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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


Thread title poll  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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jamar1700 I too went from a 5 min. commute to one of 40 (on a good day). Don't forget the one benefit of that is you get to listen to Clay uninteruppted for all that time!!!

And somehow I don't think rcknrllmom could ever in a million years be mistaken for Kandre*g*

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Three fricking days posting in Clay'x thread on TWoP and already got a warning. And this ladies and gentlemen is why I hate the no talking about boards on boards rule. It's just STUPID. Here's my TWoP warning:

ME: "I mourn for all those lost threads in Idol Entertainment!"

TWoP MODS: Don't talk about the boards on the boards, please.

Are you kidding me?

ETA: Back to Greys Anatomy for me.

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BWAH - Couchie - that actually popped into my head when I saw that posted. Nyah, nyah - I have survived a month so far without being warned - but the majority ofmy posts are in the CHris Sligh thread where I get all my meanness out. - No, I am not mean, but jeez louise - who logs on and fights with people about themselves when they are the topic while pretendingto be a fan? - it is really hard to be nice when someone does that - I mean, I was nicer in TAR when the then most hated contestent logged on to defend herself, but at least she did it openly under her real name.

Ugh, presidential speech - time for a shower. I am tracking Fear's flight here - what are we going to do when she gets here - well going to Mike and Juliet (we were hoping for Clay - but not) Except now Fear does not want to go because they had PH on. Goingto Idol the Musical (go ahead - do your worst, Claygasm, I paid for the tickets, I am going, I am cheap like that.) Tonight we see the Duprees. Tomorrow, we are going to a salute to Billy Joel. In the meantime, we will eat out a lot and meet with the remaining living older relatives (well all older than me, hee). And Tuesday - Philly!!!!!!! Then Fear leaves and I have to get a computer ready for someone - then Newark.

I won't get to the beach again until the middle of August because something is happening every other day for weeks. But before that Cary and Ashville!!!

I lost my original post and forogt why I was posting, off topic!

rcknrllmom, I was going around your table speaking to everyone when suddenly the raffle was picked - And I won! - It kind of distracted me, I am sure you understand. I then ceased to go around at that point, I was so shocked. So you might say, I had my personal night of shock and awe.

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Ah, TWoP - how I miss you, only not... That board was where I started, so it was hard to break up with, but the split has definitely benefitted my blood pressure. Give the bus driver [and his 97 pseudonyms] a greeting from me.


And please tell Miss Alli => :biteme:


playbiller, I hope you and Fear have a great time. It sounds like you have some fun things planned.

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Ah, TWoP - how I miss you, only not... That board was where I started, so it was hard to break up with, but the split has definitely benefitted my blood pressure. Give the bus driver [and his 97 pseudonyms] a greeting from me.

I understand that..I took a nine month break and really am just visiting. Have no desire to fight it out converse there regularly. I fucking love strike out.

Play: Wow, I had head Chris did that around the net. He's STILL doing it?

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More power to those of you who bother with TWOP. I get enough stress trying to maintain my sanity on Clay boards. :cryingwlaughter:

First - "Idol: The Musical" is BAAAAAAAAD!!!n It has NOTHING to do with Clay, but a lot to do with TERRIBLE acting, writing and directing!!! I'll write more when I get home.

Hee, that's a different perspective than what I've seen elsewhere. Makes me wonder how songs with titles like "Shakin' for Aiken" and "Hunk 'o Burnin' Clay" fit into the show. I still wish I could go and see it first hand. My daughter is heading for NYC this weekend with her grandma (belated 21st birthday trip) but they are already slated to see Rent and maybe a Yankees game, so she doesn't think she'll be able to convince her to see Idol as well. Shame, that.

ETA that maybe I am misreading your post, and you are saying that the reason you didn't like it wasn't anything to do with Clay?

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Well, you should really read back in the Sligh thread to where they posted his blogs and how they were edited, and people savedhe originals, then "the FOrmer" starts posting, and edits his posts and then deletes them all, but the same people who saved the blogs, savedthe posts and reposted them all. It is funny in a sad way, but then he writes stuff and you just want to smack him. Like Sanjaya has a nice voice, there were 23 people on the show with better voices, but his is nice.Or Haley stayed on the show because of her legs, only not said so nicely, actually said rather insultingly, and he is not the one that reported on Sanjaya's mother's drug problem, etc. He says things, deletes them and then denies he ever said them, but he is a good christian boy. I would say he is a good and bitter boy. Do you know he was never off beat on any song he performed - the band was off, the judges were wrong and the audience was off (both in the theater and at home), but he was perfect. He always posts that whether it is on IDF or TWOP. You probably would have to read back 50 pages or so, but is a brain numbing stuff. BTW, Blake goes commando - oh wait, he deleted that as well, no, he never said it, Yup, that's the ticket.

