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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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But anyway, I am interested in what others think about a co-tour - who could it be with..and also a duet... what radio darling (and for my sanity's sake let's say NO IDOLS on this one) could he be paired up with.

Co-tour? Hmmmm...I think my wildest dream would be what I'd call the SAM tour -- Clay touring with the Dixie Chicks (both managed by SAM). First of all, 'cause I'm vengeful sometimes, it would make some heads explode in the fandom -- and as far as that goes, outside the fandom as well ("how dare he tour with those rebel rousers?!?!?!"). Heh. This tour would unfortunately, though, TOTALLY kill his chances for radio. *g* But he'd still sell a buttload of albums. Seriously, though -- I just want him to keep touring, no matter if he shares the tour, or headlines by himself.

As for duet partner...someone suggested Allison Krause. She'd be good. As for a "current hot pop/rock star" -- man, I'd love it he did a duet with Bono. But that's truly a pipe dream, I think.

I sometimes think I am alone in this fandom with my feeling about AI and Clay. I have never seen any indication on Clay's part that he hates AI (witness the AI5 finale). Besides, how can I have any disdain for the show that gave us Clay?

Nope, I'm with you on this one too. At the time, I was not fond of Simon, to say the least, and I'm still not totally crazy about his "persona," even though that seems to be softening a bit this season, to me. But I've never understood the out and out hatred for him. Me? I reserve my hatred for people like...well, let's just say the current political climate makes me a bit crazy at the moment.

A co-tour? I'm fine with it as long as it's with somebody I wanna listen to because I'm selfish like that. So it would have to be Prince, Beyonce (the girl does put on an entertaining show), Jon Stewart, Madonna, or Nelly.
There's some prime skit material in this paragraph. I mean, I can see Prince and Clay having a prayer circle together before the show; or Clay making Beyonce wear flats, because she'd be taller than him in her 5 inch heels. Jon Stewart and Clay together? *swoon*

OMG - This article in my local paper about a group of Gerard Butler fans made me smile. We're not the only ones that do this stuff... B)

This totally cracked my s**t up. Has anyone checked the Gerard Butler fan boards to see if there is outrage over how they were portrayed with this article? *g*

I don't know the man, but I'm sure he'll understand if I do some eye-rolling myself now at the idea of him suddenly feeling all gooey and mushy inside about using HIS celebrity to bring world peace and an end to world hunger, etc. I applaud the show for actually acknowledging the existence of the needs of those poor people and for diverting some of its billions to something other than more bonuses for the bozos...but I can't get too schmoopie about their real motives. It's good PR for them (and though the ratings are still ridiculously money-making, the media's treatment of the show has shown some nastiness lately) and adds another hook for them to claim 'the bestest most awesome season ever', etc. And wonderfully, (hopefully) they'll actually be helping people at the same time. And that's very cool.

I had AI on last night in background, while I was on my computer. Honestly -- I rolled my eyes when Ryan was giving that spiel myself, partially because of Simon's image and such. But you know, ITA with muski here -- I'm not about questioning motives in this instance. If it helps people, it helps people. Shoot, I might have to vote that night. Hopefully someone will give me a performance worthy of my vote, as well as a contribution.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Clay "live from Afghanistan" or Uganda or somewhere, representing UNICEF in a segment on AI---that would be uber righteous! He'd be there, wearing his glasses, stubble visible, and that UNICEF armband prominently visible. The text under his picture would say, "Clay Aiken, UNICEF Ambassador"....


Again, I'm with muski. We've heard Clay say somewhere that he'll be traveling for UNICEF in April. I can totally see this being a way to promote a cause near and dear to his heart, and also give a little back to the show that made him famous.

