandate"! We must have new theories!

Is it horrible to be mildly pleased that Clay seems to think about LAA that way I do? That it's an OK song but that's about it?

Six questions. Man, this heifer is not subtle at ALL! I'm sorry, I just don't see that songwriting for himself is something that Clay is all that interested in right now. Sing, Clay! Sing!

Sigh I missed a lot of discussion because of this stupid interfering know it all fans...but this...is why am a proud minion...

Play not your fault at all...this is just an example of a fan thinking she can use her position to have an in with Clay...when she was treated just like any other media outlet and not given the super sikret handshake to TC...she turned around and pissed on Clay instead...SO many examples of this in this fandom. Its truly scary cos I actually think this is whats happening with out latest busybody...

hey I asked a question about TRD and BFM...but I think I asked if we might still be able to hear it in future concerts or recordings...

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OK...just read more posts...and I was laughing so much I embarrassed myself infront of my girls...

I too love the answer about LAA...Play so could we now list this as fact...that LAA was written THIS year and would never been part of the CD of originals?

Well I know the premier fan busybody usually speak in marketing terms...so maybe I can put my disappoinment in these terms...

What a great Marketing opportunity wasted. The longer the Sony site had that EP up...the longer the clips were up...the more people would've known about the product. Yes Sony would've cancelled the orders...but in their cancellation letter they would've told the people where to buy it...and these people would then go to Walmart. If that item stayed up longer I don't think it would've hurt Clay but probably brought more sales for him.

AT this point...there is no ad for this EP on the internet since the only place to buy it is in Walmart stores. Aside from the internet fans..casual fans wouldn't know about it...too bad. Sometimes mistakes are serendipitous...at this point, the possible gains is now shortlived. WHY? Not because of RCA...not because of Roger...but because of fans actions.

Sometimes the best action is inaction...specially when we do not know enough to interfere in an effective way.

Wish I cared enough to post that elsewhere...but nah...I think pod people tend to ignore posts that makes sense.

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OK work's over and I've calmed down. It's nothing like being hungry and denied clack..heh. I guess I'm still a tiny bit hooked.

Play, thanks for letting me know about the clips. I don't download anything at work. I don't even lurk much let alone write posts...that's why I'll shoot home for lunch (5 minutes away) on the days when stuff is going on...and my little spy usually lets me know with a super sekrit coded message to my work email.

I've worked for huge international companies and I've worked for tiny nonprofits and if there's one thing I've learned is that shit happens. Trying to get shipping and receiving to keep me in the loop on certain things is a tough gig and they're only 200 yards away from my office. Imagine being in different offices, or states or countries and that's only compounded. I don't need a mistake to happen to Clay to understand that. It's not a federal case IMO.

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And I noticed Carrie remembered to thank AI and 19 and whatnot. The girl has obviously paid attention to what happened when Kelly didn't include AI in one of her thank you speeches and Simon took the opportunity to slam her as being ungrateful. :blink: And what's up with A Fed being with Carrie? I guess somebody needed some extra press, and I don't think it was Carrie.

Local news here interviewed her and she said that she had broken up with her college boyfriend not too long ago and wanted someone fun to go with her to the show, so she called him. She said they are NOT seeing each other romantically.

Secondly, I do think that country music is a "part" of him. Now, I don't believe it's ALL of him, I think he's had more musical influences that many of us care to admit. But there's a great deal of country music that has "pretty melodies," which we know that Clay seems to like. (Now, for me...I'm not fond of the pretty country ballads. But give me Brad Paisley singing "Alcohol" (funniest country song EVER IMO), and I'm doing just fine.)

Yeah, I’d agree with this. I absolutely adored the bluegrass he did for his grandfather, so I imagine I would dig the country too – although living in Nashville, it’s surprisingly not my thing. <g>

I've also read a lot about the country music scene, and in many ways, they are even more ridgid in their "standards." For example, if a singer doesn't life and work in Nashville, they're already on the outs.

All true unless you are truly huge – like Garth Brooks huge. If you know where to go you can see all manner of country music stars around here. Keith Urban and Nicole, prior to rehab, were spotted everywhere it seemed like.

