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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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Ha, that's the kind of humor I'm talking about.

Evening! I'm embarrassed that you can see how long I've been a member...and as you can see by my post count, I'm a lurker here...but had to pop out and say, indeed! The humor here is priceless! I'm sorry I've missed so much of it, but the past ten days or so that I 've visited regularly have been huge hoot!

Kudos to all for some sane and seriously funny stuff!

Welocme, claylocked! Tell us your story when you get a chance :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Did I mention that Clay touched me yesterday? *sigh* :Thud:

Only a few hundred times :cryingwlaughter:

But may I live vicariously through you?

Keepingfaith,Clazor and Merrieeee (I'm seriously screwed if you ever decide to "count" how many fffing r' and e's I remember to type in your name :P ) anyway great recaps. I loved the "after show - after glow" stories especially. I saw clack of the Tulsa one and they all sounded as if they were doing/feeling the exact same way. The 16 yr. old girl was a hoot too!

Aahhh well, a girl can dream can't she.

Too bad about the venue and the crowd. It'll be interesting to see if they book that venue again.

I so hope I get to meet all you wonderful dirty ole smutty women one day!! ;)

Muski, congratulations to your daughter. Good luck at Nationals (I think?).

TULSA, Oklahoma (AP) -- Singer Clay Aiken apparently got into a dispute with a woman during a flight to Tulsa, drawing some scrutiny from FBI agents but no charges, a newspaper reported

So this just pisses me off enough that I have to ask where in the blue blazes is TC while this is going down......AGAIN.

Where is his management, PR, label, ANYBODY?! I'd be happy if a former bus driver would step up on his behalf right about now. I'm thinking this is not normal for someone like him or any celebrity to face such crappy press all the time without any word from his team. Nadda. Who the hell has this man's back? I ask you. Roll me in some papers and light a match cause I'm smokin' hot right now!!!!

disclaimer: Please forgive the evil twin who has come to bring the last part of tree's very thoughtful and fluffy post above to the dark side. She knows not what she does.


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I can't conjur up anything right now except to tell ya'll I have the BIGGEST GRIN on my crying-ass face (that's crying-ass, not ass-face lest anyone get confused) right now!!!

The first post I ever read by KeepingFaith told me who she is. I'm so fricking happy for you. You are teh cute!

And Clayzor my friend! And all of you all that had a great time together... ldyjocelyn, Merrieeee, KAndre, Scarlett, Solo, KarenEh!, Play, muski, CG... (and whoever I'm forgetting... oy) ... All your happy spilled over. If I wasn't so happy for you sharing your fun with all of us, I'd be MIGHTY JELLUS!!

:wub: :wub: :wub:

I'm sorry, but that airplane story still makes me laugh my ass off. It's no thang. It'll be gone before ya know it and Clay ain't getting hurt by it. I'm glad he and TC or whoever isn't playing the celebrity BS game right along side them all. He plays, it lasts longer. He stays out of it; it dies a boring death. Yawn and snicker and yawn again.

I'm off to dream of happy fans all cuddled up in their beds with sugarplums swirling about their goofy heads. I imagine they're all lying there with shit-eating grins on their faces; trying to sleep, but giggling and thinking and remembering and sighing... I remember it well. Sweet dreams, newly deflowered!


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From your post to other fans eyes - YSRN - Oy Vey the angst

I will be better tomorrow. The angst over the big foot has gotten to me - I think it is funny that it would involve homeland security. It just does show how incompetent the government has become. Hey, why not protect us from like bombers instead of swatters? Good job, Brownie part II.

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keepingfaith, I would love to hear the story behind this....

Oh, I just remembered that dirty rotten bastard trying to bust our Clack goddesses, the freaking lizard who stood on my foot, crunched my toes, and never apologized -- I'm turning his sorry ass in to the Jones Hall "authorities" tomorrow morning. Thank goodness Clay sent that sniveling wannabe out of the room! I love Clay so much.

I just got home from TX and I'm reading as fast as I can and DLing what I can, but I feel like I'll never catch up or read it all. Thanks to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, for telling your stories and bringing the Clack. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you all!