This is what I have always thought. The eye rolls with Clay on that subject weren't so much about Clay as it was Simon doubting his sincerity. And as long as Simon has been in and around this business he probably has encountered more insincerity than most. I think most of us would be cynical about this kind of thing. In fact, I am. I cannot honestly remember what I thought when Clay said it, but I do remember thinking many times that season that he was a bit of a goody-two-shoes and wondering just how sincere he was or whether he was just saying things that might get him votes. And I liked Clay! Wasn't obsessed with him or anything yet, but I liked him!

I think, when I started hearing things like this from Clay, I may have had those thoughts too, but I quickly got rid of them when I learned more about the man. And yet, I've heard very similar grumblings from several in the fandom, who would rather he not do these kinds of things, and instead he should just "shut up and sing." (Hey, there's that Dixie Chicks connection again!) I also think that much of the basis for many of Clay's "hatahs" is that he seems too good to be true, that he can't be that sincere, yadda, yadda, yadda. But to me -- and I think to those who actually take the time to find out more about Clay -- they can see what a caring and thoughtful young man he is, someone who tries to do his best. The key word there is "tries." He's not perfect, and he knows that (as do I) -- but it doesn't keep him from trying.

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I think something that sets Clay apart from some other celebrities, or even those striving to be celebrities is that he wanted to "make a difference" before he was on AI, he had already been championing some causes, he did use his voice when he had an opportunity. Yeah, he probably was/is viewed as a "goody two shoes" and it probably did make him a target. It's a shame that there are so many cynics in the world. Clay is a young celebrity, he is not Bono, but I can't help but wonder how many lives have been touched and improved in some way because he wanted to make a difference.

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I think something that sets Clay apart from some other celebrities, or even those striving to be celebrities is that he wanted to "make a difference" before he was on AI, he had already been championing some causes, he did use his voice when he had an opportunity. Yeah, he probably was/is viewed as a "goody two shoes" and it probably did make him a target. It's a shame that there are so many cynics in the world. Clay is a young celebrity, he is not Bono, but I can't help but wonder how many lives have been touched and improved in some way because he wanted to make a difference.

I agree, but when he was just another AI contestant, I didn't know diddly about him. I wasn't on the boards or anything like that. I watched the show every week, enjoyed him, liked Ruben too and when the show was over each week I never gave him a second thought. Even after I started to seek out information on what he was doing after AI was over for the season, it wasn't until months later when I somehow got caught up in this internet fandom that I started learning things about him. I remember watching the "Primetime" interview and having no idea about half of what he revealed! So to me, and I bet to the vast majority of the AI viewing public, I didn't know about his background so it was easy to be cynical about him and anyone else. I think now that we know Clay, we know he was sincere. We've seen proof that he was sincere. But many didn't know that then. I am sure neither Simon or any of the other judges knew that about him. So to me, I can completely understand the eye rolls then. I was rolling a few of my my own!

I also don't get the sometimes venomous hatred toward AI and all associated with it. Some in this fandom act as if it is so beneath them, so beneath Clay. Yet, the vast majority of them were watching it back in 2003, weren't they. And Clay seems to be more than happy to make an appearance on that show when asked. I think sometimes of all the AI alum, he tries the least to separate himself from AI. Of course he doesn't want to be only known as AI runner-up Clay Aiken, but its like he doesn't try to run away from it and pretend it never happened. It is a part of him. It wasn't beneath him when he auditioned in Charlotte. It wasn't beneath him when he went to audition in Atlanta. It wasn't beneath him when he was so nervous about getting through the wild card round. And I don't think he believes it is beneath him now. I would bet he feel indebted to AI, as well he should. They gave him the CHANCE to have the career he is now having and all the opportunities that career has given him. What he did/does with that chance is up to him, but AI opened a door that probably would have never opened for him otherwise.

Clay and the Chicks? Now that would be cool!! Never happen, but it would be cool. I would love it on so many levels.

And Clay and Jon Stewart? Be still my heart!

I somehow don't think either of those scenarios will happen, though. Besides, I want Clay, all Clay! I am greedy that way!

