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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


Thread Title Poll  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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I am a sports fan, and don't get drunk at games.
djs111---remind me never to go to a sporting event with you. heh...just kidding. I was, of course, making a gross generalization in my post in order to give more oomphf to the funny...heh.


It's like that mouth is a sexual organ all it's own
Welcome to MY world, babe.

CG---this made me chuckle...so true, so true---

"Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode of 'Days of our Tour'."

KAndre, my love..need I say what I first read this to say?

Everyone gets thumped
....and after which I immediately muttered, not lately demmit.

dreamlarge---loving your daughter story...Ha! My family's resigned to seeing Clay every time I log on. Hey, they don't have to be looking!


No everything is not about fuc*ing marketing people
Hmmm...I never considered this. Maybe that's why the marketing people are cranky?


I've met YSRN, Clayzor. She's all that good stuff, and more
yeah, well maybe. But she's a real wuss in the back seat of a van.

Gotta go now to see dreamlarge's montage...Oh! And someone PMd me on CV today and asked for the last twenty five chapters of NBTT! Seems she only got to Ch. 151 before EAYOR (RHT) did it's funky server move thing and the old thread is inaccessible...so, thanks to wonderful readers who sent me all my storeis on Word when my laptop was stolen, I can now email her those chapters! :medium-smiley-070:

Oh, and bottle? Congrats on a concert near you. July 23 is my hubby's birthday. Think he'd like to go to Michigan to see a Clay Aiken concert for a present? :TourExcite:

And all the rest of you? You rock and make me smile and glad I call this place home now.

ETA: Watched the montage. Holy shit. Some of my favorite shots. Have I ever told you all how much in lust and love I am with his look on KTLA that day? Gah. Brava, dreamlarge!

Edited by muskifest
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I am a sports fan, and don't get drunk at games.

djs111---remind me never to go to a sporting event with you. heh...just kidding. I was, of course, making a gross generalization in my post in order to give more oomphf to the funny...heh.

Well, someone has gotta drive, you know!

I really do see this as a big family crowd, and I hope it is really true!

O/T - saw Are We Done Yet today, should have seen Blades of Glory again. V. blah movie - although it makes me laugh to think of Ice Cube as now pigeon-holed in the friendly family pic genre.

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I'm in no way admitting to anything...but I just noticed that little delete button next to the edit but let say this..Claygasm if one of us with powers did delete your post it was done in error.

YAY DJS... does this mean you're the designated driver in Houston? heeee

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can you take your bitter ass somewhere else please. heee. See I said I was working on it.

Heh, me? Reasonable? :lol: Hey, I said "TRY"... Believe me, I have plenty of :what_d_fuck::mallet::ruserious::whatever: goin' on half the time with some people. And God no, nobody around here does the "true fan" shit... just see it happening in some parts of the fandom by mostly the same people over and over and it's soooo old. Did I mention I get around? Heh.

yeah, well maybe. But she's a real wuss in the back seat of a van.
:lol: Tellin my sekrits now, are ya? Only on a major hill. Or winding roads. Or um, bridges. It's true. I AM. I am a backseat wuss!


I know, to this day, that I can be very oversensitive toward certain people, especially when it seems TO ME that what is being said is mean. I know that's not right of me, but it IS the way I feel. Again, it's my character flaw, something I'm working on, but I hope that makes some sense, because I can get my back up against Clay over small, perceived "slights" toward him.
ldyjocelyn... that's not a flaw! That's you. And there's not a single thing wrong with it. If you were to come after me with a mallet or a lecture if I expressed my feelings I might think you were wacky, but just me simply expressing myself and you expressing yourself does not an argument or an insult make. It's an exchange, not a judgement. I guess my point is, being mean just to be mean sucks, but there are plenty of fans who just genuinely feel something and they can't help THEIR feelings either. Sometimes it's just a first reaction. And then they chill. I find it all very fascinating how people process things differently.