...I loved this part

It's so amazing that as much as I love Clay Aiken, and my love for him is absolute, I have an equally infinite love and affection for you truly magnificent sisters. Not only are you more fun than three-year-olds in mud, but you are giving, selfless people that I am so proud to know.
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Great M&G Story from CB:

I'm in Love all over again!!!

Oh what a dream come true. I can die a happy woman now. Meeting Clay in person is indescribable. His looks are perfect and sort of like a procelain male doll. I stared and stared and could not find a flaw. His green eyes are mesmorizing and his attention towards one is a killer. He looked me straight in the eyes when he spoke to me. I felt so comfortable with him I was being silly myself. Angelcats description is to the T except I could have sworn he was wearing a purple polo shirt.

When he asked each our name, he prounounced mine perfectly, Lupita. After he sat down he looked around and he spotted my little cute purse. He said "what is that? Let me see it". And he reached for it and asked me where I got it. Of course, I said ebay. He was manhandling it and talked about what was at the bottom of the purse and asked me "have you seen what is at the bottom? I said, no Clay, I only care about the pictures in the front. It was a magazine purse with beautiful pictures of him. He said "Oh I don't want to see that. Look, look at the bottom, I said no look at the pictures. He was flipping it over and said "I don't want to spill your things." "Is this an actual purse?", I said yes, and he said "you actually walk around with this? You let people see you with this purse?" I said yes. He asked what people's response was I said that's how I've clayverted many. He laughed. I asked him if he's heard of that word and he said "Yes, yes I have heard that." He asked each one of us who had come to the show with us and I proudly said two sisters. When it was time to autograph our item I gave him my LTS book. Then I told him that my six year old son, Nicholas says Clay is his archnemesis. My son always tells me "Oh mom, Clay doesn't even know you're alive. Then when he learned I won the meet and greet he cried and said, "Now he's gonna know you're alive." Clay asked each one to spell their name because he did not want to make any mistakes as in the past. But when it came to me he said, " I took Spanish in high school and I know how to spell your name, is it L U P I T A? I paused and said wait Clay wait, I wasn't sure how to spell my name anymore. I was dumbfounded. He laughed and then wrote on my book the following:

Lupita, I know you're alive, and I am happy about it. Clay Aiken

Nicholas, I'm sorry I am your archnemesis, Clay

Simply adorable. When he began the photos he started with the fan at the end. Then he said, "Lupita, come take a picture with me. I said, "Oh Clay, you know my name" and he said, "And I know you're alive."

I told him I wanted the prom pose. We held hands then he began a prom story about I don't know what. I was just staring at him in cloud nine. We were still holding hands. Then he let go of my hands and said, "just a second Lupita". He finished his story then said "okay now", "Is this good?" referring to the prom pose and I said, No,Clay get closer to me." and he bend down to get his face closer to mine. I told him, Nicholas is going to die. He laughed. The pic taking ended and he said goodbye after chatting more with the fans. When he was at the door, I said loudly,"Clay it was nice meeting you!" and looking straight at me, he said "It was nice meeting you."

Then I cleaned off my drool and put my wobbley knees together and proceeded to walk out. He was simply DIVINE. I hope everyone gets a chance to someday meet him in person and sit with him for thirty minutes as I did.

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Welcome home everybody! I love getting a touch of the Clay Euphoria by proxy!!!

Two Weeks from today for me!!!! :Tour3: :TourExcite: :DoClay:

laughn!!! Welcome home!

And just because: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Crap crap crappity crap. How did I not meet laughn and jamar this weekend? Crap crap crappity crap. I really wanted to meet ALL the FCA buddies here. Crap crap crappity crap.

New thread title suggestion:

I know you're alive, and I am happy about it. Clay Aiken

We could also use this, although is technically from my husband:

He's so dweamy!

(For those who don't know, although almost everyone I met this weekend heard this story: way back in 2004, I ordered the NAT program and received it in the mail. I was looking it over, sighing happily, when my husband comes up behind me and says, "he's so dweamy" in this kinda schoolgirl voice. Ever since that day, both he and I will see pictures of Clay and say that. I love my husband and his gentle teasing...)