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But anyway, I am interested in what others think about a co-tour - who could it be with..and also a duet... what radio darling (and for my sanity's sake let's say NO IDOLS on this one) could he be paired up with.

Of course I think fans of Clay always think other people are using him but for me Clay needs to use some other people's strengths some of the time. I really think a hot duet could help him.

I wouldn't mind a co-tour with another musician I liked. I don't think that's going to happen this time because the two shows that have been announced haven't mentioned it. Of course, that doesn't mean it won't happen.

I've wanted him to sing a duet with someone/anyone that would get some play, get heard, for a long, long time. He's so good at duets, so generous as a performer, and he harmonizes so nicely. It couldn't happen too soon or too often to suit me.

I don't know much about how they decide to book venues, but sometimes I think it may have hurt Clay in the past because they oversaturated some of the areas, like Pa and Mi and Oh and NY, and ignored others. I'm sure they look at past ticket sales and cd sales by area to determine interest. To use an example, I always wondered why they didn't come back to St. Louis, he and Kelly drew a pretty big crowd there for the IT and it was obvious by the crowd response that most of them were there for Clay, so I think he could have sold well there. I'm sure there are lots of things that go into the equation, like tour route, and availability of venues, anyway I want him to do well with his ticket sales, so I can continue going to see him for years to come.

I too am glad to see them going into places they haven't gone in a long time, and I hope those folks will come out and see him in droves. He has booked a lot of shows in PA/NY/NJ over the years, and they've always sold extremely well, so I can see why they kept going back. I still think there must be some big publicity plans underway, even if Nokia is cut down to less than its maximum capacity. We all know his shows are great, and he's been able to get TV time to discuss his tours before, but they haven't done as well with local advertising and so forth, and not everyone knows what a great show he puts on. I hope there are big plans afoot this time. Looks like it's going to be an extensive tour--time and distance both--and something convinced the venues to book him. It wasn't the record-breaking sales of ATDW. (Pets pretty, pretty ATDW.) And weren't some of the CH prognosticators saying that he had been hurt by previous tours being booked in places too large and then not selling out? Evidently this hasn't stopped them from booking him again in good-sized (several thousand or more) venues. And YAY for the TOURRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

BWAH - and look, it is not Clay he [Foster]is helping, but Whitney! traitor - and he did not sing Clay's praises in his interview, some friend! Eh, I always thought he might have some influence on the number of strings on ATDW anyway, who needs him.

I've always thought that David and Jaymes have encouraged Clay in the AC/ballad route because the man has an amazing voice. People who appreciate voices probably think a voice like Clay's is wasted singing rock or bubble-gum pop. It was Jaymes who told Clay to stay in his lane and David said the same thing about himself recently. I'm very appreciative of what I think is their influence in Clay's learning to sing with more subtlety and in the growth he has shown musically since being associated with them. I've never thought they would "save" him from a fate such as ATDW, especially since they were involved in making it.

Personally, I will be VERY disappointed in this fandom if they do not support this "Idol Gives Back" because of their dislike of Simon or their continued hatred of AI because they think it was their fault Clay lost.


I don't know Clay, but I would be willing to bet he would be appalled at the way some of his fans are reacting to this effort. I can understand not donating because you don't have the money or you have other causes your limited charitable funds go to or even because you just don't care about the cause. But to diss the entire effort based primarily on the perceived injustice done to Clay by AI, IMO that's just wrong. Thank goodness the vast majority of those who watch AI don't care about that.

Agreed, and well said. I don't love Simon or AI, but I think this fund-raising show is a fantastic idea that can help a lot of folks. I don't think Clay's nearly as petty or self-centered as some of his fans are on his behalf--at least I sure hope he isn't.

....hell, I think Clay actually likes AI - because he does like the cheese. I also think as long as a charity gets something out of it, Clay will think it's cool.

I agree. The man loves the cheesy-goodness of it all.

