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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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I just finished "The Places in Between", which was the book about Afghanistan Clay was carrying in the LAX paparazzi picture earlier this year. [Yeah, I know... but I never read "The Kite Runner", so I'm not a complete minion. :whistling-1: ] Anyway, if anyone here would be interested in reading it, I'd be happy to send it on - just drop me a pm. The book was a bit intense, but it gives some detailed insight into isolated parts of Afghanistan I doubt Clay got to see. muski, "Three Cups of Tea" is next on my list.

I am currently in the middle of The Places in Between. I'm not finding it an easy read, but I absolutely loved Three Cups of Tea. Different styles of writing, I guess. And I found Three Cups Of Tea a better story (not that that should matter, since both books are non-fiction, LOL).

Hee, I guess I'm a minion. I read Kite Runner and loved it, too.

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Yep, I found the names of the people and places in the book to be a bit difficult to follow, and the author does have a pretty narrow focus. I also agree with the British soldier in the book who told the author he was a "right nutter" for walking alone across Afghanistan... Still, I found it to be a worthwhile read.

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Read "Kite Runner" and loved it! But then, he blogged about that book, if I remember correctly, and therefore it gave me an imperative to try that book. The one he was carrying in the airport, though -- eh. From the "reviews" I'm reading here, I may have to pass. "Three Cups of Tea" is still on my list though -- will probably have it read by summer (gotta finish rereading the Harry Potter books first!).

Since I'm on the staff at my church, I just got a copy of the latest "Lutheran" magazine -- and lo and behold, there was the author of "Three Cups of Tea." I guess he's a Lutheran! Hee.

Anyway, that's my reading list for the summer.

Topic: wonder if Clay will have time to read while prepping for the tour? Or will he be a couch potato?

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Oooh, I finally get to type it.... Am I alone at FCA? I did not care for The Kite Runner. I just could not 'forgive' the main character, and it coloured my whole perception of the book. Maybe if I talk nice to a certain lucky FCA'er she'll lend me Three Cups of Tea when she's done (as she did The Kite Runner) :medium-smiley-070:

Had to edit, because I keep forgetting to *squish* ldyjocelyn for noticing the banner. Muah Thank you!

Edited by cindilu2
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{{{HUGS}}} ldyjocelyn-Ansamcw-Bottlecap Glad we are all okay. Thanks for understanding and I apologize for not knowing all the sensitivities of all members here. It sometimes makes it very difficult, for a newbie, to know what to post and say. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. It was not my intention........Okay moving on..............

Purdy pictures. I love that first one Gibby? posted of Clay laying on his side. Right There Waiting..... For me, I wish. So nice of Cindi to volunteer to see if you can bounce a dime off Clay's butt. That's not what I would want to find out, but to each their own. :cryingwlaughter:

I have had Eagle songs running through my mind all day. Desperado-There's going to be a heartache tonight-Witchy Woman-Kick 'em when their up, kick 'em when their down, air your dirty laundry- Living it up at hotel California. You can check out anytime, but you can never leave-Life In The Fast Lane-I Can't Tell You Why...............It makes me want to go out and buy their greatest hits cd. I forgot how many hit songs they had. They just don't make songs like this anymore. Tonight Is Cool & The Gang (Can't remember their songs. Must google and refresh my memory) and Hall & Oates. I love John & Darryl. I can't wait to hear them sing "She's A Man Eater" look out boys she'll chew you up, ooooo she's a man eater. LOL Recapturing your youth is sooooo much fun. Hee

Couchie I have to wait until my husband comes home before I order any pins. We recently opened a new checking account and I don't know if he has closed the old one. My Paypal is set up with our old account. I will be buying though. Thanks again for sending me some of your older pins.

I am definitely in the new photo shoot camp. I want new pics, a T-shirt or key chain, and a tour book for sure.

I haven't read any of those books. In fact I haven't read a book in a long time, and I have a house full of them. It's all Clay's fault. In fact I don't think I have watched the Quest movie either. So thanks for that suggestion.

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Oooh, I finally get to type it.... Am I alone at FCA? I did not care for The Kite Runner. I just could not 'forgive' the main character, and it coloured my whole perception of the book. Maybe if I talk nice to a certain lucky FCA'er she'll lend me Three Cups of Tea when she's done (as she did The Kite Runner) :medium-smiley-070:

Hee, if I ever get it back from disneykid, you're on!

Since I'm on the staff at my church, I just got a copy of the latest "Lutheran" magazine -- and lo and behold, there was the author of "Three Cups of Tea." I guess he's a Lutheran! Hee.
That's cool! What was the article about?
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Oooh, I finally get to type it.... Am I alone at FCA? I did not care for The Kite Runner. I just could not 'forgive' the main character, and it coloured my whole perception of the book. Maybe if I talk nice to a certain lucky FCA'er she'll lend me Three Cups of Tea when she's done (as she did The Kite Runner) :medium-smiley-070:

As they say, never alone. I didn't like it much either. I just could not see what all the fuss was about!