I've got to drink a lot of coffee to get me through the day today (BTW, MWAH to Clayzor for giving ME that first cup of coffee yesterday morning), but I've got to post a few disjointed thoughts about this whole weekend.

I can be smutty at times, but for the most part, that's not me. However, I've laughed my ass off so many times this weekend, thanks to the smut queens that I was hanging with this weekend -- muski, CG, Heidi, keepingfaith and Clayzor. You women all rock my world.

keepingfaith, I think I met my soul-sister in you, and your sister is the sweetest person in the world.

Noise? We were making noise in the Tulsa hotel room? Who us? Heh. I wouldn't have known except for the phone call.

A couple of comments about the Tulsa concert. The ending of ETYGA was so freakin' funny -- that may end up being this year's version of the note holding contest from the NAT. The other thing I'd like to mention is the crowd around me. I had a single seat in Tulsa, 9th row right on the aisle. KAndre was about 5 rows directly in front of me, and it was great because we both had room to dance in the aisles! Anyway, next to me were two ladies who had seen Clay twice before -- the IT with Kelly and the JNT2005. That's it. During intermission they were asking me all sorts of questions about Clay and the fandom in general. carmenl from the CH was directly in front of me, and she complimented my ambassador skills in talking to these women later. They seemed to really enjoy the whole show. (BTW, I kept mentioning findingclayaiken.com *g*)

The other thing was the group behind me -- a little old woman, probably about 75. I apologized to her beforehand because she was short and I'm Ms. Amazon. She said it was OK, that's why she was sitting on the aisle. Next to her was her son-in-law and her daughter, and I think then grandchildren. Two things I noticed about this group: 1) During the TV medley, I could hear them identifying each and every TV show as the themes were being sung. That was cool. 2) I was curious to see what the SIL's reaction would be to the classics medley. He was looking like the show was pretty much just a'right by that point in time...but after the classics, he had a HUGE grin on his face. I really think the medley impressed him. This guy also cheered heartily during Clay's spiel about supporting the arts -- the entire row did actually.

It's so weird -- you can sit with Clay Aiken shows, thinking that you will remember every single moment of the show. As soon as you leave the auditorium though....gone in a flash. Well, not entirely true...there's that afterglow. It's impossible to come down from that.

OK, more coffee.

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OK - I am up to buy tickets for Vegas - shoot me - for I have swalowed the Kool Aid.

The cheapest ticket I saw was Delta from Philly - so I do need a cheap but safe parking lot. This is idiocy. I hate flying, why am I doing so much?

On the positive side - the dog sitter was amazed - said it was like she had a different dog this year. Holly sulked and would not play or eat much while I was gone, but she did not bark, steal food, pee on the floor or hassle her other dogs. She just seemed stressed. I guess she did not give her hte tranqs I left.

OK the next few days are going to be over 100 degrees, until Fear comes over, then it will drop.

Edited by playbiller
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Hee couchie, just posted some info here. Presale for Vegas skating tickets starts in about 15 minutes.

ETA: or it was supposed to. So far it hasn't gone live....anyone else getting in?

ETAA: Eeep. Maybe it is 10 am pacific? My bad.

ETAAA: Posted in the thread, couchie. It's on the OFC Tours page.

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OK>.I have to go to work..I don't know anything..can't even remember the name of the venue. Is there no password? Can somebody send me info please or post it in the thread...the last post so I can find...thank you.

Never mind..sorry..heee. Found it.

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Ha HA! Someone in my office actually had to check with me about Clay and the plane - we laughed...my cousin is emailing me about this! Heh!

The Beginning of the Totally Terrific Texas Twofer and Tulsa!

Warning: spoilers ahead so beware...

Ok, so the eHP might be powerful...we are definitely hot...we're do evil well...but organizational skills tend to be spotty.

