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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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The wild west rules - OK....so much for a child friendly board.

Well, it sounds like the same mods will be back and the same posters.. goes back to look for Couchie's questions

The first thing that popped into my mind was stump the orchestra.

Hmm, I wonder if he read the tour threads about not sitting on the lawn in Cary. A lot of people are skipping Cary and going to Ashville, but I had so much fun on the lawnin Cary two years ago, great view (second row), sat on line for hours and met some really great people. It was a blast and there were people in their eighties sitting out in the sun.

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I freakin' love that man. He is brilliant...and if he wants to sing Mongolian Polkas to me I will slap my money down to listen. Teacher Clay is all kinds of hawt.

Good luck on the show Atinal. Mind if I ask what kind of art you work with?

laughn, I do oil paintings, mostly portraits

Thanks to all for the good wishes for my show. It's been a great experience so far.

I often wonder how I can be proud of someone I've never met and only admire from afar, but dang, Clay Aiken is one fine example of a human being, so much more tolerant than I.

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As is normal a quick scanning of a few boards and everyone one heard that they are right.

I think he has to give step by step rules or maybe he wants everyone to be right.

OK, does anyone think he got a whiff of the D'Cat pin and renamed the tour with meaning less letters to derail the tour name jokes?

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I'd like to thank everyone who has been so welcoming to me here!

Clay's blog made me schmoopie, and excited to see the concert. I love soft rock.

The name Soft Rock and a Hard Place sounds a little naughty. :TourExcite:

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I bet it's hot there and there's a little ocean breeze and the ocean is pounding and he's kinda sweaty so he has a bit of sand stuck to him and he has some stubble.


I'm TOTALLY intrigued by the teasers in the blog about the music and the stuff he gave to Jesse and the symphonies for whatever speshul stuff he has up his sleeve.

Dammit. How am I going to go to a show?


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Had to read and run again tonight because my sister is on the computer again. :scream:

Play, I thought of you tonight. He apologized. You've been looking for someone to do that all night and he did.

Two, people will interpret this to fit their theories, as always.

This is what I took from he said

Stop fighting my battles

Stop fighting each other

What the board becomes is up to you

Don't feed the trolls

Simple as that.

Loved his story about his cross world travels...and all for a little old party. heee

Love him to death.

OK Clay has tried to set expectations a bit for this tour. LOL at the name for it..sorry Clay... you can be as soft or hard as you want..but I still want to do you. heee

I'm very intrigued what he has planned...is it something more on line with the JBT? A walk down memory lane? Will he do different eras, tell a story... heee can't wait to find out.

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Great blog by a stubbly, wrinkly, and sleep-deprived world traveler. Can't wait for my show! :TourExcite:

I'll admit that I'm a little disappointed that it sounds like it will be back to business as usual at the OFC. And I'm really disappointed that apparently the only one apologizing about the debacle is Clay, when I surely don't think he has anything to apologize for. And I'm done talking about that...

Sorry, it's going to always be the DCAT to me, no matter how hard it is. :whistling-1:

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I read his blog twice. Granted, I have not had my first cup of coffee yet, but I have to say I'm disappointed in it. If housekeeping is not done at his board, and it doesn't look like it is going to be, then nothing has changed. In fact I read some parts of his blog that will be interpreted, by those causing the problems, to keep continuing it. *sigh*

The 1% he is addressing has never, and will never, ever recognize themselves as the problem. In fact it sounds to me like if I want to go back to the OFC and raise hell with the ones that got it shut down, in the first place, it will be allowed. According to his blog. *sigh* I don't think Clay really understands how disturbed some of his fans really are. I don't think he understands the lengths some of them will go to to cause trouble. They are cyber stalkers and misfits. I'm so disappointed about his OFC that I just feel like crying.............In fact I probably won't rejoin next year if it is still the same way it is now. Maybe after I reread the blog a dozen more times, it won't sound so disappointing to me, but right now I have a sad pit in my stomach. And a huge urge to be ill and then weep. I guess I can find some comfort in knowing that the agenda by Madame X and her minions to get the mods fired, backfired. :cryingwlaughter: ....No matter my own personal feelings about the modding. Hee

Now his tour talk is getting me all intrigued. :TourExcite:

A stroll down memory lane? Like maybe showing videos of concerts and backstage stuff and rehearsals etc.? Or is it him just singing songs from ATDW and MOAM (Which we all knew he was going to do) with covers of other similar type songs? Juke Box Tour revisited? Endless possibilities. It sounds like he is urging his fans to buy more tickets. Are sales not doing well? Well, I love the kid, and I will keep supporting him until he gets his all original album. For the record Clay, I don't like it when fans make fun of your mother either. So, I hope I can ignore it as well as you do.

