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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


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  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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:clown_4: Yeah, Clive is more evil than we ever thought. He has telepathic powers. He knew he could easily manipulate Clay into that Box of Doom by having him sing songs to which Clay felt connected. And poor Clay doesn't even realize it.

Heh heh!

I think it's clear that Clay likes these songs. Maybe Clive wanted him to do a covers album. Doesn't mean Clay hated the idea and is unhappy with the album. Why are so many unwilling to believe the middle ground?

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I don't have a hard time imagining Clive telling Clay, "you know America fell in love with you singing covers, I think we could come up with a great album of cover songs", but one of the differences in me saying that is that I'm stating I could imagine, I'm not stating it as fact, which has become fairly commonplace in the fandom. I don't know what went on in Clay's meetings with the lable. We know he was limited to 4 originals and he gave some insight into how they decided on them. We know he was actively involved in selecting "Here You Come Again" and "Broken Wings". What I gleaned from this interview is that Clay's fingerprints were all over this CD. Even the songs that we're not sure who selected, he sang the crap out of them.

Those who are determined to believe in a conspiracy only see these interviews as further evidence of it, I guess it makes them feel better.

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:clown_4: Yeah, Clive is more evil than we ever thought. He has telepathic powers. He knew he could easily manipulate Clay into that Box of Doom by having him sing songs to which Clay felt connected. And poor Clay doesn't even realize it.

Heh heh!

I think it's clear that Clay likes these songs. Maybe Clive wanted him to do a covers album. Doesn't mean Clay hated the idea and is unhappy with the album. Why are so many unwilling to believe the middle ground?

"Because he shouldn't have had to settle in the first place", is my guess. You know, cuz he's better and "deserves" more than the rest of us mere mortals who have to work for a living. IMHO, the difference between the bitter and the non, is 1) maturity, and 2) see Gilda Radner quote.

I don't mind if other's want to be bitter so much, if that's their way of living, but it definitely harshes my mellow if I'm around it too much and I really dislike when the bitterness creeps into "truth" or the way people think Clay feels.

I think he means this... no I think he means that... pointless, IMO. Entertaining, but pointless. I do like hearing how the fans feel and what they, as individuals, think; I just don't like it when they insist their feelings reflect his. I prefer to hear his from him. Which is WHY I like those podcasts. They are Clay's feelings, and I can finally attach some of his thoughts to his songs, instead of what's been trying to creep into my head from the repeated ramming (< -- that was for muski. ;) )

Heh, or what atinal said, much more succinctly. :)

Last night I listed to the whole of ATDW on headphones for the first time ever. I've listened to it plenty, but not on headphones. Man, what a difference. And when you're not singing at the top of your lungs WITH the songs, you can actually hear shit. Hee. Like that lady singing the high parts of BW. :blush:

Edited by YSRN
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What I gleaned from this interview is that Clay's fingerprints were all over this CD. Even the songs that we're not sure who selected, he sang the crap out of them.

Well, obviously atinal, this statement tells me quite clearly that you don't know what you're talking about because in a video interview shown on television, Clay said he put his THUMBprint on every song of this CD, not his FINGERprint, for crying out loud. :rolleyes:

This discrepancy in Clay's story, however, does give me pause....perhaps he didn't study his 'part' of the RCA-crafted script well enough. Maybe the poor man was so defeated by the incessant subjugation he has endured by CLive and his RCA minions that he forgot his lines. THAT'S why he's now addicted to GuaraNAH! He needs drugs to focus! He requires massive doses of foreign pharmaceuticals in order to function in daily life!

He talks so fast and uses 'um' a lot and seems giddy--nobody can be that happy! He's a fake and it's all Clive's doing! RCA has planned this all along! First they had Clay be a rocker dude during the last few minutes of JBT in order to get our hopes up, then...then they got him hooked on drugs in order to bend his music-making intentions to fit their design! And we're left with a babbling, inarticulate fool who---when asked---communicates total indifference as the main emotion in the making of this last album.

No wonder the CD is dead.

Edited by muskifest
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What? We have an option of not singing at the top of our lungs WITH the songs? Is that possible? Does it hurt?

I might try that...but singing along with Clay is almost automatic with me.

ETA: muski, you made me snort loud enough that people are peering at me from the top of their cubicles...

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What I gleaned from this interview is that Clay's fingerprints were all over this CD. Even the songs that we're not sure who selected, he sang the crap out of them.

Well, obviously atinal, this statement tells me quite clearly that you don't know what you're talking about because in a video interview shown on television, Clay said he put his THUMBprint on every song of this CD, not his FINGERprint, for crying out loud. :rolleyes:

This discrepancy in Clay's story, however, does give me pause....perhaps he didn't study his 'part' of the RCA-crafted script well enough. Maybe the poor man was so defeated by the incessant subjugation he has endured by CLive and his RCA minions that he forgot his lines. THAT'S why he's now addicted to GuaraNAH! He needs drugs to focus! He requires massive doses of foreign pharmaceuticals in order to function in daily life!

