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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


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31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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early ET report from CH by Notacanuck

Lots of Clay on today's ET. He's in the opener and they show him express his support for Sanjaya during the AI segment which is in the first section of the show. I haven't seen the ETOnline video, so I don't know what's new or old.

Lots of footage from his UNICEF trip. Looks the same as what's on the UNICEF main site.

Of course he's being teased every break, so he'll probaby be on closer to the end of the show.


The interview comes on in the 3rd section of the show. They use a lot of video from UNICEF including some more footage of Clay in that HAT!!!!

I can't really tell you much more because I was in an Aiken fog watching him and not really hearing what he was saying. He looks so great.


Lots of video of Clay with the kids. They're making music and banging on what looks like tribal drums, he leads them in "If You're Happy and You Know It", he shows them the ABC's. More of Clay walking around wearing the hat. They show the clip of Clay giving the baby the polio vaccine. He gets all verklempt afterwards. Amazing amazing video.

His white sneakers are blindingly white. Almost as bright as his smile. He looks totally adorable and wonderful. How glad am I to see him!

Hearing about all the dangers and violence in the country these past few weeks, to see him looking so well and happy and yummy does my heart good. /fangirly report.

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I'm glad to read that summary of the ET piece -- it sounds like they know he's a draw, and I'm glad it's main focus is the UNICEF stuff. In retrospect....and maybe my perceptions are skewed because I'm a Clay fan....but it seems that he gets some good media attention every time he goes on a trip for them. I really don't remember seeing much for the other ambassadors. But, as I said, maybe it's just because I'm so attuned to Clay appearances.

I also find it interesting that Jann Carl has been the person to interview him most often on ET. He seems to have his "fans" on each of the entertainment and news shows -- Diane, Lara, and now Jann.

Finally, I'm sure the reason he's disappointed about Sanjaya is that he was hoping that Sanjaya would win, therefore ruining the credibilty of the show, it'd be off the air, and Clay would never get asked about the show ever again in his life. [/bad snark]

Oh, and those white shoes reminded me an awful lot of Pat Boone. *ducks stones*

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I had a life once and it was highly overrated. But if he wants me to get one, I'm soooo there. Tomorrow, I'll start in by opening the four years worth of mail that's been piling up. Ahem.....

I thought the ET interview was great and I hope the best parts, as in the UNICEF trip, get the focus in the broadcast cut. I'm constantly amazed at how many different looks that man can pull off. I think he looked great in that video....with a slight proviso for the too heavy hank of bang that just lays there along his left temple which I blame on hair spray (a la Waukegan). I miss the beard, in all its wonderful lengths, but know it's there lurking just beneath the surface. We'll meet again one day.....sigh.

Also love how he managed to obliquely showcase one of his best assets by wearing those white tennies. *g* And his cheekbones are a thing of beauty, aren't they? And I was impressed by his honesty in his answer to Jann's question about how this trip (which I took to mean his life post Idol) has changed how he thinks about himself.

ITA! And the thing is -- calendar photo shoots are usually done about this time of the year, so that would mean -- beard and really good hair highlights. I'm not saying that would be bad (because I really like the look right now, even if it took me a few minutes to get used to the beard), but by the time the calendar would come out in September, he'll probably be clean shaven and a totally different shade of hair color. Mr. Chameleon.

ldyjocelyn, you gave me an idea. When I print my Clay calendar for next year, I think I'll use one main photo for all of the months, printed on a magnetic sheet. Then I'll make cutouts, also out of those magnetic sheets, of different haircuts, and garb, and stubble/no stubble, etc. And just for grinsies.....I could do new teeth and old teeth, too. Clayva of the month! I see possibilites. This has NOTHING to do with whether or not I need to get a life.

Ooooh! Thanks, ansamcw, for the ET report from the CH. Twirls! They showed video from the trip! (with the beard) That makes ME all verklempt, too!

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God, am I post whorring today or what?

Latest Field notes from UNICEF -- WITH VIDEO!!!!

Clay Aiken Thanks Afghanistan Donors + Tune In Tonight

Today is Day 8 of the campaign for Afghanistan and we've already far surpassed the goal. Clay Aiken asked us to share his thanks with you.

Also, Clay is scheduled to appear tonight on Entertainment Tonight. Tune in to hear Clay's thoughts on his trip with UNICEF.

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He is so cute, I am sure he thought we could exceed the figure. I think he might have been surprised at how quickly it was exceeded.

oh I'm sure they filmed a thank you for different situations...very smart.

I can't wait for ET...I'm glad we get it several times here...first one comes on at 5:30...

oh more report from CH:

They do show Clay saying that he's sorry that Sanjaya got cut, that now there's no real reason to continue to watch the show, not that he's been watching anyway.

Is this in the ETOnline video as well?


Near the beginning of the sitdown interview, they talk a little about VA Tech and that he was still overseas when that happened. So he must have just gotten back in the US within the last few days.

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They do show Clay saying that he's sorry that Sanjaya got cut, that now there's no real reason to continue to watch the show, not that he's been watching anyway.

I love my ever-tactful boyfriend.

Can't get the ET Online video to work. Maybe it's a Mac thing. Was on my way to work when I turned my danged car around and went back home. The last day or so, I've been falling asleep--or feeling like I should---at my desk, in the bus, in my Weight Watchers meeting this morning. Wondered if I were getting sick. No energy. So tired and sleepy all the time. Then it hit me. I'd worked about 11 days in a row without a day off! Worked right through the weekend while in Albuquerque and then went right back to the office when I got home. So I called to leave a message with my boss, drove back home and went to bed. Got up at 2:15 pm.

