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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


Thread Title Poll  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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A new day and I am sinus headache free, so far, this morning. So, I will go back and re-read some posts and comment. I only skimmmed over them last night. As muskifest stated earlier, it is nice to come in here and read some thoughtful and respectful posts. Very respectful posts discussing the function of BA/F. May I state again how zealous I am of those attending the gala today? I sure hope the silent auction, as well as the other one, raises lots of money for BA/F. I can't wait to see the clack we get. I sure hope there are pictures of everyone........TeeHee

I think the last book I read was Learning To Sing: Hearing The Music In Your Life......Sad thing is, I love to read and it is a great relaxer for me. I blame Clay that I don't read like I used to. I would rather read about him, now, instead of a good book. That can't be good, can it? *g*

I'm sorry for all those who have lost pets to the latest dog food recall. I haven't had a pet in a long time. The loss of my last dog devastated me, and I don't want to go through that again. Plus my husband and I take enough trips during the year that having a dog to board or worry about is extra headaches we don't want anymore. I'm not a cat lover. *dodging the cat lover's evil glares* Too bad because you can leave them for a week with plenty of water and food and a litter box. Much easier than a dog, but I love dogs better. Small dogs, though. Not the big brutes. Little lap dogs. LOL

I forgot to thank Claygasm for bringing over the itune podcasts. I'm sure that the evil RCA,Clive, Roger, theorists have reasons as to why they have just now been discovered, but I don't want to hear what they have to say. So, here is hoping we don't have to.

OMG OMG..thank you so much for bringing this over. I can't believe I am in tears and I've only listened to the first one. I love this album and I love that he was so inolved and that some of these songs have so much meaning to him. I don't care the circumstance of how this album came to be -- I love it and it will always hold a special place for me. I've heard Clay hates this alubm so many times I wonder if I was starting to believe it. What a find. This is like gold to me.

Oh how true Couchie. We have had to listen to the same group of people drone on and on, for so long, that we have questioned our own common sense. I was so glad to see these interviews. They just made the credibility of the poddies, even more questionable. In fact I think a lot of poddies lost a lot of their credibility, period.

ETA: Listening now. These are soooo good!!!!!!! He's talking about how much he hates the album and how Clive held a gun to his head and threatened his mama and that's why he made the type of album he did and chose the songs he did. He really hates them all and wants nothing to do with the album!!!

(The above was brought to your by SnarkRUs)

High Five :cryingwlaughter:

See, I know I am not the sensitive type - I think the podcasts are interesting - and I think Clay is a good storyteller - but it doesn't add or subtract to the songs for me.

Pooh! I shouldn't have dissed Clay's podcasts! It won't let me download 3-5!

I agree. I like the songs I like and don't feel I need to like what Clay likes best. My favorite songs are BW-EID-ETYGA-SSTBTHW In that order. My favoite of all is the bonus song IYDKMBN. My favorite of the new songs is LNM. I love trying to figure out which part of the lyrics he co wrote and I love his back up vocals on this song. My very least favorite song is EIH and ATD. I also am not crazy about the slooooooooow tempo of LAA, even though I love Clay's lyrics. So there you have it. My breakdown.

For TOA my favorite part is "Between what's left and left to do." "Give in, stop questioning why."

What I gleaned from this interview is that Clay's fingerprints were all over this CD. Even the songs that we're not sure who selected, he sang the crap out of them.

Well, obviously atinal, this statement tells me quite clearly that you don't know what you're talking about because in a video interview shown on television, Clay said he put his THUMBprint on every song of this CD, not his FINGERprint, for crying out loud. :rolleyes:

This discrepancy in Clay's story, however, does give me pause....perhaps he didn't study his 'part' of the RCA-crafted script well enough. Maybe the poor man was so defeated by the incessant subjugation he has endured by CLive and his RCA minions that he forgot his lines. THAT'S why he's now addicted to GuaraNAH! He needs drugs to focus! He requires massive doses of foreign pharmaceuticals in order to function in daily life!

He talks so fast and uses 'um' a lot and seems giddy--nobody can be that happy! He's a fake and it's all Clive's doing! RCA has planned this all along! First they had Clay be a rocker dude during the last few minutes of JBT in order to get our hopes up, then...then they got him hooked on drugs in order to bend his music-making intentions to fit their design! And we're left with a babbling, inarticulate fool who---when asked---communicates total indifference as the main emotion in the making of this last album.

No wonder the CD is dead.

You are just too funny..............HaHaHa


(((clayzorback)))...big ouch...I am so glad hubby does all our repairs...it may take some time before he gets to them but it saves us tons for repair.

WORD to your other post too...yup this is something Clay has said over and over again. HAve some of these fans that love to diss this CD ever think that maybe what dampened Clay's enthusiasm for this CD was his own fan's reaction?