He talks so fast and uses 'um' a lot and seems giddy--nobody can be that happy! He's a fake and it's all Clive's doing! RCA has planned this all along! First they had Clay be a rocker dude during the last few minutes of JBT in order to get our hopes up, then...then they got him hooked on drugs in order to bend his music-making intentions to fit their design! And we're left with a babbling, inarticulate fool who---when asked---communicates total indifference as the main emotion in the making of this last album.

No wonder the CD is dead.


I just spat water all over my computer! Oh well, it needed a good cleaning anyway.....

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I can't believe no one found these podcasts - were they not there until recently?

Someone needs to get to the bottom of this mystery!!!

It's great hearing Clay talk about these songs and hearing the snippets and his history with them.

I have an itunes-related question tho.

How does one download them and save them to either import into an ipod

or burn a CD with them? Is that possible?

I thought I had downloaded all 5 offerings, but when I go to "Podcasts" it will only play the last

one I downloaded. And the others aren't showing up at all.

Does anyone have the ones that were vaulted and then taken out?

I love ATDW with a vengeance. Love it so much I wake up to LAA every morning.

Can't Wait For THIS:


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Muski, you caught me. I was going to say "thumbprint" cause Clay said it. Then I remembered we can't really believe what Clay says in interviews because he is only saying what he's being told to say, so I realized it must have really been his fingerprints, so that's why I chose that word.
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I have an itunes-related question tho.

How does one download them and save them to either import into an ipod

or burn a CD with them? Is that possible?

I thought I had downloaded all 5 offerings, but when I go to "Podcasts" it will only play the last

one I downloaded. And the others aren't showing up at all.

Does anyone have the ones that were vaulted and then taken out?

Check your PMs chach, but...

I bet you have them. Did you click the little arrow next to Your Idols in your "Podcasts", because I bet they are listed there.

If not, my PM will help you. As opposed to my PMS which helps nobody. :medium-smiley-070:

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I have them, I could never get Itunes to work - it is there, but useless to me, so I did not use it, can someone play them an extra time to make up for my sins?

I have some questions - I am seeing claims again that I do believe are opinions and not facts - where was it ever officially said or hinted at that BFM would be on the "secret rejected" CD? And where was it posted that the aforementioned CD would not be all ballads or even ballad heavy?

Are you aware that some Ruben fans wish he would put out a cover album because they like him singing old style songs rather than what makes it on his album, but they buy the album anyway to support him?

I hate seeing Clay's words twisted, but it is such a beau-ti-ful day, I am going out to enjoy it and forget this crap - see you later(s) alligators!

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I have some questions - I am seeing claims again that I do believe are opinions and not facts - where was it ever officially said or hinted at that BFM would be on the "secret rejected" CD? And where was it posted that the aforementioned CD would not be all ballads or even ballad heavy?

Play, you don't remember hearing Clay say at every one of the JBT concerts that JY, BFM, ATD and TRD were all definitely going to be on his new album of rocking original songs?

Yeah, me neither.

He never said it. All he ever said about those songs was they were songs they were considering for the new album which would be out sometime. The rest was what some decided was true. I guess they were wearing their super seekrit decoder headphones, looking through their super seekrit decoder binoculars and of course using their super seekrit decoder rings.

People just assumed BFM was going to be on the album, and I guess because they assumed that they also assumed the album wouldn't be ballad heavy.

You know what they say about assuming...........

ETA: Per CV - there has been a Jerome sighting at the Gala venue. Why do I suddenly wish I were there! I hope somehow, some way we get some clack! I asked before, but I think it may have been lost in the shuffle, did I hear CV was going to try and do a cellcert from the Gala tomorrow?

Edited by Claygasm
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Claygasm...I read it somewhere that they are ...but since I don;t hang out at CV, can't tell you for sure.

OMG...you guys are making me laugh so much today... I wuv you all!!!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE we are going to hear Clay tomorrow!!! I mean some people will and we will get vicarously thrilled....

OMG...PLEASE...PLEASE...let there be Clack!!!

and if there is a CV cellcert...and if some lucky FCAers are listening in....can ya please ...please report here in FCA...I will chat with ya!!! others will chat with ya!!!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Jerome is there!!! I heart Jerome!!!

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Okay, I dl'd those interviews yesterday and now they are nowhere to be found !! Can someone help me refind the interviews? I hit "Your Idols" and all I get is Daughtry's ass. I thought that once you dl'd the interviews they would be yours for keeps??? Help, please......

And in other news, it's a stunningly beautiful springday here in Virginnny. Plums, Bradford pears, cherry blossoms. Y'all come1

Love seeing couchie in ecstasy!

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I am definitely going to tune in to see if there is a CV cellcert so I'll do my best to report if there is one. Its more special when you share!

