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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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I want to go to a concert!

Come on Clay! Please announce the tour dates! I need something near Philly! I am getting sooooooo jealous of all the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing!

Wonder how much it costs to fly to Dallas????????? I mean, it is a Saturday.... And its only 3 days before my birthday. I could count it as a birthday present......

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I've never been to Texas either. Not even to change planes. I've been all over the world, but never Texas!

If this turns out to be opening night, we definitely should try and do an FCA get together. Its a Saturday so it wouldn't even mean taking of from work (if I have a job then)!

Damn, we need the full schedule. This is how things get carried away!

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WOW texas would be an intriguing choice for sure...but lots of dates to wait on...so know the tour will start as easrly as July 7 and go up to august...lots of choices I'm sure.

But YAY for the texas fans!!!! he does love you so show him some love back!!!

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July 7 is a SATURDAY?

I thought it was Friday. I have to be in Miami on Saturday.

from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows...in as much time as it took to cook some tortellini for the girls.

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July 7 is a SATURDAY?

I thought it was Friday. I have to be in Miami on Saturday.

from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows...in as much time as it took to cook some tortellini for the girls.

What kind of conference starts on a Saturday??? <_<

Oooo! I got it! Your plane could be diverted to Dallas for mechanical problems and you won't be able to get a flight to Miami until the next morning and while you're there..... B)

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The conference doesn't actually start until Monday morning, but registration opens Sunday night and there's all the preparation to do. I AM the conference manager so need to get there early, etc.

However, let me go see what kind of flights exist between Dallas and Miami on Sun. morning.... heh.

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Ok, I am taking a deep breath now. I must be good and not start fantasizing about every concert that gets confirmed. I have to be very careful about what concerts I choose. Once we know all the dates, then I can eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and choose my concerts. We WILL find a time for an FCA get together. I will find some at least semi-local concerts and I may even plan just one more lengthy trip for multiple concerts. I will be good as to what I can spend and try to get the most bang for my buck. I cannot go to every concert. I may not make it to the first or the last (like I want o and as I was lucky enough to do for the JBT) but what concerts I do get to, I will love I am sure!

Breathe in..... Breathe out.....Breathe in...... Breathe out.....

And this new found attitude will probably last until the next concert is announced! :lol:

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Ok...it's a no go. No flight out of Dallas would get me to Miami until about 2 pm on Sunday. No way. Registration usually begins at 4 pm or so ...

Oh well.

Hey! Maybe he'll be in Houston on the 6th BEFORE Dallas! Then I could go! And it's a shorter flight from Houston to Miami, too!

Ok..I'll just switch my energies to hoping for a July 6th concert in Houston...or New Orleans or Birmingham or Jacksonville or Atlanta...or

the mind boggles with possibilities! :lightblub:

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Ok...it's a no go. No flight out of Dallas would get me to Miami until about 2 pm on Sunday. No way. Registration usually begins at 4 pm or so ...

Oh well.

Hey! Maybe he'll be in Houston on the 6th BEFORE Dallas! Then I could go! And it's a shorter flight from Houston to Miami, too!

Ok..I'll just switch my energies to hoping for a July 6th concert in Houston...or New Orleans or Birmingham or Jacksonville or Atlanta...or

the mind boggles with possibilities! :lightblub:

You never know. If he's moving east, maybe he'll be in Florida by the time your conference is over!

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Well, with Aug 2 being a San Diego date and July 20 being a New York date, it doesn't seem likely he'd be going from Dallas on July 7 to an EAST coast city....does it?

hell, I don't know...nobody knows...we're destined to be mere pawns of the man...his bitches fo' sho'...

Well, I can tell you this: IF he is doing concerts before or after my week in Miami ANYWHERE a stop toandorfrom the West Coast by plane...I AM THERE. :medium-smiley-070:

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Ok, I am taking a deep breath now. I must be good and not start fantasizing about every concert that gets confirmed. I have to be very careful about what concerts I choose. Once we know all the dates, then I can eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and choose my concerts. We WILL find a time for an FCA get together. I will find some at least semi-local concerts and I may even plan just one more lengthy trip for multiple concerts. I will be good as to what I can spend and try to get the most bang for my buck. I cannot go to every concert. I may not make it to the first or the last (like I want o and as I was lucky enough to do for the JBT) but what concerts I do get to, I will love I am sure!

Breathe in..... Breathe out.....Breathe in...... Breathe out.....

And this new found attitude will probably last until the next concert is announced! :lol:

Breathe in..... Breathe out.....Breathe in...... Breathe out.....


ETA: From the CH:


Posted by SngBrd1980 at CB!!!

I just recieved an email from the Qwest Center in Omaha, NE telling me that they were unable to get Clay for the first leg of the tour because they are mostly outdoor venues but that they are in the running for the second leg.

