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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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In my perfect world, I would go to the first and the last concert every time. It happened for me during the JBT, and it was fun seeing how much the concert changed in that time. Even though there was much about Tom's River that annoyed me (think changing starting times...), I wouldn't have missed seeing Clay in that black leather jacket and jumping up on the piano and hearing JY and BFM - all before I knew what would happen - for anything. It is impossible for me to stay unspoiled. Ok, maybe if I was going to the second concert I could, but I am a spoiler whore.

If I had to choose between a first and last concert, though, I would pick the last. There is always something so special about that.

I am getting more zen about the ticket thing. Of course, I want the best tickets possible, but I am cannot and will not pay broker prices or end up with 15 tickets to a concert that I cannot get rid of. I have only upgraded once, for the last JBT concert at the Borgata (thanks to a phone call from muski who alerted me to the fact some were finding good seats on TM) and it was worth it, even though I knew I wouldn't be able to get rid of the tickets I had. But I just know where ever I sit, I'll have a good time.

And if I can let go of this petty, bitchy, part of me, I'll be good.

Oh hell. If I just make it to these concerts, I'll be able to say :allgood:

Ok so anybody else going on a "i'm going to a clay concert" diet? LOL 4 1/2 months...how much weight can I shed.

Hee! Its amazing how many are using this as motivation! I am trying to get it to motivate me to exercise. My diet is ok - most of the time - but I NEVER exercise and if I am going to lose any weight and look better, I NEED to exercise. I just hate it so much and its hard to find the time. But I need it. I was trying to use the prospect of going on job interviews in a few months as motivation, but that just depressed me! So, now I will try and use Clay concerts for motivation.

Now, if only all this ice would melt, maybe I could go for a walk - which would be infinately more pleasant if I had an ipod!

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from CV:

A couple wanted to join the church.

The pastor told them, "We have a special requirement for new member couples. You must abstain from sex for one whole month"

The couple agreed and after two-and-a-half weeks returned to the church.

When the Pastor ushered them into his office, the wife was crying and the husband was obviously very depressed.

"You are back so soon... Is there a problem?" the pastor inquired.

"We are terribly ashamed to admit that we did not manage to abstain from sex for the required month.", the young man replied sadly.

The pastor asked him what happened.

"Well, the first week was difficult... however; we managed to abstain through sheer willpower." "The second week was terrible, but with the use of prayer, we managed to abstain."

"However, the third week was unbearable. We tried cold showers, prayer, reading from the Bible... anything to keep our minds off carnal thoughts."

"One afternoon, my wife reached for a can of paint and dropped it. When she bent over to pick it up, I was overcome with lust and I just had my way with her right then and there. It was lustful, loud, passionate sex. It lasted for over an hour and when we were done we were both drenched in sweat." admitted the man, shamefacedly.

The pastor lowered his head and said sternly, "You understand this means you will not be welcome in our church."

"We know", said the young man, hanging his head, "We're not welcome at Home Depot either."


Now...the smut is flying here on a Sunday morning at FCA: Behold:


Clay's thing-in-the-thing

playbiller's smileyfete004.gifwhich conjures up all sorts of blowing imagery, and the running with scissors picture that was frozen when I first saw it and looked like Clay running with his third leg leading the way...

Either I'm slipping here or I've taught you all well and my job is done... :medium-smiley-070:

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Here is something I found on another board that has the potential to get the poddies all excited!


I was in the chat room at the OFC last night- around 3:00 am - Ethel was there- she is a character.

Anyway, one of the posters said that she had spotted Clay at a recording studio in LA- that he had shaved. She had to go so she didnt post any more info. I think IF ITS TRUE that thats all she had.

Now, of course what I want to know is why was the poster at an LA recording studio....

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COME OOOONNNN - it is running with scissors!