Oh, please, I dread the relative visits, they are all Fear's buddies, I was always considered the kid that hung around with my big sister, none of them really like me. Poor Holly, she is the one to suffer the most from this.

ETA EEEE, I haven't switched to my new hard drive yet - I hope I have room for it now!!!!! Gonna get my getright out and start downloading while I go to the airport. I have been waiting patiently for overworked Scarlett's stuff, I was so spoiled looking at it in Dallas. (Psst Scarlett, my grandfather supported his family working for the same company you work at until he retired)

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EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Scarlett's clack has been vaulted! Someone remind me why I am stuck here at work where I can't watch them????? Oh yeah, to pay for all those concert tickets and hotel bills taking up space on my Visa.....

Good news, looks like we do indeed have wireless internet access this weekend at the Montreal hotel. I've convinced son #1 to bring along his laptop after all. YAY!

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I love to read everyone's wish list for changes for the concert.

I will be attending 2 concerts in Florida. One will be the last concert of the tour, at the Hard Rock Cafe in Orlando. By then Singerman will have listen to all of our suggestions..... :00000430: ... and I will get to enjoy them all..... :drinking71: ...Thanks ladies!

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Well, I have stated my deepest innermost intimate thoughts regarding Clay's appearance on tour thus far and what do I get for it? A great big thwacking! Way to be sensitive, ya'll.

Did you ever consider how much angst I put into that post? Huh?

Did you not once think I might be desparately reaching out to the man, pleading with him to stop wearing said saggy ass jeans becuase they were causing me distress?!


j/k ;)

So anyway, I woke up this morning with a sudden NEED to hear HYCA. Not sure why. But DH is out of state again and I got lonesome.... or something :RedGuy:

So I sat at my puter w/my cuppa and whoa. It hit me. Yah, that's why. Alrighty then.

So now my thoughts on HYCA..... and hopefully ya'll will be a little nicer seein' as how I'm so horny vulnerable and all.

He starts off softly, slowly caressing

You anticipate him building towards the climax

of the song

His vocals take so many detours on the way there

He is up and then down and all over you

with this song

His voice is high and then low

all within seconds as he plunges deeper

towards the end and then

Aahhh...yes yes yes

I love this arrangement madly!!

I know why I love this man's vocals. He makes love like no other with his timbre and style and he isn't even trying.


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Tulsa recap:

This was the concert I didn't think I would get to see live and I was so disappointed, but as luck would have it, things started to fall into place and I was on my way to Tulsa.

My old boss and good friend lives in Tulsa, so she picked me up at the airport and took me right to the Crown Plaza. I thought, great now I won't have to miss too much of the pre-party. Wrong!!! The line for check in was wound 3/4 of the way around the floor, but I think you have already heard about that.

I hadn't been in line very long when I overheard someone telling that Clay had been attacked on the airplane. This was about 4:00 pm. I really didn't hear the whole thing so I kind of put it out of my head for awhile.

Meanwhile, I struck up a conversation with a woman and her mother in law who were there from Little Rock. This was their first Clay concert and they had kind of been observing some of the fans and I think were a little surprised. They asked if I had seed Clay before, I told them this was my 8th concert. They were about ready to start backing away from me, and I said, "wait, really that's nothing compared to many of the people here". They were shocked, I tell you. So, I pull ldyjocelyn over and ask her to tell them how many concerts she's been to, she starts naming them all and counting them up and she comes up to 21. They look at each other and their mouths fall open and Ldyj says something like, yeah, that's still not a lot compared to a lot of fans.

They loved him on AI had his CDs, but other than that, didn't know a lot about him. The mother in law had read "Learning to Sing". We talked about his Christmas CDs and agreed no one could sing Christmas like Clay Aiken. I told them they needed to see a Christmas Show.