I love Jerome too. Always have, but ever since he gave Clay that great big old bear hug during this past Christmas tour, I love him all the more. He seems so genuinely fond of Clay. I bet he would protect him even if he weren't paid to!

Its really, really, really quiet in here today so I have been playing my version of ATDW. Just heard TOUCH! Love that song. **sigh**

And I love TOA all the more now I know its Clay's favorite of the orginals. :D

I'm listening to IYDKMBN now. Man I hope he sings this in concert! I love his green eyed soul. This song makes all my girly parts tingle! LOVE the way he says "woman". GAH!

Next is LAA. I so want him to sing that too.

And Broken Wings! He must sing Broken Wings! "I need you so...." slays me every time.

Oh what the hell. He just needs to sing it all!


Diva, I think there is a little triangle next to "Your Idols". If you hit that a drop down menu shows all the podcasts you downloaded. They should be there. I hope that's right. I'm saying this from memory since I don't have iTunes at work.

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Muski, you caught me. I was going to say "thumbprint" cause Clay said it. Then I remembered we can't really believe what Clay says in interviews because he is only saying what he's being told to say, so I realized it must have really been his fingerprints, so that's why I chose that word.

Muski and Atinal..first of all BWAH... and I think both of you missed the super sekrit wink during the interview that helped to translate thumbprint and fingerprint into it's true meaning. I mean why do we have thumbprints anyway..for DNA. Don't Nitpick Aiken. So basically he's saying - whatever I say you can just believe it. But if you blinked yourself you may have missed the true meaning.

Play, you don't remember hearing Clay say at every one of the JBT concerts that JY, BFM, ATD and TRD were all definitely going to be on his new album of rocking original songs?

Yeah, me neither.

Well here's the thing - since nobody ever heard the album I don't know how they could know what's on the album. Clay chose to present JY, BFM, ATD, TRD. If that is a representative of the type of album he wanted then that doesn't quite jibe with what I'm hearing. Yeah I would have rather the album be these originals rather than covers but frankly the songs he presented other than BFM are along the same line as ATDW. When Clay said after MoaM that he wanted no more heartbreaky songs or whatever it was he said LOL I found it funny that he presented a bunch of heartbreaky songs. And don't even try to convince me he presented the worst of the bunch for preview.

Waves to Diva..yeah last night was heavenly heee.

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Thanks, Gazzy, I found a quick link over at CH and really dl'd them. I wish I could WATCH him speak. I love the way he enunciates and yet has that definite Carolina accent. Like "I wuddn't", for example. He sounds so goofy and vulnerable at times- not the sexy swagger of the NaCT06 guy. So many personae has he. Fascinating. I'm thrilled that he is not only a fabulous lyricist but a talented arranger as well. Damn , I'd love to work with him! I'm just gonna have to write that one great song!

I bet he's got entire songs or parts of songs just lying around on tape that he wrote.

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What a great end to a miserable day for me.

I simply adore Clay Aiken. I loved every single word he uttered. Why did it sound so familiar to me? Maybe because he has said them a dozen times before. He had a hand in the selection of the songs, and he likes him some laid back chilled stuff. ATDW screamed Clay Aiken to me from my very first listen. He was involved in every single aspect of it. For him to have to read how his fans have called it dead and unworthy must of been a very hard pill to swallow.

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What a great end to a miserable day for me.

I simply adore Clay Aiken. I loved every single word he uttered. Why did it sound so familiar to me? Maybe because he has said them a dozen times before. He had a hand in the selection of the songs, and he likes him some laid back chilled stuff. ATDW screamed Clay Aiken to me from my very first listen. He was involved in every single aspect of it. For him to have to read how his fans have called it dead and unworthy must of been a very hard pill to swallow.

WORD on all counts. Terrible day for me at work, I'm ready to just fall into bed. Or else drink. Yeah, that would work.

And for your other paragraph -- Amen.

All I've got time for. I've been reading all day, and I've just gotta say that everyone here rocks.

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Ok, this CMSU! :lol: I just got a call from a contact at the Albuquerque convention and visitors bureau. She took me around on a site visit one day a couple of months ago and so we spent a lot of time together. Had a lot of time to

talk, you see.


She was just checking up to see if our planning was going well for the upcoming event in her city and we chatted. Then she said, "I was actually just talking about you yesterday." (I knew what was coming. B) ) "I was driving a client around and somehow we got to talking about American Idol. And I told her how you were such a fan of Clay's and she said she really liked him, too! I tell you, the bunch this year just doesn't measure up, do they?"


CMSU! I bet everybody I've spent any amount of time with on 'business' thinks about me and Clay whenever American Idol is mentioned! :laught31: :hahaha::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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{{{hugs}}} Idy....Sinus and allergies have me down bad. Also had a plummer out for a leak today. $1,050.00 dollars. That's just a temporary fix to a possible $8,000.00 cure. Don't ask. I vote we just get drunk. Put Clay on and go to bed. I'll say a toast to all you lovely FCA ladies.......

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