Precisely Ansamcw. They keep talking about how Clay doesn't promote or sing or talk about ATDW anymore. Well, DUH!! Why should he? If his fans hate it so much, won't believe a damn word he has to say about it, then I'd say screw the fans and clam up myself.

Thanks for commenting on my avatar Divayenta and cha cha trusty. I honestly don't remember who made it. Otherwise I would credit them. I like the one you mad cha cha. I might use that.

Oh, you know the song - the one where everyone was waving their darned hands in your face so you really could not see if you were not near the front row. I guess people don't flick their lighters anymore since so many people don't smoke anymore maybe we should wave our walkers?


I think that some fans have to come up with/agree with, conspiracy theories. They have to blame everything on Clive & RCA, Roger and anyone/anything else they can come up with, in order to remain a fan. They don't like the kind of music Clay is singing. They are disappointed in the direction of his career. He is not what they thought he was going to be, when he was on AI. They love his voice but don't like anything else that is going on. They can't blame Clay because then they would have to move on to someone else and they don't want to do that. Clay has now just become a hobby for them. A game. The conspiracy crap gives them an excuse to hang around and argue with others and to play their silly games.

Thanks Idyjocelyn. I have hot water now, and like I said it is fixed. However, more than likely, there will be leaks popping up underneath our slab floor, periodically from now on. To fix it would require inserting a smaller tubing in the already existing copper lines. Apparently the fill dirt they used to pour our concrete slab on, 15 years ago, has now been outlawed to use. Because it erodes the copper pipes. Causing leaks. This makes the second time we have had a leak under the slab. It requires busting up the floor to repair. Then you have the added expense of repairing your floor with new tile or carpeting or whatever the case. $$$$$$$$ I think my semi retirement days may become extinct. It looks like back to work full time. Yikes..

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Hey all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Posting from sunny and gorgeous Bailey, NC. We are starting to get ourselves showered and dressed for the exciting day ahead. We had an awesome, short flight yesterday, during which I listened to the fantastic iTunes podcast interviews. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I love hearing him talk just about as much as I love hearing him sing.

I'm not caught up on any boards, and that is probably for the best. I want to go into tonight's gala with an open mind. :cryingwlaughter:

I will try to text or call ldyjocelyn later on and let y'all know how it was! Of course, I have no doubts it will be fantastic. I am very excited about heading into downtown Raleigh in a couple of hours. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

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Postwhoring because lightmyfire made me want to stroll down memory lane with her mention of TITN. I thought I had the video of TITN but can't find it. I was at the AI2 tour and remember watching Clay come up out of the floor in the smog and I was just screaming like a banshee. I loved the "Hello" when he was talking about having to be the repairman too when the stage lift didn't work. :cryingwlaughter: Who can forget the wearing of those magical white pants? Gave us some of the best "Waldo" shots evah.











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{{{{HUGS}}}} to everyone, even non-cat adoring people (I will save some cat hair to build you a cat, Clayzorback! I have plenty. Lord, so I have plenty.) My cats are so not picky - I've just been feeding them Iams Weight Control - because Grey is fat - and of course I just saw an article that the FDA sent a letter to Iams about it's Eukanuba diet food.

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Clayzor :F_05BL17blowkiss:

GAWD, I love him!

Pic #1 is a beautiful thing..

AIW...another killer vocal styling by Clay.

Hoping the gala tonight is a great success for the kids and their families in need.

And the members here enjoy another Clay moment.

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Playbiller, I know what you mean about fans. I've often felt that the passion of his fans really is a double edged sword. It's brought him enormous benefits, but it's also brought him more than his share of problems. Thing is, I doubt he can have one without the other.

Djs, thank for the Procusteus story. Certainly seems relevant.

Speculation and extrapolation have long been part of the fandom. People will take the smallest bit of info/rumor/or LACK of info/rumor and create elaborate scenarios around them. What I've found disheartening, however, is how frequently speculation is being presented as fact, and how many formerly reasonable voices seem to have lost a sense of perspective.

But hopefully, happier times are ahead. I wish all the gala gang a great time! Enjoy the cellcert.

BTW, I'm leaving for vacation today, so I may not be on the board for the next week.

Edited by JennaZ
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Wow, so many great posts since yesterday. I love this community. I did a quick little stat thingie and we had 500% more posts this year than last. plus or minus 100% heee.

So is it right that a four year old's favorite singer is Mary J Blige?

And is it right that my sister is so excited about Robin Thicke? Heee. I guess they play him on KBLX, the ardio station I listen to when it's not sports season..which is when... one week in October? She downloaded some of his songs on limewire and I actually liked one or two. I think I'm the only Clay fan that fits the profile of not being into music that much. KBLX actually plays a lot of R&B oldies and rarely does a new artist break through on the playlist.