Heh, shouldn't it be running with a razor? But either one is dangerous. ;)

I have never been to a first concert, and I'm dying to do it. I want to be unspoiled, and I want to feel the excitement, in person, instead of over a cellcert. I was hoping to do it for this tour. Right now I'm not sure if it's going to happen or not. I also love the last concerts of a tour, but I also find them very bittersweet. I was at the final NaT in Raleigh, and I cried the whole way through Invisible. :blush:

I'm on the Aiken diet! (ok, down muski, not that kind). I started 3 weeks ago, on the advice of my doctor, but it really worked out well, timing wise. I have lost 10 pounds and one size, just in time to go out and buy myself a new outfit for the BAF gala. Woo hoo! I love spring, so on days when the sun is shining and the weather is above freezing, I have been going for walks on my lunch break, with my iPod. As much as I abhor exercise, I don't mind that kind!

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Heh...another looks around shiftily tall person checking in...I'm usually 5'7" on concert day. Really. Any shrinkage that happens to coincide with me taking my shoes off is purely coincidental....

Well, the eHP is planning on doing Nokia/Dallas, The Greek/LA, Biltmore/Asheville, Koka/Cary/Raleigh, and West Palm Beach. And any others we're insane enough to go to. We like Saturday concerts.

I love first concerts. I love last concerts. I love middle concerts. I love indoor concerts. I'm sure I can learn to love outdoor ones, especially if they are NOT in Houston in the summer. I really, really love front row and admit I have repeatedly lucked up on them. Front row center is freakin' INCREDIBLE. Never bought a broker ticket. And I have bought tickets from other clay fans for every last minute decision. Never been disappointed. I know y'all will be surprised, but I have no issues with telling people to STFU. Or put their signs down. Or showing them the proper way of using signs, while abandoning my seat mate.

I am looking forward to partying with everyone on the board! Newbies and all!

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So.....is anyone going to watch Simon Scowell on 60 Minutes this evening? Claygasm perhaps? :medium-smiley-070: My husband and I watch this show every week, so I'll probably watch it. What will I say afterwards, though? Will it be :what_d_fuck: ? Or will it be :whatutterclaptrap: ? I'm also guessing there might be a little bit of :liarpantsonfire: as well. (Bias? Me? No way....*g*)

We'll just have to see, won't we?

And I'll probably forget everything he said as soon as the interview is finished. Hope the rest of the fandom does the same....

playbiller, I love your new avatar, and got it immediately! And then, it made me think of this...


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So.....is anyone going to watch Simon Scowell on 60 Minutes this evening? Claygasm perhaps? :medium-smiley-070: My husband and I watch this show every week, so I'll probably watch it. What will I say afterwards, though? Will it be :what_d_fuck: ? Or will it be :whatutterclaptrap: ? I'm also guessing there might be a little bit of :liarpantsonfire: as well. (Bias? Me? No way....*g*)

We'll just have to see, won't we?

And I'll probably forget everything he said as soon as the interview is finished. Hope the rest of the fandom does the same....

Thanks for letting me know he's on!!

Seriously, I am not in love with man (although I do love his smile!)! I like him. I like his role on AI because (1) he's usually right (a.k.a. he usually agrees with me...) and (2) his being "mean" I think does a service to the contestants. If they can't handle Simon Cowell, they don't stand a chance in the real world! Look at what Clay has had to endure since AI. Makes Simon look like Mother Theresa!!

What I want to see is if the reaction around the fandom will be worse if he does mention Clay but doesn't say he's the most successful and bestest Idol ever, or if it will be worse if he doesn't mention him at all! Personally, I expect he won't mention him at all. I dare say Simon doesn't think about Clay 24/7!

Of course if he does mention him and actually has nice things to say, the word on the street will probably be that he's only going for ratings! :medium-smiley-070:

(Sad thing is - even though "60 Minutes"t starts here in 15 minutes, I'll probably forget to watch it!)

Hey rcknrllmom! Another tall one!

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What I want to see is if the reaction around the fandom will be worse if he does mention Clay but doesn't say he's the most successful and bestest Idol ever, or if it will be worse if he doesn't mention him at all! Personally, I expect he won't mention him at all. I dare say Simon doesn't think about Clay 24/7!