Clayzor, my dear... I look forward to the day we meet! Seriously. If Clay keeps touring everywhere but the West, it's bound to happen. :medium-smiley-070:

dreamy... I love the way you do the transitions in your montages. I've only made one montage in my life; it was for gonzo for all the clack she vaulted for us in the old days. It was fine, and HUGE, but not artistic at all. I tried to make another one once, but gave up after it froze up on me for the 10000th time. It was for KAndre, before I joined the CH. I read some post that she either liked or wanted Clay to sing or just thought of it for whatever reason Blood, Sweat & Tears, You Made Me So Very Happy. Funny, huh? It was almost done, then it froze up... some tour came up, and I never looked back. So, there ya go! I wonder what I did with that thing?

BWAH, couchie... you bad admin, you!

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I'm in no way admitting to anything

Bwah! Couchie....this made me think of other memorable...uh...declarations of 'fact'...

"I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman!"

"I am NOT a crook!"

"There WILL be a Clay Aiken concert in the Nokia Center at Dallas in 2007!"

:Tour3: :TourExcite: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hmmm this Frisco gig might end up very interesting afterall...some more info about the area from sugrbugr of CH:

Folks, this is a soccer game. In the most high falutin' suburb in the metroplex. Think soccer mom's and all their kids coming to the concert in their Hummers. Seriously, the concert and fireworks will be pulling people in to the soccer game, not the other way around.

From the beginning I wondered how Clay was going to find a symphony to play with in Grand Prairie. I couldn't imagine the Dallas or Ft. Worth symphony playing at Nokia, as they have their own concert halls. I assume Grand Prairie has a symphony, and many cities like Plano, Richardson and Garland have pretty good ones, but 4th of July is the biggest time of year for these smaller cities' symphonies to be playing outdoors. Clay in Frisco on the 4th is going to be a huge deal!

Maybe its not soo crazy after all..but once again...I think we ought to wait for official confirmation.

YSRN...I think the fact that you do go to a lot of other boards have given you a very open mind...I know I have pretty much stuck to my homeboard until we created FCA forum. Once I started working on the pins I got to know a lot of people from different boards and realized what a diverse group Clayfans are and the mind set in my homeboard may be in the minority after all.

But I do agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be free to express them. But I do get tired of a pattern of negativity and superiority that I find in some fans. Like right now..I do understand about getting pissed with the screw ups about this concert tour. But I tend to think that everyone is trying to do their best and this may just be a more difficult tour to set up because of the need for the orchestra and Clay's uncertain schedule and the need to make the tour cost efficient. If you combine that with a demanding clientele that seems to need to ferret out the latest info...then you can certianly have some messups that are unavoidable.

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I'm in no way admitting to anything

Bwah! Couchie....this made me think of other memorable...uh...declarations of 'fact'...

"I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman!"

"I am NOT a crook!"

"There WILL be a Clay Aiken concert in the Nokia Center at Dallas in 2007!"

:Tour3: :TourExcite: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

BWAH!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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Bwah! Couchie....this made me think of other memorable...uh...declarations of 'fact'...

"I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman!"

"I am NOT a crook!"

"There WILL be a Clay Aiken concert in the Nokia Center at Dallas in 2007!"

OK even I will laugh at that. You forgot one - absolutely 100% not guilty. Somehow I don't think this helps my case.

LOL at the map...

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dreamy... I love the way you do the transitions in your montages. I've only made one montage in my life; it was for gonzo for all the clack she vaulted for us in the old days. It was fine, and HUGE, but not artistic at all. I tried to make another one once, but gave up after it froze up on me for the 10000th time. It was for KAndre, before I joined the CH. I read some post that she either liked or wanted Clay to sing or just thought of it for whatever reason Blood, Sweat & Tears, You Made Me So Very Happy. Funny, huh? It was almost done, then it froze up... some tour came up, and I never looked back. So, there ya go! I wonder what I did with that thing?

BWAH, couchie... you bad admin, you!

Eeee! Bad computer! I want my BS&T montage! I bet it was totally kick ass!

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I have a feeling...TC and the OFC are in quite a tizzy. the OFC people post what TC tells them TC is comprised of several components. You have management that coordinates the agents, the promoters, the lawyers and their artist...don;t know where the screw up was but I have a feeling the OFC is getting the brunt of it and they probably are the ones that are most clueless and innocent about this.

