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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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Someone just heard a soundcheck of SSTBTHW. I hope he does it in Florida.

OMG, really!??! Cool! :RedGuy:

Timing is everything:

Ex-Broadcom exec alleged to have sex, drug lair

I'm trying to imagine keeping Clay in my personal lair...I'd have to move the catbox.

BWAH... yeah, timing IS. Good Lord...the illegal tunnels in his house unbeknownst to his wife? Eep! And puke! What a freak.

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But hey, the stock is up!

LOL...I was watching an Enron documentary not too long ago and god it's hard to imagine anybody more ruthless and morally bankrupt than those guys. And I've worked in the loan business - ruthless and thisclose to criminal. I think the main difference between Clive and the rest is that unless it's your 401K or stock options that become worthless, nobody gives a shit about energy, or nuts and bolts etc. But we care about a cute popstar or artistic integrity etc..

Hey Treenuts..let me put this in my 50 word post so it doesn't get lost. I'll be in your neck of the woods on Sunday if you're free.

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Hmmm......well everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion. And there is definitely puh-len-tee of that here. ;) Mine included.

I was stating clearly IMO from my own personal experience. Perhaps I didn't clarify that enough at the onset. If so, then I appologize. Yet I find making a simple statement as I did based on my own personal perspective to have gone the way of "footgate" kinda funny. Again...JMDAO :cryingwlaughter:

However! Yes, all big business, entertainment industry and politics (possibly even religion) have the same delightful "underbelly" world. Many embrace it. But none, no none promote it in quite such a way as the music industry. They not only promote it, they wallow in it. They live it daily, hourly! The majority, but not all, know of no other existance and mock those that do. Certainly I don't believe C&W or Christian music conclaves are too similar to this kind of prototype, but there are vast elements involved in one aspect or another. And increasingly so unfortunately. And the biggest difference in this industry vs. the others is that it is heavily promoted openly and dangerously. With nobody appologizing for it. No shame in it. These folks are not expected to perform in the same way the "other" industry insiders are. They simply are exempt. Period. Held to a different standard altogether.

YSRN, IMO this just does not make sense beyond some similarity in the use of politics. Not even remotely the same. (bolding mine)


"There are politics in every profession. Shitty ones too. Clay would have been fighting them even if he were a teacher, or a principal. He doesn't have to like them to play and come out a winner."

I'm done. Gotta mop floors and get in a bike ride before my daughter gets home.

EEEEEEEEEE new song!!??

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Hell, they don't even have to be multi-millionaires!

exactly...this is a description of a lot of cut throat business men out there.

Not to mention the cut throat businesswomen! And the cut throat academicians, male and female.

But honestly, I think the politicians take the dunghill prize ... even as most of them started out as cutthroat lawyers and business types before graduating to the big leagues. I mean Clive Davis and the record business types got nothin' on the Karl Roves and Tom DeLays of this world.

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Hey I think you clarified it plenty treenuts. I think people are just responding from their experience which doesn't by any means take away from what you're saying. I enjoyed hearing from someone in the kinow actually.

Oh my type A business owner is a woman and she can take on Clive no problem. I love her!

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Hey Treenuts..let me put this in my 50 word post so it doesn't get lost. I'll be in your neck of the woods on Sunday if you're free.

couchie, I wanted to respond to you before taking off. I would love to try and get together this Sunday. My only problem is that we were planning on heading over to Half Moon Bay for the weekend. It's my father in law's birthday. So unless plans change, and they frequently do, I won't be here. Let's touch base again Friday night and I'll know for sure then.


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Not to mention the cut throat businesswomen! And the cut throat academicians, male and female.

But honestly, I think the politicians take the dunghill prize ... even as most of them started out as cutthroat lawyers and business types before graduating to the big leagues. I mean Clive Davis and the record business types got nothin' on the Karl Roves and Tom DeLays of this world.


treenuts, I'm just saying there are politics in any profession, including education. And had Clay entered another profession (using education as an example because that was apparently his choice), he'd still be dealing with political decisions and facing frustrations. And I'm sure he would act with the same moral standards no matter what job/profession he was in. Because (as I see it) he is who he is, regardless of who he's surrounded by. I see that kind of strength in him. My view. My opinion.

ooo, Half Moon Bay... now you're gettin' into my territory! It's been lovely over here. Enjoy!