Also love how he managed to obliquely showcase one of his best assets by wearing those white tennies.
But...but....KarenEh?...he has TWO feet showcased in those shoes. I don't understand. :blink:

it's there lurking just beneath the surface. We'll meet again one day
Depending on what PANTS! he wears and how frisky Angela gets with him, yes...I imagine we will.

Tomorrow, I'll start in by opening the four years worth of mail that's been piling up
Oh, God! I think I love you! So I'm not the only one with junk mail covered with dust bunnies piled on the thingy by the front door? That pile that has bills and possibly my lottery winning notification buried therein? :F_05BL17blowkiss:
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Have have a download of the ETOnline video - do you want me to post it or just PM Muski?

Its up to you Play...it would be great to have a copy of it.

I just saw the ET telecast...EEEEEEEEEEEE

I love it when my expectations are exceeded. Didn't see the beginning...so I still have to watch every telecast from now...but there were a lot of stuff that was not on the etonline video...

lots of clips that were not in the Unicef video too...

He also talked about VA...he said he feels for the parents of the guy...they must be the only ones mourning for him...he said he isn't ..lets be honest.

the great thing is that he was in almost every teaser...lots of great shots ...

and what a contrast...this ET episode also hadthe story of Alec Baldwin's voice mail message to his daughter where he was verbally abusing her and threatening her...gah that was ugly.

BACK to CLAY...he was gorgeous...and quite a contrast between the Afghanistan clips and Clay in the studio.

I suggest people watch the telecast itself...its nice to see him treated so well and the story mentioned through out the show....

Well TC did very well for Clay and UNICEF...

ldyjocelyn...I also do not see too many publicity on other ambassadors mission. probably because we are not in tune to the others...but I would expect to have seen some at some point...but I only see them in fund raising shows.

sigh super proud of him....and hey...he didn't mention spring... :medium-smiley-070:

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ETOnline clip

Got this from CB after watching the ET clip several times - so I did my share of watching for others.

This is a new software sharebigfile. Please let me know what you think. For people with dial up, you can use a download manager (not that it is that big). If you like this, I may start using this software, it seems a lot faster than megaupload.

Gerwhisp is posting some clips link

Scroll to the bottom of the page.

I like this one aclayafgh2.jpg

Edited by playbiller
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I'm going out to dinner after work, can you tell if anyone is capping all of the Clay parts, including the going and coming from commercials..if not..it would be nice if somebody close to me, that loves me very much, that will see me quite soon as we walk the beautfiul shores of her city, could tape it.

ETA never mind..found a 4:30 am airing. That's about the time I wake for my bathroom run LOL.

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you playbiller for posting the ET video. I could not get it to work to save my life.

About 5 minutes for ET to come on here. Can't wait to see him. karen eh? I had a life once too. I agree it was over rated. *g*

Lots of pretty screen caps. Thanks to everyone for posting all the info and pics. I am getting ready to settle in with my tea & chocolate chip cookies, and watch me some Clay.

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Clay to the baby: "all done, darlin'..."



And may I add to that list of reactions:



me next




WAIT~ Is that Totally down there? Is that you? :rainbowsmile:

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Hi! I'm new here. Muski and Claygasm and I have a tendency to follow each other around, so I thought they might be lonely here without me. :) In any case, I'm happy to be here, because you all clearly share my love for a certain gorgeous and big-hearted young man who has a tendency to make me weak in the knees.

Love the ET pics - haven't seen the show yet since I'm on the west coast. I think he looks awesome! I enjoyed bearded Clay but think I prefer clean-cut or scruffy Clay. He just looks more like the Clay I fell in love with four years ago.

ETA - Hey Muski! :) I missed you too much and had to come find you. Hugs.

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Like, welcome, Totally! :lol:

I was out all evening, but it's soooo great to come home to new video and screencaps and pictures and more video.......GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Love the coverage that ET gave him. Love the thank you video he recorded in Afghanistan. I don't for one second believe that he recorded it until he actually knew that we'd exceeded the goal, though. So I think that maybe he stayed in the country longer than we thought he did. And he talked about being there still when the VA Tech shootings happened, too.

I hear that there was some different coverage on later versions of ET. I hope we get all the different versions!

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Welcome totally...

still on a high about that whole ET appearance. I love the fact that the had clips that were not on the UNICEF video. I have a feeling Clay will be making more appearances. Maybe this is when he gets to visit the View and becomes a co host. I ahve a feeling that if that will ever happen it will be during the sweeps week.

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ETOnline clip

Got this from CB after watching the ET clip several times - so I did my share of watching for others.

This is a new software sharebigfile. Please let me know what you think. For people with dial up, you can use a download manager (not that it is that big). If you like this, I may start using this software, it seems a lot faster than megaupload.

I might like it play if I could figure out how to download it! I think I am VERY stupid, but for the life of me I don't see how you download it!! HELP!!

ETA: Dumb me! I finally figured it out......

Hi! I'm new here. Muski and Claygasm and I have a tendency to follow each other around, so I thought they might be lonely here without me. :) In any case, I'm happy to be here, because you all clearly share my love for a certain gorgeous and big-hearted young man who has a tendency to make me weak in the knees.

Love the ET pics - haven't seen the show yet since I'm on the west coast. I think he looks awesome! I enjoyed bearded Clay but think I prefer clean-cut or scruffy Clay. He just looks more like the Clay I fell in love with four years ago.

ETA - Hey Muski! :) I missed you too much and had to come find you. Hugs.

TOTALLY!!!!!! YAY!!! :nanalove: :F_05BL17blowkiss: Now it really does feel like home here! Welcome! I think you'll like it here!!

I just got home and I missed ET, but I wasn't worried. I knew there would be clack! Off to download!

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