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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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I am hooked on UM - I always have been. The only thing that messes it up for me is when he missed the "neeeeeeeeeed" note. And he does that fairly often.

But speaking of favorites. I am compiling a page of JBT performances. Do y'all want to tell me some more of your faves? Please?? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

K'eh - have you thought of getting a wireless internet service that will work anywhere?

here's a link to try: http://www.covadwireless.com/services-super-t.html

It just might work!!

I was looking at the list of levels and thinking -- there can really be only one Chaiman & CEO...

but what about promoter? They're impo'tent. I am reading a book now about the recording industry...

Ooops - you also forgot Manager and ......... shoot - I had it a second ago...

I am still pages behind - still tired from the weekend company and it starts all over again tomorrow when my daughter arrives from SF and we travel to PA for more partying...

No rest for the weary. Be back... goin gto read that book a bit more and I'll hopefully come up with a couple more terms for us!!

:clap: :me0: :whistling-1:

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ivy...I do think that is a legitimate worry for me. I think right now people are just reacting and stating their POV. But I hear that there is much drama elsewhere. sigh...

good to see you post BTW...

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I have friends that believe things that make me shake my head and wonder if they had a major brain trauma in the last few years (a mother who encouraged her son to sign up and serve in Iraq so he could feel good about himself?!?!? A master degreed nurse who decided that evolution did not happen - not in the bible to which she has recently become very attached) and I still give them birthday presents and talk to them, I just leave when the topic turns into something I can't handle. I no longer try to change their minds - I feel when they don't have them anymore, what is the point. But they are nice, if not the brightest, people.

Compromise - I have learned to live with it.

We have an engineer with an MBA who holds a senior management position with a major corporation in our family....top of her class and all that jazz. In her case it happened about ten years ago. Evolution went out the window and in walked faith healing and coming soon to a theatre near you.....spontaneous regeneration. Needless to say we have had some extremely interesting discussions around the campfires at the cottage. At this point we're all just happy it's dark when these topics come up because it isn't always easy to keep a straight face. Seriously! Of course I am a woman who believes there is a God (in some way, shape or form) because of a fountain pen....it really is the little things, ya know.

cha cha, thanks for the link.....good idea! I'll check it out. That reminds me, too, that Verizon has something and we get our cell phones through them and my husbands company. Maybe since he'll need to be connected for work while we're away that would be the way to go. The catch would be if there are international fees or roaming to Canada....of course I guess that would depend on the plan.

I personally can't take much of the angst about the venues. If people have good reasons for not attending fine. Just don't shove them in my face with 1000 posts about it. I'm trying to be careful because I know some here may not like that particular venue. No problem. But then I'm sure if people did research, there would not be many approved venues. Some will like it. Some will not. *shrug* I hope that those who don't will let the rest of us enjoy the concert and don't go into the tailspin I'm starting to see on a couple of boards.

ivy, I agree about the angst and the 1,000 posts that rehash the same thing over and over again. I like this place so much because the people here pretty much want to enjoy their fandom and find ways to do that.

Like me...going back to my personal JBT fest. cha cha, I'll file a report later. Heh!

I do have a question about the board, though. If I turn "Guided Mode On" and "Check Post Length" will my posting experience be enhanced in any way?

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If I turn "Guided Mode On" and "Check Post Length" will my posting experience be enhanced in any way?

KarenEh...I've tried them both and I have to say that although I prefer to guide myself, it IS quite enjoyable to check length.

Or should I have said...check the length of the post?

Edited by muskifest
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Poor Muski = mostly smutting alone. Sadly, I am scrubbing and cleaning and packing to go home so smut not to easy near bleach.

What is nice is that people here blow of steam and then move on to "other" things - hehe.

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I do have a question about the board, though. If I turn "Guided Mode On" and "Check Post Length" will my posting experience be enhanced in any way?

Bwah. Guided mode? Huh? Kicks board. Is their a user guide for dummies that comes with this thing?

Compromise - I have learned to live with it.

thread title?

Muski never smuts alone. heee.. she puts a big old grin on my face every time. And girlfriend is on a roll today.

So it's not bad enough that I'm female, over 40 and somewhat less than svelte, now my Christian cooties are holding Clay back, too? Well, crap... :angry22:

ahhhh heee. hey if you have cooties I surely have cooties by now cuz my mom fits that description too...and me too..at least that over 40 part..ok less than svelte.