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Having dropped out of public school teaching after seven years of doing the headbanging thing re: school district politics and that "You're screwed whatever you do cuz you ain't me" mentality, I am definitely comfy including the teaching profession as being susceptible to the same kind of amoral, immoral and downright criminal attitudes and actions in its ranks. IMO, as some have said, human nature and its frailities are universally distributed across nations, genders, religions and business interests.

I agree with YSRN re: why Clay is so downright fascinating and admirable in this regard. He's savvy---young, yes...but savvy in the ways of human nature. I think that first year or so in LA and in the very center of it all---the music industry, show biz---seeing it firsthand, having 'friends' stab you in the back when and if doing so would be advantageous, experiencing the different way of relationships from what he was used to, etc., he had a period of "Ah HA! So THIS is what it's like in the big wide world!" But Mr. Aiken's a smart cookie and a very quick study.

I see him as a perfect example of "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on ME!"....The man's got a natural intelligence and survival instinct that, I believe, will always serve him well. I'm not worried about him.

Meanwhile, on a more shallow front, if SSTBTHW IS the 'new' song, meh. Those of you who love it, I'm happy for you...Me? I'd much prefer IYDKMBN. I personally think this concert already has enough slow, semi-sappy stuff. Green eyed soul holds much more interest for me....If not that one, how about LNM? The Elton John number is.....slow....even though I think his voice is lovely on this one, I usually skip it on the CD because...well, it's just another slow one. YVMV, etc.

(takes a moment imagining what he would look like---his face, his hands....---while singing "you will never, never, never, never, never (etc) know me...." and :Thud: )

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I have a very distantly related professional opinion on this one statement/question. At one time in my other life I was a peon in the music industry and from what I knew about, observed, witnessed or heard of back then I would sumize that Clive most definitely is hands on in your face involved to the bitter end of the process. Except for the marketing and such....post release portion of it anyway. Guys like him do not get to where they are in the industry by standing by and allowing others to take over the process at a certain point. Nor do they rely on feedback or suggestions from others who are paid to provide exactly that. N.O.!

My best guess is that he (Clive) is a major control freak with the ego of another planet entirely. I have never met, worked with or dated anyone in the industry who was anything less. With maybe one or two minor exceptions like the salesmen/reps. He had to be the first, second, third and final word throughout. I'm willing to bet he even subliminally or otherwise made possible future promises (also known as subtle career death threats with a smile and "I love you like a son" attached) in the quise of a career counselor at one time. They are cutthroat and would throw their own mother under the bus if needed! Do not doubt it. And Clay has had to make some serious adjustments I am sure in order to just live with the "rotting souls" for which he so aptly named them.

Hehe, can you tell I have issues with this business? ;)

And my experience has been the exact opposite in respect to the music industry. In fact, I can't think of one individual who I would label as an egomaniac from another planet or a major control freak or one who would throw their own mother under the bus. I have been very fortunate to have dealt with individuals of great moral standing, with a great passion for music, dedicated to philanthropic efforts on a global scale and within their own local communities. Those who would give the shirt off their backs for anyone. I won't apologize when I say that I am angry that others generalize and define them as "rotting souls." I have family and friends who are the most compassionate members of society who are also members of the music industry. I am tired of the crud slinging....

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I would just like to take a moment to pay homage to Scarlett for a very, very fine video of the Classics from Syracuse. I just viewed that marvelous few minutes and I'm dead. Yep, that just about did me in......but I think I might need to go back and view it just another time or two.

Bows down to the clack goddess, Scarlett :clap:

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great point lightmyfire. I don;t have first hand experience with the industry...just what they portray in the media...but I am sure that the drugs, sex and corruption is actually the colorful exception not the rule. Its just so much more glamorous and interesting to talk about all the crazy party scene. But I'm sure there are people that are great,honest and hard working...just as in any industry.