I had a great day yesterday. Wonderful lunch. I got two new late birthday gifts from my friends. A new purse and a new blouse. Both beautiful. Then I had a nice visit with my son and his wife. He made me a new CD. Talk about memory lane. After my recent concerts, I had to have me some 80's songs from the Eagles, Air Supply, Hall & Oates. Then some Country songs. Alan Jackson's, Red On A Rose and Allison Kraus newest cover song. Hardly any new stuff at all. I bought 20 songs yesterday. HaHaHa One was Kim Locke's 8th World Wonder. It was funny to hear my son and his wife talk about how disappointed in Kelly Clarkson, they were. They didn't like the image change with her and think her voice is going because of the way they make her sing. Didn't like her new song at all. They were huge huge fans, so to hear all that was a shock. Their new love is Chris Daughtry. Well, my son's new love anyway. Hee

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Clayzor, what I took from Clay's blog is that he doesn't need to be defended and to IGNORE the bullies. I will be the first to say that he is a bigger person than me. I have always been the first to go to bat for him, but if this is the advice he is giving us, I will try my best to follow it. For him....anything. ;)

My hope is that this doesn't give free reign to the haters and the bullies to continue the crap that they post over there. But, you know that little 'ignore' button? It is going to be my new best friend!

The tour sounds very interesting and exciting! :Tour3:

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Clayzor this one sentence makes me think that things might just get worse over there "you know, if you want to use the message board to beat up on each other and tear each other down, go for it. Enjoy yourselves." And the truth is, from now on, if thats really what it comes to, so be it." It doesn't sound good to me.

I am thinking the trip down memory lane could be songs from his AI days? Not sure but really wish I was going to a concert. :cry4:

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Greetings, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Sheesh, I joined your board and RL immediately moved in. However, somehow I've been able to read all your great posts and lose my eyeballs -- and heart -- over the awesome high-res pix, just not post.

Sally's sister is a huge Paul McCartney fan, keepingfaith, with lots of MACCA stories to tell. Aspiegirl created a montage and printed one of the stories in a blog about a year ago (7/2/06). Here is the montage at YouTube:


Laughn, I'm so glad you brought your Jennifer-Clay Adventures to FCA's Creative Writing thread. Kudos for all! :clap:

YSRN -- I followed the link to the Thistle Hut. The bird bath pix from 6/2 are amazing! :)

bananatype.gif Prior to our guy's latest update, I posted a new blog at the OFC and Carolina On My Mind, a humorous take on Clay's Angels. This was a huge deviation for me, usually the straight news/feature writer of my journalism background. Several talented graphic artists -- Cindilu2 and CV's PSP crew -- help pretty up the place. :wub:

Thank you, Playbiller, for stopping by the previous entry. I left you a note in your OFC blog, which I'm not sure you frequent anymore. And you are right -- a couple of paragraphs from the Kat Drama should be posted on Clay boards everywhere. Fans can certainly make the entertainer look bad, as we well know.

I often wonder how I can be proud of someone I've never met and only admire from afar, but dang, Clay Aiken is one fine example of a human being, so much more tolerant than I.

So true! Clay's latest flat did me in. I had fallen asleep watching a movie and somehow intercepted the "He Blogged" vibes in time to read it while his name was still in the list. The word's out, but I still feel sad for those who don't have Clay Aiken in their life.

Couch Tomato, I love your analysis:

This is what I took from he said

Stop fighting my battles

Stop fighting each other

What the board becomes is up to you

Don't feed the trolls

Simple as that.

I'm a great believer of the "Ignore/Scroll on By" plan. I do like that one of the by-products of the OFCMB lock down has been the revival of previously dormant journals, as well as the unveiling of several new ones; and I hope they continue.

Atinal -- all the best with your show! :bravo:

:affection:Maddy, hope your eye continues to heal on its own.

