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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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Oh dear.

I just downloaded the Houston Classics medley from jtgranny. That head that keeps bopping in and out of the picture? Dear God, that's me. I'm so sorry.

Bwah my one and only time in the front row I was si6tting next to a clacker (oh could that be you heee) and I was so cognizant of that. I had a great time but realy really didn't want to be seen or heard on the clack. I have a great seat in San Diego and believe I'll be sitting by a clacker again. Can't make any promises this time as it's been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long since I've seen Clay (Kimmell well it counts but not really since it was a very mini set)...hopefully I can control myself.

Cha Cha..thanks for the Jericho reminder. My mom watches it and she got to catch up a little. She keeps teasing me for not watching it as my guy requested.

I actually had a pretty good day. I took the afternoon of off work to take my mom to the doctor. For some reason, she won't tell speak up for herself with the doctor ("But I don't want to bother him!"), so I had a discussion with him myself and got him to change a medication that had been giving her problems. We had a nice lunch, did some shopping, I got my pre-concert haircut, I mowed her lawn, and I still had energy left over to mix up some cookies and do a load of laundry. It turns out that I can occasionally go offline and do some real life stuff. Who knew?!

Bottle heeeee..wow a multi activity day that didn't include work or Clay. hmmm maybe I'll try that one of these days.

Ansa: Yay for being all set up for Cali. Looks around house and realizes I'll l have FCA guests in a little over two weeks... a few of those multi activity days will come in handy starting NOW.

Play, hate to be a dunce but what is this:

Fear is here! We went to M& show this morning
Waves to Fear!!

LdyJ- thanks for original artists to Clay's classics

Jamar yes I'm watching! My poor A's..I'm still delusional enough to think it's the abnormal number of injuries for my team and any day they'll have a typical second half sweeping straight to the top of the standings. Nice to know our team is well though of there. We're pretty laid back... we save our vitriol for the Yankees! heh.

YSRN: BWAH!!! OMG I've done that a million times. Yep old age is a beyotch.

WELCOME SHEILADOWNUNDER! I read your note in the check in thread and see you're a long time friend of Clayzor....amd a new friend of LdyJ! i look forward to getting to know you.

Muski: Yay Muski and I are sharing the rarified air once more.

Dear goddes,

Forgive me for dreaming about MuskiKid losing fly balls in the sun. Whatever will be will be. I just wanted to share the concert with my friend. Did you know Muski and I have been running aorund in the same circles for years attending the same concerts and even the same bay air. Did you know that she once thought I was a blonde white chick? Yep she did. But of course now that I know MuskiKid and she's the sweetest thing ever I can only RAH RAH rah rah for her. Don't strike me down.

Thank you

P.S. Love you Muski :F_05BL17blowkiss:

on the serious tip...join us when you can. Keep up posted though

Would you believe that telemarketers are calling already!!!! .... :angry2:

Bwah! Not only can I believe it but I do believe they will be the other thing that survives nuclear bomb

Good Afternoon, FCA!

Good afternoon Charlie!!! heeee I love your greetings.

Thank you so much for bringing over the photos... they are scrumptious. And Karen Eh, your photos are masterpeices. You know I really miss seeing certain photographer's names from the olden days but I also love discovering new ones and seeing those that have been around get better and better. It's truly amazing and the reason I don't bother trying to take photos.

OK I just remembered I'm supposed to up the photo content allowed in posts. I'll do that shortly.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JMH...I hope you have a marvelous marvelous day.

Now, off to download Scarlett clack.

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Hello FCA!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I have been a busy bee the last 2 days. I had company from out of town last night because it was our mumbleymumbley high school reunion. My old gang all went together and had a blast! My throat hurts from yelling, though. The band was good - but loud! To talk you had to scream! Oddly enough, I went the whole night not thinking of Clay until said band struck up with 'Build Me Up Buttercup"!

Wonder why I always think of Clay when I hear that??

Anyway, we didn't get home until almost 2pm and then sat up talking until at least 4pm! I am pooped. But it was FUN!

I had such a good time in high school. And it did my ego good to have people know who I was without seeing my name tag! They were so queer. They had our senior pics on them - me with my long straight hair - and the stupid little blurbs we wrote for the yearbook! Damn, had I known that would come back and haunt me years later I would have been more careful what I worte!