Speaking of mom, Muski, have to go take care of her today...she's not well so no walking today.

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So it's not bad enough that I'm female, over 40 and somewhat less than svelte, now my Christian cooties are holding Clay back, too? Well, crap... :angry22:

Well for the fans that puts importance in this things...I think its not so much that its is holding Clay back but they think it keeps him from being cool and therefore it hurts their coolness cred.

Sigh..religious and political topics are difficult to discuss without stepping on some toes. That is why I was happy to look at this Church as just another venue.

Play...yup good point. That is the way it is for me specially since I have gone a seperate path in my spiritual journey from my parents...I have just learned to tolerate different POV...agree to disagree and compromise.

eta: (((couchie's mom))) hope she's feeling better soon.

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What is nice is that people here blow of steam and then move on to "other" things - hehe.

Thank God for that. :P I am not going over to OFC again today. What a nightmare. :drama:

I have been addicted to the David Foster Gala clack for a couple of days....since our UM discussion. Last night I watched the whole thing. I listened to it on my iPod today at work. And, being the bad employee I am, I brought an awesome DVD that a friend made me into work, to try it on my brand spanking new 22 inch wide screen monitor (why won't they let me take it home at night?) :ilovemypc:

I showed RHW to my boss.....I guess I must have been grinning like a fool or something, because she said to me "you could just watch this all day, couldn't you?" Heh, I sure could. One reason why I shouldn't buy a video iPod, I'd never get any work done.

I can't wait until July 4th. 35 more days!!!!!!!!!!! I was listening to ATDW this morning in the car and I was getting chills imagining him singing those songs live. Can you imagine a live version of Lonely No More? :clap:

:Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:

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Heh, I compromise within some limits - I dont't knowingly by nestle products (hard to tell all they own though, since they were involved in inadvertantly killing housands of newborns in Africa in a bid to sell more product in the 70's.

I don't buy any Eukanuba products since it almost killed my other dog 17 years ago (grudge)

I would list some more, but I have to go and drive for a few hours 0 I have been putting it off to long - p[ut away the computer and go.

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Amazingly this den of horrors (aka the church venue) didn't put off the thousands of fans who went there last night. Maybe they were all members? Or maybe this kind of drama is exclusive to Clay Land?

I know it was some kind of charity event, but still....

Speaking of dancing phallic symbols... a little meat to go with the veggies?


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Hey, I don't think vegetarian necessarily means a more active sex life. Consider the couch potato.

Of course, Clay is probably a couch potato. I take back what I said and will most definitely consider the couch potato.

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Poor Muski = mostly smutting alone.

Alone does it in a pinch.

You won't feel quite so alone if you make friends with BOB. And have extra batteries to spare. Of course, a zucchini or a cucumber will do in a pinch. :eusa_whistle:

Regarding the Wichita concert - I'm from Colorado, and it's likely to be the closest concert for me. If he does a concert in Salt Lake, I'll go to that one instead, but otherwise, it's Wichita for me. It's 500 miles away from me (easily driven in a day), whereas the east and west coasts are at least a couple days of driving. Plane fares are much cheaper to Kansas, too.

So, although I don't agree with the politics of the church, I'll likely be there. I'm a Christian, but not a right-winger. I respect those that won't be going to the concert due to concerns about where the money will go, but I'm gonna be selfish if it's the only concert I can go to due to distance.

I did read on another board, though, that this church always offers tickets to its own members first. So getting tickets might be a huge issue. I guess I have a few months until I have to face the ticket stress.

And Claygasm - I'm sending hugs and positive energy your way.

Edited by Gibby
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Why do I get the feeling that a lot of the "principle"posting on that other board is from people who are not planning on going anyway?

It's easy to make a stand when you are not really involved and don't have to be tested. I mean I have issues with blood diamonds and furs and don't buy either. Well the truth is I can't afford one and am allergic to the other but it sounds good*g*

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Why do I get the feeling that a lot of the "principle"posting on that other board is from people who are not planning on going anyway?

It's easy to make a stand when you are not really involved and don't have to be tested. I mean I have issues with blood diamonds and furs and don't buy either. Well the truth is I can't afford one and am allergic to the other but it sounds good*g*

I can only speak for myself, but if this church were in my own backyard, I would not go to this concert. I just won't have my money supporting the intolerance and hate this church does in the name of religion.