Tuesday, July 3: I go see my podiatrist and tell him I'm planning on spending a quiet 4th with my leg elevated above my heart just like he told me too, and didn't planning any walking around. Since I am such a good patient, he said my stitches could come out on the 10th. Woo hoo! I head to my office, pretend to work until it's time to go get Solo, and make freakish good time. We both wander cluelessly around passenger pickup until I see her calling me on the phone (no, not hear her - see her), toss her stuff in the back and head to a Nissan dealership to car shop. What? You don't go car shopping when you pick up guests? You ought to try it! After messing around at the dealer (where they lost like everything, including the car I was looking at), we have we've got to go meet the rest of the eHP for dinner because Scarlett has demanded it. And we want to go shoe shopping. At the big DSW. [Do not try to understand our priorities - they change from minute to minute.] After running around like chickens with our heads cut off, we get a call from that heifer Scarlett abandoning us for pizza with her husband. And we can hear her telling her husband that we just didn't want to eat with her and he needed to pamper her. We threaten Scarlett, but she figures her cuteness factor will win in the end. So we go to the little DSW in the Galleria, Solo makes me put back some excessively cute hooker shoes, I buy two other pair anyway, make merrieeee drive into town to have dinner with play and all lie to each other that we actually know where the restaurant is. As we are waiting for merrieeee and play, Solo goes to another shoe store. We decide to arrive at merrieeee's at 7:30 the next morning and leave by 8. Scarlett, who is on the phone, insists that she will be at merrieeee's house at 6 am (merrieeee indicates that Scarlett will be wandering around in the dark as she doesn't plan on waking up at 6 am for anybody who's not named Clay). We all agree we will head for Frisco by 8 am. Solo and I head for my place and I tell her it's messy, and she goes, "like duh". She goes in my front door and my cat is in looooooove. He ponderously rolls on his back to show her his cute side. He carefully cleans her toes. He follows her throughout the house, and wails piteously outside the bathroom door since she wouldn't let him in. She just should've given him the Cheez Doodle he wanted. I set the alarm for 6:30. We go to bed. The alarm goes off, I get up, and my cat, who is trying to be helpful, sort of nips Scarlett to wake her butt up. She screams. I tell her it was true love. She says bad things about the cat. We putz around until 7:10 looking for a BofA ATM, realize we have 20 minutes to do 45 miles, and take off. Still make it to merrieeee's by 7:35a and beat just about everybody there. keepingfaith pulls in right behind us. We go in merrieeee's house and admire the high class door prizes. At 8 am, we think maybe it's time to hit the road. But wait! Who's not here? Why, it's Scarlett! Solo calls Scarlett who claims we said be at merrieeee's by 8. We said, no, we didn't, and anyhoo, it's 8 now where the hell was she? It boils down that we left at 10. Which is when we sort of guessed we were leaving anyway. And anyway, PerusingOne likes sitting at the airport, waiting for our butts. We fill up the SUV with our crap, and caravan north, pick up PerusingOne and get lunch in Dallas. keepingfaith volunteers (or is volunteered - it general works out the same) to come with me (or I guess I go with her since it's her car) to pick up Muski and Claygasm and to be introduced to the joys of that is a GPS. The rest of the eHP has discovered a Best Buy, and we have yet to go on a trip without stopping in one. Because we (and we are using the royal we because it's just actually one named Scarlett) are insane. keepingfaith proceeded to name my GPS Elvira, and learned to holler at it like we do. We picked up Muski first, who then proceeded to 'accidentally' fling her underwear in the air. No, not the pair I assume she was wearing. I was so surprised. Claygasm appeared shortly thereafter, but underwear flinging did not ensue. keepingfaith, apparently feeling that we needed exercise, promptly forgot where we parked the car, but faked like she knew where she was going really well. Me, I just went back to the car. I don't believe in running unnecessarily (Hush! No comments from the peanut gallery yet, ding-dang it!). We only drove in a couple of circles around in the parking garages, as it was clear that DFW did not see the point of actually posting too many exit signs - we might get spoiled. The rest of the eHP tells us to stop playing around and head to the soccer field. We say no, we're not that far away, stay there and we'll meet you at Best Buy. By now Elvira is telling us to go in what I think is a stupid direction, and I am sure I know much better than the GPS, even though I've only driven in Dallas once. Maybe three years ago. keepingfaith hasn't been around long enough to know that this is a bad sign and listens to me as I tell her to ignore Elvira and go this way. After not actually seeing the mall again (apparently it was on a completely different freeway, though frankly it sorta looked like the other freeway - maybe they were fraternal twins or something, I call Solo back and say we've decided to go on to the venue. Solo made a rude noise for no apparent reason. Elvira snickers, and directs us to Pizza Hut Park (see, I occasionally remember the name!) Since we seemed to be on a roll, Muski and Claygasm decided they wanted to go to their hotel. Not that they knew where it was. Or the address. Claygasm claimed it was the only Hampton Inn in Frisco. Even though Elvira said there were two. We picked the closer one and off we went. The rest of the eHP still hadn't made it to Pizza Hut Park (Elvira kicks Damion's ass!) and so said they would meet us at the hotel. We scramble around little bit, some of us change clothes and the caravan heads off to the venue. We park in the lot directly across from the entrance. This is called foreshadowing and will be important later (Points at muski and laughs). We (for no reason that I can see) wander all over creation, passing by some medical personnel, who grab me and force me to take a goodie bag and a cold soda. Of course, since we were ten feet from the entrance, we had to dump the free soda. We have great seats, see lots and lots of Clay fans, find sugrbugr. Apparently there was some sort of soccer game. One of the teams won. play discovered the location of the t-shirt, frozen lemonade, and best of all, frozen margaritas that cost the same as frozen lemonade. I was good however (especially since I had vicodan back in my purse), and play being the excellent scout that she is, hauled all the loot back to me. I, remembering what my wonderful podiatrist told me and being the good girl that I am, just wandered close to the gate to get a better view of the field, and only commented a couple of times that the guard on the other side of the stadium were letting people actually on the freakin' stairs, but we won't go into that. I swear, the crowd simply wafted my butt onto the field and fairly close to the stage.