I think you're right, Ansamcw. I really don't think the OFC makes the ultimate decision as to what information should and should not be put on the web site. It's not as if Clique is negotiating with the venues or coordinating Clay's schedule. My guess is that SAM is primarily responsible for giving them the dates.

I do think they're aware that fans rely on what they post. I also think they have reasons for making changes. I understand that people are angry and disappointed, but I hesitate to term this a mistake without knowing what happened. With Dallas gone, there's a bigger gap between July 6 and July 17. Perhaps that makes other venues logistically possible. Maybe he has some other commitment (i.e., a television taping) that requires his presence on July 7. What if Nokia decided to go with another artist? What if the local orchestra backed out? What if both parties believed the booking would be made, but final negotiations broke down at the last minute? It's possible that if fans had to wait for each venue to be fully signed and set in stone before it was announced, we wouldn't have much advance notice at all. I don't blame people for feeling disgruntled. I know a lot of people made plans. And it's easy for me to react this way as I had no intention of travelling to Dallas in the first place. However, without any real knowledge of what happened, I personally tend to give TC the benefit of the doubt.

Welcome back Jenna! How was vacation? I'm getting ready for that myself -- 4 days in Florida for my niece's wedding on Saturday. Going to Kennedy Space Center for the previous days. I will have the laptop with me, so I will probably check in at least once or twice.

Thanks, ldyjocelyn! I had a great time on the cruise. It was definitely an escape. Internet access was frustratingly slow (it took over 10 minutes to pull up a single page of my e-mail) and exhorbitantly expensive (75 cents a minute) so I didn't even try to check on the message boards. Have a great time in Florida, though!

Folks, this is a soccer game. In the most high falutin' suburb in the metroplex. Think soccer mom's and all their kids coming to the concert in their Hummers. Seriously, the concert and fireworks will be pulling people in to the soccer game, not the other way around.
I've said it before. This may be a better opportunity than people think. Discerning Clay fans with multiple venues to choose from may prefer an air conditioned theatre on July 7, but many of the not.just.us crowd do look for things to do on the 4th of July. This soccer concert could conceivably result in higher revenue and broader exposure.

Again, this schedule change may not represent a "screw up" so much as a calculated business decision. Some die hard fans may not be happy, but it could be better for him in the long run.

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OK...never mind the SNAFU of concert dates for a few minutes. Forget fandom angst. Let Calgon take you away from BLINDINGLY white teeth in that gorgeous mouth...

And instead....take a walk on the smutty side....



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What? NEW NEW NEW? I thought it was over. Oh crap. heeee....

Thanks, ldyjocelyn! I had a great time on the cruise. It was definitely an escape. Internet access was frustratingly slow (it took over 10 minutes to pull up a single page of my e-mail) and exhorbitantly expensive (75 cents a minute) so I didn't even try to check on the message boards. Have a great time in Florida, though!

When I went on my last cruise in 2005, it happened to coincide with a lot of people being out of the office so I needed to be in touch with the corporate staff. So my company paid for all my internet access. Yep. slow and expensive. I was so happy to turn in my expense report for that one. I love cruises. Where did you go Jenna?

ETA: OK Muski...I have just printed the last 3 chapters of your Clyra and your new little ditty. YOu know what I"ll be reading on breaks and lunch tomorrow. heee.

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Hey, couchie...you might want to take another look at the 'little ditty'...I went back a little after posting it and caught some boo boos and changed some words here and there.

Print it out again and read the later one, 'kay?

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Holy Crap - I haven't even read the last two pages - I just wanted to check in and tell you that I made it thru Sunday's Easter celebration (which involved driving 90 mins to MIL's after about 4.5 hours of sleep, Easter egg hunt, dinner, and home again) and thru today's day of work and subsequent commute.


I have identified with all the "Fan Fatique" - I used to try and keep up with everything that was happening, post every day, several times, spend hours working on stuff for my web site (I still do that but not every day!) and I don't think I am tired of Clay or the fandom, but I am just simply tired!!

I need to get into shape, I am seriously out of shape. muski and couchie, it's great that you two are doing some exercise. I am hopelessly procratinating about exercise.