Karen Eh -- looking forward to a new round of your wonderful photos from this summer's tour. :Tour3:

I'm very intrigued what he has planned...is it something more on line with the JBT? A walk down memory lane? Will he do different eras, tell a story... heee can't wait to find out.

Reckon Clay got word of DCAT and threw his own tour name into the hat? It's all good to me. I ordered my pin this weekend and hope I get to wear it in the hills of Tennessee. A heart procedure on June 26 will determine that. LOL, and Clay thinks 28 is old! :lol:

I'm worn out from this three-day catch-up post. Y'all have an awesome Sunday! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

ETA: I can't believe how many mistakes jump off the page only after you send a post through. :lol:

Edited by Carolina Clay
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As is normal a quick scanning of a few boards and everyone one heard that they are right.

I think he has to give step by step rules or maybe he wants everyone to be right.

OK, does anyone think he got a whiff of the D'Cat pin and renamed the tour with meaning less letters to derail the tour name jokes?

Hee his new nickname has more smutty possibilities... :clap:

Yup ... Clay's blogs are like Rorscharch tests....people see what they want to see. It will be interesting if there will be any changes to the OFC tomorrow...new mods?new TOU or bannings?

Time to concentrate on the concerts...EEEEEEEEEEEE

so what do you all think of Clay;s memory lane...and what will be have up his sleeves.

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Play, I thought of you tonight. He apologized. You've been looking for someone to do that all night and he did.

I wish he didn't feel the need to.

This is what I took from he said

Stop fighting my battles

Stop fighting each other

What the board becomes is up to you

Don't feed the trolls

Simple as that.

Yep, very simple. But unfortunately, I think too complicated for many over there. I don't think I'll be frequenting the place. Just not my cuppa.

My hope is that this doesn't give free reign to the haters and the bullies to continue the crap that they post over there. But, you know that little 'ignore' button? It is going to be my new best friend!

Is there really an ignore button? Hee, too bad it's not available on other boards! But at least that might be one option for wading into the fray over there, if or when I decide to get brave again.

Now onto the part of the blog that I really, really loved, and that, of course, it the way he describes the tour! *waves to atinal* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I can't wait to find out what kind of "walk down memory lane" he has in mind. Somehow, me thinks it'll be anything but ordinary. I've seen lots of theories bandied about so far this morning, from TV theme songs to AI performances to some of his old demos. Can't wait to find out for sure!

I thought it was interesting that he said he had Jesse orchestrate a few songs that got left off of ATDW. I wonder what? Maybe some of the ones that were on the original track listing, but got nixed at the last minute? Intriguing.

And of course, the part that he isn't sure is going to work. Hee, somehow I think audience participation might be involved. I didn't really get the "stump the band" vibe from it, though. No idea what he has up his sleeve!

I am so excited that he is excited about singing the songs from ATDW. Be still my heart. I have never been so addicted to an album as I am to it. Well, at least since MOAM. Hee.

Is it July yet? :Tour3: :DoClay: :Tour3:

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Wheeeee! Caro's here with the news!

Wow, I am just so damn impressed with these last two blogs from the man. Last night, especially. I don't know if it's planning or providence, but between the two of them, he manages to touch on just about everything. Where he is and what he's doing? Check. Tour tidbits? Check. RCA? Clive? Soft Rock and Hard Places? Checkity check check. (and depending on where you put the commas, is that really so different from DCAT? :RedGuy: ) And then on to the tough stuff. I personally love that he took on the ultimate responsibility, not for what went down amongst the fans, but for what happened and what will happen as a result. Clay Aiken, large and in charge is fiiiiiine by me. Okay, I could have lived without him mentioning ever changing anything after reading about it on the boards. Ugh - you know that will become a battle-cry for all the self-appointed managers he has. But these two blogs confirm what we've always really known ~ Clay Aiken has a quick mind, a huuuuuuuuuge heart, and titanium balls. I'm going to do him the honor of following his example.