to be continued with...

The Concert!

Hey! Where are my paragraph people! Y'all need to come fix this!

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KAndre1 I'm cracking up and grinning already over Part I of the saga.

keepingfaith, I honestly can't remember when I've enjoyed reading anything as much as your post.

P.S. from yesterday... couchie, it would be mucho goodo with me if we didn't have to bold. :RedGuy:

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I can't conjur up anything right now except to tell ya'll I have the BIGGEST GRIN on my crying-ass face (that's crying-ass, not ass-face lest anyone get confused) right now!!!

The first post I ever read by KeepingFaith told me who she is. I'm so fricking happy for you. You are teh cute!

And Clayzor my friend! And all of you all that had a great time together... ldyjocelyn, Merrieeee, KAndre, Scarlett, Solo, KarenEh!, Play, muski, CG... (and whoever I'm forgetting... oy) ... All your happy spilled over. If I wasn't so happy for you sharing your fun with all of us, I'd be MIGHTY JELLUS!!

:wub: :wub: :wub:

Sooooo...... Don't be jellus - COME TO PALA!!!!

I'm sorry, but that airplane story still makes me laugh my ass off. It's no thang. It'll be gone before ya know it and Clay ain't getting hurt by it. I'm glad he and TC or whoever isn't playing the celebrity BS game right along side them all. He plays, it lasts longer. He stays out of it; it dies a boring death. Yawn and snicker and yawn again.

We are of like minds again!!

Come to Pala.....

OK - I am up to buy tickets for Vegas - shoot me - for I have swalowed the Kool Aid.

The cheapest ticket I saw was Delta from Philly - so I do need a cheap but safe parking lot. This is idiocy. I hate flying, why am I doing so much?

I'll PM you. I know a great one. Its not cheap like in Texas, but i ts cheap by Philly standards. You might also look into seeing if there are any van services from your area t o Philly. I know there are some from here to Newark.

I wish I could go to this skating thing, but alas, i WILL be working then and since I am starting off my job by working less than 2 weeks and then taking off a week and then working 2 weeks and then taking off for a long weekend, I don't think asking for a couple more days off at this point would be a good idea. Especially when there are Christmas concrts on the horizon!

keepingfaith, your recap sounded just like you looked - like someone giddy after great sex! It was fun sharing part of your first concert experience with you. Even if I didn't love Frisco, I am glad YOU did. It was YOUR first time and nothing - I mean NOTHING - should have made it anything but the most special time ever! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Now Ms. KAndre - that Hampton Inn IS the only one in Frisco!! Elvira was WRONG!! According to their website, there is the one in Frisco and one in Plano. Maybe that's close to Frisco, but it isn't Frsico! Tell Elvira to look it up! And to stop telling keepingfaith to make legal u-turns where possible!