As to the actual big event, I cannot imagine they won't have some of the AI alums involved somehow - especially the more successful ones. Clay does seem a natural fit (if TPTB even know he's a UNICEF ambassador...), but who knows. I just cannot imagine AI would have something like this and not show off the fruits of their labor.

I agree with this too. Only a few performers have been announced, and it's a 2 hour show. What else are they going to do with the time after those few have performed? Well, maybe, just maybe, when they say, "and many more," they mean "and many more," and maybe some of those are former contestants who've gone on to do very well.

I hope to see Clay on this show and--gasp!--on another AI show this year as well. I know some people think that AI resented all the stir Clay caused at the finale, but frankly, I think they loved it. Publicity, attention, ratings--what's not to love?

I think something that sets Clay apart from some other celebrities, or even those striving to be celebrities is that he wanted to "make a difference" before he was on AI, he had already been championing some causes, he did use his voice when he had an opportunity. Yeah, he probably was/is viewed as a "goody two shoes" and it probably did make him a target. It's a shame that there are so many cynics in the world. Clay is a young celebrity, he is not Bono, but I can't help but wonder how many lives have been touched and improved in some way because he wanted to make a difference.

Thank you--and well said. He was volunteering and working in the "helping" professions a long time before AI. I think he found it much more uplifting than smiting his enemies. Smart guy, good guy.


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I never got the impression that people were not going to contribute to the charity effort because of Simon - I just read a lot of opinions that this seems like cynical jumping on the bandwagon, is all. Being cynical about it does not affect the outcome in any way, shape, or form, IMO.

I do see this as an individual decision, though, and not something that "Clay fans" need to contribute to as a group.

And I guess I am in that group of people who don't hate A.I. so much as don't really give a rat's ass about it, and I have always found it bizarre when people in real life (and on the boards) insist that I must of course be watching and voting and caring deeply because I am a Clay fan.

Yep, glad they found him - but the show is not on my must-see-TV list, at all - except for laughs.

Which is the ONLY reason why I watched the first season. And the ONLY reason I started watching the second season.

I have not voted since Clay, except for Scott Savol. The entire selection process seems flawed, what with hearing that good singers didn't make the cut because they were in the line where producers were picking bad audition folks.

Heh - what will they do next year? It is almost like they know that having just the contestants is not interesting enough to get the viewers.

I hesitate to bring this up, but I am still upset and disappointed that Bush did not mention Clay in the (Sad) State of the Union Speech.

Just think how many ATDW's could have been sold.

(Lurking hatahs, that is snark.)

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I don't know Clay, but I would be willing to bet he would be appalled at the way some of his fans are reacting to this effort. I can understand not donating because you don't have the money or you have other causes your limited charitable funds go to or even because you just don't care about the cause. But to diss the entire effort based primarily on the perceived injustice done to Clay by AI, IMO that's just wrong. Thank goodness the vast majority of those who watch AI don't care about that.

I sometimes think I am alone in this fandom with my feeling about AI and Clay. I have never seen any indication on Clay's part that he hates AI (witness the AI5 finale). Besides, how can I have any disdain for the show that gave us Clay?

Terrific post, Claygasm! No, you are not alone.

This is clearly a cause Clay would support. Whatever one's feelings are about Simon or AI, the fact remains that the audience is so big that there is tremendous potential in this endeavor. And though Simon may have scorned altruism in the past, and while it's possible that he went to Africa on assignment for the show, I do think it's possible that witnessing the poverty first hand may have actually had an effect on him. I'm not saying he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. I just think that the whole program shouldn't be dismissed as a fraud just because Simon made a few cynical comments years ago.

Like you, I have never seen any proof that Clay hates AI. Yeah, he hated it so much he hired Randy Jackson, John Dahlstrom, and Michael Orland in different capacities, so much that he supported Paula and the show in the press (and even appeared in the audience) when other idols like Corey and Trenyce were trashing them, so much that he appeared on the Season Five finale. Of course, conspiracy theorists would claim that it's all part of some huge settlement agreement (which of course, no one has seen), but to me, the more probable possibility is that he just doesn't hate it as much as some of his fans want him to.

