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#1 - Ready for your constant state of celebration

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Hi.....I just registered and found it by gazing at all of the pins in the Gallery. I shudder to think how much I spent.

Let's see.....the number 26 is his age; the number 88 is the number he held up at his Chrlotte/radio station audition where he lost to Quiana. I have heard the significance of 393 but it escapes me at the moment.

I called the regular TV Guide to see about purchasing a copy of both covers. On Page 3, the list the phone number and web site of their store. The woman I spoke with was clueless about purchasing them and I think Clay Aiken....

I wold love a copy of all three TV Guides.....

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Ansamcw, I thoought your analysis was great. I especially liked the following:

Let Clay Fans be Clay Fans...One thing this pin craze has emphasized to me is how varied, how unique each group of Clay fans are. We will get all kinds of reaction to things that Clay will do. There will be people that will get hurt by things he said, and there will be others who will just shrug and think...so what else is new. All our reactions are as real as Clay's reaction to us...our opinions on his opinions are as valid as his. So I have decided not to get upset by people's reactions anymore. They are what they are..We have no control on what other fans feel in the same way we have not control over what Clay feels and do.

I don't get upset at others post either. Sometimes I do wish they would go away.

We know more about Clay than the public ever will. I think of him as being strong, determined, willful and very funny. His public image, particularly right after AI, seemed to be weak, vain and not in control. Although some critics were able to see the personality that we see during his concerts, it hasn't seemed to have helped with younger people. I am not sure how he can be sold to the twenty somethings but I can see him appealing to older males, if he could be heard for the different and classic voice that he has.

I have two sons in their thirties. We have all loved music and there was not a minute in the day that we did not have the radio or stereo on. Their musical tastes run to a lot of older artists: Frank Sinatra, Elvis or quirkier artists: Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, Bob Wills. Clay is not on their radar as he is lumped in with current pop artists and they are not interested.

My point, I think, is that Clay can benefit by seperating himself from the current crop of pop artists by accentuating his difference from them. That can be in attitude, style of clothing and selection of songs. Looks like attitude is in the works. But if he had some songs on his cd that were written by unexpected song writers written specifically with Clay in mind. For example Neil Young or anyone else not usually seen in his genre.

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Talked about text messages and cell phones at concert. Trying something out. Might hate himself later for doing this.

Text a number to send messages backstage and during the show. Some venues with screens for messages during the show. Might need an edit. Interactive element. He can text message back!!!!!!!!!

Lord, help him. He is asking for it. Clay fans can get raunchy. During the solo tour last year didn't some one hold up a sign saying something like, "Raliegh might be your dog, but i'm your b****"?

Please let him do this. Tons of laughs to be had. Can't wait to see what they put in the text messages.

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Great post, Ansamcw, particularly the last part:

So I have decided not to get upset by people's reactions anymore. They are what they are..We have no control on what other fans feel in the same way we have not control over what Clay feels and do.

That is something I have to work on myself. I get wrapped up in worrying about what the responses will be to something like the TV Guide article, instead of formulating my own opinion, or just enjoying the new pictures. None of that stuff should really affect me personally, and it won't unless I let it. Thanks for the reminder.

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My point, I think, is that Clay can benefit by seperating himself from the current crop of pop artists by accentuating his difference from them. That can be in attitude, style of clothing and selection of songs. Looks like attitude is in the works. But if he had some songs on his cd that were written by unexpected song writers written specifically with Clay in mind. For example  Neil Young or anyone else not usually seen in his genre.

Amen sister. I really do like the fact that Clay wants to be so different from what's out there currently. If that means going back to earlier music (both in covers and in style for his new album), so be it. I like that differentiantion.

And that cover...gah and a half. Need. Want. Will offer husband for it.

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You know, the fact that Clay is different may be the main appeal to me. I couldn't put my finger on it for so long, but maybe it is as simple as that. He doesn't look like everyone else, he doesn't sound like everyone else. Sometimes there is a little of a mournful cry in his voice, other times there is that low timbre that kind of vibrates through you, then again you have smooth tones and growly tones. There is so much variety in his voice, much like there is in his look.

This was what I didn't see in Bo this year, or any one else for that matter. With Bo, I felt like I could go to my old record collection and pick out a half a dozen or more with almost an identical sound. My point is not to put Bo down, but use him as an example of what makes Clay stand out to me.

Bring on the concerts.

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You are so right...Clay really has a very distinctive sound. I have been listening to my ipod almost nonstop since I got it...I placed all my songs in my collection with a good dose of Clay...only a very few voices were very distinctive in that collection and CLay is one of them. The newer bands and singers all sound alike but Clay really stands out and could still make me stop what I'm doing to listen to him.

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Guest huskerfalcon

I'm kind of wondering if this new look and all is part of a sort of edgier, more mature Clay Aiken.... if so, I'm liking it a lot. And with the emphasis on 'rock' in the press release... are they going to push him in a more rock sound, as opposed to pop? I know the TVG article said he has no plans to change his sound, but surely they are going to get him better songs than MOAM...

I don't know what to think about how long its taking for the next CD... but I'm sure the wait will be worth it. I mean, I want it yesterday... but I can deal.

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I don't know what to think about how long its taking for the next CD... but I'm sure the wait will be worth it.    I mean, I want it yesterday... but I can deal.

This is exactly how I feel. Of course I want it ASAP but I know the wait will be worth it.

Me too! I'm very anxious to get new ORIGINAL music from Clay. But, if he's taking his time with the music, production, songwriting *waves at huskerfalcon* -- then I can just learn to live with it. My problem, not Clay's.

I guess my question is -- are the rules all that different for new artists? I'm fans of several musical artists...and almost every one of them had at least a 2-3 year wait between albums. Why is this different for Clay? Is it because he's newly established in the business?

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Not only will the wait be worth it personally, but I think taking the time to put together something Clay's proud of will benefit him professionally. We all know how important this album will be for the critics in terms of giving him credibility as an artist.

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Boy , I hope that someone can find a source for that cable TV Guide .

I want them all just like most everyone else .

My favorite part of clicking on FCA today was the Media Alert ;

Media alert:

> Clay cover teaser...up on tvguide.come

tvguide . come , indeed ! Hee .

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Not only will the wait be worth it personally, but I think taking the time to put together something Clay's proud of will benefit him professionally.  We all know how important this album will be for the critics in terms of giving him credibility as an artist.

Word. The most important thing is that he gets it the way HE wants it. It’s his face and voice out there. Now, if it’s January, February or March before we see it, well, I don’t see the big deal. It will be only slightly more than a year since his last CD (I know some don’t count Xmas, but it IS a CD with a tour and promotion and TV appearances which equal exposure which equal Clay not fading into obscurity <g>) and his odds go up exponentially of being in the number one sales slot for a week or maybe even more. Of course, we know the actual numbers could be down – but lots of publications/media outlets have shown that they care more about being “Number 1” sometimes than they do about the actual numbers. Sure, the numbers will be compared to his last CD, but if it’s GOOD enough, it will have legs. And I’m not concerned. <g>

In other news – I got my TV Guide today!!!! Eeeeeeee!!!! He’s so purdy. Such beautiful green eyes. Now, I just need to find Comcast’s office and see if I can get my hands on the Cable version. Heh.

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I haven't given much thought as to why I like Clay but it is definitely because he is different and I love his voice. For me, when I hear a song Clay has covered sung by someone else, the other version always sounds inferior. I love to watch his performances on stage and watch them repeatedly. My husband took me to many concerts over the years but now that I think back, no one else really caught my attention. Part of the attraction is the joy and entertainment he brings to his performances. It is just plain fun to be a fan.

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