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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Welcome, cha cha! And I was going to PM you on one of the boards you stalk me on (j/k, of course :F_05BL17blowkiss: ) because I remembered you'd recently posted on one of the boards you read me on (heh)...that you'd copied all of Southern Heat onto a word document to print out.

And I was gonna beg you to email that to me....otherwise, I need to do what you did all over again...

Would you? :blush:


I was worthless the rest of yesterday, except that I had to go to the Freakin' DMV to pay for a replacement registration sticker for the freakin' car because even though the situation has been there since LAST JUNE! it's only now that a freakin' cop noticed that the freakin' sticker was last year's and not this year's! Kenny and I hadn't even noticed,either. Guess we each thought the other person had applied the sticker when we got the registration card last summer.

So I got afreakin' ticket that I had to pay AND then had to pay for the freakin' sticker.

But...while at the police station yesterday afternoon (had to get a police officer to confirm that I'd made the 'equipment correction' (OOOH! Clay knows a lot about that... :hubbahubba: ), I checked out our town's new library. It's supercool! And I found myself looking for non-fiction books on Afghanistan! WOnder why.

Anyway...the book that we saw Mr. Aiken reading in that airport photo was checked out but I kept browsing and found something that looked interesting. It's called Three Cups of Tea and it's about a man who, after failing to reach the summit of K2, got lost and was rescued by a mountain people in Pakistan, ended up starting a school there and has since founded a non-profit for the sole purpose of bringing education to the children, especially girls, to a place where it hasn't been offered before.

I've only read a few chapters, but it's wonderful. The journalist who wrote it with him is a terrific writer and I"m really enjoying it. It's odd. I was on the bus this morning without my laptop, reading a book instead of writing a chapter. Haven't done that in a very long time....

Lots to do today, so :F_05BL17blowkiss: And thank you all for your kind thoughts and good wishes. I love you guys! :3:

whoops! Sorry, bottle...wrong emoticon...heh


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Thanks for all the welcomes and kudos on my site!! Keep checking for up dates as you'll never know what this claymatized brain might come up with next! Here's a link for your convenience! :wub:


Arrgghh! I pulled a Couchie and edited a post inside of responding to it. I'm so sorry cha cha trusty!!

muski, send cha cha your e-mail address and she'll send you Southern Heat.

Now I need to slink away and die of embarassment. :blush:

~ bottlecap :ninja:

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HEY!! What happened to my post!!?!?!?!? Is this your way of telling me not to ramble on about my laptop break-ins and burglaries? :happens:

What I said to muski was -- I'll send you the 93-pg document ASAP -- well - soon! Send me your email address!

And I waved to Diva :F_05BL17blowkiss:

...... and I said......

Thanks for all the welcomes and kudos for my site :::oh, that part's still there...:::

Praise the Clay and pass the cabernet!!

Diva and I will both be in Philly - so where's the party???????

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO ready for a road trip!!

no post of mine is complete w/o the edit line!!!

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Praise the Clay and pass the cabernet!!

Here you go! :wein:

Diva and I will both be in Philly - so where's the party???????

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO ready for a road trip!!

Ok, those of us going to Philly need to meet up! We'll have to figure something out before then.

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(((bottle))) we all gotta do that once in a while...and to do it to newbie too...that is extra special.

cha cha...to do a couchie is when us mods end up editing a post instead of quoting it...all accidentally of course. I guess couchie has done this a lot in the past... :F_05BL17blowkiss: That's what happens when mods outnumber active posters...hee but... :allgood: so pass on the cabernet ot Bottle...

Oh you FCA reps just have to check each other out in all these concerts.maybe we should have some secret handshake or signals...Oh gosh its getting too exciting.

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maybe we should have some secret handshake or signals

How about a pin that says "I :::heart::: emoticons"....maybe with the crazy chicken added for good measure?


muski, if you need "Just, er....Buddies" or "Good Buddies" in Word format, I have those. I've finished rereading the first, and am working on the second. Makes for good bedtime reading. *g* I actually have "Good Buddies" at work (please don't tell, OK?). The printer at work is a lot faster, and prints on both sides of the page.


BTW, muski you made this librarian so very glad to see you visiting your library. Support your local library!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm still waiting for Clay to do one of those celebrity READ posters....like these!

Yes, the excitement for the concerts is getting me, and giving me goosebumps. Cannot wait. Is it July yet?

Praise the Clay and pass the cabernet!!

chacha trusty, that is outstanding! I'll remember this for our next thread title....

Uh guys....where is everybody? Well, I'll post the one picture I have time for -- from today, at LAX supposedly.


Clay Aiken is camera shy

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Oh wow. That man doesn't throw anything away, does he? I swear, of the ten ugliest traveling outfits I've seen, he's worn ten of 'em.

And he is still the pastiest of the pasty white boys!

I'm so glad he sings good.

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OMG! Look at the BEARD! That's stubble all grown up!

You can see more pictures (mostly of his back - but one where you can see Raleigh or Durham looking out of the mesh in her/his bag!) here.