At first, I thought this meant two pop tours... but I have a feeling it means a summer pop tour and then the Christmas tour. But I can live with the thought of summer outdoor concerts and winter indoor holiday ones - it looks like we may be getting two tours this year!

I figured it would be likely, because I think Clay does intend to keep up his holiday tour tradition... but it's exciting to be hearing about it this early!

However... second (third? fourth?) thoughts... how big is the Qwest Center? Is that a likely venue for a holiday concert?

eta Well, that's interesting, MsMarm... why would Clay be looking at a venue of that size? I wonder what the time frame is between the first and second legs of these tours...

Two legs!! Wahoo. This is getting good. Something's in the air, can you feel it?

It's exciting. I've done this a lot, and I'm still already tingling with the excitement. I like wondering what cities he'll be in and so forth. I enjoy this time. I'm a lot more laidback now about tickets too. I don't feel like I have to buy one in the first five minutes if good tickets are not coming up. I've gotten great tickets half-hour into sales more than once, including gala tickets lately. I've gotten decent tickets a month before the show. I've never bought a ticket from a broker.

It's going to be different for me this tour. I won't have my old travel buddies. *sniff* And I'm not living in the densely populated NE. But I'm still excited for the TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And YAY for whatever's going to happen between now and then to spread the buzz, because I believe there's a plan to do that.

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Two legs!! Wahoo. This is getting good. Something's in the air, can you feel it?

BWAH... I'm turning into muskifest! Legs. Two. In the Air. WooT!

I can feel it.



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Ok, I am taking a deep breath now. I must be good and not start fantasizing about every concert that gets confirmed. I have to be very careful about what concerts I choose. Once we know all the dates, then I can eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and choose my concerts. We WILL find a time for an FCA get together. I will find some at least semi-local concerts and I may even plan just one more lengthy trip for multiple concerts. I will be good as to what I can spend and try to get the most bang for my buck. I cannot go to every concert. I may not make it to the first or the last <snip> but what concerts I do get to, I will love I am sure!

I swear I'm going to print this out in a very large font and tack it above my computer, both at home and at work. It describes me to a T!

It's exciting. I've done this a lot, and I'm still already tingling with the excitement. I like wondering what cities he'll be in and so forth. I enjoy this time. I'm a lot more laidback now about tickets too. I don't feel like I have to buy one in the first five minutes if good tickets are not coming up. I've gotten great tickets half-hour into sales more than once, including gala tickets lately. I've gotten decent tickets a month before the show. I've never bought a ticket from a broker.

You go girl! Me too! I am not going to secumb to ticket stress and I definitely will never go the broker route.

{{{muskifest}}} No chance of taking a red-eye flight Saturday night?

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Legs. Two. In the Air. WooT!

I can feel it.

If Clay's involved, darling YSRN....there's no doubt....no doubt at all.... B)


Two legs in the air? PFFFTTT! Now people are talking about a third leg.

Like THAT'S news. :rolleyes:

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Thanks FCAers for the clarification of Clay's title with the UNICEF organization. I think I've always just thought of him as "UNICEF Ambassador" without knowing exactly which branch per se he's been working. Sometimes I just get confuzzled, y'all.

YAY for Texas in July! To me, as with others here, the excitement is in the air, with the anticipation of the tour and the tour dates. I look forward to seeing Clay as much as I reasonably can, bearing in mind work and family obligations, not to mention finances. BUT -- I will get to the decided FCA gathering, come hell or high water!

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Hello, FCA!

I'm actually in the office this morning---there's a board meeting here and I had to get it organized...have to wait around another hour or so before I can go...then off to Carrie's first softball game of the season and Alex's first indoor soccer game of the season! :allgood:

I was surfing around the net and decided to check out Clay's page at UNICEF...went on to reread his testimony before Congress back in 2005. And although the beginning stuff and the statistics and everything were just words, I could SO imagine his voice and his gestures as he read the personal things related to his trips to actual UNICEF-aided places...the things he said about the kids and...

I got all schmoopie. :blush:

He really IS one of the good ones, isn't he? :wub:

Tickets? Concerts? yeah, sure....I'm going to adopt the Claygasm mantra---breathe in, breathe out---and I was thinking...it's as much about being a part of the group getting all excited about getting together at a particular venue as it is about actually going to that particular concert, you know?

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Heeeeeeeeee The excitement is papable. Yay for Texas on the weekend. I'm not doing anything until I see that full schedule. But eeeeeeeeeeee for Texas on the weekend. LOL.

Claygasm I think I will also plaster your smart words to my forehead!!!

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Sniff! No Florida rumors yet! A weekend in Texas sounds good....

Two tours! And am I bad to hope one is a Christmas tour?