JennaZ - have a great vacation!

Sorry for any and all pet issues. I haven't had one since I was a kid. When my neice came to live wtih me temporarily about 5 years ago she brought her cat -- but my onlyl memory is that I had to have my house fumigated because of the fleas that came with her.

Can't wait for the gala tonight. Have a blast to all that are there.

Now back to respond to some wonderful posts!!

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Hey again.... Have a fun vacation Jenna! I'm leaving to go dye Easter eggs with two of my daughters (I have 4) and thei hubbys, and then it's back here for the cellcert!! wooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooo! Thanks for the trip down memory lane Clayzor! He is sooooo gorgeous!!



I'm getting this error message:

Sorry, dynamic pages in the %7Boption%7D tags are not allowed

WHAT does that mean! It didn't seem to matter with the previous image!!!

ETA: I fixed it... it was the & in the folder name - it doesn't seem to like them!

Edited by cha cha trusty
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I simply adore Clay Aiken. I loved every single word he uttered. Why did it sound so familiar to me? Maybe because he has said them a dozen times before. He had a hand in the selection of the songs, and he likes him some laid back chilled stuff. ATDW screamed Clay Aiken to me from my very first listen. He was involved in every single aspect of it. For him to have to read how his fans have called it dead and unworthy must of been a very hard pill to swallow.

Clayzorback! a thing of beauty.

The irony of this is that the label liked ATD and Clay was the guy pushing for HYCA == pretty bassackwards from what many assumed to be true! There's that ass-umed word again.

Wasn't that sweet! Here's the thing - maybe Clay didn't realize there would be such a vehement reaction to the covers idea - or maybe he did - but he did know that ATD was NOT a fan favorite from JBT -oh that poor song took a beating...yet there it is on the album standing proud and tall. Now, correct me if I didn't get the super sekrit message but Clay did say that he couldn't escape it...spinning balls and all. And even knowing he only had 4 originals he went with this song that he only had to go to the OFC archives to realize a vocal number hated it. Now I would have preferred that it was Tears Run Dry that chased his ass down but that's life. I just loved hearing some of the process. And yep we had already heard some of this stuff, and lots of others stuff in writing but his voice really brings things to life for me.

Oh, you know the song - the wone where everyone was waving their darned hands in your face so you really could not see if you werer not near the front row. I guess people don't flick their lighters anymmore since so many people don't smoke anymore maybe we should wave out walkers?

I'm a concert ho but not much of a waver...which song is this. Clayzorback..loved what you had to say about music. I never liked Solitaire - not on AI, and yeah I was excited when it was released cuz it was new Clay but never a favorite. But the first time I heard him sing it live in Greensboro it knocked me off my seat..I do think it was the whole live interpretation It's taking everything I have to get the last words out of my mouth and drag myself off the stage thang he had going on though. hee

ETA: CHA CHA T - great Touch video. I made my sister a montage of her kids for Xmas. It was my first one and don't you know I've now been volunteered to do two of them for her kids classes by June. I have a headache already as one of the songs she picked out is the theme form Legally Blonde..oh lord I have a headache already knowing the number of times I will have to listen to that song. I told my sister we'd be doing thsi thing together/

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See, my first thought was that the waving song was Measure of a Man. I remember the first time I heard it I was so not a fan but song is soooooooo Clay. I fell in love with it somewhere along the line..I think it came up on my ipod when I was tramping around San Francisco in a seedy part of town... I played it over and over again and made me less nervous. LOL... Clay has powers ya'll.

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I'm a concert ho but not much of a waver...which song is this.

OK - I'll just acknowledge the elephant in the room!!! *g*

Do you mean BFM or TRD????

Well BFM is the one that had a lot of hand waving...maybe...hee didn;t think if it..

Chachatrusty...don;t know why the tag didn;t work...is there something different about your site? were you able to directly link from there before?

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Thanks for the cat food feedback.

This is my very first cat ever. I have always been a dog person. My last dog, Max died 2 years ago at the age of 15-1/2. He was the love of my life and his death devastated me. His ashes now sit on a shrine, under a painting of St. Francis of Assisi in a box I made. Because I work and am not home all day (Max was lucky - he went to his Grandma and Grandpa's for doggie day care - but they're getting a little old for that...) and because emotionally I couldn't imagine having another dog, I contemplated getting a cat. I did miss having the company of a furry friend.

I told my friend, the vet, if she ever came across a cat who was dog-like, very affectionate, companionable, then I would consider it, One day a client of hers brought in a kitten - we think he was about 4 months old. She had found the kitten and he had been living in her greenhouse because she had dogs who didn't like cats. She told my friend he was such a sweet cat he deserved better and wondered if she knew anyone. Debbie thought of me and the rest is history.