The most common question I got was not what am I doing know, am I married, do I have any kids etc. Nope. The most common question was "So, is your hair naturally curly or naturally straight?" Even the bartender asked me! I guess my curly hair was a shock?



PS...Couchie, Ansa and CG...Kenny told me that the softball tourney is configured so that it's unlikely I'll be in San Diego....there's still a chance I'll be in Pala and the others...but evidently, all the teams are guaranteed four games before being eliminated with their first loss after those first four...so they'll have at least two games on Thursday....still don't know the exact way it's set up, though.... :scream: I'll find out more and let you know as soon as I know, okay? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Well, poo!!! I'm not uncrossing my fingers that at the very least you'll make it to LA and Indio, though. (even though I feel guilty because that would mean Carrie and the Blaze lost....)

Dear goddes,

Forgive me for dreaming about MuskiKid losing fly balls in the sun. Whatever will be will be. I just wanted to share the concert with my friend. Did you know Muski and I have been running aorund in the same circles for years attending the same concerts and even the same bay air. Did you know that she once thought I was a blonde white chick? Yep she did. But of course now that I know MuskiKid and she's the sweetest thing ever I can only RAH RAH rah rah for her. Don't strike me down.

Thank you

P.S. Love you Muski :F_05BL17blowkiss:

on the serious tip...join us when you can. Keep up posted though

Can you sign my name to that letter too????

Damn the timing! I so want the Blaze to go all the way, but I so want muski to at least be able to join us for part of the California 4-fer!! Why can't we have it both ways? Hey, anyone have one of those transporter things like on Star Trek? Cause if they did, muski could go to the games during the day and then come to the concerts at night!

Can't wait for Philly! Its supposed to be hot and very humid so we might have a lot of Sweaty Clay pictures to enjoy afterwards!

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Missy, come back here and give us more than a two line wrap up of Idol the Musical.

While I have your attention <TM HAWT SEXY SINGING MAN>


Why I love it. First of all most of the posts are on main or the tour section. But if you want to know what else is happening elsewhere if you click on VIEW NEW POSTS (located on the right side of the page, 2nd line under the banner picture) every thread with any activity will appear. Then you can see the titles and see if anything else is of interest to you. So you will know if somebody snuck in a recap from an old concert. You will see the if there is activity in the 2 Harry Potter threads, the So You Think You Can Dance Thread, or the caregiver thread etc etc. I'm telling you once you try it, you'll never go back.. You need to be logged in to use it but it's like a book mark and you'll never lose your place again...or miss any post that may be of interest to you.

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Missy, come back here and give us more than a two line wrap up of Idol the Musical.

You talking to me???

Who's missy???? :unsure:

Well, until this missy person shows up :lol: , I'll give you my recap, such as it is.

The theater was full - with enough elderly people to make it seem like Clay's audiences are filled with teeny boppers! Must have been senior citizen day!

Its a very small theater with a very small stage. We sat down close to the front and there was a large figure under a blanket in the center of the stage. The show starts with the cast coming out surrounding the figure. They were wearng what looked like striped monk outfits with a sign on them that said 5230! They were worshiping at the alter of Clay and singing something which I can't remember about Clay. They whipped off the blanket to reveal a very large cardboard figure that looked like Clay belting out a song on AI. They kept circuling the figure and singing and then lined up at the front of they stage and spouted off facts about Clay - his number was 5230, he can't eat nuts (although they didn't specify tree nuts!) etc. Their ritual ended and the fun ended with it. What we learn is this club to worship Clay was formed by a bunch of misfits who idolize him because he was a misfit who made good. They are heckled from unseen voices. They really are a sorry lot (and worse actors). The "Quaiken for Aiken" song was an embarrassment - it was just soooo bad. There were MANY jokes involving men's crothes (and none had to do with Clay). There was a character who often spouted off Clayisms - like Claycentric and - get this - Claygasm!! I had to crack up at that one. There was also a character who had made an Idol call back and now thought she was hot shit but was lambasted by Randy, Paula and Simon (unseen voices again). It was obvious a few of the characters had the hots for each other.