I hesitate to bring this up, but I am still upset and disappointed that Bush did not mention Clay in the (Sad) State of the Union Speech.

Just think how many ATDW's could have been sold.

(Lurking hatahs, that is snark.)

Ha! So true, djs.

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I hesitate to bring this up, but I am still upset and disappointed that Bush did not mention Clay in the (Sad) State of the Union Speech.

Just think how many ATDW's could have been sold.

(Lurking hatahs, that is snark.)

This is CMSU ! In a big way! :lol::cryingwlaughter::hahaha::cryingwlaughter:

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Eh, while I don't have the enthusiasm about AI that I had in the past [aren't the even numbered years supposed to be the good ones? 'Sup with this year kinda sucking?], I still enjoy watching it and snarking about it at work the next day. Watching the TPTB scrambling to pull the strings is all part of the charm of the thing. If I really got attached to another contestant that I thought was getting screwed over, maybe I wouldn't feel the same way. IMO, you can't look at it as being about the music - it's about the drama - manufactured and otherwise.

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Claygasm, I understand what you're saying, but when I remember back to what Clay said, it was that he wanted to make a difference whether to use his celebrity to do it, or if it was as a teacher, then even better. So his making a difference was not dependent on winning. Did I know if it was BS when he said it, probably not, but I think I remember being impressed that the way he addressed it,it wasn't if I get famous and make lots of money, I want to give back, it was either way, he wanted to make a difference.

Regarding the show, I'm one who doesn't watch anymore. quit watching in the 3rd season. I think Clay was/is one of the best ambassadors of the show that they have ever had, but for some reason they did not want to embrace him as that. I do believe that Simon, Randy and Paula have said or implied things about Clay to put him down at times. From their childish faces and comments after his Fantasy performance up to and including Simon's comment about Clay's problem with anxiety. I think Clay is one of few contestants that really loved the experience of American Idol and has given it credit for his success, I remember an interview way back where he and said that he and Kim Locke both agreed that it was a lot of hard work but they would have done it again.

I really love the concept of the show, but I felt they became pretty trasparent as to what they were looking for and often felt their critiques were driving the outcome they wanted. Maybe it's just me.

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I think Clay was/is one of the best ambassadors of the show that they have ever had, but for some reason they did not want to embrace him as that. I do believe that Simon, Randy and Paula have said or implied things about Clay to put him down at times. From their childish faces and comments after his Fantasy performance up to and including Simon's comment about Clay's problem with anxiety. I think Clay is one of few contestants that really loved the experience of American Idol and has given it credit for his success, I remember an interview way back where he and said that he and Kim Locke both agreed that it was a lot of hard work but they would have done it again.

I really love the concept of the show, but I felt they became pretty trasparent as to what they were looking for and often felt their critiques were driving the outcome they wanted. Maybe it's just me.

No, atinal, it's not just you. I agree with this, especially the part I bolded. Don't really understand it, but then we don't know all the real stuff that went on off camera during Season 2, so....

Hey....I just made an appointment for an 80-min. deep tissue massage next Sat.! I deserve it and have a gift certificate from hubby to use! CanNOT wait...

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Hi y'all...

caught the flu bug from Caitlin and have been sleeping the last two days away. I have the computer on and would check the boards from time to time but wasn't up to really absorbing much of the discussion, much less post about it...

was watching AI last night and although my first reaction at seeing Simon in Africa was to laugh...I do think its better than nothing.

I wonder though if Clay will be involved since he is already involved with UNICEF. I just get the feeling that may be some conflict of interest for CLay...I;m sure he would be supporting their effort, but I just wouldn't be holding my breath to see him in this show particular show. Not because of any hostilities but just because he is already a spokesperson for another charitable institution.