Can't wait for the rest of the recap. You write the BESTEST recaps!

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Really, REALLY great m&g story from Okclayhoman (Tulsa):

you want a meet and greet story....I would love to share what was probably the most incredible time with Clay ever!

The hotel van took us over to the venue at approximately 5:39....we were let into the Brady and waited for about 10 minutes when Mary came down and greeted us and needed to check our id....just as she finished checking ours a woman came in and told Mary she was supposed to be a the meet and greet.....well, this woman is a real whack job..we know her as elviscentral over on the OFC....anyway Mary looked at what she said was her invitation and told her that she was not on the list.....the woman left and Mary took us up to the room where we were to meet Clay.....

She told us how the pics were going to be done and gave us a few instructions and left ....about 5 minutes later Jerome came in and gave us another little set of instructions and then went to get Clay..........

OMG! The man was talking even before he entered the room,LOL and he was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white polo shirt with fiftytwothirty productions written on it.....tucked in the front, hanging out in the back...but dear God, he looked gorgeous......stubble and sandals...he started talking about the plane incident and he was so pissed.....he called the woman a witch and said he really had another name in mind for her......I said "bitch" and he giggled and said "thank you" so everytime he said something about her he would look over at me and I would say bitch again.....it was really funny.....and someone after the meet and greet was over told me he would always remember me as his "bitchy ole lady" ....I can live with that....

The conversation moved onto other things and some questions....

He is not a Beatles fan nor an Elvis fan.....

He really wants to do an international tour and hopes that will happen once the new cd is released and shipped over there....he knows he has lots of fans in Southeast Asia....

If he were in a movie he would want Ashley Judd as his co-star though he did say that if you want to win awards you should really have someone like Meryl Streep co-star with you....

They have thought about a PBS special but are going to wait until he has a more complete repertoire of original music...

He told a story about his Mom where she used a cuss word and it was so funny.....Clay said his mom never cussed but Ray had changed Bretts dirty diaper and had thrown it in the back seat of the car.....when Faye found out she yelled at Ray about having put a shitty diaper in the backseat....Clay said it was the first time he thought his Mom was cool!

He asked me if I had a question and I told him no, but I did have something I wanted to say to him....he said "OK" and I told him that he really needed to stop saying he was not a songwriter when he introduced "Lover All Alone".....I told him you are a songwriter and your fans know that.....and he said ok, I will try something else....I was beyond please he did exactly that last night and even eluded to writing more....

We had about 30 minutes with him before it was time to have our pics taken.....I got to put my cheek next to his and felt that beautiful and soft stubble......He thanked us all for being there and again shook our hands .....

He also mentioned in response to a question about RCA that Clive is "set in his ways" and continued by saying that contracts are very complicated which led us to believe he really is going to leave RCA.....not what he said but just a general impression from his comment.....

He said that it was sorta funny but every girl he dated when they broke up the very next guy she dated she married...lol.....not sure what that was about but we did not ask really personal questions....it was an absolutely amazing time with him.....he is beyond gorgeous and his eyes look directly into yours when he talks with you.....God I love him.....He made us all feel like family and I think in his heart and mind we really are.......

That is pretty much the whole meet and greet and how it went down.....but I would give anything if everyone could have this chance to be this upclose ....there is no one like this man......and he is indeed all man.....omg!

So, there you go......my concerts are now over and I am already in withdrawal......he just does something to us doesn't he....the magic, the voice, the sexy.......he definitely brough the sexy back into my life......hugs ....

Oh and one more thing which I found really funny.....I told him about the preparty and that we were going to raise lots of money for the BAF...he replied thank you very much but he was going to be doing the same thing when he sued Continental LOL.....pure snark but oh so funny.....

Have I mentioned that I love this man.......always and forever!

ETA that I am LOVING all the recaps from our FCAers!

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oh that was just the right response by Clay IMO. No ranting about the airlines or the woman...no rants about being unfairly represented...but focusing in on whats truly sad...the priorities of the media.

Yup wuv that guy!!!

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