You know that one of those things is gonna happen and no matter what Simon says or doesn't say there are going to be Clay fans who will be upset about it. For him to say the wrong thing about Clay will have a whole bunch of fans mad and of course, if he doesn't mention him at all they will be really mad. My guess is with you......he won't say anything at all about Clay.....unless the interviewer brings him up.

On another note.....my, my we have a lot of TALL people here. If you need someone in the middle of all you tall and short people then I think I qualify.......... I'm 5' 5 1/2"

Oh, and I'll be at the Nokia in Dallas! :woohoo:

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Yo! Yo! Yo! I am holding a sooper sekrit new contest - the rules are kinda fuzzy and it takes a year to play. I call it The Amazing PR Apprentice Rockstar Survivor!

Why post a sooper sekrit game on the internet for all to see, you ask? None of your business.

Okay, it is because I was gonna PM people, and then the PM list got kind of unwieldy, and then I lost track of who I already PM'd, and then I figured that people would tell other people about it even though it is sekrit, and then those people would PM OTHER people just to brag that they knew a sekrit, and then, given the nature of the internet, people I forgot to PM would be IMing me and asking why THEY were not invited to play Malibu Barbie Rockin' With the Minor Celebrities, and I HATE IMs, so I have decided just to tell everyone about it all at once.

I have trademarked that.

OKAY......to play the game, you sign a statement giving me the right to keep all profits, humiliate you on YouTube, and pick whatever winner I choose. Just kidding - all winners will be determined by the HitsDailyDouble guy. No exceptions, no excuses, because YOU will have picked the drop date!

After signing the statement, you will be mailed a Build Yer Own Popstar kit - you will get a CD with a short performance and personal stats from a list of willing Idol rejects and bootees. Willing to sign a deal with the devil (or a middle-aged woman) for fame and fortune, that is!

(Disclaimer - I could have said "hot young babe", but that is not very funny. See page 17 of The Best Practices of Writing Funny Stuff.)

O/T - during my exhaustive research for this game (oh, okay, I assigned the research to my hott personal assistant guys, shhhh!) I found out that the devil does indeed wear Prada! Who knew??!!! Markdowns, knock-offs, and ebay bargains - but yes! Prada!

Anyways, you pick the singer whom you feel most deserves being guided to Fame and Fortune by your very own self.

NO, you cannot pick Clay Aiken; he laughed uncontrollably and tore something in his throat when asked to participate. Which means he will hum all his songs and sign all his banter for the first two concerts, but hey! hopefully those will be attended mostly by people who don't like his songs anyway, so it's all good!

The kit will contain a humongous list of tasks - finding a record label, finding the songs to record, hiring musicians, scheduling concerts, getting your guy on first, second, and third-tier TV shows - big-assed list, indeed.

You will be graded on these tasks - get him on Leno - three points. Piss off Leno's assistant by calling 17 times to futz self-importantly about the food in the Green Room - you lose three points and have to place him as the Eukanuba spokesperson at the Westminster Dog Show. (Not as cool and slam-dunk for reaching all those pet owners as it sounds, Eukanuba had to do a recall because it has, um, killed some pets. But you knew that.)

Magazines!!!! People? Good! Future Farmers of America 4-H flyers? Hmmmm....may just reach that desirable young hott agricultural demographic! Just as good!

Use your show-biz contacts! If you have them!

There are many many other tasks, like instructing critics what to write, but if I list them all here, why, ANYONE could create a rockstar! It would be easy as pie! And we can't have that!

And now for the prizes. If your singer sells over a million CDs within four weeks of dropping, you get front row seats at all concerts and appearances for you and your cohorts, in perpetuity. Your guy will always thank you profusely from the stage, you will get a spot, and people will cheer, and gnash their teeth, too! The resulting sound will be kinda icky, but that would really be the best!

You will get a lifetime supply of just-a-wee-bit-too-lowcut tshirts that say "I made ????????? who he is today, and he loves me more than he loves his own Mom - but in a totally hott and sexy way!" You can also get free breast implants so that this verbiage doesn't wrap around and under your armpits, if necessary.

If you already own tshirts like that, you will be given a big box of iron-on decals; no use in wasting money!