I still love Clay and will run to see him on TV or anywhere, will spend hours watching vids or pictures and reading about him...... spend gobs of money to be where he is, if possible.

But there are lots of other things in my life. I have to spend time with my kids, and I do enjoy that, of course, I have to stay away from the computer when they are here visiting, and sometimes I don't even sneak back here to peek at what is happening in the Clay world. I spend time with my husband, doing things like taxes, home and car repairs, and of course, cooking and cleaning, and general stuff, like the occasional movie, party, or dinner out. (I will "take breaks" tho and come back to the computer...) We used to have a joke that we could hear the computer calling, "trusty..... truuuuuusty!"

But I have tried to be more "adult" and pay attention to the nuts and bolts of what makes life run, albeit, not always smoothly, but at least without too many missing cogs.

My kids have complained that I have more pictures of Clay around this house than I do of them. It's probably true. But I told them that they had never given me a poster-sized photo of them to hang up! I have to remind them every year or so that they need to get together and have a photo taken!! I usually suggest this around Mother's Day or my birthday or Christmas. Since the days when I used to take them to Olan Mills for portraits I think I've gotten a total of 2 or 3 photos of them that I didn't take myself! (Not counting weddings, and I still took some there as well!!)

So it looks like we are all in the same boat, right?? The fandom is slowing, or cooling, but there is that occasional rip in the surface, and then it's running like hot molten lava again.

And those are the times that are the most fun, and are worth waiting for!!


to all who like them!!

Edited by cha cha trusty
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Dreamlarge your montage is fabulous. I wouldn't have a clue as to how to make one. I'm sure I am smart enough to learn, but I'm too lazy...Hee I won't take the time.

Glad they added a Michigan date. Hope bottlecap gets to attend this one. But!!! To me Michigan is not midwest. Missouri, Kansas, Iowa is midwest. We need one in Kansas City. Don't 'cha think?

I really am sorry for the problems the Nokia venue caused some fans. Honestly. I hope they can be solved. But, I really do think the park venue will get him more exposure and make him more money. In case you haven't heard me say for the 17, 856th time, :cryingwlaughter: I want him to be filthy rich.

I wanna see our boy win over the Pizza Hut redneck crowd with his joking around, snark, some major eyefucking and a long , lean lazy "Git 'er done, boys". They'll love 'em. He grew up around NASCAR after all. He knows that culture well. It will probably be one of the more memorable shows.

Oh, what a night! And JOey Fatone was hot! Er... back to Clay. A regular goatscrew that scheduling is.

Dreamy, you're the top! Who was that gorgeous music by? Bearded boy looks like one of those counts from "War and Peace". Clay's got to do a photo spread dressed in multiple period costumes. He just cuts such a fine figure . I want to see him on the cover of a Harlequin romance, the heroine (Tyra) arched backward, breasts half-bared and heaving as caped Count Aikenov poises over her ready to plunge!

I'll go back in my cage now.

Divayenta, Joey was hot last night. The best one. I think he will be the winner. Just for you, (well actually mainly for me) I went and found these images that immediately sprang to my mind when I read your post. Prepare yourself. You will need a thud mat. Is this what you had in mind? Talk about taking the plunge!!! Talk about getting 'er done!!!! Yowza. I so want to be Angela. That boy is really getting into this.





muskifest that tour map is funny. Lots of territory untapped yet.

Couchie surely you didn't hit the delete button by mistake. *g*

Time to go get ready for work................

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OK...never mind the SNAFU of concert dates for a few minutes. Forget fandom angst. Let Calgon take you away from BLINDINGLY white teeth in that gorgeous mouth...

And instead....take a walk on the smutty side....



WHA-?!?!?!? What a way to wake up in the morning! Thanks muski, I needed that!

Glad they added a Michigan date. Hope bottlecap gets to attend this one. But!!! To me Michigan is not midwest. Missouri, Kansas, Iowa is midwest. We need one in Kansas City. Don't 'cha think?