I do want to read Three Cups of Tea though. Maybe that will be my airplane book when I go stalking traveling to see Clay this summer!


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I have had Eagle songs running through my mind all day. Desperado-There's going to be a heartache tonight-Witchy Woman-Kick 'em when their up, kick 'em when their down, air your dirty laundry- Living it up at hotel California. You can check out anytime, but you can never leave-Life In The Fast Lane-I Can't Tell You Why...............It makes me want to go out and buy their greatest hits cd. I forgot how many hit songs they had. They just don't make songs like this anymore. Tonight Is Cool & The Gang (Can't remember their songs. Must google and refresh my memory) and Hall & Oates. I love John & Darryl. I can't wait to hear them sing "She's A Man Eater" look out boys she'll chew you up, ooooo she's a man eater. LOL Recapturing your youth is sooooo much fun. Hee

I am so jealous of your concerts (well, maybe not so much Cool & the Gang)--lurve the Eagles. Enjoy!!!!


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FLOVED Three Cups of Tea....but all you readers, I got my copy from my local library! Easy and free! (You can buy me a drink, ldyjocelyn, for that plug... :F_05BL17blowkiss: )

Gripe of the day: People going to conferences that call with questions that are clearly answered on the conference website. People going to conferences that call to complain that the hotel charged their card for the first night stay upon reservation as if it were a surprise when that info is bolded and has an asterisk on the conference website instructions re: hotel reservations. People going to conferences who call to complain that they can't register for the conference because the school district is paying and won't pay with a credit card when the registration information and online form offers three methods of payment---credit card, check or purchase order. People WORKING on the conference planning who don't apprise other staff of contacts, communication, planning steps they've taken that affect their own roles/responsibilities in the planning process.


<_<:what_d_fuck: :finger: :mallet::goodVevil::biteme::abuser:

Thanks....I needed that. :allgood:

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Since I'm on the staff at my church, I just got a copy of the latest "Lutheran" magazine -- and lo and behold, there was the author of "Three Cups of Tea." I guess he's a Lutheran! Hee.
That's cool! What was the article about?

It was just a general article about the book, and what he did by setting up that school. I pulled the article, maybe I'll try to scan it later this evening.

I have had Eagle songs running through my mind all day. Desperado-There's going to be a heartache tonight-Witchy Woman-Kick 'em when their up, kick 'em when their down, air your dirty laundry- Living it up at hotel California. You can check out anytime, but you can never leave-Life In The Fast Lane-I Can't Tell You Why...............It makes me want to go out and buy their greatest hits cd. I forgot how many hit songs they had. They just don't make songs like this anymore. Tonight Is Cool & The Gang (Can't remember their songs. Must google and refresh my memory) and Hall & Oates. I love John & Darryl. I can't wait to hear them sing "She's A Man Eater" look out boys she'll chew you up, ooooo she's a man eater. LOL Recapturing your youth is sooooo much fun. Hee

I am so jealous of your concerts (well, maybe not so much Cool & the Gang)--lurve the Eagles. Enjoy!!!!


LURVE me some Eagles too, and especially Don Henley. Got to see him in 1989 -- fantastic show. I find him to be another one of those "good guys" -- passionate for his causes, and a damn fine musician as well.

Kool & the Gang? Celebrate, good times, c'mon!!! (Just not the Josh Gracin version...)

And I do love the blue-eyed soul of Hall & Oates. I really think Clay could emulate them, if the recording conditions were correct and whoever is recording him at the time gives him the opportunity. He's got the soul, baby!


I got my copy from my local library! Easy and free! (You can buy me a drink, ldyjocelyn, for that plug...

:F_05BL17blowkiss: back at ya! And it's funny -- I'm trying to interlibrary loan a copy of this book (my library doesn't have it, and I'll work on changing that)...but almost every place it's checked out! Good sign, eh?

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I just checked - it's 300 dpi - but it's also only down to his waist.

Hey! Where is the handstand clack? How did I miss this? 300 dpi? I take that to mean daydreams per inch?

Which reminds me I have work to do on some pix this afternoon. Ooops!

Tonight is my date with Linda Ronstadt in Jones Hall. Yipee! I'm going to try really hard to look at her while she's singing and not at the back of the head of the person in Row D Seat 1 all night. That, I think, is daydream #178.

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I haven't read any of those books. In fact I haven't read a book in a long time, and I have a house full of them. It's all Clay's fault. In fact I don't think I have watched the Quest movie either. So thanks for that suggestion.

We are in sync. I don't think I've read a book since uh 2003. heee. Not quite but really I used to read a book a week...now it's not even close to that. For this Galaxy movie..do you have to be a star trek fan to watch it? All I know is that when I was growing up it was a daily fight about whether we were going to watch Star Trek or I Love Lucy. So as an adult I ignored all things Star Trek. :cryingwlaughter:

FLOVED Three Cups of Tea....but all you readers, I got my copy from my local library! Easy and free! (You can buy me a drink, ldyjocelyn, for that plug...