They wanted to know what the draw was for people to see so many shows. I explained that while the musical content of the shows was mostly the same, that Clay also has a great sense of humor and pulls the audience into his shows, and that part of the show varies almost nightly. I also said then there is that voice. If you love it, you just don't tire of it.

More about them later....

As I said in one of my earlier posts, I didn't get to meet many folks, but I am happy to say I got to meet the very charming Clazorback, and equally lovely Keepingfaith, I got to meet and very briefly speak to puddinsjoy. There is always next time, I hope to meet more of you then.

I was expecting my seats to be second row center balcony, and they were. However, no one was seated in the first row in front of that section. So, Praise Jesus tm CA, my view, though distant was not blocked all night long. If I wasn't such a chicken I would have had that camera out snapping right and left but the signs and the security folks skeered me.

I'm pretty easy when it comes to Clay, so I will say I just loved this show. I too am amazed that grown women will just yell out stupid things at a concert, it completely throws off his timing and who knows what gems we might have if these idiots would control themselves.. Ok enough of that.

I'm in the camp that doesn't feel like Clay changed much about the concert. I think Frisco was always going to be different from the rest of the concert series. The only thing I see as a change, was him not singing LAV. The other things always evolve as the concerts go on. I think Clay's instincts for putting a show together are really good.

The theater, whoa....now that surprised me. I think I was thinking something along the lines of the Chicago Theater. Well the "Old Lady on Brady" is in definite need of major plastic surgury. But you know what, once I was in my seat and he was on that stage, I didn't freaking care. When his magic voice kissed those songs, he changed that frog of a theater into a palace. Ok, well that might be an exaggeration.

One of my favorite moments of the night was after Angela sang "Listen". She acknowledged that Clay insisted she sing that song, and I felt she was showing her appreciation to him for picking such a show stopper for her, because the audience surely loved it.

MOAM was an inspired version - loved it

The Classics were so much fun - loved them

BYLM perfect loved it

Lover All Alone could nearly hear a pin drop - loved it

The whole show - wonderful - loved it

After the show, I went back to the hotel, because.... I'm Stupid, and it never even occurred to me that Clay would be doing the line thing.

When I got back to my room, I remembered the NJU fans I'd met in line. I didn't even know their names, but I remembered their room number. They were directly above me on the 10th floor. I called their room. The mother in law answered, I explained who I was and I was wondering how they enjoyed the show. They told me they had looked for me and they were so glad I called. They loved it, they really loved it.

He'll get you if you give him half a chance.....

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jamar1700 I too went from a 5 min. commute to one of 40 (on a good day). Don't forget the one benefit of that is you get to listen to Clay uninteruppted for all that time!!!

And I've gone from one extreme to the other -- a 15 minute commute, to an hour commute (one way, no less -- I was spending 10 hours in my car a WEEK), to now a lowly 5 minute commute. As much as that hour one was deadly, I really did enjoy listening to clack on the drive. Unfortunately, this was before ATDW, so I couldn't drink that one in as much....

I love to read everyone's wish list for changes for the concert.

I actually do too -- as long as they don't become DEMANDS. And I do feel that happens more than a few times.

atinal -- fantastic recap! I wrote a two page tome about the Tulsa show last night, I'm still not finished....but now I don't think I really need to. You've pretty much said everything I thought about the show.

Except that I got to touch his hand. *g*

treenuts -- eh, don't worry about it. In all honestly, I'd love to see that backside better too...but then I also totally agree with him that I think he has no butt whatsoever. Now I know why -- it's his TV addiction. Heh. OTOH, I SO totally agree with your thinking on HYCA. That has always been MY song on that album -- the arrangement is magical, and I think he does a marvelous job with it.

*dweemy sigh*

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atinal, wonderful recap, and awesome that you got to attend the concert after all. I love that you followed up with the NJU folk afterwards. I've done that a time or two and I've never had anyone come away disappointed.

atinal -- fantastic recap! I wrote a two page tome about the Tulsa show last night, I'm still not finished....but now I don't think I really need to. You've pretty much said everything I thought about the show.

Except that I got to touch his hand. *g*

Ahem.....don't you think you are getting out of finishing your recap! I'm looking forward to it!

I don't think I've said this yet today.....

5 more days 'till Philly!!!!!1!!!!!!!11!!!!!1 :Tour3: :TourExcite: :DoClay:

6 more days 'till Syracuse!!!!!!!1!!!!!!11!!!!!1 :TourExcite: :DoClay: :Tour3:

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the delusional ldyjocelyn wrote:

but then I also totally agree with him that I think he has no butt whatsoever.