I agree -- Michigan is NOT Midwest. I think Missouri would be fantastic, although Kansas City, for me, is almost as far as the Michigan location. I keep hoping for St. Louis, but I've talked to a local fan there recently who said that getting a symphony in St. Louis in the summertime is next to impossible. Iowa would also be good. Of course, I can still hope for Peoria.....although I think our symphony is off for the summer too. *sigh*

I really am sorry for the problems the Nokia venue caused some fans. Honestly. I hope they can be solved. But, I really do think the park venue will get him more exposure and make him more money. In case you haven't heard me say for the 17, 856th time, :cryingwlaughter: I want him to be filthy rich.

While I'm still frustrated at the way this whole thing shook out (and as far as I'm concerned, it's not over yet), I'm OK. It was my mistake to buy plane tickets this early, and so I learned a lesson. Treat things as learning experiences, and it somehow makes it more palatable. Anyway, it IS sounding like this Frisco thing could be quite the experience...and one to potentially grow his fan-base to families. If he gets money from the deal and becomes filthy rich, I'm good to go with it. And it sure sounds as if the crowd certainly won't be "rednecks"....

*blows kisses to YSRN*

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so want to be Angela. That boy is really getting into this.

Hell with Angela! I so want to be Angela's right thigh. :hubbahubba: and for that boy to really get into..



Last day in the office before heading for Albuquerque in the morning for a meeting for 200. Piece a' cake....got enough help this time so shouldn't be too stressful...beautiful day here in the SF Bay Area...hope :allgood: in your neck of the woods, FCA women! :Tour3: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Yup...the sun is out and if I don't look at the ground and the trees I might even think its spring...hee

My cold is much better...just a bit of sinus problem. The girls were away last night so I had a pretty good rest and it made me feel better.

I have been reading more about this Frisco venue...and there really is no confirmation that he will be on so I just hope the fans don;t get into planning mode or get upset that things keep changing. We never got any word from TC that they were even considering doing this...I agree it could be a really cool thing and I can understand why they would want to do it...but nothing is set at the moment.

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I am so weary of this fandom right now.

Predictably (because it happens each time he tours) some are moaning and groaning that Clay is not coming to their area. They act as if its a purposeful slight. He's going to lose fans (which I never have understood - I'm a fan of lots more artists that I have NEVER seen in concert than artists I have seen in concert...). Blah, blah, blah.

I KNOW I am one of the lucky ones to live in an area he frequents and I can totally and completely understand the disappointment if Clay is not coming anywhere near where you live, but do they really believe he sits down with a map of the US and Canada and say "I'm not going to the PNW because I don't like those people" or "Forget the midwest. I don't like anyone in the midwest"?

Touring is a business and as in all businesses, most decisions are made with the intent of delivering the biggest bang for the buck. The areas he tends to frequent most are areas where he can hit a lot of places with minimal travel. That helps keep his costs down and makes those tour stops more fiscally viable.

But its not just that. In this tour he is playing smaller venues with orchestras within a short time frame. He can only go where he can line up the venues and the orchestras within the time he is touring. Right there it might eliminate some places. Who's to say he didn't try to book something in Seattle or Kansas or Nebraska or Vancouver or Toronto but either he couldn't line up the venues and the orchestras at a time where it would all work?

As it is, considering how short a tour this is, I think he is doing remarkably well in hitting some areas where he hasn't been in a long time with anything other than maybe a Christmas tour. He is going to long forgotten California, playing 3 dates there. He hasn't been to Texas in years and he's going there (ok, so there was the Dallas Debacle - but he's still there). He hasn't done a non-Christmas tour in Florida for ages and he's doing 3 concerts there. Has he ever played Oklahoma? Rumor has it he'll be there. Right there that's a pretty high percentage of his total concert dates being held in areas he hasn't been in ages. Instead of bitching about why he didn't come to such and such a place, why not give him credit for at least hitting some of the areas he hasn't been in a long time?

I just wish some would stop taking it so personally and stop what amounts to threatening Clay with leaving the fandom because he isn't coming to their area. There is so much that goes into choosing the venues for the tour. It is NOT personal, of this I am sure.

I know some probably think what would I know. How would I feel if he never came here? I will admit I would be disappointed but as I said, I am a fan of many artists I have never seen so I doubt my fandom would be dependent on seeing him in concert.

Dissapointment is one thing, but man oh man, I am so weary of the same old complaints about this subject.