They were all about to graduate from high school and Clay's tour was coming to town. The girl who had been at the Idol auditions found out they were looking for an opening act so she suggested the group put together a number and then Clay could get them out of this town. Unbeknownst to them, she was planning on making it a solo act, with the unwitting help of the nerdy home-schooled kid, who was secretly in love with the goth girl who was secretly in love with him. She walks in and sees them and thinks he has betrayed her and the gang. Turns out, Clay didn't want an opening act, he just wanted someone to sing to push his new line of chicken! The Idol girl got the job and had to sing in a chicken costume. They felt betrayed by Clay (not sure why), but they all realized that they should believe in themselves, not worship Idols who aren't really any better than they are.

Before it was over, the gang found out the home-schooled guy didn't betray them. He realized the goth girl (who un-gothed herself for graduation) liked him and he her and he un-nerded himself and became cute. The other two who had the hots for each other - a tomboy mechanic who cleaned up nice and a wannabe cowboy - also came to the same realization. The star baskeball player who really wanted to be a Chippendale dancer and played with his crotch a lot (hey - I couldn't make this stuff up!) realized his dream, decided against college and donned the Chippendale uniform (and still played with is crotch). The rest all started to believe in themselves and what was important - even the Idol girl in the chicken outfit.

Moral of the story was clear - never idolize someone because they are famous because in the end they all put on their pants one leg at a time. Idolize yourself, believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything you want.

I thought Clay was used for one reason. His fans are seen by the public as weird, crazy, misfits with no life. Whether true or not, even people who don't follow Idol or Clay know the "Claymates" and their rep. I don't think it was necessarily meant as a jab at us. We were stereotyped to make a point. The author had to pick a well-known fan group who represented the image he wanted to portray. Clay's fans were it and so Clay was used as the Idol at the center of the story. And at least he made Clay's fans young!

No jabs were made at Clay - unless you wanted to be picky and say because in the end Clay only wanted someone to advertisize his new line of chicken rather than help someone fulfill their dreams of stardom a jab. I am sure some fans would see it and be upset that they never mentioned that he's a UNICEF ambassador, the BAF etc., but the show was not about Clay. He was a symbol because his fans had the reputation that fit the image the author wanted.

If it weren't so badly written, if the songs weren't so awful, if the acting wasn't so bad, if the directing weren't so pitiful and if the jokes weren't so not funny, it may have been better. Maybe they had a different cast in Syracuse? I don't know. It was just really, really badly done in every respect. I was in no way insulted as a Clay fan, nor did I feel Clay was badly represented. It was just not a good play, IMO.

It will be interesting to hear what play has to say after she sees it!

I do have to admit, I kept looking for a guy in a bucket hat with his foot on someone else's armrest in the audience.... :whistling-1:

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I'm still delusional enough to think it's the abnormal number of injuries for my team and any day they'll have a typical second half sweeping straight to the top of the standings.


But of course it is. And of course they willl. Just like the Twins. And we'll meet again in the post season. Just like last year. Can there be ANY doubt?

Now I'm off to find the HP threads....just got back from the movie.

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Harry Potter movie thread

Wow, thanks CG for the review. I thought I read they were having auditions for the New York presentation. Wonder why they would change the cast...if they indeed did. But bottom line is, forget the subject matter - the general acting, songs etc. need to be great to make it to Broadway. I expect excellence when I go to a show in NYC, hell in SF, not a high school production. Can't wait to see what you think Play.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JMH!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And I'm sooooo glad to see sheiladownunder--- I loved spending time with you in our Tulsa "den of iniquity" and hope we can all get together again very soon over our one and only Mr. Doll Face!

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I do have to admit, I kept looking for a guy in a bucket hat with his foot on someone else's armrest in the audience....

BWAH! Loved your recap of the show, Claygasm. Sounds like Clay better go see that one fast, cause it's not going to be around long.

I've been gone on our summer trip to the east coast for the past two and a half weeks. We did a little sight seeing in DC with our ten year old, went to a family wedding in Philly and then spent the rest of our time at our place in RI. Muski visited us there once and went to the Kingston, RI NAT show with me, where we wish we had paid closer attention to Clay's thigh during You've Got a Friend, LOL. :)

Anyway, it was filled with constant socializing and was exhausting as it always is. It ended with the airline trip home from hell - 25 hours door to door. UGH!