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Tonight is my date with Linda Ronstadt in Jones Hall. Yipee! I'm going to try really hard to look at her while she's singing and not at the back of the head of the person in Row D Seat 1 all night. That, I think, is daydream #178.

Forgot to say I'm jealous of you too!! I played her "greatest hits" album back in the day about a million times. Great sing-a-long music those folks made/make. Kind of like that Clay Aiken guy. And thanks for reminding me of "Celebrate", ldyjocelyn!!

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BWAH! My hubby just emailed this to me with this sweet note as a preface:

I understand these definitions. You certainly don't adhere to them but

I've seen it in other instances.

Love you

:wub: I got me a good one, gals....

Glossary of Women's Words---What they really mean to Men!


> This is the word women use to end any argument when they are right and

you need to shut up. Never use the word "fine" to describe how a

woman looks. This will cause you to have one of those arguments.

> Five Minutes:

> This means a half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that

your football game is going to last before you take out the trash or

some other honey-do, so it's an even trade.


> This means something, and you should be on your toes. This is the

calm before the storm. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the

feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside-out, upside-down,

and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last

"Five Minutes" and end with the word "Fine". Arguments that begin with

"Nothing", usually end with "Fine".

Go Ahead: (with raised eyebrows)

> This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It! A dare that will

result in a woman getting upset over "Nothing" and will end with the

word "Fine".

Go Ahead: (normal eyebrows)

> This means "Do what you want because I don't care." Move along or you

will get a raised eyebrow "Go Ahead" in a few minutes, followed by

"Nothing" and "Fine" and she will talk to you in about "Five Minutes"

when she cools off.

(Loud Sigh):

> This is not actually a word. It is a non-verbal statement often

misunderstood. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot at that

moment and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and

arguing with you over "Nothing". (Refer back to the meaning of


(Soft Sigh):

> This too is not a word. It is another misunderstood non-verbal

statement. Soft sighs are one of the few understandable cues. She is

content. Your best bet is not to move or breathe and she will stay


That's Okay:

> This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can say to man.

"That's okay", means she wants to think long and hard before deciding

on retribution for what you have done. "That's okay" is often used

with the word "Fine" and used in conjunction with a raised eyebrow and

"Go Ahead." At some point in the near future when she has plotted and

planned, you are going to be in some mighty big trouble.

Please Do.

> This is not a statement, it is an offer. A woman is giving you the

chance to come up with whatever excuse or reason you have for doing

whatever it is that you have done. You have a fair chance to tell the

truth, so be careful and you shouldn't get a "That's Okay".


> A woman is thanking you; do not question, or faint! Remember to

respond "You're welcome" very sincerely.

Thanks a Lot:

> This is much different than "Thanks". A woman will say, "thanks a

lot" when she is really ticked off at you. It signifies that you have

hurt her in a callous way. This is usually followed by a lough sign.

Be careful not to ask what is wrong after the loud sign as she will

only tell you nothing!.


>This is a woman's way of saying FU*K YOU!

Don't worry about it, I got it:

> Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman

has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. Do

not fire the flames with "What's wrong?"

You win: (said flatly without emotion)

> This is a hollow victory. This is more of a "shut-up" statement and a

dismissal. Leave now before the dread "Whatever", round-two or

"That's Okay".

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Just finished "Three Cups of Tea" this weekend and I cried and screamed out loud. What an amazing man. I hope Clay gets to meet him. Over 50 schools in the outmost and poorest regions in Afghanistan and Pakistan with the emphasis on girls. I want my husband to get him as a speaker for his "Business Transformation" gatherings at DOD someday as he is involved in helping Iraq get up on its feet.

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Come on, you know somebody had to do it.


Couchie!!! we need to move this guy up...hee

love those cindilu!!!

Hey don't we have an emotcon mod yet. While I'm at it I'd like to add that this myth that we have thousands of mods has been greatly exaggerated. heee.

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I am working on a project for the eHP event ( you know the one where everybody is coming to see us in Houston)and I need that pic of Clay reclining on the bed. Does anyone have it without any writing on it?

Oh thank you that is exactly what I need and it's a big one too!

Edited by merrieeee
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I am working on a project for the eHP event ( you know the one where everybody is coming to see us in Houston)and I need that pic of Clay reclining on the bed. Does anyone have it without any writing on it?


Click at your own risk.

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From CV:

This could explain where Clay has been. Posted by Comah at The Woodshed

I heard on the news that Clay was/is in Vancouver!

Governor Arnold is in Vancouver and he hosted a reception for our Premier, with David Foster and Clay Aiken performing!!!

Kill me now! So near and yet so far! I'm not equiped to supply any clack but maybe gerwhisp will pick something off the news. I'll see what I can find out about it.

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