You get to attend all his M&Gs and stand next to him, smiling smugly at the line of supplicants, and "accidently" ruin their pictures with him. In fact, you get to BE in every picture with him.

Or do I repeat myself.

You get to decorate his home, pick his friends, pick his clothes, hell, you can even pick his nose and sell those boogers on ebay!

If your little guy fizzles out, and by "fizzle out" I mean sell less than a million in four weeks and not be mentioned or seen in various forms of media, at least 10 times a day, every day for the entire year, for no apparent reason, YOU LOSE!

If I told you what happens next, you wouldn't play The Amazing PR Apprentice Rockstar Survivor Game! And that would be no fun! For me!

I am still ironing out the details for the various tasks (by "ironing out the details" I mean "thinking stuff up"), so don't get all excited and start calling Madison Square Garden and Wal-Marts and Babyface yet, okay?

Plus I need to find out why "pie" is "easy" - and I am HOPING it doesn't have anything to do with the movies.

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djs, thank you just thank you.


Hey everyone,

Inquiring minds want to know.

Can someone please tell me what you are referring to when you say POD person or Poddie?

I just hope I'm not one.


Hey jorepak -- whenever someone asks this question (and don't feel bad, you're not the first, but I'm sure you won't be the last), I tend to refer people to couchie's post from the middle of January (located here)

Well people from FCA come from different Clay sites and we've noticed the same things...

People are so busy being bitter and angry and spending all their time fixating on every thing that Clay either didn't get, another Idol did get, conspiracy theory A, B or C they can't enjoy what's in front of them for more than 2 seconds. Good news go ignored. Things that Clay says that don't fit the theory are spin. Those are the pod people.

Do I think everything is peachy keen between Clay and RCA or that he had the best PR there was to have or that things could not have been handled better? No. Is it just as possible that a large company like the BMG group was just ineffective in their planning (like they are with the majority of their talent) rather than the evil CEO spends all his time coming up with ways to hurt Clay? Yes. . Do I think Clay is a wimp being led around by the hand, silenced and unable to contribute to his own career, told what to say and not to say at every turn? No. He's a strong man in a man's world with all the facts at his disposal and will do what is necessary to ensure his longevity. I won't be surprised if he stays with RCA forever or walks away next week. I also think he is a great judge of character and knows every rat in his circle, if indeed there are any. I'm certainly not about to be upset on his behalf based on stuff I have no knowledge of.

couchie's good, y'all.

Yay! txflrgrl is our balance point in height! Now technically, we should buy tickets for the FCA in a group, and then those of use tall ones would unfortunately be in the, say, 4th row. Those shorter in FCA get closer to the front. Sound like a good plan?

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Can someone please tell me what you are referring to when you say POD person or Poddie?

Hee, I hope you're not one too, else you might get eaten alive over here. :lol:couchie, we really gotta get that FAQ in order..........

I'll be right back as soon as I find the link to someone's explanation, because you are not the first to ask this question, and probably won't be the last.

Aaaaaaaaand ldyjocelyn was quicker than me. :medium-smiley-070:

ETA: Standing O for djs. Brilliant! :laugh2::cryingwlaughter::hahaha:

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HEH...Djs I want to join your super sekret contest...so where do we get our puppet...or what is the proper term for these would be pop star.

Hey jorepak...glad ldyjocelyn is on the ball...if you have any more questions just ask.

as long as someone has a open mind...they are not poddies.

sniff time for TAR...sniff and I am missing someone already....

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DO any of you watch heros (dumb question) = you know how Sylar opens people's heads to see how their brains work - well sometimes I get reall curious about DJS's brain, not that I would crack open her head, but I would really like to see what twisted synapses exist to cause this out put.

other than that - - I wanna play and I ain't going to wait around for no stinking rules - rules are not neccessary for me, since I never win anything!

I have my magic powers at the ready ange013.gif

I have connections! mocantina.gif

I have time computers2.gif

I am perfectly capable! eek1.gif

Here he is , baby! elvis_lookalike.gif

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Hey everyone,

Inquiring minds want to know.