So Muski, I'm very impressed with little Muski and her phenomenal pitching skills, but when her amazing athletic accomplishments interfere with me getting to see you and you getting to see Clay and us getting to see Clay together.....well, let's just say, I'm disappointed. I hope somehow it all works out so that she and her team have a wonderful experience at Nationals and you still are able to get your butt here for most of the concerts. Hug. And I hope that the rest of you guys who were planning on hanging with Muski still meet up with me - Claygasm knows me. I want to meet you all!

I've loved seeing all the pics you have posted here, and reading what recaps I've managed to read in my limited time on line during the last couple of weeks. I must admit that I was a little concerned about the tour after Frisco, but much relieved after everyone I knew who was in Houston was so happy with the Houston concert.

I myself am IN LOVE WITH Lover All Alone. I'm sure I'll enjoy the whole concert. But for me, LAA is the gem of the concert. The way he sings it reminds me of the way he sang My Grown Up Christmas List, which I loved, but the words are from his heart and are HIS! And then he is so vulnerable singing it. I can't get enough of watching and listening to the Clack of that song.

I'm sorry that I haven't responded to more people's posts, but I think my post has gotten long enough for now. Hugs to everyone.

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Hey Totally!!! You bet we'll find a way to get together in L.A. - muski or no muski! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Now, I just wanted to share the one picture that has something for almost all those who love things about Clay's face - eyelashes, stubble and tongue!



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Now, I just wanted to share the one picture that has something for almost all those who love things about Clay's face - eyelashes, stubble and tongue!



Hey, stop dripping your drool down into my post!!

That picture? Whoa bay-bee! :DoClay:

I also have a freshly-saved picture showing beautiful copper hair, a few errant whiskers, and more than a bit of tongue...


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BWAH, bottle! Somehow that little guy just isn't as appealing as the big guy above him.

I'm back home after taking care of my ailing parents for the last eight days. Hubby did a good job as a single parent, and the house didn't fall down. But it's seriously in need of cleaning. We're gonna have little ants coming in to carry off the food if I don't get serious about all of the junk and food around the house. I was nice last night and had fun with my two daughters, but today has been a day of cleaning, for them and me both. Why is that kids think that they're on vacation from cleaning and picking up during the summer?


Anyway, we did take a little break and went to see Harry Potter. It was as good, if not better, the second time around!

Haven't seen this posted for a few pages.


ETA: bottle, you posted the thrust gif while I was writing my post! The little squirrel is still cute, but not as cute, or hunky, as the BIG guy. Heeee!

Edited by Gibby
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BWAH bottle...

totally...check out the CA4fer...we are putting out CA plans out there. Post and let us know where we all can meet. We can party after.

thanks for the pictures...

Claygasm...thanks for that review...from what you described...that kind of concept would only work with really great music and good acting...the story like is very cliche' and can work if its hairspray kind of campy. I don't think it will be around too long.

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OK, we are back and tired. I made my sister take a bus, something she has not done in a long time - life is so rough.

Now my review - First the good things

The audience was mixed with seniors to small children (???), it was date night and many couples were there - this being in the smallest theater I have ever been in - know that trailer I talk about, this theater made it feel roomy. Only 3 people left during the show. There was a line of about 50 people waiting for no shows so they could buy a ticket, they were disappointed to see us show up.

Some performers sang very well

some performers move very well.

There were some funny lines

More after I get ready for tomorrow.

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Play review - It really needsa play doctor, really needs one desperately. Man next to me fell asleep.

Here is a hint get there early enough so you don't have to sit in front of the "pole". Seriously! I saw more shoes in great detail than ever. I thought I ws distracted by the shoes in Houston where we were floor eye level - but Clay and friends actually stood/sat several feet from the edge.

Lets just say, that if I did not see shoes, I would have been staring at another part of the anatomy waaaaaay too much. There were also the constant bouncing of the basketball by the edge of the stage, inches from my face, and the pole dancing - which actually had body parts passing over me.

There were many subtle jokes in here - like certain boxers being worn, some burberry, etc. I was put off when there was one guy singing about his size 13 shoes, when they were obviously size 10 (remember, I saw feet for most of the show as a preference to crotch)

The woman with some supposedly funny lines at the end of the show could not get them out as she and the entire cast kept breaking out laughing, so we really don't know how that part went.

All told, it was an experience. I never regret experiences, just tuck them away in my story book, Too bad we bought our tickets before the free ones were given away.