Clayzorback wrote:

The 1% he is addressing has never, and will never, ever recognize themselves as the problem. In fact it sounds to me like if I want to go back to the OFC and raise hell with the ones that got it shut down, in the first place, it will be allowed. According to his blog. *sigh* I don't think Clay really understands how disturbed some of his fans really are. I don't think he understands the lengths some of them will go to to cause trouble. They are cyber stalkers and misfits. I'm so disappointed about his OFC that I just feel like crying.............In fact I probably won't rejoin next year if it is still the same way it is now. Maybe after I reread the blog a dozen more times, it won't sound so disappointing to me, but right now I have a sad pit in my stomach. And a huge urge to be ill and then weep. I guess I can find some comfort in knowing that the agenda by Madame X and her minions to get the mods fired, backfired. ....No matter my own personal feelings about the modding. Hee

Clayzor, if anything these blogs say to me that he does have the number of that 1%. I get the feeling that it's a 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer' thing. And if we could actually DO what he's asking and not engage the crazies (on either side)... ah, but that's a perfect world. Then again, I doubt there is anybody among us who knows better than Clay that we don't live in a perfect world. But he's the one paying the price here, so if he's willing to try it, so am I. And in the end, the message board is just a small, seperate part of the OFC. Not re-joining because of it is throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

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This is what I took from he said

Stop fighting my battles

Stop fighting each other

What the board becomes is up to you

Don't feed the trolls

Simple as that.

I agree. I also think he was trying to calm the waters w/o alienating anyone. Of course all sides will claim victory. No one is going to admit they are part of the 1% but if just a few change their ways...it's already better. I thought the tone was just right. Honest and yet not too teachery. I'm glad he went into such depth about everything. Makes me feel all squishy. I don't know why. :blush:

The bit about Faye and "it doesn't make it true" reminded me of something Dolly Parton said in a Larry King interview a few years ago....

LK --- Does it bother you when people refer to you as a dumb blonde?

DP --- *laughs* No.

LK --- It doesn't?

DP --- Look, I know I'm not dumb. And I know I'm not a blonde either.



The tour! OMG! I can't stand it! How will I ever wait until July?



eta :

KAndre ... what an adorable little one.

I just love the second picture with all the "regular" clothes strewn on the floor.

Edited by jamar1700
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Hey y'all!

Thinks about flexing her power as mod, scans the thread for anyone to thump to give her an excuse, realizes the only one needing modding was herself as she accidentally edited the heck out of bottle's post, and sits quietly down...

My, what an interesting week in Clay Nation! First, I'll tell y'all what I did yesterday - as it adds to my total exhaustion today. It's car buying time for me - I narrowed my choices to 4 coupes (My formerly teenaged son is grown and out of the house so I am indulging myself), but I need to test drive them all in order to eliminate what I just can't live with. Did I tell y'all it was 96 frickin' degrees outside yesterday? Drug a guy friend along with me. Who whined a bit. And it would have been nice to have found a happy medium between the ravenous hyena type car dealers and the "What? You're a customer? You want me to like, help, you? You're crazy, man! Oh yeah, I work here." But I didn't. I've narrowed it to two through, though it took me 5 pm. Which was bad because my niece's fifth birthday was yesterday. As she has just started ballet lesson, my birthday present to her were tickets to the Houston Ballet's performance of Coppelia. She was thrilled and of course demanded to wear her ballerina outfit.



So by 6:30 I was off to my sister's house to try and make a 7:30 performance. The niece, who was still bouncing off the walls from her birthday party, was still eating. Of course, when I walked, she declared she was full and was ready to go. I took her at her word, her mother threw on the tutu and off we went. Of course, this turned out to be an almost sold out performance and I ended up in parking lot hell, and we were in the loge, but we made our seats before the performance started. She was entranced. I was bored out of my mind. I clearly am not cultivated enough for the joys of ballet. Two minutes before the first intermission, she declares loudly that she has to pee. Like RIGHT NOW. We make it to the bathroom just in time (and that was a nightmare in and of itself) and come out just in time for the first intermission. Everyone, and I mean everyone is admiring her in her tutu. And she plays into by performing her interpretation of Coppelia up and down the reception area. An incredible amount of old people especially loved her to death. And wanted to buy her stuff. She was eating it up with a spoon. We went in for the second act. She was still entranced. I was amazed because I though she would be unconscious by now, as her normal bedtime is 7:30 am. But she sat quietly, watched the 'action', clapped at the good parts, and declared Coppelia was just like her brother when the 'doll' began destroying things in the toy shop. As an aside, do y'all realize that the male dancers might as well have gone pantless? And some of them had to be stuffing. By the end of the second act, she declared she was starving. and mentioned that she only liked sweet things. I bought her a Snickers - which gave her enough of a sugar rush to dance for even more people - one old guy declared she even had the body of a ballerina and I could see him looking at me and wondering how in the hell that happened. The third act she wasn't as controlled as by that point she was standing in our little dance, copying what the dancers were doing on stage. I was mainly attempting to stop her from kicking the head of the guy in front of us and praying for the exhaustion on her part to kick in. Oh no. She was lively enough to go meet a dancer in the green room after the performance. Who also admired her outfit, and acted mightily impressed when the niece explained she was also taken ballet. I don't think the dance realized Anaya was explaining that she was planning on replacing her. Finally, we get to head for the car.