Can someone please tell me what you are referring to when you say POD person or Poddie?

I just hope I'm not one.


Couchie's explanation makes the most sense, but I usually jump in at this point and add my 2 cents anyway, since I kind of started this mess. I was off the boards for awhile due to moving, and when I came back, a lot of people seemed to have changed personalities overnight. When I left, they were acting normally, but when I came back they were acting like Couchie described. It was like the movie, the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, where people looked the same as ever but had been taken over by the Pod People. I was afraid they would get me too, so I came over here to hide from them cause this place was obviously safe. So FCA is a safe place for people who are sick of conspiracy theories and people casting blame far and wide, sick of mad jealousy of all other musical artists--especially other AI contestants, who are all supposedly taking away attention from Clay. It's a safe place for people who don't buy delusional notions like the idea that Clay will not play any songs from ATDW on tour this summer because he hates the album, and so on.

I know we say :pod: but honestly, anyone is welcome as long as they aren't spewing a bunch of nonsense, or, if they are, they are willing to be told that they are spewing a bunch of nonsense.


djs, you rock!!! I wanna play!!!

playbiller, looks like you have some :lightblub: for the contest already. I'm impressed.

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playbiller said:

DO any of you watch heros (dumb question) = you know how Sylar opens people's heads to see how their brains work - well sometimes I get reall curious about DJS's brain, not that I would crack open her head, but I would really like to see what twisted synapses exist to cause this out put.

(.....djs111 (who does NOT watch Heroes, and is QUITE ALARMED) takes careful note to re-think concert-buddy room-sharing arrangements.....)

haha! playbiller - you are almost over-qualified for the contest! If you win, I will throw in a Beadazzler with your box of decals!

Hmmmmm.....I like poking fun at stuff I find absurd - laughter is good! Angst is bad! And other homilies! Yes, I could take the high road and ignore stuff, but they don't sell wine or beer up there, so that is not an option. Also, ignoring stuff isn't fun unless the fact that you are ignoring stuff is apparent, so you have to let that be known, and then of course you aren't really practicing ignoringacitionality, so you might as well have some fun!

See why I need the wine and beer?

60 minutes - Cooper was kinda poking fun at Simon's pomposity, and Simon is just a very rich, very secure person. They showed what I consider the screechiest clip of Kelly I have ever seen, plus she has oddly streaked hair, and also a little clip of Carrie - chosen for volume of CDs sold. Other than that, this was about how rich and fabulous and kewl Simon is, not really about A.I. alumni per se.

Lessee, the zero trio and Ryan are all buddies, Simon is responsible for a crapload of record sales, Simon drives an Indy car and gets critiqued by Mario Andretti and two rather more current champion drivers (one of them criticised Simon's shoes) - Simon is a happy guy, feels (correctly, IMO) that peeps who try out for A.I. and really suck are being done a kindness, and that no one is dragged on kicking and screaming. If anything, their parents are to blame.

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Thank you ALL for replying. That's exactly what I thought it meant. No, I'm not one!

I really know what you mean though. Thought I was the only one that felt that way regarding them. Glad to know I'm not alone.

Recognize lots of you from CH. You're absolutely right though, posts and attitudes seem so different from board to board even though they may be the same people. FCA seems to be a lot freerer, not so stiff, if you know what I mean.

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Ah... :fca:

Just stepped in at an old haunt===still a current one, too, actually--although notsomuch anymore. Shit. People just love the angst, don't they? It's not just one board...it's not just Pod People or gnats or...

AAARRRRRRGGGHHHHHHHH! Everybody's got a freakin' 'woe is me' tale. Jeez.

I need to go take another dive into the crap that is my garage....given the last few minutes in message board land, that will be a refreshing dip into calm waters.

I need drugs.

no, make that... :bier:

Couchie! Get your six foot tall ass over here and have a beer with me while I clean my garage, damn it! :tongue09:

P.S. djs :F_05BL17blowkiss: ...I read your post...but I think I need a few more beers and some time to calm down from my pissed off-ed-ness from the ohter message board first to truly appreciat it...

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