The irony is, if Clay blogged tomorrow and just said he hopes we will all support Idol Gives Back, I bet all the questioning would stop and the same people who hate AI and are sure this project is a sham will be jumping on the bandwagon. That is hypocrisy,

See, I guess I don't read the boards much because while I see questioning AI's motives, I don't see any determination to boycott anything. My impression is that people feel that the project is a real good one, but that A.I's feelings are a sham. Two seperate issues.

I know it is for me......although if I contribute, I will just do that, I do not like to feel coerced into voting - and that is what this feels like to me.

There is no one on the show that really interests me enough to pick up the phone for, and I am not gonna do that just to contribute money. And I still think Simon and Ryan are jerks, but that has absolutely nothing to do with my feelings about AI. Or even much about Clay.

Besides, people just need to donate - wanting me, for instance, to say nice things about A.I., too, is just not gonna happen. I do hope they raise lots of money, but I dont have to give them a kiss!

Hmmm, Diva, does your psychic need to see someone in person to give a hint about job prospects?

I took my grandson to see 300 today - interesting movie, What'shisname is a nice big hunk - but very disconcerting to hear him sound just like Sean Connery. The villian, Xerxes, was certainly interesting - haven't seen so much makeup on a guy since I watched To Wong Foo.

He was sort of like The Rock in drag.

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Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! I am practicing deep breathing , too.

I leave this Tuesday to Vegas to see "Love", the Beatles/Cirque du Soleil show. Prince just wrapped up his show at the Rio- damn!

Then on to the Bay Area where I will be from the 18th through the 26th. Will spend some days in my Nirvana, Carmel by the Sea. I'll tell Clint "hi" from y'alls.

I"ll have my laptop with me. Can't wait to see my girls in Claydom on the 24th. Couch, I need to give you my cell number and my brother's home phone as the cell sucks in the basement apartment I'll be in.

EEEEEEE! Can't wait. :allgood: I'll probably stay fairly regional for the tour, and fill in some last minute stuff as it goes along. Otherwise I'll get obsessive compulsive about the whole thing. I wonder if Clay will ever tour this album in Asia. He'd kill with it.

Oh, I'm there for wherever the FCA meet-up turns out to be.

Kisses to all. :medium-smiley-070:

dj, we simulposted. Was it good for you? Hee. "My" psychic takes all her cues off your voice over the phone. Truly amazing. But she will answer specific questions if you have them. Her name is Michelle Factor and here's her free #-888-788-2510. She is the loveliest person.

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Whew - sucha beautiful day took the dog for a 2 hour walk then came home and fell asleep again. Good thing I have a check up Monday.

Watching AI1 - seems that it was very young then, who knew the number of people from that show that turned out bitter. Andtaht being signed by 19E was not a guarentee of success.

Christina has a new sigle out - don't know if it means she will have an album. Tamyra is working on another album wit her record producer husband.

Clay topic - no local concert listed for me either - what, am I chopped liver?

Sorry, missing the enrgy to whooo or eee right now.

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I haven't read it yet, but geez! We're falling down on the job here! I had to read he blogged at the Clackhouse! :medium-smiley-070:

Off to read it!

Now that was a blog!!! He was so chatty!! I wonder about his sense of time, though. He said his UNICEF trip would probably be early to mid summer. Let's see, summer begins June 21st. In my book, early to mid summer would be from then through July. The Dallas concert is July 7th. I wonder if he has mastered being in 2 places at one time???

I cracked up when he said about anyone having a Stetson or a surfboard he could borrow. I would pay money to see him on a surfboard!

Oooo! And I laughed when he talked about changing his teeth and cutting his hair and he didn't know what else he could chage about himself to keep us talking but he would think of something! He's such a little shit!

And he ends by saying some really exciting things are in development that he will tell us about "soon". Let the speculation begin!

I love him!

ETA: OMG! He's so FUNNY!!! He started a thread in The Man section at the OFC entitled "He Blogged! He Blogged!"! He even used dancing bananas!! You have to go read what he wrote!! He is a funny little shit and I love him!!!

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Do you ever feel he is getting to be a little too much like us? I wonder if he was drinking tonight?

Some times I just get these weirdness feelings and it interupts my fandom. I guess I ws never a great fan, I can't do a lot of stuff publically.

I am glad he is happy, but kind of curious about what he thinks is amazing.

You can ignore me, I am really having an off day - I can't even tell you why, I just feel very odd today. Maybe tomorrow will be better, I will read the blog again then..

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Do you ever feel he is getting to be a little too much like us? I wonder if he was drinking tonight?

I think he was drinking some of the Guarana. This was posted at the CH:

If you lived in South America, you’d know all about guarana. In Brazil, guarana drinks are almost as popular as cola drinks. The companies are very up-front about what's in the drinks: everyone knows they are full of caffeine.

'Guarana…is the richest known source of caffeine,' says Terry Walker, Bioprocess Engineering professor

Its filled with caffeine!! I think he's wired! :lol:

Can you imagine how fast he would be talking on that stuff??

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