When I realize I don't know where the hell I parked. After ten minutes of car searching, that's when child exhaustion finally kicks in. I honestly hope every surveillance camera was off as I kicked off my heels (yes, I was wearing 3 inch heels - I am now excessive sorry as we had to go up and down 5 billion flights of stairs), hauled the tutu covered kid on my back with her pink backpack in one hand (apparently she said it was a part of the outfit) and a ceramic ballerina pig (which I had to buy her at the Ballet) in the other and my keys around my neck in 90 degree and 100% humidity and wandered around for another ten minutes. She passed out as soon as she got in the car. After dropping her off, I passed out as soon as I got home.

As for Clay's latest blog - I think Clay realizes better than anyone how little actual control he has over the fandom, especially the Internet fandom. There are people who wouldn't believe he is talking about them if he said it to their face. I do think Clay used Faye as a specific example for a reason. I also think he saw that it really was only 1% of the people who were a problem. The people planning merrily in the tour thread did not deserve this. But I also see a complete and total slap at a troll who has "close the MB" as her siggy, was nothing but a complete and total instigator, and was a major reason for the sewage there. Clay did say they were "cleaning house" - I didn't get the impression he had a problem with that, I think he just seemed to feel they didn't need to shut the board down to do it. And I agree with that.

As for the summer concert...nyah, nyah, nyah Clay! Unless they are dragging in mosquitoes and grass, I get to see you in a nice cushy air conditioned seat! HA! Take that!

Frisco's gonna be great, but Houston is gonna be fanTAbulous!

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Couch Tomato wrote:

his is what I took from he said

Stop fighting my battles

Stop fighting each other

What the board becomes is up to you

Don't feed the trolls

Simple as that.

Beautiful, isn't it? I think he also did one more thing last night that was really important. He gave everyone permission to step back.

As for the new tour...OMG, now I'm all :Tour3:

I think the man is an artist in the truest sense. I think he thinks in pictures, in stories...vignettes.

The memory lane thing reminded me of the JBT also. I think we all enjoyed ourselves with that tour so much because you could feel how much he was enjoying it too. I think reading about him being 'excited' and 'pumped' last night (god, do those two words sitting next to the name Clay Aiken do anything for you like they do me?) made me realize that whatever the show, soft rock, orchestra or not, we're going to be getting the energy level of a JBT...and that's all good in my book.

ETA...KAndre your niece is beautiful! That is the age of student I have been teaching for the last zillion years. I smiled all the way through your ballet story. lol

Edited by laughn
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What amazes me is that Clay could produce such a sensible, articulate blog with just the right tone "after 3 flights, 8 time zones" and very little rest. In many ways, he is extremely wise beyond his 28 years. :)

KAndre, I thoroughly enjoyed your ballet post. I raised a ballerina, and we attended several performances "in costume" prior to the ones she participated in on stage. :P

Caro listen.gif

Edited by Carolina Clay
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((((Clayzor)))) and those that are worn out by the faction wars in the OFC. I really don't think his blog means everything will stay the same. I get the impression that he simply didn't want the small faction that wanted the board to close to win. I also think he realizes that the pay to play nature of the board means that you cannot pick and choose who posts on the board therefore you will get all kinds of characters...happy people, negative people, people who love him and people that hate him too. The only litmus test in joining up is if a person is willing to spend 15 dollars to join the OFC.

Of course there is the TOU that is supposed to protect Clay's interest. But it would seem that Clay does not want to keep controlling the conversation. Lets see if the TOU stays the same and the mods. I do hope they end up having power to suspend people.

oops I;ve been trying to finish this post since 8 am...now I see lots of new post and a ginormous one from Kandre...will respond to that after I post this one.

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KAndre, the master or (mistress) of the recap. The trip to the ballet story was great and your neice is beautiful.