Actually, reading some of the comments over at the OFC about this church being about "Christian scripture" made me think of one of my favorite scenes ever from one of Clay's favorite shows, "West Wing". Its a scene where President Bartlett took a conservative radio host, who justified her intolerance with Biblical quotations, down a notch or two by throwing other quotes from the Bible at her and asking her if these things were ok because the Bible said they were. If you're interested in it, you can find here at YouTube.

I think what I hate most about Clay playing at this church is that people might think he endorses the intolerant, hateful tenents expressed on their website and in their newletter. Of course, I only know what I have heard Clay say, but this man is about inclusion. He has said his Jesus loves everyone. He has friends who are black, white, male, female, Christian, Jew, gay, straight whatever. Clay to me seems to be as far away from endorsing the crap this church seems to be all about as I am! The very idea that members of this congregation may believe Clay shares their ideals, that anyone may think this is what Clay is all about, appalls me!

I am off to bed. I am always so tired these days! Thanks for all the support. Please keep the positive energy coming for my father. I just know once he gets that clean bill of health, everything else will fall into place.

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THANK GOD -- Delta and Dawn are back out in the ocean. The story was cute the first day :cryingwlaughter:

My mom thought it was a soap opera... Did that get past the local level. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

The pin is ready for order...order page can be found here

Anybody want to order by mail, just PM me and I'll tell you what to do!!

Don't forget the Chat on Friday and Saturday night -- starting at 9 ET. Even if you can come by for a bit, please do.

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Thoughts on YWT - I wasn't offended, and I was a little surprised about some peeps reactions to it, to be honest. I don't necessarily agree with the lyrics of the song, those are not necessarily my beliefs, altho they do echo the ones I was brought up on.

I do however, support Clay's right to perform whatever music he chooses. I have heard he is deeply religious, and altho I don't have firsthand knowledge that it is so, he actions somewhat indicate that it is.

YWT is a beautiful song and his "production" of it was befitting the character of the song. My personal feeling was that - aside from his religious views of the content of the song - that it was one he had 'always wanted to sing' - sort of like "Kyrie" was for the IT.

And he can just go on with his bad self and sing whatever songs he wants to at any and all of his concerts.

On another note, I was watched "Galaxy Quest" for the umpteenth time - I LOVE THAT MOVIE!

And ummmm....... I had a few glasses of wine while I was watching...... CARRY ON!!


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Wheee! The pins! The pins! I only hope I can stop at this one and not delve back into the pin craziness again.....once my tally went over $200 USD I had to stop myself last time. I could have bought 3 or more concert tickets with that! :cryingwlaughter:

I think what I hate most about Clay playing at this church is that people might think he endorses the intolerant, hateful tenents expressed on their website and in their newletter. Of course, I only know what I have heard Clay say, but this man is about inclusion. He has said his Jesus loves everyone. He has friends who are black, white, male, female, Christian, Jew, gay, straight whatever. Clay to me seems to be as far away from endorsing the crap this church seems to be all about as I am! The very idea that members of this congregation may believe Clay shares their ideals, that anyone may think this is what Clay is all about, appalls me!

I just don't see how anyone would assume that Clay shares the same beliefs as this church, just because he is going to use their venue for a concert hall. I've heard it has great acoustics and sight lines - I'd think that is more what TC looked at than anything. However, I'm sure they had some parameters to work with, and I'm sure that Clay was involved in setting those parameters in some way. I kind of envision a meeting prior to all the venue bookings, in which they discussed things like seating capacity, types of venues (outdoor/indoor/amphitheatre/arena/etc). I doubt Clay knows any more about this venue than that it is a Christian church and he gave his ok to that.

And if he gains some new fans from it - cool! Perhaps, if they are members of the congregation and share the same views as the church, they will have their eyes opened by Clay and the way he lives his life. I'm sure he's not the only musician to ever play that venue and have a different viewpoint.

If I could be there, I would be there, in a heartbeat. It sounds like it's going to be an awesome concert.

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THANK GOD -- Delta and Dawn are back out in the ocean. The story was cute the first day :cryingwlaughter:

My mom thought it was a soap opera... Did that get past the local level. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

The pin is ready for order...order page can be found here

Yeap, your wayward whales were national news.

Lurve the pin design! I thought I was over the need to get those little brown envelopes in the mail, but apparently not...


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