Making girly parts tingly is optional. *g*

:::sigh::: He always does that for me. <g>

I read that Faith Hill was clowning around and said WHAT???? into the cameras when Carrie won best vocalist last night - and now she is country's answer to kanye west.

I am hoping for good things to happen to ms. Pickler, too!

Kellie was at the award show, sitting a few rows behind Kenny Chesney – pretty good seats for a newbie. <g>

I have no content whatsoever, becoss I have been QUITE busy looking for signs. And Portents. I could find both things in one place, but I can't bring myself to sacrifice a chicken.

I’ve got a sign for you. :::flips djs111 off:::

Just kidding. <g> You know I love you.

So, what means of torture do you think evil Clive used to force him to put Christmas Waltz on there, since its Clive's favorite and just because Clay voluntarily put it in both the JNTs, even when it wasn't on the album, obviously Clay only sings it because Clive is forcing him to. I mean, the secret code was quite clear when 2 years ago he told the audience every night it was Clive's favorite. I mean, he didn't use the word "mandate", but he could have! ;)

He slipped him a mickey. <g>

Seriously – Christmas Waltz is my absolute favorite too. Love, love, love. But then, I love everything I heard.

well maybe if nosy ass fans wouldn't call them up I could have gotten my order placed. I mean really, do people actually have real jobs or do they just sit around all day ontheir computer looking for pro bono work to do for the fandom.

Nosy assed fans indeed. And people say Clay has control issues. Seems to me a good marketing opportunity was missed here – an opportunity for us to show Sony just how popular Clay is – yeah, they may have pulled it anyway, but we still could have made a point.

Where's the wine?

:::pours the lady a glass of the nice Sauvignon Blanc I bought this afternoon.:::

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Second fave:


I bought my dad a copy. Because I don't like my dad very much.

Bwah! I like that one!

And I won't be needing to get on a list. My cry was heard and come Nov. 28, AIW will be heading my way. (Thank you, laughn.)

You know, for the most part, this really is a nice community. At least the parts I end up seeing. Or I'm lucky that way. [/goopy]

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Clay has a message for certain self-righteous, interfering fans:

mmclaywave2.gifSTFU Already.

I just wanted to see that posted again. Just sayin'.

Raise your hand if you're listening to the clips on endless loop. I've had them on for 15 minutes at this point, and I'm not tired of them at all. This EP will be cherished forever.


Second fave:


I bought my dad a copy. Because I don't like my dad very much.

Good one!

You know, for the most part, this really is a nice community. At least the parts I end up seeing. Or I'm lucky that way. [/goopy]

{{{{{{{{{strummer}}}}}}}}}}}}} I'm so glad I was able to get LAA to you EVENTUALLY. It was a struggle...but in the end, I learned a new skill, so that's a good thing. And LAA is certainly excellent, isn't it?

The Clay Aiken fandom is, for the most part, a great community. There are days when I want to strangle strange Aunt Gladys (and today would be one of those days... :D ), but on the days when things go well, I certainly love it.

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You know, for the most part, this really is a nice community. At least the parts I end up seeing. Or I'm lucky that way. [/goopy]

Well, I think all the alcohol tends to help the mood a bit..... :D:wein::drink: :trink3: :bier: :juul::voll:

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You know, for the most part, this really is a nice community. At least the parts I end up seeing. Or I'm lucky that way. [/goopy]

oh yes you are right about that...so many cool and great people...and great friends...thanks for the reminder cos it is best to focus on the good stuff...

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Well I adore many aspects of it..frankly I enjoy meeting people in person much more than the message boards any more. You connect on a real basis that way. I mean I'm such a concert ho and wouldn't trade those experiences for anything. There have been such great times and I have so many fond memories of this fandom. I just wish it wasn't so fractured. Now I'm hearing crazy crap about lists and such. Whatever. We're spinning our wheels on bullshit. I'm going to try to concentrate less on the fandom and more on Clay.

I've always had a strange love/hate relationship with the clorilla. It was just easier to take when the great outweighed the rest. Fortunately I can separate real people that I have met and some real friendships from "the clorilla" which is a bunch of group think and actions that are as predictable as they are common.

I'm hoping the concerts will remind me what this is supposed to be all about.

So, what's next up for Clay. I need a pretty distraction.

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