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Well, I finally got to use those rain ponchos I bought to use in Frisco....just in case. We went to The Woodlands to see ZZ Top tonight and someone offered me a hundred bucks for mine. Rain much around here? Geez Louise, I've never seen anything like this. But it sure was fun sitting at the top of an open hill in an aluminum chair during a thunderstorm. I made it until the third major deluge then decided to bail. I think if we'd have stayed much longer we'd have to bail the car in order to get home. I have never been so happy to see nice warm jammies and a bottle of merlot in my life!

Being the way far behind everything person that I am, I just finished with my Frisco pix. I linked them at the CH earlier but I thought I'd take up real estate here too. Just links....oh, and the emoticons are links, click on them, too. The wonders of technology, eh?

The whole album is Here.

He’s Not 16. He’s Not 16. He’s Not 16.

You Guys Remember My Girlfriend, Right?


One Of Us Is Baaaaaad.


Overexposed And Blurry But I Liked It.

The Shirt Said “Black & White”.





My Favourite

This Cracks Me Up

Sexy Back


That Foot Is the Picture Of Innocence

God Bless The USA

Holding The Hat


One With The Canon

This week has flown by so fast. I find it hard to believe that I'll be off on another trip come Tuesday. This time to Rochester and Syracuse via Toronto....I'll be gone until Sunday, taking a couple of days to hang out in one of my favorite cities. I think I might try to get to the ROM since I haven't been there in years and years. Now, all I have to do is make sure I've got the batteries charged and my handy dandy sneaky taking pictures thingy perfected. I think I'll have it with a few minor changes and alterations. Anyone else going to be at Koozina's?

Okay, going to run and check out the Cali thread to see what's shakin' there.....

Congrats! to the Blaze muski. :clap:

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I hope you have a good trip, treenuts! Do you have an mp3 player or an ipod that you can take, so you can at least listen to Clay?

Oh abso-tively! My trusty iPOD and Clay were never far from my side, erm.....ear.

Gibby, I hope your parents are doing better. I also hope your homefront survived your being away as well. There's nothing worse than having to come home from taking care of someone elses house and then clean your own and do the laundry and so on. But then we have Clack to take our minds off of everything even if only for a little while.

BTW.....I experienced something this week that I honestly never felt before and was surprised by it to say the least. My mom and I stopped by the local winery so I could pick up a couple of bottles and mom happen to mention to the very nice young women behind the bar that we were going to see Clay Aiken in a few weeks. She looked at my mother and said "Oh Clay Aiken huh? Is he still around? Huh!" Well at first I felt hurt. Then I found myself glaring at her and thinking little does she know and of course I went immediately into protect/defend mode. Is that weird or what! I absolutely did not jump into the dialogue, but I so wanted to. She began asking my mom more questions and mom then looked to me and I said "well, actually I'm the fan, but yes he is touring this summer and we are seeing him at the Greek in LA". I wanted to share our enthusiasm with her but she was having none of it. I did my best to seem unruffled but I swear I heard my voice strain at some point. Could have been my imagination I suppose. I tried to tell her a litttle more about him but then sensed she wasn't all that interested so I let it go. Heh! Still around indeed! So I only purchased ONE bottle and we left. Take that, clueless one!! Unfortunately our plans for getting bombed became a small buzz....but it was all in the name of Clay :P

treenuts... :nanaonacid:

Again, just 'cause it's so cute :)

And as to the claims of No ass on Clay .... here the reBUTTal:


Not an ostentatious butt ... but a nice firm cutie-patootie one in tight pants will do nicely.

EEEEEEEEEE......thank you for making my original point for me! I'm sure nobody will recall that far back but I do and this makes me feel better (Please, no more saggy ass Tulsa jeans, Clay) :hubbahubba:


This one doesn't need a caption as much as it does an emoticon.



OMFG The Eyes have it!

I nearly swallowed my tongue when I saw this one......

breathe, honey, breathe :Thud:

If it weren't so badly written, if the songs weren't so awful, if the acting wasn't so bad, if the directing weren't so pitiful and if the jokes weren't so not funny, it may have been better. Maybe they had a different cast in Syracuse? I don't know. It was just really, really badly done in every respect. I was in no way insulted as a Clay fan, nor did I feel Clay was badly represented. It was just not a good play, IMO.