It took me awhile to come up with a name. He kept disappearing inside my house (he is an indoor cat) so I kept thinking of "Where's Waldo", which led to my thinking of Waldo as a name, which led to my thinking of THE Waldo! I didn't know if I had the nerve to name him that, but with the counsel of a friend (muski, I'm looking at you!), I decided it was the perfect name. So Waldo was born.

I never expected to get attached to a cat. I was wrong. I would love to get him a friend but after a year and a half I am not sure he would be happy to share.

I wish he would just eat dry. I tried him on that when I first got him. He wouldn't eat, so my vet said to mix in a little canned. He only would eat if the stuff with the gravy was mixed in, which is why I am having these problems today!

Oh well. He's worth the trouble.

Clay content: Hope we get a cellcert tonight and whether we do or not, I can't wait for all the reports. I am thrilled for those attending tonight. TAKE NOTES!! We need to know first and foremost about the PANTS!!! and the HAIR!!!!

ETA: Wasn't BFM more fist pumping than hand waving????? I know during TRD we started to get a lot of those damn glow sticks waving after awhile..... Someone needs to NAME THAT SONG!

And couchie, when I first heard MOAM I didn't like it much either. I think the first time I liked it was in Wilkes-Barre during the IT (how could you not?) and the the AOL sessions. Stripped down like that I got so much more from that song.

And as someone who never has liked ATD, I was THRILLED to hear it was evil RCA who wanted it on the CD and not Clay! I also suspect he didn't want to waste one of the coveted originals slots on a song that was over a year old to his fanbase by the time the album was released. I wonder what he would have chosen if ATD was not on the CD???

Edited by Claygasm
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Claygasm since it's the gravy that will get Waldo to eat his food. Maybe you could buy some jar gravy in the people food and just spoon a little of that over his food. They usually have Turkey, Chicken and brown, it would probably only take a couple of spoonfuls to make it taste better to him
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Woke up to find the upstairs hall bathroom floor soaking wet.

Came downstairs to wash a load of clothes. At one point in the wash cycle, the toilet in the half bathroom next to the laundry room overflowed. And somebody evidently had not thoroughly flushed the last time.


A day of very intricate taxi duties ahead (Kenny's at the softball fields all day---either umpiring games or being the Board rep for the day)--Alex needs to go to Berkeley to get another fake knife because last night Gaston broke the dagger that he tried to kill the Beast with; then she has a soccer game and then school play performance; Carrie softball game and go buy a birthday present for a BOY whose party she'll go to after the softball game---after, of course, two friends come home with her after the game to 'hang out'....

Called two plumbers and left a message. Now Carrie just yelled down to tell me no water's coming out of the master bedroom shower, just trickles.


Well, actually the shit is in the downstairs bathroom floor, not the master bathroom, thank God.

Gotta go.

Love that Clay Aiken guy, though. :Tour3:

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heeee...weren't some celebrity people on Larry King and such..anyway Clay never ceases to amuse me. He sure doesn't mnd stirring it, does he? Ok off to the park with a four year old, who likes Mary J Blige. heee. Muski your day sounds frantic.I hope you weren't washing my Clay hoodie... :medium-smiley-070:

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So Clay blogged - I hjope CG does not take this personally, I am sure Clay just thought he would be funny.

I wonder if his talking about it sort of invalidates it a bit? This whole celebrity thing confuses me.

He's badgering me, damn it!!!! :angry22:

But he's hot so he can get away with it! B)

In fact, I can think of several ways he could badger me right into donating..... ;)

But I think he's wrong. He said the one with the highest number of contributors gets the $10,000. Isn't it the top 6????

Personally, I think it would be kind of funny if he ended up in 2nd place again (as long as they still get the matching funds...)! <ducks flying vegetables>

(I also think its funny he double posted!)

Muski - sorry about your plumbing problmes! YUCK!!

Well, I am off to find cat food my cat will eat that's safe!

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He's badgering me, damn it!!!! :angry22:

But he's hot so he can get away with it! B)

In fact, I can think of several ways he could badger me right into donating..... ;)

BWAH... love your sense of humor.

Anyway, I don't normally do this but posted a comment thanking Clay for the itunes podcasts and how much I enjoyed them and ATDW. I feel so radical.

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I had this great dream last night, girls. I was at a gathering of juicy, succulent women when the guest of honor arrived- not Clay, but Bette Midler! (Her birthday is December 1, BTW) She immediately took off her clothes and was sporting little green flowerettes on her nipples. She looked like a goddess.

Musk, your bathroom disaster is a recurring nightmare of mine (in dreams). Hope the rest of your day goes better.

Nice work , chach- create away!

In rehearsal today with a Celtic harpist for an upcoming performance at the local park.

Big nite tonite! What will the teeth sing? The world awaits.

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