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Dear God, not being on the boards all day creates a lot of work! So many pages to read. So much to say. So many pictures to save. So much clack to download! I MUST find a way to check in every now and then.

Thanks for all the good wishes on my job. It was ok. The people are VERY nice and a cute little beagle was there all day. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love dogs and it reminded me of when my Max came into work from time to time. Didn't do all that much since they hadn't set up my email and my phone wasn't working that much and I couldn't get into their system.... That should be fixed tomorrow.

For CG: :F_05BL17blowkiss: Just remember that soap opera trailer line: "Like sands in an hour glass---so are the days of our lives"....heh.

Can I just say I love you and I want you to make as many shows in California as possible cause I'll miss you and the joy you create! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

But I also want Carrie to do really well.....

from CH:

There are some good meet & greet recaps on the OFC, with some good tidbits. For instance, Clay would have chosen "Lonely No More" or "These Open Arms" for his first single, if it had been his choice. And *sob* he does not seem to love BFM and doesn't expect it to show up in concert or on a CD.

So, if he loves LNM so much, why isn't he singing it?????????? He could skip ATD, which we have been suffering through hearing for two years and sing LNM!

Stealing this from the OFCMB... sue me:

He asked if anyone had any questions, so I spoke up and asked him if the song, “Back for More” might be resurrected at some time in the future either on a CD or in concert. He said “probably not.” He said“the song doesn’t really do it for me.” I said “ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Didn’t you see us all in the audience with our arms in the air singing along with that song?” He laughed and said that he just doesn’t feel the song fits with the direction the CD may go in I guess. I then asked if we were to assume that the next CD would be all original material. He said if he had ANYTHING to do with it, it certainly would be. You could see how strongly he felt about this and he did say that he feels he may have to fight for it, but he said he was prepared to “stick to his guns” and do it. He said it may end up taking a long time, but he wants to do it. I could just tell how badly he really wants this. He said he really dislikes the “politics” that go on with this type of thing. He does feel that his new producer is on the same page as he is and hopes all goes well. He still couldn’t tell us a name for him yet. As far as releasing singles, he said that he really has no say at all as to what is picked. He said he can offer his opinion, but usually it doesn’t work that way. He told us that his pick for a single would have been “Lonely No More” or “These Open Arms”. He also said that “These Open Arms” is his favorite song to sing right now along with the TV theme medley. When asked what song he’s tired of singing, he said “1000 Days” and he said that he NEVER gets tired of singing “Invisible”! He mentioned that the most difficult song for him to sing is “This is the Night.”

So, this was on the OFC???? How interesting.....

Good luck with your job tomorrow, Claygasm! I'll miss my twin around here!

Thanks twin! Please try and come to at least ONE California concert! I want to meet you!

I assume all those extra guests last night were due to a CH poster linking to the scan of the M&G sticker ldyjocelyn posted last night. That kinda freaked me out! Particularly since my post directly after her's suggested running Clay's cargo shorts through a combine and included an animation of a carrot on a tractor. If a bunch of strangers are reading one of my posts, I would have wanted it to be something a little more intellectual and insightful. HA!


And to postwhore because I can, ahem

here is the first review I have read, by someone who did not seem to think this was a bad show but tried their damdest to be dissmissive

Decent set with SSO thrills 'Claymates'

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Chuck Klaus

Contributing writer


He is the beloved singing teddy bear placed near a young girl's flouncy canopied bed.

No one picked up on this??? Hell, I may not be a young girl but I would gladly have him near or on my canopied bed!! :hubbahubba:

Meanwhile, on a more shallow front, if SSTBTHW IS the 'new' song, meh. Those of you who love it, I'm happy for you...Me? I'd much prefer IYDKMBN. I personally think this concert already has enough slow, semi-sappy stuff. Green eyed soul holds much more interest for me....If not that one, how about LNM? The Elton John number is.....slow....even though I think his voice is lovely on this one, I usually skip it on the CD because...well, it's just another slow one. YVMV, etc.