Sounds to me like The Breakfast Club Meets Bye Bye Birdie?!

Keepingfaith said:

"I MISS HIM SINGING LIKE A VIRGIN. I thought it was hot. I thought he was so sexy being campy and slithery ... "

and I strongly concur!! :RedGuy:

Karen Eh, loved loved loved your pics!

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Hey all! Sure hope this post works. I tried to post for about a half an hour last night before I gave up and went to bed. The wireless network in this hotel alternates between signal strength very low to you are not connected. *sigh*

So, we sat through 7 innings in the rain last night to lose 5-0 to another Ontario team. We got lots of men on base, but just couldn't capitalize on it. So we will head home this morning. I think I am going to refuse to drive. I'd much rather hole myself up in the back seat with my iPod and a good book, and let the kids take over the wheel. I've been the chauffer since we left home on Friday at 4 am, and I've had about enough of the crazy roads and traffic signals here. I can't believe we 1) found our way back to the hotel last night and 2) didn't get killed doing it. Give me Ontario roads anyday! :lol:

Thanks to everyone for the play reviews. Maybe it's a good thing that luckiestdaughter and luckiestmom didn't get tickets after all. I received a text from them last night raving about Rent on Broadway, though. So I'm glad they are having a good time in NYC. Monday they will go to the Yankees/Blue Jays game at Yankee Stadium. luckiestson is v.v. jealous.

This one doesn't need a caption as much as it does an emoticon.


WOW. You can say that again! :medium-smiley-070:

I look forward to getting home and being able to click on those Frisco links, Karen Eh!

ETA: Wow, tried to post this earlier and got the blue screen of death. :scream:

2 more days 'til Philly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!! :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

3 more days 'til Syracuse!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!! :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

Edited by lickiest1
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Play review - It really needsa play doctor, really needs one desperately. Man next to me fell asleep.

Here is a hint get there early enough so you don't have to sit in front of the "pole". Seriously! I saw more shoes in great detail than ever. I thought I ws distracted by the shoes in Houston where we were floor eye level - but Clay and friends actually stood/sat several feet from the edge.

Lets just say, that if I did not see shoes, I would have been staring at another part of the anatomy waaaaaay too much. There were also the constant bouncing of the basketball by the edge of the stage, inches from my face, and the pole dancing - which actually had body parts passing over me.

There were many subtle jokes in here - like certain boxers being worn, some burberry, etc. I was put off when there was one guy singing about his size 13 shoes, when they were obviously size 10 (remember, I saw feet for most of the show as a preference to crotch)

The woman with some supposedly funny lines at the end of the show could not get them out as she and the entire cast kept breaking out laughing, so we really don't know how that part went.

All told, it was an experience. I never regret experiences, just tuck them away in my story book, Too bad we bought our tickets before the free ones were given away.

Thanks for your review Play.

So I am happy that Clay is getting some good press out of this (some jabs but that's not unexpected) but mostly great press. The PR person seems to be working overtime to get US to support the play. I am putting these two reviews up at FCA and hopefully will get some others. Looking for some impressions and you can Claygasm did a great job on that. Now, this whole show is still being worked on right? How does this work Broadway goers.

Maybe they can start working on some areas before the show disappears because I may be a big Clay fan but long gone are the days that I'll support something just because his name is IN it but it's not by him, if you know what I mean. I wouldn't go across the country to see this just like I don't pick up books written about Clay but not by him. I hope it can find itself though because it could be some nice PR for him if it sticks around.

I want to hear more reviews because it is important to know if it's worth the cash. That should be a part of the dialogue.

Karen EH! Thanks for the photos. I spent a good chunk of yesterday looking at Houston pictures...can't wait to check your Frisco ones out and for you to post more from Houston. I will be patient I will be patient heee.

Treenuts -welcome back. I wear my clay shirts all around the town but am not much of a clayverter. I don't go into protective mode much but the other day when I got home my mom told me she had seen the View and..and before she could get the next word out I said, I don't want to hear it; the man is a fucking liar. Then she said, and he's ugly too. LOL.