Besides...he will probably be busy with his own UNICEF trip....

talk to y'all later and will reread the board and make more comments when I'm feeling better.

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I never got the impression that people were not going to contribute to the charity effort because of Simon - I just read a lot of opinions that this seems like cynical jumping on the bandwagon, is all. Being cynical about it does not affect the outcome in any way, shape, or form, IMO.

I do see this as an individual decision, though, and not something that "Clay fans" need to contribute to as a group.

I kinda think that what's I meant to say earlier. Sure, it may be "cynical jumping on the bandwagon," but if it gets money to those who need it the most -- that's fine with me. I haven't decided if I'll give yet or not, honestly.

And I guess I am in that group of people who don't hate A.I. so much as don't really give a rat's ass about it, and I have always found it bizarre when people in real life (and on the boards) insist that I must of course be watching and voting and caring deeply because I am a Clay fan.

I understand what you are saying, and yes, that bugs me. But I think what bugs me more is the deep resentment AGAINST the show that more than a few on the Clay boards seem to have -- "you must never watch the show again, they hurt Clay in the process." I don't feel that here, but I've felt it at other boards. In my mind, I'm saying "just let it go, already. Please."

I hesitate to bring this up, but I am still upset and disappointed that Bush did not mention Clay in the (Sad) State of the Union Speech.

Just think how many ATDW's could have been sold.

(Lurking hatahs, that is snark.)


Hi y'all...

caught the flu bug from Caitlin and have been sleeping the last two days away. I have the computer on and would check the boards from time to time but wasn't up to really absorbing much of the discussion, much less post about it...

Hope you feel better soon!

I wonder though if Clay will be involved since he is already involved with UNICEF. I just get the feeling that may be some conflict of interest for CLay...I;m sure he would be supporting their effort, but I just wouldn't be holding my breath to see him in this show particular show. Not because of any hostilities but just because he is already a spokesperson for another charitable institution.

Besides...he will probably be busy with his own UNICEF trip....

Part of the money raised will be for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, so it's kinda sorta a conflict of interest. But -- he's done work for them too, right?

Off to dinner and a movie!

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Part of the money raised will be for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, so it's kinda sorta a conflict of interest. But -- he's done work for them too, right?

Oh I missed that part...if UNICEF is involved...then he may get involved after all...lets see then. I know he was involved with the US fund during Katrina.

I am so behind in a lot of the news...will probably catch up tomorrow.

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Here's the link to the "Idol Gives Back" site so you can read a bit more about it. At CV, some of the posters are discussing concerns about how funds are supposed to be funneled through the Charity Projects Entertainment Fund. Apparently, there's not a ton of information readily available about the operations of CPEF, which potentially will have control of millions of dollars. I think it's a valid point to consider - do you want your funds to get further diluted by having to cover another layer of administrative costs? I think there are still alot of questions to be answered about the whole thing. As for me, I think I prefer to donate directly to UNICEF without sending it through an intermediary.

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Part of the money raised will be for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, so it's kinda sorta a conflict of interest. But -- he's done work for them too, right?

Clay is an ambassador for the US Fund for UNICEF: Who We Are - Celebrity Ambassadors; What We Do - US Fund for UNICEF.

Oh look, UNICEF USA has the whole press release on their site here: Idol Gives Back.

Here's the board of the Charity Projects Entertainment Fund: About the CPEF. With the possible exception of Fuller, these are good guys. Richard Curtis, who was the brains behind this whole idea, is an amazing person. Interview with Richard Curtis.

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If Unicef is involved in any capacity, I don't think it would pose a conflict for Clay to participate. I don't think Clay would mind if people chose to contribute directly to Unicef rather than through Idol. However, I would not be shocked if he encourages fans to participate, even it's just by voting. According to the web site:

Tuesday April 24, your vote will count more than ever. Each time you call, sponsors will make a donation to Charity Projects Entertainment Fund to help children and young people in America and Africa.