(takes a moment imagining what he would look like---his face, his hands....---while singing "you will never, never, never, never, never (etc) know me...." and :Thud: )

ITA!! He couldn't even begin to remember the words at the Kimmel mini concert - and without the Spanish guitar, there is nothing I love.

I want to hear that green eyed soul and hear him sing IYDKMBN soooooooooo bad!!

Nice pictures from last night. Guess I'll have to wait for the weekend to download the clack.

This working stuff sucks.

Off to answer PMs and check out what happened at the concert tonight!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to you all! I missed you today!

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I would just like to take a moment to pay homage to Scarlett for a very, very fine video of the Classics from Syracuse. I just viewed that marvelous few minutes and I'm dead. Yep, that just about did me in......but I think I might need to go back and view it just another time or two.

Bows down to the clack goddess, Scarlett :clap:

Amen sister!! I just watched that clip, too. Obviously, Angie's been working with Clay on his dance moves. Party All Night, indeed, dude!

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I just posted this in the Canandaigua thread but I'll paste it here as well.

Checking in from the hotel in Canandaigua....we didn't do the bus line tonight, because of the rain. The concert was amazing, and our seats were probably the best in the house (3rd row centre aisle) and definitely the best we'd ever had! When Clay entered down our aisle, my daughter touched his arm and she said it was prickly.

I will write up a recap tomorrow morning if I get a chance. I have to tell you though that watching Clay sing Lover All Alone with the sound of the rain falling all around was magical. I doubt it's going to come through on the clack but it was something I will never forget. What an amazing night.

ETA: I also added part 2 of my Syracuse recap in the Syracuse thread.

Edited by lickiest1
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Yay! Claygasm survived!

So, if he loves LNM so much, why isn't he singing it?????????? He could skip ATD, which we have been suffering through hearing for two years and sing LNM!

Want to hear my thoughts on this? Ok, probably not, but I'm going to do it anyway....

I honestly think that LNM wouldn't work with the orchestra live. To me, that's a song that needs a band -- and at least a third vocalist in the background. There's too many layers at the end of that song for that to sound good live. Don't get me wrong, I really would love to hear it live, think he'd do fantastic on it....but I'd say wait for next tour at this point.

Meanwhile, on a more shallow front, if SSTBTHW IS the 'new' song, meh. Those of you who love it, I'm happy for you...Me? I'd much prefer IYDKMBN. I personally think this concert already has enough slow, semi-sappy stuff. Green eyed soul holds much more interest for me....If not that one, how about LNM? The Elton John number is.....slow....even though I think his voice is lovely on this one, I usually skip it on the CD because...well, it's just another slow one. YVMV, etc.

(takes a moment imagining what he would look like---his face, his hands....---while singing "you will never, never, never, never, never (etc) know me...." and :Thud: )

ITA!! He couldn't even begin to remember the words at the Kimmel mini concert - and without the Spanish guitar, there is nothing I love.

I want to hear that green eyed soul and hear him sing IYDKMBN soooooooooo bad!!

While I agree that I would rather hear IYDKMBN -- it sounds like he KILLED on Sorry tonight, even if he messed up the words.

Besides, you never know -- Sorry might be to you what TOA is to me...a song that I only tolerated on the album, but LOVED live. C'mon, give it a try!

I would just like to take a moment to pay homage to Scarlett for a very, very fine video of the Classics from Syracuse. I just viewed that marvelous few minutes and I'm dead. Yep, that just about did me in......but I think I might need to go back and view it just another time or two.

Bows down to the clack goddess, Scarlett :clap:

Amen sister!! I just watched that clip, too. Obviously, Angie's been working with Clay on his dance moves. Party All Night, indeed, dude!


I posted about this clip THIS MORNING people! And where were you then?!?!? I've been drooling about this clip all damn day in my office -- that "party all night" is classic! (If anyone finds a gif of it, please let me know. PLEASE!?!?!??!)

EEEEEE! lickiest1 is in da house! And his arm is prickly! Hee! I'd heard that about the rain during LAA, I wish I could have been there for that.