An off off Broadway Clay

NEW YORK - For years, there have been those who think Clay Aiken could kill 'em on Broadway.He has that kind of voice, they say, and he carries an appreciation for the wink and nod joke, the kind that's crucial to winning over the kitschy-cool audiences that dig on the Broadway musical. This is a man, it can be noted, whose summer tour includes a bit in which he raps -- backed by an orchestra -- several lines from "Baby Got Back," a 15-year-old valentine to the female rump.

Aiken, the Raleigh native and "American Idol" runner-up, has yet to appear in a Broadway musical. But his fame is such that his physical presence is not needed to produce a play about him.

At least one of the off-off-Broadway variety.

Concert announcement for Philly

Clay Aiken has been doing a lot of charity work for UNICEF, but he still manages to tour once or twice each year. Tuesday night, the "American Idol" TV show runner-up will be backed by the Mann Festival Orchestra at the Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave., Philadelphia, to sing tunes from his mostly-covers album "A Thou-sand Different Ways" and his debut CD "Measure of a Man."

Among the pop classics that Aiken put on his new CD are Richard Marx's "Right Here Waiting," Nilsson's "Without You," Mr. Mister's "Broken Wings" and Elton John's "Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word." He has taken some jabs from the press for not recording new material; but so far, the 2006 album has sold well.

Aiken's first CD went multiplatinum behind the hit single "Invisible" and strong Barry Manilow-inspired songs like "No More Sad Songs," "Shine," "Perfect Day" and "I Will Carry You."

Show time is 8. Tickets are $39 to $69; (215) 878-7707.

Idol Watch - Hopelessly Devoted to Clay

When I read this last night I wanted to ask why so-called serious journalists give leeches like PH the time of day. Fortunately there was no email link so I let it roll.

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When I read this last night I wanted to ask why so-called serious journalists give leeches like PH the time of day.

IMO because they are furiously trying to keep up. For better or worse the internet has changed journalism. Both of my sons graduated with related degrees. One in Broadcast Journalism ('03) and one in Media Communications ('04). They both have learned that the "old model" that they were taught just isn't realistic in today's internetsavymusthaveitrightnowbecauseI'llforgetaboutittomorrow society.

I happened to be working in a HS library right on the cusp of the internet, when the netscape browser was first introduced and just before IE. What I noticed was that the easier and faster the kids could get the information ... the easier and faster they wanted it. I don't think it makes it right, but I think it is the way it is.

Reminds me of the ongoing "discussion" I have with w/my family (sibs & 'rents) about Wal-Mart. They hate Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is evil. You know the drill. I try to get them to see that while that's fine to think that...Wal-Mart and their business model isn't going anywhere. Wal-Mart is successful because people shop at Wal-Mart. People shop at Wal-Mart because they can buy cheaper underwear (or whatever) and the rest of life isn't getting any less expensive to live. My insurance agent ain't selling me more insurance for less money, and he's not selling me the same amount of insurance for the same amount of money either. And my benefits at work aren't paying a greater share of my health & dental bills, and my property taxes aren't going down or even staying the same.

Has Wal-Mart changed a part of our society by helping to put small Mom and Pop chains out of business? Probably. Will it ever change back? Probably not.

Has the internet changed journalism by focusing on cheap and quick. I think so. Will it ever change back? I think not.

To get this slightly back on topic (do I really have a topic?) ...I don't think I've turned my television set on all weekend. I streamed a couple of baseball games, listened to my ipod, watched a couple of DVDs read a weeks worth of FBOFW & Zits cartoons online and I've checked the weather and headlines at an online newspaper.

Not my local one .... but that's another story.

I was a minor player in an ongoing major local newstory for the last couple of years. I saw the way the story was reported in the local media and I saw the effort that was put into getting another side to the story out there. And I also saw that no one cared to report it. For two years they told the story that they wanted to tell and that was that. So I canceled my 20+ year subscription to the local paper and I haven't watched a local newscast since. Interestingly enough, I find that I don't miss much. *g*

eta : I just want to stress again I understand all of the arguments in the Wal-Mart thing. I really do. I just don't expect them to ever go away. I really don't.

Wow...I guess that's been building up or something given the recent conversations elsewhere. :cryingwlaughter:


So ... is it TUESDAY yet!??????!

:TourExcite: :Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:

Edited by jamar1700
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couchie, I am beginning to think that the inmates are now running the assylum or else I have entered an alternate universe where good is now evil and right is now wrong.

I can't believe that TOAD get's air time now. WTF :(

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