I'm one that doesn't visit the message board at the OFC often. When someone references something posted over there, even the few times when Clay was online, it took me forever to find it. I hear lots of people saying they never go there. Would it help if more of us did go? If more of us ignored the idiots would they get the message? Even if they didn't get the message, would it at least give the appearance that most Clay fans are sane?

I didn't join the Fan Club for the message board. I joined to support Clay. Period. His last 2 blogs alone, have been worth the price of membership for me.

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Aww kandre. Your niece is just so beautiful. She will make a stunning ballerina.

Ok. I got the same thing out of the blog that everyone else did. I realize that Clay had to be diplomatic and can't afford to alienate any of his fans. I understand his political correctness and even agree with it to some extent. However I also saw how the 1%, he was referring to, could take it and twist it to mean other things. I was really, really hoping for some banning of those constant turd stirrers over there. BECAUSE, it is the first place new fans come. I do understand that he has to open the board back up because it isn't fair that the other 99 percent of the paying members can't have access. I have always felt bad for Clay's younger fans there and have stated so on that board many times. Some older fans just make it tough on them to want to act in a natural teenage, or mid twenties fangirly fashion. Always telling them how to behave.

So as to not be negative and bring the board down this morning, this is what excited me in the blog.

1. Free speech will remain at OFC

2. He encourages honest feedback, reads it, and even makes changes sometimes because of it.

3. He loves to be a name dropper. LOL Cabo San Lucas-Paris

4. He is unofficially naming it the "Soft Rock and a Hard Place" tour or "A Soft Rock gathers no moss" tour.

5. He says he loves soft rock and so do I.

6. His humor, Telling us to bring Bug spray & knowing that his concerts are different every night because he messes up in a different place each night. LOL CMSU!!!

7. It appears he is not going to allow for complete censorship of every single little negative meaningless diss or dig at him, on the board. I'm proud of him that he realizes you can't censor the entire Internet system or the entire media. That there will always be somebody somewhere who will have something to say about him in a not so positive light.

8. Keyword is "IGNORE" don't engage and enrage. STOP IT PEOPLE.

9. The smack down he gave to the gang trying to get his OFC closed for the wrong reasons. xxxx

10. I loved how he said to let people do their jobs without interferring and micro-managing. This I am going to interpret as being a direct hint to a certain few people. *g*

As for Clay's latest blog - I think Clay realizes better than anyone how little actual control he has over the fandom, especially the Internet fandom. There are people who wouldn't believe he is talking about them if he said it to their face. I do think Clay used Faye as a specific example for a reason. I also think he saw that it really was only 1% of the people who were a problem. The people planning merrily in the tour thread did not deserve this. But I also see a complete and total slap at a troll who has "close the MB" as her siggy, was nothing but a complete and total instigator, and was a major reason for the sewage there. Clay did say they were "cleaning house" - I didn't get the impression he had a problem with that, I think he just seemed to feel they didn't need to shut the board down to do it. And I agree with that.

I read that and I sure hope you are right about him cleaning house. That was my main disappointment about his blog, really. It just seemed to me that nothing was going to be done about a few bad apples with an agenda to rid the board of people, from a certain other board that they don't like, and trying to have a mutiny on his board to do it. Yes he does know all about the 1 % as does most of the 99% of the other fans. So we shall see what we shall see. I hope it improves but am very skeptical it will. Ok. I'm done with the blog topic.

Ansamcw, I agree....Like I say, I was just disappointed to think that some people would not get banned for blatantly showing disrespect and bullying other members and mods. To me they act as if the TOU does not apply to them. But, enough......Time to move on.

:Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

I'm not a fan of the old demo songs. I hope he isn't going to revive those. I'm tired of his AI stuff too, because I replay them so often. I would absolutely love to hear some of the songs they showcased in that 40s soft rock songs of the 80s special they had on VH1....Some really great songs from the 70s & 80s..........So does casual laid back mean I can dress casually for the Brady Theater in Tulsa? *g* Or do I have to wear dress slacks and heels? I tried to shop for a nice dressy looking sundress last week and couldn't find a stinking thing I liked. I think I will head out to the garage and look for some things to get rid of. Do some housekeeping of my own. Hee Son is having a garage sale next weekend, thought I might throw some junk in it. Hope I didn't bring down the board with my earlier disappointment in the blog post.

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