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Hi y'all - I'll be back later with a recap of Philly! I saw playbiller and fear! They recognised my DCAT shirt! I saw KAndre also briefly (she was on the phone and gave it to me for about 20 seconds, did you hear me??), and a LOT of other fans......... waves to everyone!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

But more importantly, I was in the first row behind the catwalk and so go a gorgeous view of Clay when he walked out on it!! color me dead and resurected!! In this picture, I am just a little to the left of the staff guy!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!


:TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

My friend TLS took some video from her seat, and has just put it up on youtube!

Go here:

and then click on more from this user to see them - 5 in all! Please leave a comment if you view them, TLS would really appreciate it!!

They are also up at clackunlimited.com.

TONIGHT'S CONCERT :clap::clap::clap:

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I posted about this clip THIS MORNING people! And where were you then?!?!? I've been drooling about this clip all damn day in my office -- that "party all night" is classic! (If anyone finds a gif of it, please let me know. PLEASE!?!?!??!)

I would just like to take a moment to pay homage to Scarlett for a very, very fine video of the Classics from Syracuse. I just viewed that marvelous few minutes and I'm dead. Yep, that just about did me in......but I think I might need to go back and view it just another time or two.

Bows down to the clack goddess, Scarlett :clap:

Amen sister!! I just watched that clip, too. Obviously, Angie's been working with Clay on his dance moves. Party All Night, indeed, dude!


Hi ldyjocelyn and bottlecap!

I WOULD have watched this earlier if I had known, but I had to go to work early and missed your post! Really, I would have! But, I ran as fast as I could to Clack Unlimited as soon as I read your post to check it out and now I'm gonna be up all night watching that "party all night" move....also like the "whip it" move.

It's kinda amazing how much Clay's changed in a few years. He's sure learned how to move that body! :Thud:

Well, dang it! My quote thingys are not right! Sorry!

fixed it/couchie

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I find it's generally easier to just embrace the pasty look.


AH a math problem - IF couchie is going at the speed of 500 words per post and Muski is at 20 words per post but accelerating in the direction of NNE, win what city will they both meet? - Would that be LA or not? I forgot to add the baseball statistics to that problem.

Play, this cracked me the hell up.

couchie, I wanted to respond to you before taking off. I would love to try and get together this Sunday. My only problem is that we were planning on heading over to Half Moon Bay for the weekend. It's my father in law's birthday. So unless plans change, and they frequently do, I won't be here. Let's touch base again Friday night and I'll know for sure then.


OK... I'll give you a holla on tomorrow night. Also, whoo hoo ANSA is coming. And anybody in the bay area that wants to hang out with us in San Francisco on Sunday, July 29th let me know. We haven't figured anything out yet..but can't wait to meet her!! Or we could always stalk out YSRN's place heee.

I agree with YSRN re: why Clay is so downright fascinating and admirable in this regard. He's savvy---young, yes...but savvy in the ways of human nature. I think that first year or so in LA and in the very center of it all---the music industry, show biz---seeing it firsthand, having 'friends' stab you in the back when and if doing so would be advantageous, experiencing the different way of relationships from what he was used to, etc., he had a period of "Ah HA! So THIS is what it's like in the big wide world!" But Mr. Aiken's a smart cookie and a very quick study.

I see him as a perfect example of "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on ME!"....The man's got a natural intelligence and survival instinct that, I believe, will always serve him well. I'm not worried about him.

Muski, you have a wonderful way with words.

And my experience has been the exact opposite in respect to the music industry.

Thanks for your perspective lightmyfire!!

YAY CG survived the day and will be doing those long ass catch ups. They are quite fun to do CG...but I know the feeling of wanted to be part of it during the day.

Yay LICKY! Sounds like an awesome experience.

Yay Cha Cha..will check out the youtubes

Great discussion today!

I love Sorry. Glad he added it to the show..still want to hear my other favorites. As for Lonely No More.>Clay doesn't have to do it just like the album. It would be different but that would be fine with me. THe same for Broken Wings..I just want to hear him sing it..even if it's a totally different arrangement. It will be interesting to see if he changes or adds more before Cali.