Or maybe I am just in a bad mood........

P.S. When I lived in Michigan everyone said I lived in the midwest, that I had a midwestern accent etc., so I always considered Michigan the midwest. It certainly isn't the east, so what is it if its not the midwest?

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Hehe, well if you can take the wikipedia's definition ofthe midwest (too lazy to look it up anywhere else) it is

specifically Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Well, I have come to the belief that some people are addicted to being unhappy. Unfortunately they are probably the people on-line the most - speaking of that, there are a few dogs waiting for me. I was hoping (but not counting on) more tour information - it is a few months away yet, so I have time.

ETA - this does not mean that people can't feel badly about not getting a show, it is just that blame is something that probably should not be assigned. I don't think that Clay should have to go on a money losing tour because he has a fan living in an area with low density since it is easier to have higher attendance in an area where htere are more people (North East). I understand the frustrations of the fans in the Pacific NW, but there are still a few venues to be announced and it is a little early to claim disapointment yet.

Edited by playbiller
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Yeah, I have to remind myself over and over again that a few VOCAL posters don't speak or define an entire fanbase.


Along those lines, I also remind myself that for every poster eeeee'ing about multiple concerts, there are probably a ton of silent readers who will be lucky to get to one venue, if any at all. Thank the Good Lord and Taylor for Clack.


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Yup and really if you want to getsome major reactions from this fanbase...compare Clay to Daughtry...hee

Anyway...WORD to your post Claygasm. I don't know why I even bother to get into a discussion about this because this happens...EVERY DAMN TOUR!!!!

Frankly...some people really need a reality check...

Clay is just not as hot as we was during IT. He sold out arenas then because he was billed with kelly and because invisible was a hit and he just got off AI.

Clay hasn't had a radio hit since Invisible. Most people across the country think he is no longer touring. If people are not aware his songs, why would promoters in these markets want to book him...

If Clay wants to expand his fanbase he needs to either do it with a hit CD and radio play...or he needs to play small venues across the country...BUT the die hard fans can't imagine this...this would be a horrible way for Clay to go cos its a huge step down for him. eye roll here...

Clay can still bring in big bucks in the box office, but only in certain areas of the country. For such a short tour...he would need to hit his strong markets and if he goes to the soft markets he needs to do it in a cost efficient way, thus the clusters in CA, in Florida and possibly in Texas. if Frisco and Tulsa is a go.

I think it would've been possible for him to have a better schdule if he had a longer touring time and planned to do more shows...but it seems like Clay went into this with set parameters and the booking agents have their hands tied. When you work with orchestras, you cannot travel with them unless you ahve a huge budget...you have to go where they are. Most orchestras already have their programs set up and are not as flexible as his own travelling band...

eta: ok...I don't really think Clay would have a problem getting a promoter interested in any part of the country. I do think he has a good enough reputation as a touring artist that lots of promoters would be happy to book him if they can afford him or if they can meet the timing issue and his need for an orchestra. I also think that Clay is pretty new in the symphony circuit. I won't be surprised if some venues just wasn't sure he would appeal to their audience. Its possible there is a bit of snobbery there since he is just a runner up from AI. I think if this tour becomes successful he will have an easier time getting booked aorund the country.

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Great post cha cha!

Muski, I went on a cruise to Mexico. Very pleasant. I actually wasn't required to check my work e-mail (our department believes that when one is on vacation, you shouldn't have to work at all). I just get worried. Internet turned out to be so bad on the cruise that the ship ended up refunding most of the charges.

Claygasm, it's pretty sad, isn't it, how EVERY tour cycle, fans make the routing personal. I guarantee that even if he were to hit all fifty states and every foreign country, some would complain that he was snubbing them because he wasn't performing in their back yard.

I am actually impressed that there does seem to be an effort to go to areas that haven't seen a non-Christmas concert in a while. Maybe I'm naïve, but I tend to believe that he and his people are trying for some regional representation. However, there are so many factors at play here: venues, orchestras, logistics - not to mention any other commitments he may have. Truth is, he will never please all of the fans all of the time. I prefer to be grateful for what we do get than bitter about what we don't.

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