Wonder which pooch got left behind. I would feel so bad for Raleigh if suddenly Durham gets to go every where with Clay while she has to stay home! :cry4:

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Is it me or does he look a bit sunburned?

Its funny how we keep seeing the same clothes over and over and over!

The hair looks like it might be getting longer.

There is something about that picture I am finding very HOT! :hubbahubba:

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Heh, I had come over to post this picture myself -

Look at how black his hair looks!

Look at how long it looks, it is turning under!

Look, he had a beard - he looks like a real guy doing real guy stuff, except he is nicer to his dog than a lot of guys!

Look, Clay is at LAX! What is he doing there? Maybe something "amazing", like what was in the planning?

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Heee what an adorable looking hobo...hee

I kinda like the shirt...but those shorts are like my hubbies shorts that my girls have fubbed ...fatguy shorts...because they certainly are unflattering.

Yup that beard looks unusually dark...it could be just the lighting in the airport and the waythe guy adjusted his colors.

What a loving daddy he is...

SOOOO....why is he in LA??? very intriguing...

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Now you guys KNOW I love me some Clay Aiken...but honey....that picture is NOT flattering. that is all. carry on.

Isn't that kind of the point of "paparazzi" pictures? To catch high-level celebrities looking not-so-good?

I'd take it as a compliment that he still has paparazzi wanting to catch him. *g*

But I'd really like to burn those shorts. Even if they make me laugh.

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Could we please hold funeral services for the bucket hat and those shorts. Could we, huh, could we?

You know? If you weigh 300 pounds you probably shouldn't wear spandex pants or a mini skirt. It goes to reason, that you shouldn't wear long baggy shorts if you are tall, lanky thin, and you're chalk white to boot.

He reminds me of my husband. He could care less what anybody thinks and doesn't give a rat's patootie what he looks like when he leaves the house. He likes to hunt for the most wrinkled article of clothing he can find. One with a couple of holes in it or a big old stain. It's a good thing I love both of these men. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :medium-smiley-070:

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Why is he always wearing those shorts and flipflops???

At least the flipflops look new!

He looks like the guy that came to fix my computer last week.

So - he was coming into LAX and getting into a car.





Clazorback - my hubby is just the opposite. He'll change out of his jeans to go to the hardware store.

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Yeah, Clayzorback, I hear ya about the hubby. My hubby likes to instigate trouble when we're at our daughter's softball games. He's the league president and helps out with the pitching coaching, too, so when there are games on Saturday at the softball complex, he's usually walking around from field to field, etc. I've given him grief about how he always tucks his tee shirts in his shorts or pants...just seems weird to me.

So if he catches my eye, he'll hitch his pants up really high---like old guys do, you know? And pretend that he doesn't know he's making me want to either run and hide or shoot him. He doesn't care if other people see him and actually think that's the way he really does wear his pants.

He's a little shit...like some other guy I know.

ETA: And yeah, ldyjocelyn...it's true about the point of paparazzi pix...Hey, I know! Let's put this pic of Clay next to the 'fat' pic of Tyra that was on the tabloid! :o :cryingwlaughter: What a beautiful couple! :medium-smiley-070:

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I thought the flip-flops looked a bit worn, myself.

Both my hubby and I are the type that if we're going to the grocery/hardware store, we'll just throw on coats and go, you know? Now, with traveling, it's a bit of a different story -- but we certainly don't dress up. I don't think either of us go to "Clay extremes" though.

Hey, I know! Let's put this pic of Clay next to the 'fat' pic of Tyra that was on the tabloid! What a beautiful couple!

Yes!!! Perfect! Shoot -- could have used that idea for the non-existant OFC tabloid contest. :medium-smiley-070:

I too think he's in LA to work on something to surprise us. What could it be? What could it be?


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Hey, Claygasm! Know what's playing right now from my iTunes here at work?

It's George. Singing "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oh, and ldyjocelyn? Those sandals might look worn but according to someone who researched them on the Paul Smith online catalog, they cost $160! Lord...I frown at flip flops that cost more than 4 or 5 bucks. :lol:

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I hate any and all mandals, sandals, flip flops, and whatever, but that's just me.

I wonder if the LAX paparazzi would even recognize Clay without the bucket hat. I'm not sure I would.

No visible luggage other than the ubiquitous backpack. Maybe he keeps a fully-equipped condo or whatnot in LA, and so doesn't need to schlep clothes from one coast to the other. I'd speculate that he's going to visit Tyra, but since the Clyra is currently sadly trapped on a stolen laptop, I suppose that's not the case.

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Yup I think my hubby and my dad...both had favorite shorts that look very much like those shorts. Now my hubby does take time to look good when going out...he would wear those shorts and well chosen wrinkled shirt and nice contrasting faded tshirt inside...They all look worn and casual...but the combination usually ends up looking good.

Hee...yeah I read those flip flops are paul smith. I bet those shorts and shrit are pretty pricey too for looking like they came from goodwill...

I just love it when I continue to see Clay looking like this. Not my favorite look mind you. I see him more like a younger brother when he is in those outfits. But I just feel like Clay really isn;t changing who he is...and his travelling outfits are my assurance of that.

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