ETA: finally climbed into the 21st century...Direct TV called me up and offered DVR for 1 dollar month for a year so said hell yeah. weeeeeeeee looking forward to never missing anything again.

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We haven't figured anything out yet..but can't wait to meet her!! Or we could always stalk out YSRN's place heee.

OMG PLEASE DO!!! We could have a party and watch clack together and go play tourist in Santa Cruz or wherever you want to go and, and, and... I would LOVE that. Seriously!!! Wanna?

Sorry clack is up!

lightmyfire... thanks for adding your experience and perspective. Yes, as much as there are asswads in every industry, there are also lovely, well-meaning people in every one of those environments... and moreso, of course.

Oy... I played around too much today and now I'm suffering... Back to work... my deadlines are over tomorrow... yay!!!

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I am SOOOOOO there, YSRN....I hope Ansa and Couchie and others can make it... :whistling-1::DoClay: :Tour3: :TourExcite:

I'm serious.... :lilredani:

ETA: no...please no. THere are some who believe Clay has rid his body of the pokey chest hairs, along with the...


rest of his chest hair...possibly...


even trummy hair. and dare I even imagine......



Edited by muskifest
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Oooooooo look, Clay talked about meeeee at the Philly M&G and "handling" me or something ....gah :Thud:

Part of a M&G recap From clayloverinpa ~ (bolding mine)

"One of the other ladies there gave him a gift basket of goodies and he went through them all checking to see that no items were made in a factory that handled tree nuts. He read all of the labels!!! Most of them say they were made in factories that process peanuts and he said that was okay because he’s not allergic to peanuts. He was too funny sitting there going over all the labels!!"

And I though this next part was BWAH! Clay, you are just too cute for words sometimes.

"Then one of the ladies’ cell phones rang and he got this horrified look on his face and said “OH MAH GAWD!!” She grabbed it and slammed the phone shut and shoved it in her purse. It was hysterical! He said “you just hung up on them”! We were all laughing like crazy. THEN HIS PHONE WENT OFF!! He just quickly shut it and jammed it in his pocket!! TOO FUNNY!"

And the M&G winners from tonight in Canandaigua said he sampled a possible new song for them or they heard him or maybe someone remembers this better. Can't remember where I read it or I would bring it over for y'all.

And could someone please answer a question for me?

I have read two different versions of what/whose wedding he attended over the break. First I heard it was his friend Amy or Amanda. Then I heard he sang in his Uncle's wedding.

Sheesh, which is it, goddamnit?

Inquiring mind wants to know :scream:

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I posted about this clip THIS MORNING people! And where were you then?!?!? I've been drooling about this clip all damn day in my office -- that "party all night" is classic! (If anyone finds a gif of it, please let me know. PLEASE!?!?!??!)

Yeah, some of us don't download at work (Except on very rare occasions. Really.) and can't access youtubes, so we gotta take notes, hope we can interpret what the cryptic scrawl means later ("Scar Syc Class") and download and watch in the evening. And last night, that meant after the cellcert.

And could someone please answer a question for me?

I have read two different versions of what/whose wedding he attended over the break. First I heard it was his friend Amy or Amanda. Then I heard he sang in his Uncle's wedding.

Sheesh, which is it, goddamnit?

Inquiring mind wants to know :scream:

I think it was a college roommate's wedding during the break this month, and his uncle's wedding was earlier in the year.

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I have a very distantly related professional opinion on this one statement/question. At one time in my other life I was a peon in the music industry and from what I knew about, observed, witnessed or heard of back then I would sumize that Clive most definitely is hands on in your face involved to the bitter end of the process. Except for the marketing and such....post release portion of it anyway. Guys like him do not get to where they are in the industry by standing by and allowing others to take over the process at a certain point. Nor do they rely on feedback or suggestions from others who are paid to provide exactly that. N.O.!