Clearly you were not seated where lickiest1 and moi were in Detroit for the JNaT. Sparkly black PANTS! of perfection and no jacket certainly prove you wrong, wrong, WRONG!!!

Itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face, indeed!!! :Thud:

eta: atinal, I loved your recap. The NJU stories are wonderful! I have 'only' seen Clay 13 times (prior to this round) and without a doubt that is what gets the most reaction out of my 'real life' friends. They truly think it's weird to see him so many times, and are certain he must be a relative (hee!) or know me personally by now. Of course these comments come from men who have played the same golf course weekly for ten years. Pffffffffffft!

eata: lickiest1, you get over here and clean the diet coke off my monitor right now! I wanna go to that universe also. lol.gif

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Clearly you were not seated where lickiest1 and moi were in Detroit for the JNaT. Sparkly black PANTS! of perfection and no jacket certainly prove you wrong, wrong, WRONG!!!

Itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face, indeed!!! :Thud:

Heh, you can say that again. I don't think I uttered anything other than "PANTS!!!!!!!!!" throughout the entire show, or for hours afterwards, either. My knee was sore from my daughter gripping it so hard every time he came to our side of the stage. Too bad there is not much clack to prove our point, eh? ;)

He loves to hide that perfectly round little butt in baggy-assed pants, but we know better. Every once in a while he gives the fans a treat, and I am still convinced that that is what he did in Detroit (because of the shortened show).

BTW, in what universe does someone's butt get smaller when they watch a lot of TV? Beam me up, Scotty! I need to go there. :imgtongue:

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Moth Muski reporting for duty! :RedGuy:

Sorry, no time to read back so can't comment on past posts...but I did see bottle's cry for Smut, sorta like the bat light flashed across the sky when Gotham needs Batman! Bwah!

Conference is wild and wooly...I've never been so continuously busy at one of these babies...result of some internal office staff shifts, uncertainties about who does what, etc.---end result is some duplication (and conflict) of info and other stuff that didn't quite make it to the final script, you know? Anyhoo, running around like a :3: all the while trying to maintain my reputation as the Meeting Manager Extraordinaire who never gets ruffled...

hello? anybody still reading? heh.

Went to Little Havana last night and felt like somebody had put a fifty pound bowling ball in my stomach afterwards. Good food but DAYUM! Heavy and too much. Anybody ever had Sweet Potato Pudding? I've already forgotten the Spanish name for it...but it was good.

Our Bay cruise is tonight. On a yacht (or what they call a yacht--my idea of a yacht has a few more hot tubs, free booze and hot male bods in skimpy Speedos than this one advertises)...for three hours---drinks, dinner and dancing under the Miami skies while sailing along Biscayne Bay...

Tomorrow is last day---conference is over at 1:00, but I'll be working, settling things with the hotel until 3 or so...then I hope to actually get some real beach time in before heading to the airport. Getting in LATE tomorrow night, just in time to get up early Sat. to take Alex and her best buds to the Santa Cruz boardwalk for the day for a belated 16th birthday celebration...

Gotta make flight plans for Las Cruces and Carrie's tourney...she's so excited she's jumping out of her skin! :allgood:

Miss playing with all you crazy enthusiastic women. (I fucking really love the strikethrough feature, too, couchie! :medium-smiley-070: )

Later, friends! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Oh, my, treenuts, I'll never hear HYCA in quite the same way!! Heeee. I love the smutty version.

Sorry you're having to work so hard this week, Muski. I've been taking care of my ailing parents this week, but next week I'll be back to the salt mines, too. It's been kind of nice to be away from my teenage daughters and all of their angst this week, but I'm starting to miss them. I'm sure that I'll change my tune within a couple of hours of getting back home!!

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I've been thinking....Uh oh....

I've really missed getting a program on the last couple of tours. Do you think we could come up with our own? Anybody here good at that kind of stuff? We've got a few days before the tour starts up again. What da ya think?

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I will be out of town caring for my mom for a few days and won't have any internet access. WAAHHH!

So you'll have to carry on the smut fest without me. I will leave you with this little ditty. Hope it wasn't already posted. If so.......oops.

"Sleeping on A Jet Plane"

by The Ditzy Chicks



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