This raises money for impoverished children without any cost to the caller. Whatever one's feelings for American Idol or Simon, the result is still money for people who need it. I realize many will find it difficult to support the show in any manner, but personally, I hope that some are willing to put aside their feelings for the sake of the world's most desperate.

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This raises money for impoverished children without any cost to the caller. Whatever one's feelings for American Idol or Simon, the result is still money for people who need it. I realize many will find it difficult to support the show in any manner, but personally, I hope that some are willing to put aside their feelings for the sake of the world's most desperate.

I don't get this though...I can understand people getting sick and tired of AI and not watching anymore..but still carrying a grudge after all this time...when they really brought us Clay...is hard to understand.

Yeah I can see Clay getting involved with UNICEF as one of the recipients...I wouldn't be surprised if Clay was involved in getting that connection together.

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Yeah I can see Clay getting involved with UNICEF as one of the recipients...I wouldn't be surprised if Clay was involved in getting that connection together.

See, that's what I thought. But then I'm just a cock-eyed optimist.


Well, shoot, and YAY - it appears that the Nokia is confirmed for July 7 (the shoot is for a hope I had for that date).

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All you have to do is read some of the boards to know that many are still carrying a grudge against AI because they think AI done him wrong. I see some of these same people trying very hard to discredit Idol Gives Back. I find that appalling.

My feeling is if organizations such as UNICEF are involved in this project, then they know that the funds will be distributed properly and a lot of money can be raised. This is a very high profile project. It will be closely watched.

The irony is, if Clay blogged tomorrow and just said he hopes we will all support Idol Gives Back, I bet all the questioning would stop and the same people who hate AI and are sure this project is a sham will be jumping on the bandwagon. That is hypocrisy,

I have never thought any Clay fan should feel obligated to embrace AI and watch it and vote. I have never voted except during the finale of AI2. The last couple of years I found myself getting bored by the time they were down to 4 or 5 people and I stopped watching. I never watch result shows (unless Clay is on, of course). I have no problem with people not caring about or not liking it anymore. But I have noticed a mindset among some that you must hate AI. That to support it in anyway is a slap in the face to Clay. That is what I don't get and it is those people who are talking about not contributing to this effort.

I guess I was just taken a back by the attitudes I read around the boards about this effort on the part of a very powerful, very popular TV show. So often all you hear about is the selfishness of those in the entertainment industry. Here a TV empire is showing compassion and caring and it gets dissed? Because they were so mean to Clay? Huh?

Personally, I don't care if someone threw Simon in a box and sent him to Africa. I don't even care if he came back with no compassion in him. I personally do not believe that is the case, but who cares if it is? Thirty million plus people voted this week. Think of all the money that would raise! If people want to contribute money directly to UNICEF, I think that's great, but this isn't even costing anyone anything.

If people support the causes Clay supports, how can they not support this.


Well, shoot, and YAY - it appears that the Nokia is confirmed for July 7 (the shoot is for a hope I had for that date).

Well pooh! If he's going to be in Texas on the 7th, he probably won't be anywhere near me on my birthday and I was counting on going to a Clay concert that day!

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Well, shoot, and YAY - it appears that the Nokia is confirmed for July 7 (the shoot is for a hope I had for that date).

OMG OMG OMG I am sooo excited I can hardly breathe! He loves us, he really loves us...........

Can Houston be far behind?


ETA: EEEEEEEEEEE Muski we get to meet again!!!

Edited by merrieeee
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Dallas on July 7th? :lightblub: I was going to be flying to Miami on the 8th! I could leave here early and go to the concert in Dallas (on the way to Miami) on the 7th!

KAndre! Did you hear that? I can join the Texas crew at the Nokia thingy!


:laola0: :ura: :00000441: :polon: :09: :club0: :me0: :ole0::nanaonacid:

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