My best guess is that he (Clive) is a major control freak with the ego of another planet entirely. I have never met, worked with or dated anyone in the industry who was anything less. With maybe one or two minor exceptions like the salesmen/reps. He had to be the first, second, third and final word throughout. I'm willing to bet he even subliminally or otherwise made possible future promises (also known as subtle career death threats with a smile and "I love you like a son" attached) in the quise of a career counselor at one time. They are cutthroat and would throw their own mother under the bus if needed! Do not doubt it. And Clay has had to make some serious adjustments I am sure in order to just live with the "rotting souls" for which he so aptly named them.

Hehe, can you tell I have issues with this business? ;)

And my experience has been the exact opposite in respect to the music industry. In fact, I can't think of one individual who I would label as an egomaniac from another planet or a major control freak or one who would throw their own mother under the bus. I have been very fortunate to have dealt with individuals of great moral standing, with a great passion for music, dedicated to philanthropic efforts on a global scale and within their own local communities. Those who would give the shirt off their backs for anyone. I won't apologize when I say that I am angry that others generalize and define them as "rotting souls." I have family and friends who are the most compassionate members of society who are also members of the music industry. I am tired of the crud slinging....

Thanks for weighing in. I wish you would post more often. {{{LMF}}} Clive is 72 or some years old. I also read somewhere where he stated that he doesn't actually work that closely with the artists themselves, anymore, but rather works more in other areas of the business. I'm sure he is consulted for opinions and decisions on certain things but holds no one in a dungeon with whips and chains. For sure the music industry is a business and the almighty dollar is the bottom line. I'm sure decisions in this industry are made with profit in mind as any business is, and rightfully so.

I just posted this in the Canandaigua thread but I'll paste it here as well.

Checking in from the hotel in Canandaigua....we didn't do the bus line tonight, because of the rain. The concert was amazing, and our seats were probably the best in the house (3rd row centre aisle) and definitely the best we'd ever had! When Clay entered down our aisle, my daughter touched his arm and she said it was prickly.

I will write up a recap tomorrow morning if I get a chance. I have to tell you though that watching Clay sing Lover All Alone with the sound of the rain falling all around was magical. I doubt it's going to come through on the clack but it was something I will never forget. What an amazing night.

ETA: I also added part 2 of my Syracuse recap in the Syracuse thread.

Glad to see lucky is here.....Did you score me a poster, yet? PM me. I've got PayPal all set up to go.

Hi y'all - I'll be back later with a recap of Philly! I saw playbiller and fear! They recognised my DCAT shirt! I saw KAndre also briefly (she was on the phone and gave it to me for about 20 seconds, did you hear me??), and a LOT of other fans......... waves to everyone!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

But more importantly, I was in the first row behind the catwalk and so go a gorgeous view of Clay when he walked out on it!! color me dead and resurected!! In this picture, I am just a little to the left of the staff guy!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!


:TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

My friend TLS took some video from her seat, and has just put it up on youtube!

Go here:

and then click on more from this user to see them - 5 in all! Please leave a comment if you view them, TLS would really appreciate it!!

They are also up at clackunlimited.com.

TONIGHT'S CONCERT :clap::clap::clap:

Is your friend, TLS, ToLoveSomebody? I love her myself. Don't see her too often anymore. Where is she hiding? Front row by the catwalk, I am so jealous. That DCAT shirt does get noticed? I was proud to show mine off.

We haven't figured anything out yet..but can't wait to meet her!! Or we could always stalk out YSRN's place heee.

OMG PLEASE DO!!! We could have a party and watch clack together and go play tourist in Santa Cruz or wherever you want to go and, and, and... I would LOVE that. Seriously!!! Wanna?

Sorry clack is up!

lightmyfire... thanks for adding your experience and perspective. Yes, as much as there are asswads in every industry, there are also lovely, well-meaning people in every one of those environments... and moreso, of course.

Oy... I played around too much today and now I'm suffering... Back to work... my deadlines are over tomorrow... yay!!!

Hurry with your project, so you can come out and play. I wish I lived in California I would so be at your party. I just know it would be a blast, and I'm a fun loving kind of gal.

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